THURSDAY 23 JUNE 2016 • SUPPLEMENT (1) TO NO 5138 • VOL 146 Gazette Supplement Encaenia 2016 Congregation 22 June eum propter humanitatem sapientiam his ideas have spread far and wide. Fifteen pietatem erga Deum hominesque eximiam years back he returned to that same college 1 Conferment of Honorary Degrees laeto corde gratulamur. garden and berated himself for insufficient trust in God; and now he says that he thanks The Public Orator made the following Praesento theologum alta mente praeditum, both God and Oxford for this gift of an speeches in presenting the recipients reverendissimum dominum Thomam Halík, honorary degree. On the contrary: it is we who of honorary degrees at the Encaenia on Ecclesiae Sancti Salvatoris Pragae rectorem, gladly thank him for his humanity, wisdom Wednesday, 22 June: ut admittatur honoris causa ad gradum and devotion to both God and man. Doctoris in Divinitate. Degree of Doctor of Divinity I present a theologian of deep mind, Admission by the Chancellor MONSIGNOR TOMÁŠ HALÍK Monsignor Tomásˇ Halík, Rector of the Church Priest and author Caritatis exemplum praestantissimum, of the Holy Saviour in Prague, to be admitted cuius in scriptis vetus sapientia nova ratione to the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity. Est in antiquissimo Pragae foro magnum explicatur, ego auctoritate mea et totius monumentum Iohannem Hus, celeberrimum Admission by the Chancellor Universitatis admitto te ad gradum Doctoris e martyribus Boiohemicis, in perpetuum in Divinitate honoris causa. Noble example of charity, in whose writing commemorans. Illa in urbe terraque etiam ancient wisdom is interpreted with new recentiore tempore homines non pauci Paraphrase understanding, I on my own authority and propter et Dei et libertatis humanae amorem In the Old Town Square of Prague there stands that of the whole University admit you to the periculum subierunt, supplicium dederunt. a large monument erected to the eternal honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity. Hic qui hodie agmen honorandorum memory of John Hus, the most famous of ducit, pro illorum virtute gratus Praemium Czech martyrs. In more recent times too Degree of Doctor of Civil Law Templetonianum, abhinc duo annos sibi many in that land and city have undergone adiudicatum, ad eos sacerdotes humiliter THE RT HON LORD MANCE danger for the love of God and human dedicavit qui in carceribus in metallis in Justice of the Supreme Court and High Steward freedom, and suffered for it. In gratitude for castris captivos custodientibus perierant. of the University their heroism the man who today leads the Ipse ecclesiae subterraneae, ut vocatur, line of honorands humbly dedicated the Forsitan credas iudices semper tristes particeps iniurias diu patiebatur: per multos Templeton Prize, awarded to him two years homines esse et severos, quibus placet torva annos et in universitatibus docere et ad alias ago, to those priests who perished in prisons, fronte maleficos ad carcerem et vincula civitates peregrinari vetabatur. Confitetur mines and concentration camps. He himself condemnare. Quod si putas, hunc virum rogo se partim auctoribus Britannicis legendis ad endured long privations because of his active ut intente observes: risum saepe in labellis fidem Christianam ductum esse, inter quos part in what was known as the Underground ludere, lucem in oculis micare percipies. At Iohannem Henricum Newman, et Orielensem Church: for many years he was banned from gravia sunt eius iudicia, magna in legibus et Collegii Sanctae Trinitatis alumnum, et university teaching and from travel abroad. interpretandis doctrina. Iurisprudentiae (quod forsitan minus exspectes) Graham He declares that it was in part the reading primum apud nos studuit, tum Londini Greene Balliolensem nominat. Adfirmat se of English authors that brought him to his causas de mercatura de navibus de argentariis cum Oxoniam iuvenis primum viseret in Christian faith; among whom he names John dicebat. Postea de legibus quae inter nationes horto nesciocuius collegii sedentem Deo Henry Newman, of Trinity and Oriel, and, sanctae sunt pari sollertia disputabat iusque obiecisse quod in tyrannide natus apud perhaps less expectedly, Balliol’s Graham civile cum iure anglico comparabat. Summus nos studere non posset. Quin potius apud Greene. He relates that on his first visit to causarum actor, non minore prudentia lites patriam ad sacerdotium clam ordinatus Oxford as a young man he sat in a college diiudicabat. Itaque haud mirum eum unum et psychotherapia instructus ebriosos et garden and reproached God because having inter excelsissimos nostrae civitatis iudices pharmacis stupefactivis assuetos summa been born in an autocracy he was not able to creatum esse. Sed ne ad tantam quidem sollicitudine colebat. Medicus pastor scriptor study