TT !. k. \ - i ; i ! J Jh N o . 3,220. Registered at the G P.0, T e l e p h o n e : 3 5 0 E a s t b o u r n e . o« a Newspaper, EASTBOURNE, ; MAY 26, 917,. E s t a b l i s h e d 1 8 5 6 . * « I C E t h r e e HALFPENCE. MAEY H. COOPER, Court Dressmaker. AS TBOURNE c o l l e g e . r j I H E LADIES’ BRUFORD & SON, B GRASaiNGTOW ROAD, EA8TBOURNE. Watchmakers, Smart COAT DRESSES, 8UITS & RESTAURANT GOWNS for Summer W eat TB» DUKE o r DITTO MOUTH* A Day School for the Daughters of] Gentlemen. Sell Your Old Gold. P ’*>_ * V?-■ B ead aster Principal: FUSS HITCHCOCK. Telo. 763. 0, LIS MORE HOAD, EASTBOURNE 18 o r ftto ,rbi!hee ^ h ° ^ » d ,Ce^ J E WELLERS £ SILVERSMITHS The KIEV 9. S ABCS, K .A be esdhaneed for money ? BEST VALUE. W® J™ Prepared to value old gold in SCHOOL for the Son* ”nl.;ti<K free of cost QUALITY GUARANTEED j D IC K E R ak" CO. E. tii&SgstStS !'cheq"e paymente Repairs bp Expert Men. —/ersUJes, the Army, Nary HIGH-CLASS PROVISION MERCHANTS AND GROCERS - - — •-----> Piefemiona and Oommerotal Ufa, s s s a s w s ? W. Bruford & Bon, 100, TermLus-r<L, EasUourre Tlwre are apodal Amur and Navy Clakbm. ; * Hockey and Tennis d a b s. \ OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, EASTBOURNE. Por^oapectua and InfOTmatlon M to reoent 8uooeeee«, A FEW BOARbEES ABE RECE1VKD. 4 And at K^KTEB. appnaatlon should ho made to t)he Ha ad Mastkb. 100, TYrmimiP-rd., ftastbonrue TJe Principal wil! bo at home to see Parent* on and Ml, HiffiMtreet, Kxoter. P m b iCax D snx la nompuHofr for the whole School. business evorv Frfday from 2.30 to 4.30 pm fSndaton WINES, SPIRITS a n d MINERAL WATERS. otber times by appointment. 1 Telephone *52. EASTBOURNE Old Glenlivet Whiskey, 6/- & 6/6 per bottle. Pine Old Tawney Port, 86/- & 42/- pel dozen.] f i L C Y ' n i Y . : LESTONE, I S S BALLS, L .L .A ., SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, Telephone No. 68. , ^ iBTAVKLKT ROAD. M NEW JAMS, BOTTLED FRUITS, Ac. SASTBOURNB. I. SPENCER ROAD. RBENOROFTiELLESMER I , N a 118, Address— 11, Pevensey-road Gucoesrful in Examination Work. i U 8P.KNCKR ROAD Gl (Late of S2, The Ay*»n»V SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING omdFimiMny). OOACHHB IN SPECIAL BUBIE0T8 OR TAXES in 16 LESS' .'NS. B A K E R & S O N S ’ Tait-Reid, B.A , BEGINNERS AND BACKWARD PUPILS. a a r o M i a i W . H ROBERTS, D iplomated T eacher it' Staff of Trained Highest R R r a m tm . __________(Awarded Gold and Silver Medals) OwtUoabed Foreign Teachers. H ill s id k .j s t . a n n k '8 r o a d . MACHINE MADE BREAD, d a n c i n g , r h y m i c e x e r c i s e s . EASTBOURNE. I * 4 1 . ’ I ]■;' I Under Royal Patronage Preparatory School for Boys. DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN DAILY. —riband B t a f f i S S T " * ,OT Cam bridge Locafl I S S BLEANOR RATCLIFFE ■rO*E8. NA., F.EG.8,,Cllft«a Collun and ■ ' , *.] j 1 1 v|. [ I ' I . B.0 P..n 10 T 'a re Aaslatant to MRS. WORDSWORTH, ’ v°Uoso' U xbridge, RECEIVES IJOYS