CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE* VOL. 8—NO. 36 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1948 Graduation To Jab; Judges Conclude Three Day Conference; Ex-Aero Students Visit Hearst Arabian Stables by Jim Phillips Secure Positions A better tmderatandinjr of the fine points of livestock Among the recent graduates of judging was the aim of nearly 100 livestock specialists at­ the Aeronautics department who tending the livestock judging conference at Cal Poly last went from graduation to a new job week. The members gathered for schooling and refresher a># Don McElvain and Jod Sutter, courses as they apply to future judging in rings of state, at Lockheed (Engineering); Wil­ fklistrlct, and county fairs. liam Wolff, Lockheed (Aerody­ namics); Ralph Kilts, in the North- Ths three day program, July rap Stress Department: Ed Allen, Second Session 7n 8, and 9, was sponsored by Cal United Air Lines; Chuck Correl, Poly, tha University of California, NACA at Moffstt Field, Stan Hag- Registration Made and the Western Fair Association. ler, United Air Lines; and Darrel Ths activities began Wednesday Davison, Southwest Engineering Easy For Students morning, July 7, with judging Department. * According to Dean of Admissions of ths bsaf breads, Harvey Mc- The well-rounded aviation train­ C. Paul Winner, students who are Dougsl, Collinsville; Lyle Hoyt, Cal ing these men received at Cal Poly currently enrolled for tho summer Poly; Harry Parker, Cal Poly and TAKING THE DEFENSIVE . two rattlers, a bleached made them particularly suited for Alex McDonald, University of Cali­ and a green, keep a wary eye on the Boyle’a king snake general aviation engineering work. quarter need not re-regiater if they fornia at Davis, as tha final auth­ in their common home in the Poly biology lab. The Chuck- Their shop work in connection with plan to attend the second six week orities. Ths afternoon session was awalla hoga the limelight by (stepping all over one of his their A. and E. licences gives them period, July 24-September 8. If hold at ths Thoroughbred unit for room matea. These reptiles will be on exhibition today advantage over men whose training students registered properly at Judging of thoroughbred horses and Monday has besn restricted to the theo­ the start of the quarter they Indi­ with Ruben Albsugh, Selinas; Ly­ retical. cated second session courses at man Bennion, Cal Poly and Carol A jet engine course Is btlng of­ that tims. Necessary program Howell, University of California INSTRUCTOR FATTENS REPTILES FOR fered by L. W. Gustafson, Asro changes may be made by using a making the top placlngt. department head, in the aeronau­ change of program permit which Thursday morning the group met tical curriculum for the first time may be obtained In the Recorder’! at the Swine unit, the placings COLLEGE BIOLOGY MUSEUM this summer. It will be regularly office, Adm. 102. Students must there under the authority of Archta offered in the spring quarter. It contact ths proper department* Bassett, Madera; Rollin Landers, By Phil Keyser is restricted to students who have The huge angry water mocasHin hianed, formed a hasty to enter courses where sectioning Cel Poly end J. I. Thompson, Cal finished two years fff Asro Engines. is involved. x Poly. Ths members motored to the loop, and atruck. His target was one John Klopp, El Mustang The right engine of the school's Winner warned that veteran stu­ Hearst ranch at San SJmion In photographer, and the strike netted a perfect uullaeye. P-B9 has been pulled and mounted dents must be registered for a min­ the afternoon where they judged This action took place some little time ago and Klopp is now for study by the group. This course imum of six quarter unites if they the four Arabian stallions and recovered. But he's nursed along a healthy respect for all is one step in the school’s plan to expect to recieve full subsistence mares recently purchased in the poisonous reptiles since that day.4 * keep abreast of the rapidly advanc­ payments from the Veterans Ad­ Far East by ranch superintend­ Ht wasn't overjoyed when assign ing technology of aviation. Jets ministration. y ent, Preston Dyer. In charge of Vet Guidance Center Jiave been common in military craft •d to snap some glamour shots Students who plan to register the final judging was Col. D. E. 4f the Cal Poly reptile collection. for several years and it is expected Koester, U. 8. Army, retired, form­ Changes Bosses that commerical jet planes will be for ths second period on July 24 But Klopp’s misgivings were and who were not in attendance erly in charge of the army remount A change In personnel in the in the air within the next two years. depot at Pomona. As an added uhnscsssary. The much vilified during the first six weeks