here. Instead, he was secretly ordained dignitatem sublatus Oxoniam omnino et gregem suum et extra gregem palantes to the priesthood back home and after reliquit, quia antiquum suum magistrum in eadem diligentia curavit; ita doctrinam training in psychotherapy devoted himself eisdem subselliis sedentem offendit. Mos ibi suam ad multas gentes diffudit. Oxoniam et to the care of alcoholics and drug-addicts. est iuniores prius sententiam dare, seniores ad eundem illum hortum abhinc tria lustra As physician, pastor and writer he gave sequi. Ipse dicit se sibi visum esse rursus ad regressus doluit se parum Deo esse confisum; thoughtful attention equally to his own flock condicionem discipuli reductum suasoriam nunc dicit se et Deo et huic universitati grates and to those wandering outside it; and thus suam coram praeceptore legere censuramque habere quia a nobis honestetur. Immo nosmet 665 666 University of Oxford Gazette • Supplement (1) to No 5138 • 23 June 2016 exspectare. Alii quidem peritiam eius in I present a wise and loyal supporter of our mea et totius Universitatis admitto te ad legibus interpretandis melius explicare republic of letters, Jonathan Hugh Lord gradum Doctoris in Litteris honoris causa. possunt; nos amicum dilectissimum Mance of Frognal, Knight, Justice of the Paraphrase salutamus qui ad altum huius Universitatis Supreme Court, graduate and honorary magistratum nuper electus est ut suo consilio fellow of University College, High Steward I now present a man of great variety. Like (verbis utor quibus benefactores Cancellarii of the University itself, to be admitted to the Proteus, he assumes many forms, and as with Curiae praesentantur) nobis in posterum honorary degree of Doctor of Civil Law. Proteus, you cannot easily tie him up or tie prosit. Omnes speramus nos multos annos him down. And yet his unique personality Admission by the Chancellor humanitate eius et sagacitate esse fructuros. is felt in all his films: even the colours are Friend most deserving of gratitude, who amid distinct from those of anyone else. Certain Praesento nostrae litterarum reipublicae such weighty business have not disdained motifs recur in his work: time and again he fautorem fidelissimum et prudentissimum, our own more parochial affairs, I on my own gives us chemists and drug-dealers, taxis and Ionathan Hugonem Baronem Mance de authority and that of the whole University airports, strong women in small kitchens, pop Frognal, equitem auratum, in augustissimum admit you to the honorary degree of Doctor of songs and American movies, and journeys Britanniae iudicium adlectum, Collegii Civil Law. far into l’Espagne profonde. Nonetheless, his Magnae Aulae Universitatis alumnum work is constantly new and original: he could et socium honoris causa adscriptum, Doctor of Letters say with Lucretius, ‘Tis to fresh springs that Universitatis ipsius Seneschallum, ut I delight to roam.’ I am unsure whether to admittatur honoris causa ad gradum Doctoris MR PEDRO ALMODÓVAR call him a comic or tragic spirit, for his films in Iure Civili. Director and screenwriter move both tears and laughter. He represents Admission by the Chancellor Huius quem nunc produco magna est the lives of prostitutes and other more varietas. Multas enim formas ut Proteus exotic fauna (who following the example of Amice gratissime, qui inter tanta negotia induit, et ut Protea, haud facile eum vinculis a Magdalen man shall remain in the decent etiam nostra, sane minora, non dedignaris, vel suspenderes vel ad terram ligares. Atqui obscurity of a learned language) in a style that ego auctoritate mea et totius Universitatis unicam suam indolem in omnibus fabulis offers sympathy without palliation. InTalk admitto te ad gradum Doctoris in Iure Civili monstrat: etiam colores eius ab aliorum to Her the principal character is both guilty honoris causa. coloribus discrepant. Ad nonnullos τo´πoυς of a shocking crime and yet mysteriously Paraphrase recurrit: pharmacopolas et legitimos et contra deserving of compassion: his love is both legem negotiantes, aëroportus et autocineta depraved and yet in its way devoted. Our Do you suppose that all judges are bleak conductitia, fortes in parvis culinis mulieres, honorand himself inspires devotion and personages, grim of brow, whose gloomy carmina popularia et fabulas Americanas, loyalty: several actors, and actresses above pleasure it is to dispatch malefactors to the itinera ad remotas Hispaniae regiones facta all, have taken roles in film after film: like dungeons? If so, please take a careful look at in scaenam saepissime prodit. Tamen ars Ulysses, he has his Penelope, and like Caesar this man: you will often see a smile play upon eius semper novatur et ut Lucretium ad his Victoria. We gratefully honour this shape- his
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