E600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 28, 2014 most valuable farm land. Toward the late lence’’ program. The San Joaquin Farm Bu- CELEBRATING THE CAREER OF 1960s, the County Board of Supervisors ap- reau’s advocacy efforts, agricultural education, MARIA DE LA MILERA AND CON- proved a resolution for the establishment of and safety training programs all have contrib- GRATULATING HER ON A WELL agricultural preserves for the county. uted to their being recognized under this pro- DESERVED RETIREMENT The current San Joaquin Farm Bureau Of- gram. The SJFB was selected as the County fice was dedicated in 1972. of the Year in 2013 by the California Farm Bu- HON. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN There were many changes during the 80s reau Federation. OF FLORIDA for the San Joaquin Farm Bureau. They rein- The San Joaquin Farm Bureau has accom- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES forced the importance of the dairy industry to plished a number of commendable things with- Monday, April 28, 2014 the county when the SJFB Board of Directors in the community. They have also maintained voted in sharp disagreement with the Cali- a county legislative committee that has worked Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, it is my fornia Farm Bureau Federation when they with the State Legislature, and an economic pleasure to celebrate the long and successful asked for $.29 per hundred weight drop in committee that has made progress in enforce- public service career of Maria De La Milera Class One milk. In addition, the president of ment of State realty laws. The San Joaquin and congratulate her on a well-deserved re- Zenith announced its purchase of CalFarm In- Farm Bureau has also assisted the Federal tirement. Her commitment to our community surance. The partnership between the Farm Land Bank to provide funds to farmers, and and our nation is exemplary and we are all Bureau and CalFarm began to materialize. have campaigned for reapportionment of the forever grateful for her service. With over 30 The Immigration Reform Act of 1986 came State Legislature. In addition to this, the SJFB years of experience and countless accolades through a joint effort by the agricultural inter- has maintained a cow-testing association, and accomplishments over such an expansive ests of California and Congress. The Alien Le- sponsored 4H activities, cooperated with the career, South Floridians are truly losing an in- galization for Agriculture program was formed extension service in educational programs, valuable member of the fabric of our commu- in 1987 as a result of immigration legislation and have represented livestock men in de- nity. Maria was born in Holguin, Oriente, Cuba, that passed in Congress. The SJFB con- manding dog law enforcement. the oldest of three daughters. After the brutal tracted with federal officials to provide local Mr. Speaker, please join me in celebrating dictator Fidel Castro seized power, Maria agriculture workers the ability to gain citizen- with the San Joaquin Farm Bureau Federation came with her younger sister to the United ship through the amnesty program that was for their significant contributions, not only to States in the largest exodus of unaccom- granted at that time. Thousands of workers agriculture, but to the community, and the panied children from the regime—known as were able to utilize this program to become State of California. Congratulations on the ‘‘Pedro Pan.’’ She then spent four years in a U.S. citizens. At the end of the process, ex- past 100 years, and I wish you the best suc- Los Angeles orphanage until her parents were cess funds were used to help start the SJFB cess in the years to come. Foundation for Agricultural Education. finally able to join her in the United States. In 1988, the Environmental Affairs Com- f As an adult, Maria moved to Miami and mittee was formed and immediately set out to began her career helping our South Florida HONORING THE 100 YEAR ANNI- work on the Endangered Species Act, San community through public service, working as VERSARY OF THE MID AMERICA Joaquin Air Basin Air Quality, and pesticide a constituent service representative for Sen- BANK IN MISSOURI regulation and enforcement. ator Richard Stone. She continued her career The 1990s brought the advent of many in the office of Senator Paula Hawkins, focus- ‘‘new town’’ proposals, self-contained urban HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER ing primarily on immigration cases where she areas that would not become incorporated cit- OF MISSOURI earned a reputation as a caring and compas- sionate advocate on behalf of all those need- ies. Only one of these new town proposals, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing a helping hand. Her commitment to others Mountain House, was supported by the San Monday, April 28, 2014 Joaquin Farm Bureau and remains an active, allowed her to positively shape the lives of growing community in the county. Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise many individuals. Efforts were made to create a rural crime today to congratulate Mid America Bank and Maria then spent a few years in the political task force under the Sheriffs Department to recognize the contribution the institution has realm as Executive Director of the Republican ensure adequate personnel would be allocated made to communities in Missouri during its Party of Miami-Dade County, and then joined to counter crimes impacting agricultural oper- 100 years of operation. Since April is Commu- the government of Miami-Dade County, where ations. The SJFB initiated policy language at nity Bank Month, it is fitting to celebrate the she spent the last 23 years supporting our the State Farm Bureau Convention to prioritize anniversary of one of Missouri’s finest financial local residents. She has long been known for metal theft, and to require recyclers to adhere institutions. On April 27, 1914, this community inspiring those around her, people who will un- to strict guidelines when accepting metal. bank was founded as the People’s Bank of St. doubtedly carry on her legacy of profes- Their efforts led to legislation that passed the Thomas. It was then relocated to Meta, Mis- sionalism and commitment. There is no great- California State Legislature the following year. souri in 1951, where it operated as the sole lo- er reward than the satisfaction gained through The 2000s enabled the SJFB to work with cation for 27 years and was renamed the serving others, and Maria embraced this most the county on what is now known as the Meta State Bank. In 1978, the name Mid noble of endeavors with remarkable principle. Cabral Agricultural Center which houses the America Bank was adopted as the bank grew It is my distinct pleasure to join Maria’s fam- Agricultural Commissioner, U.C. Cooperative and opened a second branch in Linn, Mis- ily; her children Beatriz Maria, Maritza Isabel Extension, and the Office of Emergency Serv- souri. Mid America Bank has continued to ex- and Raul De La Milera, Jr.; her grandchildren ices. pand and currently has five branches through- Michael, Mathew, Madison, Mark, Laenie and San Joaquin Farm Bureau members and out the state that allow the people of Missouri Rachel; as well as friends and peers as they staff have advanced the concept of providing access to the financial tools that provide sta- honor her many accomplishments and out- an ‘‘Ag Venture’’ program, which helps 13,000 bility and security in their daily life. standing career. Maria, thank you for your ex- 3rd grade students from throughout the county The longevity of Mid America Bank is not ceptional public service. I wish you only the attend one of three ‘‘Ag Venture’’ days. The only a testament to its success and knowledge best in any challenge you choose next to ac- program gives students the opportunity to of the financial services industry, but also its cept. learn more about where their food comes from commitment to our Missouri communities. f and the benefits of eating local crops. Community banks such as Mid America Bank ON RECOGNITION OF THE OPENING They have also advanced a ‘‘Farmers Mar- have a desire to help their customers improve OF SAINT JOSEPH MERCY OAK- ket’’ program that educates 4th grade students their lives and realize their dreams, all while LAND HOSPITAL’S SOUTH PA- in low income schools on the benefits of eat- valuing the customer and respecting the vital TIENT TOWER ing specialty crops that come from the region. role of relationship banking. At the end of the 4 session program, students In closing, Mr. Speaker, I ask all my col- HON. GARY C. PETERS are given the opportunity to purchase fresh leagues to join me in wishing all the employ- OF MICHIGAN produce for 10 cents each to bring home fruits ees of Mid America Bank our sincerest thanks IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and vegetables. and appreciation for their service to the men, In the past two years, the SJFB was recog- women and families of Missouri. Congratula- Monday, April 28, 2014 nized by the American Farm Bureau Federa- tions on 100 years and best wishes for contin- Mr. PETERS of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I am tion under their ‘‘Counties Activities of Excel- ued success in the next 100 years. pleased to rise today to recognize the opening VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:01 Apr 29, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28AP8.046 E28APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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