-jr* University of California at Santa Barbara Vol. 57, No. 28 Park Board tfc GaryHart Announces Candidates S upport F o r Prop. 14 Laud Foes By Don Hutchison funded and operating.” Assemblyman Gary Hart (D-Santa The extensive publicity which Prop. 14 By John Wilkens Barbara), announced Tuesday his support has received led to Hart’s decision to vote Local political debates took on a new o f Proposition 14, the Farm Labor for the initiative. “ When you talk about look Tuesday night as candidates for the Initiative. symbols and publicity, you’re talking Isla Vista Recreation and Park District’s Hart termed Prop. 14 “ a symbolic about politics,” he said. Board o f Directors took turns praising battle o f the growers against the According to Hart, the ‘No on 14’ both their opponents and the efforts o f farmworkers,” but added, “ I would have campaign has been “ nothing but a scare previous Park Boards. preferred that Proposition 14 not be on tactic.” “ I would enjoy being on the Park G A R Y HAR T yesterday announced his the ballot, because the Agricultural Labor Hart continued, stating he was “ afraid” Board,” said Yvonne Behrens, “ but I’ve support for Proposition 14. Relations Board (A L R B ) is currently that if Prop. 14 is defeated, there will be seen other people here tonight who have a move in the legislature “ by people who excellent ideas and who could do a great have never liked the access laws, to try job.” and unravel the whole ARLB.” “ I ’m essentially running on the success BikeshopFair Rivai A.S. Describing the access rule as o f the Park District,” said Carmen Lodise. “ reasonable and realistic,” Hart noted “ I think the District has done everything that “its constitutionality has been the community has asked it to do.” Evaluation Concludes upheld by the courts. I believe the law Candidates Behrens, Lodise, Judy should be given a chance to operate,” he Evered, Tom Gaffney, C liff Harrison and By Dorothy James Perrigo. said. Ken Waterfield were asked to answer a The campus bikeshop is not competing In response to claims that the In reference to “ scare tactic’ list o f Park Board prepared questions and unfairly with local hike dealters, a report operation is occupying academic space, comments, Hart’s opponent Ray Saucedo to field inquiries from the audience. released Tuesday by the Associated the six-page evaluation points out that stated, “ I don’t see any intimidation, Roger Lagerquist, Nigel Buxton, Bruce Students Office concluded. trailers similar to the one used by the hysteria, or anything o f that nature.” Murdoch and Kevin Billinghurst, the The report refutes a charge made by bikeshop are available for co-curricular “ I believe the people are smart enough other candidates whose names will appear the Santa Barbara Area Independent activities, to deal with the access rule issue...people on the November 2 ballot, were not in Bicycle Dealers Association (SBAIB D A) can pretty well understand the arguments attendance. Only three o f the ten office that the bikeshop is using, for “ We need something to refute those for and against,” he continued, adding seekers will be elected. p on-educational purposes, tax dollars charges,” Perrigo said. Pointing to letters . that his own position has consistently As expected, the sale and distribution earmarked for higher education. o f SBAIBDA complaints to the UC been against Prop. 14. o f the $1.15 million Park Bond was a Claiming that the cycle, repair shop is Regents, UG President David Saxon and Saucedo agreed with Hart on the major topic o f discussion. self-supporting, the report states that it Assemblyman Gary Hart, Perrigo said the sufficiency o f the current Farmworkers With the exception o f Harrison, the no longer receives A.S. or University report was intended as a source o f law, and said he is also upset “ by the way candidates all voiced their approval o f allocations and is negotiating an reference for UCSB Administrators. it (Prop. 14) is written.” He claimed it taking the necessary steps in selling and agreement to reimburse the University for would “ be almost impossible to rescind distributing the entire bond. utilities. “ It was a logical consequence o f taking it,” once passed. “ The votes o f the people mandated it Following an earlier A.S. evaluation o f a look at original guidelines o f the “ Personally, I do not agree with the (the sale o f the bond),” said Gaffney, “ I the bikeshop, UCen Director Bob Lorden bikeshop,” said Don Winter, Assistant access rule,” Saucedo said. “ If there’s a don’t see that we have much choice.” pulled certain items, such as shorts and Vice-Chancellor for student affairs. test case” he believes the Supreme Court Harrison was skeptical o f the drive for shoes, which did not clearly fit under the