Deployment Remembrance Training Civil 29th’s Iraq Cavalry Engineers activation trains build Mexico memorial Japanese border wall unveiled troops pg. 3 pg. 4 pg. 6 Hawaii State Department of Defense pupukahipupukahi: “harmoniously united” Vol. 41, No. 3 3949 Diamond Head Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-4495 October - December 2006 Calendar January 15, Monday Martin Luther King Jr. Day, federal and state holiday. January 31 - February 9 Exercise COPE TIGER, Korat, Thailand, Hawaii Air National Guard support. January 28 - 17 February Exercise YAMA SAKURA, Camp Itami, Japan and Fort. Lewis, Wash., Hawaii Army and Air National Guard support. February 19, Monday President’s Day, federal and state holiday. Great Aloha Run, Hawaii National Guard support. February 19 - March 4 Balikatan, Fort Masysay, Republic of Sgt. 1st Class Wayne T. Iha photo the Philippines, Hawaii National Kahu Ray Ganotise, a retired National Guard Master Sgt., leads the inaugural procession through an Guard elements. honor cordon of Hawaii National Guard Youth CHalleNGe Academy cadets. The official party is escorted by the ceremonial Royal Guard. March 26, Monday Kuhio Day, state holiday only. March 27-30, Monday - Thursday Department provides inaugural support Family Program Youth Training, 298th Once again the State of Hawaii Department of Defense played ment and ceremonial music were the Hawaii Guard’s 111th Regional Training Institute, Bellows Air a significant role in providing personnel (present and former Army Band and the City and County of Honolulu’s Royal Force Station, Waimanalo. members) to the success of our commander in chief’s inaugura- Hawaiian Band (with retired and active Guard musi- tion this fourth of December at the Hawaii State Capitol grounds. cians). Cadets from the Hawaii National Guard Youth April 6 - Friday CHalleNGe Academy provided the honor cordon as well Good Friday, state holiday As the crowd gathered in the State Capitol rotunda, Ha- waii Army and Air National Guard troops ushered distin- April 16 - Monday guished guests and passed out programs. Providing entertain- INAUGURATION -- continued on pg. 7 Federal income tax filing deadline April 20 - Friday State income tax filing deadline. 4th Annual Asia-Pacific Homeland May 28 Memorial Day, federal and state holiday. Governor’s Memorial Day Security Summit held on Big Island ceremony at the Hawaii State Veterans Story and photos by Shelly Ichishita Cemetery, Kaneohe, Hawaii. DOM and Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. In Afghanistan, the The 4th Asia-Pacific Security Sum- 298th built the first road from mit opened on Oct. 31 at the Hapuna Kandahar to Tarin-Khot, and the Beach Prince Hotel in Kona, Hawaii, 29th Brigade helped secure Balad in spite of the 6.7 magnitude earth- during their year-long deployment. quake that struck the area only two Maj. Gen. Lee finished his re- weeks earlier. Maj. Gen. Robert G.F. marks by commenting on the rel- Lee, the adjutant general, and host evance of the summit’s focus—natu- STANDARD PRESORTED of the summit, used his opening re- HONOLULU, HI ral and man-made disasters and pre- PERMIT NO. 243 U.S. POSTAGE PAID U.S. POSTAGE marks to thank the Federal Emer- vention and response to them in the gency Management Agency for their pacific theater. His opening remarks response to the disaster and commend encompassed two of the most impor- the residents of the island of Hawaii, tant themes of the 4th Annual Asia- which was the epicenter and suffered Pacific Homeland Security Summit the most damage. — communication and collaboration. In addition to highlighting the Hawaii County Police Chief natural disaster response to the Oct. Lawrence Mahuna also spoke of com- 15 earthquake, Maj. Gen. Lee spoke munication and collaboration. WELCOME AND MAHALO-- Ha- of the accomplishments of the Hawaii Mahuna was filling in for Big Island waii County Police Chief Army National Guard. He referred to Mayor Harry Kim, who was away Lawrence Mahuna welcomes the the 29th Brigade Combat Team and at an earthquake response site. He summit attendees and thanks the the 298th Engineering Detachment welcomed the summit participants agencies that responded to the and the work they did in-country in Office of the Adjutant General Adjutant Office of the State of Hawaii State Department of Defense Department 3949 Diamond Head Road Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-4495 earthquake. support of Operation IRAQI FREE- SUMMIT continued on pg. 5 Inaugural working together message Command Notes The concept of everyone working together to bet- Maj. Gen. Robert G.F. Lee ter the lives of people all over the world is also shared by Governor Lingle who shared a part of her vision The Adjutant General for Hawaii during her inaugural address: “The mag- nitude and speed of change and innovation in the ime goes by so on page 6). Our Army Guard