VOLUME XXX “ AU The County News For MOCKSVILLE, N. C., FRIDAY, JANUARY2, 1948 “АИ The County News For Everybody” No. 44 SIGNS FOREIGN RELIEF AID BILI P.-T.A. Gives SELL, HARTMAN, NEW MASONIC 'COUNTY AGENT URGES FARM Pantomime The Mocksville P.-T.A. held its MASTERS, ARE INSTALLED AT MEET Д| MACHINERY BE PROTECTED tlecember meeting December 18 Farm machiner}' is scarce and If machinery were more plen^ ‘ Officers of the new Masonic:' in the High school auditorium. may remain so foi^, some time to tiful and cheaper in purchase;! lodge of Mocksville and of the Mrs. Harry Osborne, president, come. Machinery ù expensive to price, there still would be no rea Farmington lodge were Installed ’ presided, and minutes were read buy even when it is available. son for leaving it in the hand in Winston-Salem last Monday by the secretary, Mrs. Knox Its scarcity should cause farmers of the weather. However, whe; night at the Masonic hall there. Johnstone. to take good care ofllt. No farmer those days are present we mi The new Mocksville muter Is The dramatic club under. the AUTO TAOS would think of buying a new $5 be a little more justified in trei Bryan Sell and. of the Farming­ direction of Mrs. W. A. Dryden hat, hang it up onja tree, and ing our machinery so badly, Mocksville city auto tags are ton lodge is G. A, Hartman. and the glee club directed by Miss leave it there all wm er or even that time appears to be far now on sale at the town office The list of the new officeri of Jean Brooks presented a Christ­ for a few days andjnightt. Yet for $1, says Mayor Jim Thomp­ both lodgea includes: Mr. Peebles says he would . mas pantomime. The scripture aome pay up into tke hundreds son. Each automobile owner In to urge each and every farme^o vtras read by Frances Collette and Mocksville Lodge 134, A, F, * • f dollars for a pièe of farm town must buy a tag aiid the make a little inspection of<ii3 solo parts were sung by Lettie A, M ,-B ryan Sell, master; AtUa ; equljpment, and leav« it under a mayor asks that this be done dur' place, and see if there are/пу Foster, Danny Bailey^ Grady Smoot, senior warden; D, . ; tree or In a field foi| weeks and Ing the month'of January, tools or equipment out iiythe Dunn, Irvin Angeli and Kenneth Stroud, junior warden;. R, B,':] monthi. That piece ¡of machlii- weather. If you fiind an^ ¿re, Dwlggins. Marion Horn and Fran Sanford, Sr., treasurer; Spurgeoav ery w ill rust out of iceonomictl flRE DAMAGE put them some place wherehey ces Collette were student di' Anderson, secretary; D, J. Man* opération faster than itw lll wear will have better protection rectors. Fire from a defective flue to do, lenlor deacon; M, C, Dead- out. mon, junior deacon; Bill Daniela, Christmas carols were sung by the hot water oil heater set fire T . E. Peebles, couw.y agent, Mr. Peebles says he lelizes the glee club. to the home of Parker Waynlck senior steward; Cecil Little, ju­ statet he has seen plowi, harrows, that a busy person is verj^ikely in Mocksville last Monday after­ nior steward, and C. W. Thomp­ and many other neglect things. That ia^uman noon, Considerable damage, yet son, tyier, equipment left in a tture, but human natur#hould unestlmated, was done in the Farmington Lodge 868, A, T. k the job there was comp] саше tli 'to^take good|are of kitchen, Mr. and Mrs, Parker A, M,—G, A, Hartman,' master; practice o t neglecting IMS that ^ t us BIXBY Waynlck were both out of town S, W, Furches, senior warden; F, is costing farmers ' thi The practice of kee; things at the time of the fire and Mrs, H, Bahiuon, junior warden; D. X, dollari every year. The in рЦсе, and out of |Veather, Mr. and Mrs. Earlle Potts and n-’i Waynlck said later in the week McClamrock, treasurer; C. F, ■hed may not be avei but I is not \only one of go aslnesf, daughter, Margaret, of Norfolk, she was certainly proud of the Bahnson, secretary; L, F. Brock, there could be some sort ' place but th^ appearance ^und the Va., are visiting relatives here. work done by thè local fire de­ senior deacon; J. F. Johnson, ju­ provided to keep these bn and farm home and outbui lings will PRESIDENT PRO-TEM of the Senate, Arthur Vandenberg Mr. and Mrs. Porter Stokes and •'fri partment in saving her home. nior deacon, Iteti dollars, be much better. (R-Mich.), signs the final version of the |B97,000,000 emergency son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beau­ aid bill fls Secretary of the Senate Carl A. Loeffler (standing) champ and daughter and Mr. and CHRISTMAS DINNER looks on. The measure, which calls for stop-gap aid to France, Mrs. E. F. Collins spent Christ­ The Lairds had their annual Italy, Austria and China, went to the White House for signature mas with Mr. and Mrs. R.' A. CENTER GRANGE 'Щ Е CHRISTMAS'AND HO TURKEY Christmas dinner at the home of just 16 days after the deadline laid down by Secretary of State Hilton. George C. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Brock in INSTALLATION BER 25 HÈREAtóUTS Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Sheek Farmington on December 2B. In Center grange will hold ah spent the holidays with Mrs, the afternoon gifts were ex­ y lAfter a forecut of '‘falij|and Heritage Furniture open meeting, January 10, at 7:80 ,V| Sheek’s parents, Mr, and Mrs .J, colder,” last Chriitmas molning GUS lA V IS IS changed. Those present were A. p.m. at w'hich time officen for , about , 7 o'clock,, Father Vme Enjoys Yule Party H. Rotertson, F. Laird, , Mr. «nd Mrs. A. M, Laird (ahd diiu ^ '■•Herltdj^i' Ftirntfire’i^^ Mr. and Mrs. Glen Barney sj^'nt B. L . , Angell and fila insiallatioit Carolyn, Mr, and Mrs. A. W. '•now come down for Christkaa. party at its Mocksville plant was the holidays with Mr, and l^ra. team from Forsyth county w ill Mr. and Mrs. ioch of Kan- Gui^ T ra v ii columnist of the Laird, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Laird A ! ^ t №ree inches of it fellim* a big success and those partici­ Walter Barney. Install the officers, including; olidays with Charlotte Observer, told some and children, Sylvia, Judy, James til about, one o’clock, gladde|ng napolis spent thir, pating enjoyed the event to the the hearta of Inslde-on-lool Mr. and Mrs. W.| Anderson. tall tales at the ladies night of Mrs, Leila Cope of near Red- and Sara Lou, Mrs. Cora Brock, Master, Wade Dyson; overseer, . fullest extent, C. C. Hartman, I Thiu M M kivllle and vicinity the Rotary club last Tuesday land spent the holidays with her Jimmy, Mary Elizabeth and John Anderson; lecturer, Nancy Mr. and Mrs. 'I Wilson and personnel manager, said this night. son, Taft Cope, and Mrs. Cope. Emma Sue Brock. Ijames; assistant lecturer, Alice a ''white phristmas.^’ children spent iturday with week. Phil Johnson and Kim Sheek Dyson; steward, Clyde Dyson; Mrs. Wilson’s ¡her, Mrs. J. R. Mrs, G, S. Robertson spent Over the holidays the snow|>r were in charge of the program, assistant steward. Dale Chaffin; Powell. The party, held last Dec. 19, Wednesday afternoon with Mr. MAKE HONOR ROLL fomethlng kept everybody in p - the former ntroducing the speak' chaplain, Nancy Tutterow; treas­ Mr. and Ml lonroe Johnson consisted of various presents by and Mrs. Taft Robertson of Smith Two Davie students earned cent order. A member of er. urer, Polly Latham; secretary, and children Charlotte spent the company to its employees. Grove. honor roll ratings during the first sheriffs department said Plates were set for the Rotary Hattie Tutterow; gatekeeper, Lon­ the week end [ith Mr. and Mrs. Large baskets of fruits and nuts Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. Le quarter at ASTC, Boone, accord­ had four or five drunks, noth Annes and members'^of the Ro­ nie Tutterow; Ceres, Doris Chaf­ Wayne Men and candies were received and roy Nivens and W. T. Myers were ing to H. R. Eggers, registrar. else, over the holidays. It tary families. There were 92 fin; Pomona, Virginia Bowles; Mr. and M Flo^^d Tutterow the program opened with a Mr. and Mrs. Mason Martin, Mrs. They were Ruth G. Cartner and the quietest Christmas I km present at the meeting. Flora, Maudle Dyson; lady assist­ and children Sta^sville spent prayer by E. L. Jones, foreman. Annie Keaton and children, Jim Francis Essie. The honor roll is of." Christmas carols were sung and ^ ^ ---------- and Leek Nivens. ant steward, Helen Dyson; mem­ ■ '■ , Christres«. V. Mr/and Mrs. T. equivalent to a grade of "B'* or AMERICAN LEGION ber executive committee, John In homes through the coun^ A. V^zant.' led by Louise Caudell and Caro­ Mr. and Mrs. Gene Beauchamp above. Seaford. everybody stayed at home, enter Mrf John Ferel and daugh- lyn Aaron. The American Legion w ill hold spent Friday with Mrs. Lula '»I. a meeting tonight, Friday, at the Beauchamp, talaed and ate food. What kiiu ters ai^ipending few days with E. S. Wood, company president, PARKING METERS of food did they eat? Well, 1 legion hut. Betty Beauchamp is spending Mr. I. Bcrrler. delivered a short talk, and then ’The town collected^ $126.82 last this week with Peggy Cornatzer wuin’t turkey, misterl i m ài Mrs.
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