Spring "Open the windows, and open the doors, Let the fresh breezes blow in." glebe April 15, 1988 (glebe 17 No. 4 15, 1988 reportVol. Ottawa, April Cattle Castle $2 million from Ontario BY INEZ BERG federal government for its share". She said the timing Ottawa Centre MPP Richard was good with an election Patten has boosted his cre- year coming up. dibility and the Cattle The $3 million donation Castle's as well. required from the federal He presented a $2 million government, who have declared grant from the Ontario gov- the Aberdeen Pavillion a nat- ernment to City of Ottawa ional historic site, would officials on April 8th for not only get the renovation renovations to the heritage started but give the City structure. additional leverage to get "It's not enough... but it further funding from other will save the building. It government won't be torn down" promised sources. Ald. Quinn said that the Ald. Mac Harb who represented City, being the smallest le- the Mayor at the event. vel of government, had Patten had approached three given ministries for funding. its share with its $3 million Culture and Communications up front. "It's time for the gave $1.1 million, Tourism federal government to do its and Recreation $850,000 and part" he said. Agriculture $50,000. Patten who declared the Ald. Nancy Smith, a long- Photo: F.R. Leclair project "a winner" thanked time Aberdeen booster who all the officials and volun- has kept the restoration (From L. to R.)Hon. Hugh O'Neil, Aid. Rob Quinn, M.P.P. teers who have continued to drive alive politically Patten, Aid. Mac Harb and Richard AZd. Nancy Smith at work on fundraising and pub- thanked Ald. Rob Quinn for presentation of $2 million grant to restore CattZe CastZe. licity for the restoration. his help extending previous Hon. Hugh O'Neil, Minister demolition deadlines on the times it seemed the project into the ground" she said. of Tourism and Recreation was pavillion. "There were many was not only dead but beaten "We can now approach the on hand for the event. May 28 Great Glebe Garage Sale BY DIANE MCINTYRE Saturday, May 28th is the of proceeds requested for Spring is sprung, date set for the 3rd Annual contribution to the Ottawa 11/JV crocus have rizz, Great Glebe Garage Sale. Food Bank. Last year 3 vans Do you wonder when Once again this event is of non-perishable food and Quote of the Month: The Great Glebe Garage Sale over $6,000 was given to the sponsored by the Glebe Comm- "Tell me and I will forget. is? unity Association, with 10% Food Bank at the day's end, and the Salvation Army picked Show me and I may remember: up left-over items of furni- involve me and I will ture and clothing. The Great Glebe Garage Sale understand." is a great motivator for spring cleaning efforts. Mark a box May 28;th and start putting aside those treasures that are no longer used in your household, somebody will be anxious to buy them at your sale. Before the sale date do minor repairs, give your sale items a little shine and sort them into categories to make shopping easier. Groupings might be books and records, glassware, toys, puzzles, baby clothes, kitchen items, or plants. Remember, anything will sell at a garage sale if the price is right and the buyer can find it: Last year I missed buying a nice little bathroom Mervin Mirsky (rt.) President of Ottawa's Food Bank accept- sink- vanity as several other ing cheque from Don Finless, a GCA Director and Co-ordina- bidders beat me to it. How- tor of the 1987 Great Glebe Garage Sale. Cont'd. on P. 2. N EWS Great Glebe Garage Sale...Cont'd. a ever, my daughter and I did chat with neighbours over buy a Sesame Street piano sale table or go treasure hun- featuring a cookie monster ting in the Glebe. with rotating eyes and a port- To register your sale call one able "radio" that only plays of the organizers by May 18. "Sing a Song of Sixpence". Diane McIntyre 234-6418 We then paused for an enjoy- Brian Jonah 236-2299 able lemonade and cookies at Pat Kealey 233-6368 or you St. Giles before buying a may leave this form at, rocking chair and heading Dilemme, 733 Bank, McKeen- home with our bargains. Willis IGA, Glebe Apothecary, The day of the sale is a Glebe & Bank or the Main Desk great chance to get out and at the Glebe Community Centre. im mumuNVOm mum mm mum mum on mm iimummummalwimi. IN MI MN MN MO MI 1 GREAT GLEBE GARAGE SALE REGISTRATION 1 1 1 SATURDAY, MAY 28th, 9 A.M. - 3 P.M. 1 (RAINDATE: SUNDAY, MAY 29th, NOON - 4 P.M.) 1 1 1 I NAME: 'ADDRESS: 1 I 1 'POSTAL CODE: 1 PHONE NUMBER (HOME): 1 (BUSINESS:) 1 IIM== BM MINIM NM NI NI MINI= MI MN MU IIMM NM GIRL GUIDE ward 