should Veteran’s Guidance Center was Alden Turner is teaching Aero attraction, the group was shown nttler clan was represented by announced laat week. Virgil A. Construction shop at the hanger go directly to the Recorder’s of­ three separate species o f very fice to start their registration on several of the outstanding Morgan Enke has replaced J. Paul Hylton, during (he first six week summer mares and the stallion as well as gentlemanly ra ttlesn a k es— one July 24. former chief of veteran’s guldancs session. Aero Engine shop will bt e rarely seen Appalousa stallion. green, one horned, and one bleach­ at Poly. taught by Ricnard Hall at the en­ Classes for ths second session The final decision at the sheep ed. Hissee and savage displays of Hylton has been tranefered to gine shop during the second six | will begin on July 28, Winner con­ Judging on Friday morning was fang were completely absent as the Bakersfield, where he will resume week sesion. • ~ ■ cluded. mide by Robert Miller, University rattlers posed obligingly with a slmiliar duties. Enke is a formsr of California at Davis end Spell­ Boyle’i klngsnake, the traditional chlsf of vsteran's guidance at man Collins, Cal Poly. eater of venomous snakes, and a Bakersfield and served as senior Thoroughbred Colts Leave For Sale Keeping the program as much spotlight-hogging chiickawalla. counselor st the USC guidance Five promising Poly colts frortl all the coite and the dams ere like an actual fair as possible, 80 » David H. Thomson, biology in­ center. , , Lampyris (Imported), Bon Eva, members judged 17 classes of the Enke brings with him a back­ the thoroughbred unit left this structor, has amassed this reptile Georgia M, My-O, and Black Ark. three dairy breeds used which wars- log experience of over 12 years in collection. In addition to the rat­ morning for the annual sals of Last year's salt of flvt yearlings the Holstein, Guernsey end Jersey. this fisld of which soms time was tlers, king snake, and chuckawalla the California Thoroughbred Breed­ brought e record price^af better Using actual breed score end type also spent in the Los Angeles ltsard already mentioned, there is ers association at Santa Anita on then $1500 apiece for the colts, classification cards, the group re­ regional office. Enke state* that s striped California racer, another and according to Bennion, this ceived practice in scoring animals king snake, a gopher snake, a rosy the policy of the Cal Poly July IB and 20. Lyman Bennion, head of the An­ year's consignment should bring as well as rating defects. The get boa, a leaf-nose snake, and two office shall contlue as before, but imal Husbandry department, and an even better price. of elre, produce of dam, and beet patch-nose snakes. becauee their backlog of appoint­ Bennion returned from judging udder class were Judged aa groups ments for tests has been pretty four horse husbandry students ac­ Thomson, while disclaiming any beef cattle at the Alameda County while Individual clessee Included well brought up to date, veterans companied the consignment of three specialisation in herpetology, was Fair Just In time to accompany the classes of all ages,' and, as In a wishing aptituds tests will be serv- fillies and two geldings, all year­ •We to answer all questions con­ ling colts. Zuncho is the sire of consignment to the southland sale. regular fair, a championship cixss cerning his charges and was par­ ed more promptly than in the past. was chosen. Aa e sidelight the ticularly quick and adept at sepa- college herd of bulla eras dis­ rsting a pugnacious king snake played. »nd a striped racer when tne form­ Psychology Gets A New Beest Frem Latest Addition Spearheading the conference was er attempted to dine on the latter. the general committee consisting The fight ended, of course. Just a An importation from the the town of Alliance, in the prov­ of Vard Sheppard, Cal Poly; Ed­ ince of Alberta, consisted of 720 few minutes before the camera land of the maple leaf i" the ward Gordon, Unlvereity of Calif­ could be set up. seres of wheat, pasture and range ornia; Carol Howell, Davie; and Litards and snakes, innocu­ most recant addition to the and considerable livestock in cattle Luis Merrill, secretary of the ous or otherwise, have a staunch Poly faculty. The importation. and hogs. Western Fairs Association, while friend in Thomson. A favorite Stanley Clarke, recently of He tells of five straight weeks Lyman Bennion, Cal Poly, headed Thomson saying goes something Calgary. Alberta. Canada, ha* of driving a horse drawn binder the livestock division and George like this: ‘‘ All snakes contribute asaumed the position of acting head harvesting 230 seres of wheat Drum, Cal' Poly, the dairy division.
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