r.... M.B.CAK.UP., L.li.ap., Beginners received. M B?KC 15OBSoraePr°Par8d fot Pabu« Schools and 1 r‘ 9: Mrt. Yloribtujh 19 & 21, CHURCH STREET; 15, PEVENSEY ROAD and 175, SEASIDE. Apply by letter to MI33 E. CLEATHER. tisuow▼ 8E S !, to acres of Playing FieldV?Pn8„“ In GUdredge fl **• SonsParK. of T el. 169. ^RAW ING AND PAINTBSQ CLASPS OBO ROU GH SCHOOL. UPPER AVENUE, EASTBOURNE. Cf SAVIOUR’S CHOIR SCHOOL, Sima MARGARET IMn m (. R Telephone 623. Principals f £• §• GILBERT, B.A. (Loud.). FREDK. S. SHELLEY, SOUTH STREET, ELOCUTION. P j D. G. g i l b e r t ; (Lond. UnlT.). BOYS ARB TAKEN FROM THE AC Inert to « . GROVE EKMD). ■ .j! Private 8chool for Boys Builder, Decorator, Plumber, Gas, Hot Water and Electrical EnGineer. I AGE OF BIG:1RT. M psb Annum. W T f * * * * T* * * W,, L46 PupUof too Ben Greet AeKd™y $£?*** 1.?°™* 01 sronnd. Chemical and Contractor for General House Repairs. Mart Choral -------------.Borne of which cover Claesee foa aUUno. a-< « i fee i _______ ___ ________ uhools. Fun psrtioulan on — Witt amount a I he Fees. Address, ALLANDALE, COOMBE ROAD, CRPYDON. and Cambridge Locals, Office and Showrooms - - - 8, TERM INUS FLAG]!/, Training for Banin om Life. __________ Feofl Moderate and Inclusive. _____________ PBBSONAL ATTENTION OIVBN TO ALL ORDERS. T Far Protpoctua and other information apply niBECTION LABELS of an Made manafac THE WARDEN. tsurod a t London Drtwaii n DANCING AND ELOCUTION. |g jT. GEORGE’S SCHOOL (UPPKRTON), (Limited) Printing W o r itU to to ltS S T S S b e ii^ ' Flannels Washed «* Earn W ater, fo r the storage o f which large underground Concrete Tanks have teen constructed. T K Y A D A M E VANDYCK’S CLASSES are now resumed FOR HOTS INTENDED FOB BUSIN BBS LOT. — EASTBOURNE ' At DEVONSHIRE PARK. Instruction Include those taught' at Speold Classes dor Operatic Dancing (Russian Method). SANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY CO., L im it e d , ____ F«r partieulars apply 2, HAREWOOD PLACE, HANOVER SQUARE. W. _______ For Prospectus apply Hkad Maotkb, LATIMER ROAD, EASTBOURNE. ]V f IBS MINA HUDSON, Cert. Voo. T.O .l T Every convenience is provided lor enrarlng the Hbshmt Class of WorK for FamUles, Lodging ! Mem. L8.M., MU NICIPAL SCHOOL OP ART THE SPRING & SUMMER. • (Tbohnioal in st it u t e, Grove-road). ; j k '■ ■ | i | . - | SPACIOUS OPEN DRYING GBOUND. bourne. ^Brae I « i.« oh ee <1ns,? of Art, 3 !1fD?GJ.0I'^ Including Classes SES In«« Metal held WorK.in all _______ UiUr> ,h* fu U addressed “ Mn» Hill, Sanitary Steam Laundry, Latimer-road, Eastbourne. Wood Oarring and Leather WorK. Geysers, ! ! ; and honours. Special arrangements for Vi-ltors. Visitors can Join tor short periods, MONEY. Established 1879. WARDROBES. W iflmS1h?t h^ . ^ ° gld ^ addrwsed to Misg Hudson, OllriS^£jZi-S?