Winters also echoed the A.S. finding that will overturn the California State the sale, questioning whether it was “just category o f “ service-oriented” goods, and the bikeshop is not unfairly competing Supreme Court’s ruling supporting the a sense o f enthusiasm or a real sense o f transferred them to the Bookstore. with off-campus dealers. legality o f the access rule. community need.” The report was. compiled by Internal In conclusion, Saucedo suggested Hart He was also hesitant in President Tracy St. Johns, Executive The legitimacy o f the University was influenced by a “ lot o f pressure” by recommending the sale o f the entire Vice-president Paul Pooley and operating an on-campus, commercial “ ...his libéral friends.” (Please turn to p. 16, col. 1) Administrative Vice-president Rich (Please turn to p. 13, col. I f Merenbach, Slater Debate Plea Bargaining Issue By William Justin was the result o f plea bargaining, but Municipal Court Judge candidates Jim would want to know the background o f Slater and Alice Merenbach exchanged the case and have the final say in their views on plea bargaining and other sentencing. issues in debate yesterday before a small Slater and Merenbach also differed in audience in the UCen Program Lounge. their views toward so-called “ victimless Merenbach said that if there were no crimes.” Slater believes that victimless plea bargaining, the courts would be crimes should not be offenses. clogged. In addition, she claimed plea Merenbach, who pointed out that bingo bargaining helps to “ weed out problems” was illegal in Santa Barbara, stated that in the court system. Slater replied that fines were the best way to treat there were two aspects o f plea victimless crimes. She felt that the bargaining, and that efficiency should person committing the victimless crime not be a judge’s chief consideration. was “ taking a chance,” and should have Slater pointed out that there is a to pay the consequences if caught. practice known as “ charge bargaining,” Merenbach acknowledged that it is in which the charge is negotiated, difficult to define a victimless crime, changed or dropped. He also noted the because, there are “ so darn many o f procedure o f “ sentence bargaining,” them.” where a sentence is negotiated by the Merenbach analogized drug and CANDIDATES DEBATE - Municipal Court Judge candidates Jim Slater and Alice attorneys in a case. Slater expressed hjs alcohol rehabilitation programs to Merenbach squared-off yesterday in a debate in the UCen Program Lounge. disapproval o f the latter process, noting finding an effective diet. She said that Photo by Eric Woodbury that, “ it is up to the judge, and not the she was “ always trying to find diets that they’ll drink out of.” sentences) to avoid emotional attorneys, to determine a sentence.” work,” and it was a matter o f “ tailoring Merenbach twice expressed her feeling sentencing.” However, Merenbach said Merenbach, on the other hand, did the addict or...uh...whatcver to the that a judge should not let his or her that she does not like standard not differentiate between the two parts program.” Referring to rehabilitation “ temper get in the way.” dispositions (predetermined sentencing) o f plea bargainings, and stated that she programs, she said o f addicts: “ Lead She also felt that there should be- o f cases. would not “ throw out” a sentence that them to water until you finally find one "built-in maximum limitations (on (Please turn to p. 16, col. 1) PAGE 2 DAILY NEXUS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21,1976 AAUP Supports Change In TW ENTY BODIES HAVE BEEN RECOVERED so far from the Mississippi River following yesterday morning’s collision of a Norwegian tanker and a ferryboat about 20 miles upriver from Affirmative Action Guidelines New Orleans. There are only 18 known survivors o f the 96 people aboard. Although there was no official count o f persons By William Krebs Mitch Gertz, represented the “ I am hoping President Saxon on the ferryboat, authorities said it could hold up to 140 The American Association of Student Body President’s Council moves favorably on this matter,” persons. University Professor’s (AAUP) (SBPC) at the San Diego meeting said Gertz. “ This isn’t a matter gave support to a student last Saturday. Gertz originally that should require a lot o f THE FOOD AND DRUG AD M INISTRATIO N announced proposed change in the raised the issue with the SBPC. time.” yesterday the recall o f thousands o f pounds o f candy containing University’s Affirmative Action SBPC had asked the A A U P to illegal Red Number 2 dye. The FD A banned Number Tw o dye guidelines. The policy would write UC president David Saxon a According to Gertz, “ I think on Feb.
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