Structure of the AFL-CIO Supplement to Directory of National and International Labor Unions in the United States, 1955 (BLS Bulletin 1185) MAY 1956 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR James P. Mitchell, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Ewan Clague, Commissioner 383174—56 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis STRUCTURE OF THE AFL-CIO Source : U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. I l l Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis STRUCTURE OF THE AFL-CIO* The Bureau’s Directory of National and In­ on December 5, 1955.1 This supplement to the ternational Labor Unions in the United States, Directory outlines the structure of the new 1955, was issued in November 1955 and described federation and lists the persons elected or desig­ the structure of the labor movement prior to the nated to key positions. merger of the American Federation of Labor 1 The Directory of National and International Labor Unions in the United States, 1955 (BLS Bull. 1185), may be purchased from the Superintendent and the Congress of Industrial Organizations of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C., or from the regional offices of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, price 45 cents a copy. For an account of the first convention of the AFL-CIO and the formation * Prepared in the Bureau’s Division of Wages and Industrial Relations, of its Industrial Union Department, see Founding Convention of the AFL- April 1956. CIO, Monthly Labor Review, February 1956 (p. 141). 1 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR AND CONGRESS OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONS AFL-CIO Bldg., 815 Sixteenth Street, NW. Washington 6, D. C. Phone: National 8-3870 President Secretary- Treasurer G e o r g e M e a n y W il l i a m F . S c h n it z l e r Executive Council2 G e o r g e M e a n y , President. O. A. K n ig h t , president, Oil, Chemical and W i l l ia m F. S c h n it z l e r , Secretary-Treasurer. Atomic Workers International Union. H a r r y C. B a t e s , president, Bricklayers, Masons C h a r l e s J. M a c G o w a n , president emeritus, and Plasterers International Union of America. International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and D a v e B e c k , president, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers. Helpers of America. D a v id J. M cD o n a l d , president, United Steel­ workers of America. J o s e p h A. B e i r n e , president, Communications Workers of America. W il l ia m L. M cF e t r id g e , president, Building Service Employees International Union. W il l i a m C. B i r t h r i g h t , president and secretary- treasurer, Journeymen Barbers, Hairdressers, J a m e s C. P e t r i l l o , president, American Federa­ Cosmetologists, and Proprietors’ International tion of Musicians. Union of America. J a c o b S. P o t o f s k y , president, Amalgamated L. S. B u c k m a s t e r , president, United Rubber, Clothing Workers of America. Cork, Linoleum and Plastic Workers of America. A. P h il ip R a n d o l p h , president, Brotherhood of J a m e s B. C a r e y , president, International Union Sleeping Car Porters. of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers. W a l t e r P. R e u t h e r , president, International J o s e p h C u r r a n , president, National Maritime Union, United Automobile, Aircraft & Agri­ Union of America. cultural Implement Workers of America. W i l l i a m C. D o h e r t y , president, National As­ E m il R i e v e , president, Textile Workers Union of sociation of Letter Carriers. America. D a v id D u b i n s k y , president and secretary-treas­ A. L. S p r a d l in g , president, Amalgamated As­ urer, International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ sociation of Street, Electric Railway and Motor Union. Coach Employees of America. G e o r g e M . H a r r is o n , president, Brotherhood W il l a r d S. T o w n s e n d , president, United Trans­ of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight port Service Employees. Handlers, Express and Station Employees. R ic h a r d F. W a l s h , president, International AL A. J. H a y e s , president, International Association of Machinists. liance of Theatrical Stage Em ployes and M o v in g Picture Machine Operators of the United States M a u r ic e A. H u t c h e s o n , president, United and Canada. Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. H e r m a n W i n t e r , president emeritus, Bakery and Confectionery Workers’ International Union of J o s e p h D . K e e n a n , secretary, International America. Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. * M a t t h e w W o l l , president, Union Label and * Includes president, secretary-treasurer, and 27 vice presidents. The vice presidents are listed in alphabetical order. Service Trades Department. 2 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Executive Committee G e o r g e M e a n y C o n v e n t i o n : W il l ia m F. S c h n it z l e r Held biennially. Constitution also provides H a r r y C . B a t e s for the calling of special conventions. Date and J a m e s B . C a r e y place of the next convention to be decided by the G e o r g e M . H a r r is o n Executive Council. D a v id J. M cD o n a l d W a l t e r P. R e u t h e r M a t t h e w W o l l Standing Committees and Chairmen Civil Rights: Janies B. Carey. Legislation: George Meany. Community Services: Joseph A. Beirne. Political Education: George Meany. Economic Policy: Walter P. Reuther. Public Relations: William C. Birthright. Education: George M. Harrison. Research: William F. Schnitzler. Ethical Practices: A. J. Hayes. Housing: Harry C. Bates. Safety and Occupational Health: Dave Beck. International Affairs: Jacob S. Potofsky and Social Security: Maurice A. Hutcheson. Matthew Woll. Veterans Affairs: William C. Doherty. Department of Organization Director Executive Assistant Assistant to the Director J o h n W . L iv in g s t o n H a r r y O ’R e il l y W il l ia m L . K ir c h e r Regional Directors Region 1 (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Region 6 (Alabama, Georgia, Florida) Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Con­ J. L. Rhodes necticut) 1026 Hurt Bldg. Hugh Thompson Atlanta 3, Ga. 73 Tremont St. Region 7 (Louisiana, Mississippi) Boston 8, Mass. E. H. Williams Region 2 (New York, New Jersey) 1919 St. Claude Ave. William Collins New Orleans, La. 225 W est 34th St., Room 820 Region 8 (Tennessee, Kentucky) New York, N. Y. Paul R. Christopher 216 Flatiron Bldg. Region 3 (Pennsylvania) Knoxville 17, Tenn. George Craig Bankers Securities Bldg. Region 9 (Ohio, West Virginia) Philadelphia 17, Pa. Jesse Gallagher 405 Great Lakes Life Bldg. Region 4 (Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, Dis­ Cleveland 14, Ohio trict of Columbia) Region 10 (Indiana) Joseph F. Heath Hugh Gormley 1216 East Baltimore St. 626 Peoples B an k Bldg. Baltimore, Md. Indianapolis, Ind. Region 5 (North Carolina, South Carolina) Region 11 (M ichigan) Carey E. Haighler Herbert McCreedy 1106-10 Independence Bldg. 82 West Montcalm Ave. Charlotte, N. C. Detroit, Mich. 3 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Regional Directors— C o n t i n u e d Region 12 (Wisconsin) Region 18 (New Mexico, Arizona) Charles Heymanns Elmer P. Theiss 1012 North 3d St., Rm . 414 512 W est Adam s St. Milwaukee 3, Wis. Phoenix, Ariz. Region 13 (Minnesota, North Dakota, South Region 19 (Colorado, Wyoming, Utah) Dakota) Fred Pieper Carl W inn 309 Denham Bldg. 315 Ham m Bldg. Denver, Colo. St. Paul 2, Minn. Region 20 (Montana, Idaho) Region 14 (Illinois, Iowa) Charles R. Smith Eugene P. Moats 101 Labor Temple 666 N orth Lake Shore D r. 613 Idaho St. Chicago, 111. Boise, Idaho Region 15 (Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska) Region 21 (Washington, Oregon) Delmond Garst Chester Dusten 215 Chemical Bldg. 404 W oodlark Bldg. 721 Olive St. Portland 5, Oreg. St. Louis 1, Mo. Region 16 (Oklahoma, Arkansas) Region 22 (California, Nevada) W. G. Pendergrass Daniel Flanagan 705 Enterprise Bldg. 995 M arket St., Rm . 910 Tulsa 3, Okla. San Francisco, Calif. Region 17 (Texas) Region 23 (Canada) Lester Graham Russel Harvey 354 M ajestic Bldg. Commerce and Transportation Bldg.
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