^2?vStai1i0J1‘parafie; or Messrs. Cl if t . MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY SCHOOL MONEY. WARDROBES. Hot Water Circulators, Uildredge-road f or The .Library. Dalton-terrao ?, Me'tde- FO R G IR LS W. T. LAMB & SON, ___________ 8treet> (U f p e b t o n -b o a d ). Il'ISB -MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY SCHOOL Pawnbrokers, _ Jewellers and General Salesman, C ookers, ’. GRAHAM SCHOFIELD. *■. Dipi6m^e, Parle 104,r 8BA8IDB ----------------- ROAD------------ (opposite- the Colonnade), MessEASTBOURNE. FO R BOYS ISTBOi (is) Glass Certificate), (T x c h n io a l I n s t it u t e , G b o v e -b o a d ). Always ON BALE a Large Assortment of NEW and 8ECOND-H ILQCKS, G rillers. ^ “A-^^SONS to^^PRACTICA1, DRKRSCUTTING Jewdlwy. saver P l^ ^ ^ U d ^ O ^ - ~ ---------- « . and O p era( and MAKING. FRENCH PATTERN MODELLING emmmmmmnmemn nan W.UCVW MWW UIUOUW, UUVAD, &0-, &0. •• and MILLINERY. Cask Advances >n every description of Property. Iodise’ and Gentlemen’s Wardrobes Purchased for Promp l C a sh . Mis* haa.had IS years' experience with private PARTIES WAITED ON AT ANY TIME AT OWN RESIDENCE. pvpils and (a class teaching In schools. l i p * . ** *•’ styles, Blouse Patterns a Speciality. '•-w - v> —r~;-4 - - ..............e Ii 8ILV1IRDAUB ROAD, EAQ rBOURNE. • . ■ | - . MAW. - At the Showrooms. Eastbourne Gas Co. 8 , CORNFIELD TBBIfAOB S, M. REED, Certificated LANGUAGES. R c n Ai™ ^ Grade Associated Board R.AM.A.M. and •-v.ju. 4wuw a. u l/rgRQ . S t H S l Pupils prepared by the best and soundest (Honours), O, list of the OETZMANN ^uiSd,arSS5Sj,1.r8r°' As.8i8tant Organist at IL' s”arioar's methods, for the Public Schools Entrance Examination, »«? v ’ Ka8^bourne. Accompanist to the iBastbourna Special attention given to LANGUAGES. Amateur Operatic Society. Open for Engiummcnt aa ----- & CO., L t d ., -r Accompanist. GIVES LESSON8 in PI A N O J f ? oJJ? ORGAN PLAYINGjand in HARMONY and THEORY Cricket and Tennis. Racquets Restrung E l students prepared for the various Musical Examinations! Nr. TOTTENHAM COURT S il b u b v Terrace (3 minutes from Station). ROAD, LONDON, W. I: • Eaotbournk. ” \ R . N. COLLINS’ SPQBTS SHOP. Telegrams i " OETZMANN LONDON.” THE NEW SEAMLESS SPIRAL I SOUTH S T R E E T ^ Town Hall), Telephone i MUSEUM “ ONE.” j^ /p ss GLADYS HARRIS, L.R.A.M., A.R.CUL, | ELASTIC HOSIERY. TEA C H ER OF PIANOFORTE. SINGING, CLASS SINGING and B n « i m -Ta b u s Rk -Covebkd abb R kfaibkd. The Host Comfortable and Efficient Support for Varicose Veins. “A BOOK ON FURNISHING” THEORY OF MUSIC. MADE BY Puptla Prepared far an the Examinations of the GRATIS AND POST FREE, Asroclated Board. i I i .. - '. • Terms on application to WHEALS’ SEEDS "V. k LINDSEY & SONS, BARCLAYS BANK HOUSE. TgRMItros - road. a n d B. NOAKEB, Certificated in Harmony PLANTS. £ 5 PREPAID) ORDERS CARRIAGE PAID TO ANY i , Terminus-buildinGs, Eastbourne. t. Also at 32, LUDGATB H IL L , B.O. Send for Illustrated Price Lists,free. RAILWAY STATION IN ENGLAND OR WALES. NEW CATALOGUE OF SEEDS. A l s o M a k e r s o p ABDOMINAL BELTS, -rTRUSSES, ARTIFICIAL LIMBS.
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