Emblow and White 2001 International Code PLANTS when known. Those familiar with the a/ Zoological Nomenclature should also note that it is the Compiled by Michael Guiry practice under the Botanical Code to cite the original author(s) in parentheses and the author(s) making a new This list includes all benthic (attached) marine algae combination outside such parentheses. So, there are only belonging to the phyla (divisions) Chlorophycota two possibilities: there may be the name of an authority (Chlorophyta), Phaeophycota (Phaeophyta), or authorities with no parentheses or there will be the Rhodophycota (Rhodophyta) and the genera Va ucheria names of an authority or authorities in parentheses with and Tribonema (Xanthophycota) that are generally another name or names outside it. Botanical authors known as seaweeds. It also includes the seagrasses should note the legitimate use of diacritical marks in (Magnioliophyta). This list is extracted fr om a world­ certain instances (e.g., Hydrolithon samoense; Schottera wide database of algae and seagrasses being prepared as nicaeensis) to facilitate correct pronunciation. It should part of the Species 2000 project. The database is also be noted that whilst "ex" is part of nomenclatural searchable at: authority citation, "in" is part of bibliographical citations http://www.algaebase.org and should not be used except in this context. The where it incorporates detailed references, notes, some following recently altered spellings should also be noted: synonyms, common names, some pictures, and much of Acanthophora nayadiformis fo r A. najadiformis; the distributional data that fo rms part of the present list. Chondracanfhus teedei for C. teedii; and Halopithys fo r As this database is "live" it may not include exactly the Halopitys. A number of nomenclaturally illegitimate same data in the list below; it does, however, explain names are still included (but not indicated) such as much ofthe sources for the records included here. Sargassum vulgare. The binomial Scyt osiphon The present list was compiled and checked by Michael {omentaria is included on the assumption that its Guiry. Its initial fo undation was the species listed in the proposed conservation will be accepted. A number of Ecklonia buruncinata Sp ecies Directory a/ the Marine Fauna and Flora a/ the doubtful records, such as from the Canary Islands, are included pending clarification. The British Isles and Surrounding Seas (Guiry, 1997), which genus Pilinia is included in the Phaeophycota even was then systematically built up fr om the most recent though there is doubt as to whether P. rimosa, the type, key works and check-lists for each geographical area as is a greenor a brown alga. fo llows: The seagrass lists were compiled fr om a variety of North Easter n Atlantic: East Greenland (Pedersen, sources and the nomenclature is that of Phillips & Meiiez 1976), Iceland (Caram & Jonsson, 1972: Munda, 1979), (1988). Spitsbergen (Vinogradova, 1995), Faroes (Irvine, 1982), Norway (Rueness, 1997), Baltic Sea (Nielsen et al., I am grateful to all those who helped me in the 1995), Netherlands (Stegenga et al., 1997), Belgium and compilation of this list, in particular to Professor G. France (Coppejans, 1995; Feldmann, 1954; Feldmann & Furnari, Dr Fabio Rindi, Ms Eills Nic Dhonncha, and Ms Magne, 1964), Northern Spain (Veiga, Cremades & Sandy Lawson. Barabara, 1998, and others), Portugal (Ardre, 1970, and References others), Southern Spain (Seoane-Camba, 1965; Conde et Ardre, F. 1970. Contribution a I'etude des algues marines du al., 1996, and others), Morocco (Dangeard, 1949), Portugal. I. La flore. Portugalia Acta Biologica ser. B, 10: Madeira and the Salvage Islands (Levring, 1974; 137-555. Audiffr ed & Weisscher, 1984), and the Azores (Neto, Audiffred, P. A. J. and Weisscher, F. L. M. 1984. Marine algae of Selvagem Grande (Salvage Islands, Macaronesia). 1994; Tittley & Neto, 1994). Unpublished lists from Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal 36: 5-37. Helgoland and the Canary Islands provided by Drs Brummitt, R. K. and Powell, C. E., Eds. 1992. Authors of Plant Bartsch and Kuhlenkamp and Drs Haroun, Gil­ Names. A list of authors of scientific names of plants, with Rodriguez and Diaz de Castro, respectively, were recommended standard/orms a/ these names including invaluable. This list is not exhaustive but is included to abbreviations. Key, Royal Botanic Gardens. given an indication of the sources. Caram, B. and J6nsson, S. 1972. Nouvel inventaire des algues marines de l'Islande. Acta Botanica lslandica 1: 5-31. Mediterranean: The excellent brown (Ribera et al., Conde, F., Flores-Moya, A., Solo, J., Altamimno, M. and 1992) and green (Gallardo et al., 1993) check-lists were Sanchez, A. 1996. Check-list of Andalusia (S. Spain) used as the basis fo r an initial list; however, no overall seaweeds. III. Rhodophyceae. Acta Botanica Malacitana summary exists for the red algae. The Mediterranean list 21: 7-33. was completed fr om a wide range of sources which are Coppejans, E. 1995. Flore algologique des cotes du Nord de la fa r too numerous to cite here but which are listed in the France el de la Belgique. Meise, Jardin Bolanique National database version cited above. de la Belgique. Dangeard, P. 1949. Les algues marines de la cote occidentale du The overall arrangement of phyla (divisions) classes, Maroc. Botaniste 34: 89-189. orders and families is largely that of Silva, Basson & Feldmann, J. 1954. Inventaire de la flore marine de Roscoff. Moe (1996) with some modifications resulting from later Algues, champignons, lichens et spermatophytes. Travaux work. Individual taxonomic decisions are too numerous Station Biologique de RoscojJSer. 