soldiers will be going world today is so great, that if we fail to move for- quickly to Japan early in 2007 for exercise Yama Sakura, ward, by definition, we will be going backwards. When T that it’s perpetuating the long-standing relationship we’ve it comes to global economic waves, we want to be hard to imagine had with the Japanese self defense forces. riding them, not sitting on the sand watching oth- that I was ap- ers ride. But we must catch these global waves in a pointed state Partnership Program moving to way that honors our past and respects our values adjutant gen- Indonesia because to do otherwise will bring us at the end of eral nearly What will be groundbreaking in the future will our ride to a shore we no longer recognize or feel four years be our new state partnership programs with more welcomed at . Even our Hawaii National Guard ago, shortly after Governor Lingle first took office. Fol- countries in Asia. We’ve had a state partnership is playing a role in international affairs in the re- lowing her re-election, she has reappointed me to the program with the Philippines for years now. The gion both through humanitarian efforts and joint position, and pending confirmation by the State Sen- Guam National Guard will continue with most of military exercises . Maintaining our overall physi- ate, I will continue to serve in this capacity during the the heavy lifting with that relationship as the cal security requires us to continue our progress of administration’s second term. We’ve got an incredible Hawaii National Guard begins a state partnership minimizing criminal activity in our neighborhoods team in place and I have no plans to make any major program with Indonesia. That state partnership while constantly improving our ability to respond changes within the leadership of the various divisions. program will become a vital part of U.S. Pacific to natural disasters and other emergencies.” We It has been an honor and a privilege, and I look for- Command’s efforts to maintain stability through- should all feel proud that the Governor chose to single ward to working with all of you and continuing to make out the Asia-Pacific region. Indonesia, with a popu- out the Hawaii National Guard for such recognition great things happen. lation of 250 million, is the largest Islamic coun- during her speech. try in the world. It is also strategically located along Finally, I want to thank everyone who helped make Vision to keep forces relevant the major shipping routes of Asia. The Hawaii the inauguration such a success — from the Youth One part of the job is forming the strategic vision National Guard has the opportunity to help keep CHalleNGe Academy cadets, 111th Army Band, and that will keep our forces relevant, ready and reliable Indonesia’s economy and worldview on the progres- the ceremonial Royal Guard, to our joint services color into the future; position us for new roles and missions sive track. The aim of Osama bin Laden and other guard, to our escorts, and our 1st Battalion, 487th and further integrates the Hawaii National Guard into Islamic radicals is to turn back the clock in all Field Artillery to B Company, 173rd Aviation (see the U.S. Pacific Command’s overall strategic plans. Islamic countries by isolating them from western pages 1 and 7 for photos). The Guard has always One example of our importance was working with culture and philosophies. That in turn, would be been a part of Hawaii’s inaugural ceremonies, but the Japanese Ground Self Defense Forces at Schofield very disrupting to our increasingly interconnected this time around was particularly prominent. Mahalo Barracks as part of exercise Rising Warrior (see story global economy. for all your tremendous support. Departmental News Chronic candy: Latest ingestion of these products is you could be discharged from NGB. Warriors will belong transferred back to their as- drug trend a violation of Article 92, the Hawaii National Guard to five different phases con- signed units. Story contributed by UCMJ.” and possibly face time in jail. sisting of red, white, green, The Hawaii Guard’s Re- Tech. Sgt. Alan Alejandro and We have also found that al- Take the safe road and steer and gold. cruit Sustainment Program, Sgt. Linda Hesch cohol is a major contributing clear of anything that may Red phase warriors are completed last year, ranked Joint Substance Abuse Program factor in positive drug cases. contain hemp. those who have just enlisted third of all programs running There is an alarming new The use of alcohol may limit in the Guard. White phase in the U.S. This ranking was trend spreading across the inhibitions and a solider or air- Recruiting warriors are those warriors based on: average RSP site United States that is very popu- man under the influence of al- Sustainment Program awaiting basic training.
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