1985 COOKIE WEEK APRIL 30- MAY 46. * 1, II 41.) Pt rit.G.,..0-P PLR 110X REMEMBER:1 COME TO THE GIRL GUIDE ALL DAY COOKIE SALE, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 9:30 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. FIFTH AVENUE COURT. The first place poster for Girl Guide Cookie week is by -amosim==========================7 year old Emily Johnson of the 25th Ottawa Brownie Pack. TWO SHOW HOMES READY FOR VIEVVING CENTREPOINTE:- .,:afigt*onf':U09:5(XYH -vikittis at our sho.w.i.homes on 'CreS:- Ontano Castkthorpe Fùp-00kit,4vai41*.00400.4040077pst HON. RICHARD PATTEN, M.P.P. Député provincial ficad (Age Ottawa Centre 470 rue Somerset Street Ottawa, Ontario KIR 5J8 (613) 237-0212 April 15, 1988 Glebe Report- 2 LETTERS Perspective on privatization Art Your Body Editor, The Glebe Report. Hours: The restricted foi hours at the postal ARTWEAR - The issue of privatization station are inconven- of postal services seems to ient for working per- NOT JUST ANOTHER provoke strong emotional sons and need to be response, depending upon extended, particularly KALIYANAAVANT GARDE STORE one's outlook toward unions to Saturday. ITS AN EXPERIENCE THAT vs. private enterprise, vs. Parking: Parking is inad- government. Objectively, equate at all locations, STIMULATES THE ORIGINAL there are several components including the Fourth here: change, security, Ave. Postal Station. IN YOU : friendliness, hours and UNIQUELY-DESIGNED parking (to name a few.) It seems to me that there Change: Frequent changes are two solutions. If we FASHIONS CREATED WITH of location are dis- keep with Canadian Postal ruptive, inconvenient Stations, they need to ex- INDONESIAN ITAK OR THAI tend their hours, give and irritating. SILK. Security: Security is friendlier service and pro- best at the Fourth Ave. vide some parking improve- BUMBUNG BAGS - A Station. ment at our station. On the EUROPEAN SENSATION IN Service: The friendliness other hand, any private postal outlet needs improved index has been higher CASUAL CARRY-ALLS ; at all three private security for parcels. outlets than at our AVAILABLE IN TATAMI OR postal station. Judith Lee JAVANESE CLOTH. ANTIQUES NEXT TO FUNK. ONLY AT : GOOD («Nutt/(- PHOTO MLLE GALLERY Of ART MORNING SIGNS BMW E3'3"66156 370 ELGIN STREE AWA 563-2589 (TUESDAY THRU SUNDAY, FROM NOON C*) GLEBE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 19 7:30 p.m. NOMINATIONS FOR DIRECTORS CLOSE MAY 16, 1988 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED PLEASE CONTACT JIM McCARTHY PAT KEALEY WAYNE KAUK 232-7688 233-6868 233-6068 GLEBE COMMUNITY CENTRE MAIN HALL Refreshments Served and Door Prizes April 15, 1988 Glebe Report- 3 Views expressed in the Glebe Report are those of our NOTES Contributors. EDITORIALink Is silence golden only in the Glebe? In light of City Council's reversal in their support of a glebe report 10:30 pm limit on rock concerts in Lansdowne Stadium, here are my thoughts. P.O. E3(»( 41794, E: I am a rock music fan; getting older, but then aging doe- Station sn't just happen in the Glebe. The night Pink Floyd came Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 51-19 to town and blew Ottawa East and Alta Vista away I was out- side, enjoying the music. My children who couldn't sleep Established 1973 came out and joined me. The Glebe Report is a monthly newspaper. We People in the Glebe have been characterized on this issue receive no government grants or subsidies. as on many others, as greedy, self-seeking party poopers; Advertising from Glebe merchants pays our dinosaurs who want to spoil everyone's fun. This by a sel- bills and printing costs. 6000 copies are ectively informed or often totally uninformed media. delivered free to Glebe homes and copies The stereotyping reached a Neandertal crescendo in Earl are available at many Glebe shops. McRae's column (March 18, Citizen). It offended my elder- EDITOR: Inez Berg 233-6063 ly neighbour who supports rock concerts at Lansdowne and ADVERTISING MANAGER: Meredith Olson 236-5967 my 12-year old son who reads the Sports section. BUSINESS MANAGER: Sheila Pocock-Brascoupé I know Earl McRae is not paid to pursue facts but I CIRCULATION MANAGER: Sylvia Holden 235-2139 thought his area of choice was 'basic' truths. Here's the basic truth that he (and much of the other media) have COVER: Claire Senior Burke missed. GRAPEVINE: Please drop off It is not "silence' that 'is golden only in the Glebe". your written information at the It is (to borrow a quote from another neighbour) "the hell Community Centre before the deadline.
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