2. Suppl. 6: 152. to detail here but are also listed in the web version of the Feldmann, 1. and Magne. M. F. 1964. Additions a I'inventaire de database. Categories below the level of species la flare marine de Roscoff algues, champignons, lichens. Travaux Station Bi% gique de RoscojJI5(New (subspecies, varieties and formae) are not included here supplement): 1-23 [+ 5]. fo r reasons of space. Nomenclatural authorities are given Gallardo, T., G6mez Garreta, A., Ribera, M. A., Cormaci, M., in fu ll and, as fa r as possible, fit in with the fu ll names as Furnari, G., Giaccone, G. and Boudouresque, C. F. 1993. listed in Brummitt & Powell (1992). Non-botanists Check-list of Mediterranean Seaweeds, II. Chlorophyceae should note that it is not the normal practice to cite the Wille s.l. Botanica marina 36: 399-421. date of publication or date of combination for plants; Guiry, M. D. 1997. Benthic red, brown and green algae. The however, I have, for convenience, included the date Sp ecies Directoryo/ the Marine Fauna and Flora o/ the - 20 - European Register of Marine Species British Isles and Surrounding Seas. C. M. Howson and B. Family Bryopsidllceae E. Picton. Belfast & Ross-on-Wye, Ulster Museum & Bryopsidella Marine Conservation Society:341- 367. neglecra (Berthold) H. Rielema, 1975 AM Irvine, D. E. G. 1982. Seaweeds of the Faroes I: The flora. oSlreobiformis Calder6n-Sl\enz & Schnetter M Bulletin Brtish Museum Natural History, Bolany 10: 109- Bryopsis 131. adriallca (J. Agardh) Frauenfeld, 1854 AM Levring, T. 1974. The marine algae ofthe Archipelago of balbisiana J. V. Lamouroux ex Harvey AM Madeira. Boletim Museu Municipal do Funchal 28: 5-111. corymbosa J. Agardh, 1842 A M Munda, 1. M. 1979. Addition to the check-list of benthic marine cupressina J.V. Lamouroux AM algae from Iceland. Bolanica marina 22: 459-463. dicholama De NOlaris M Neto, A. I. 1994. Checklist of the benthic marine macroalgae of duplex De Notaris AM the Azores. ArquiPI!/ago. Ciencias BiolOgicas e Ma rinhas je ldmannii Gallardo & G. Furnari M 12A: 15-34. hypnoides J. V. Lamouroux, 1809 AM Nielsen, R., Kristiansen, A., Mathiesen, L. and Mathiesen, H. impfexa De Notaris, 1849 M 1995. Distributional index of the benthic marine ly ngbyei Hornemann, 1818 A macroalgae oflhe Baltic Sea area. Acla Bolanica Fe nnica muscosa J. V. Lamouroux, 1809 M 155: 1-70. penicillum Meneghini M Pedersen, P. M. 1976. Marine benthic algae from southernmost pennata J.V. Lamouroux, 1809 AM Greenland. Meddelelser om Gronland 199(3): 1-80. plumosa (Hudson) C. Agardh, 1823 AM Phillips, R. C. lindMenez, E. G. 1988. Seagrasses. Washington, secunda 1. Agardh M D.C., Smithsonian Institution Press. Trichosolen Ribera, M. A., Gomez-Oarreta, A., Gallardo, T., Cormaci, M., myura (1. Agardh) W.R. Taylor, 1962 AM O. Furnari, G. and Giaccone, 1992. Check-list of Family Derbesiaceac Mediterranean Seaweeds. I. Fucophyceae (Warming 1884). Derbesia Bolanica marina 35: 109-1 30. boergesel1ii (Iyengar & Ramanathan) Mayhoub, 1976 M Rueness, J. 1997. Algae. Distribution oj marine, benthic macro­ corallicofa Funk M organisms in Norway. A labulaled catalogue. preliminary marina (Lyngbye) SolieI', 1846 AM 1997- 1. Edition. Research Report No. T. Brattegard and T. minima Funk M Holthe. Trondheim, Direktoratet for Naturforvaltninhg. lenuissima (Moris & De Nolaris) PL. Crouan & H.M. Seoane-Camba, J. 1965. Estudios sobre las algas bentonicas en Crouan, 1867 AM la costa sur de la PenInsula Iberica (litoral de Cadiz). Pedobesia lnvestigacion Pesquera 29: 3·216. lamourouxii (J. Agardh) Feldmann, Loreau, Codomier c., Silva, P. Basson, P. W. and Moe, R. L. 1996. Catalogue of & Coute, 1975 AM the benthic marine algae of the Indian Ocean. Un iversityoj solieri Feldmann ex Abelard & Knoepffler AM California Publicalions in Botany 79; 1-1259. Stegenga, H., Mol, I., Prud'homme van Reine, W. F. and Order Caulerpales Lokhorst, O. M. 1997. Checklist ofthe marine algae of the Family Caulerpaceae Netherlands. Gorleria Supplement 4: 3-57. Caulerpa Tittley, 1. and Neto, A. !, 1994. "Expedition Azores 1989": cupressoides (Vahl) C. Agardh, 1817 A Benthic marine algae (seaweeds) recorded from Faial and mexicana Sonder ex Kiltzing, 1849 AM Pico. ArquipI§/ago, Life and Ma rine Sciences 12: J·13. ollivieri Dostal M Veiga, A. J., Cremades, J.
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