mIEW ZEALAND I CHESS Fleqistered at Post Oilice HO, Wellington as a maEazine J,>- $t.OO i,:'t;5;ps 16 ilict. 5 SCTfiEHH 1$84 - kufftr ffimffia 747sto Europe City AUCKLAilD 109 Queen Street Telephone 31 szelASzg "n q Former World Champion Tigran Petrosian f NEl,l ZEALAND CHESS ls publlshed h{ews bi-monthly (February, April, June, l-ate NEW ZEALAND CHESS Vor.lo No.s ocroBERls'4 August, 0ctober & December) by the New Zealand Chess Associatlon. SOUTH ISLAND CIIAMPIONSHIP Editot: PETER STUART Unless otlrerwise stated, the views Four pJayers Lje.l for first place in Associate Editors: IM ORTVIN SARAPU' TONY DO|'IDEN (otaso), ther 1984 SDuttr Islaod Ch:rmpiouslrip in expressed may not necessarily be VERNON SMALL (canterturg), GAVIN I}N (wellinston) ClrristchLrrch: A".l.L1oyd, 11.(j. hhose of Ehe Association. \t.A.SmaIl, l{iLson &.T.D.Sarfat:i. 5haring fifth werc ll.R.,\nderson & A.J.Lov€," 34 competed. of being published and financially sup- ADDRESSES ['he rLrporL on the evenL has been held Editorial ported by our national Association and rH(emh(.r AII artic.les, letters to the Editor, uvCr Llrrl i I I I)P iisuL,. Doubtless some readers have, Iike us, has, over the years, attracted grants & Sport. etc should be seot to the Editor, fallen victim to the vanishing chess from the Ministry of Recreation magazine trick over the The Our next issue will comPlete ten years P.W. Stuart, 24 Seacl:Lffe Avenue, W I N!TONt TOURNAMENI Years. Takapuna, Auckland 9. UnpubLlshed latest example is the EnSlish fort- of New zealand Chess, making it Ehe manuscr:ipts cannot be returned Ortvin SLrrrpLr won the Llth \iinstooe 0pen nightly newspaper Chess Express which longest-lived local chess magazine unLess a stamped, addressed retLrrn on L5/l 6 SL:ptember in AucklaLrd. Sccond ceased publication with its eighth issue under one publisher. i,- [1. (irec.n. grade envelope is enclosed- was fhe B was worl b)i P. trumpeting its future. l4onths later we It was, therefore, rather dlsconcert- R.Coopcr. Altogc,ttier, 62 competecl. L,'ull learn that our one-year airmail sub- ing for us to receive in JulY from a Subscriptions, changes of address roporL iD oLrr next Lssue. scription has been transferred to an- tlellington bulk subscriber a letter and advertislng enquiries should be other publication .... which we already containing the following exEract: "Due addressed to tl)e AdminisEration subscribe to. As we received only t,hree to the uncertainfy concerning publica- New Zealand Chess Associa- BLEDI SL.OE CUP Officer, issues that was $70 dovm the drain; tion and future of N.Z. Chess magazine tjon, P.O.Box 8802, Symonds Street, T'he t984 BI edisloe Cup final was thank you Mr Goldberg. please reduce our quantity from 20 to Auckland - pJayed on SIDday 2l] Septenber by LeIt'- Going back five years we have Inter- 10 copies from the next issue, whenever plroIe Aucltland and I,lellrngLor). ])etwc,en national, c.hess, the best Produced chess that might be.rl On \^lcl l iDgt 8'r tlre nigtrt on leads 9!z magazine ever to hit the market-excePt l,Jell, our "next issue" (August) came DEADL I I'IES wiLlr rwo ganes reclrriring adjudlcat iorr. it seems there was no market. The $30 out when we said it would ln our MaY The dc'adline for both copy and paid, tuo issues received' editorial and likewise this issue. l^le advertising is l5th of the month subscription che sent for airmail to hope whatever rumour was responsible p,reccd ing the monLh of issue. WORLD CHAIlPIONSHIP extra $20 Postage N.Z. then, after months of silence, a for the above quoted letter has now y ;r I,,lorld ChoLlpion Aniltol Karpov rool< promising a refund of half the been well and truly laid to rest. 2 0 leod when hc won Ltle adjotLrLrt-cl (rtlr letter SUBSCRIPTION RATES and (maybe) four nore gamc, of his match aBilinst (iary K;rsp;rrov subscription Peter Stuart We are sEill waiting Mr Thomas! These rates are annual and are in in l,1r)s.ou- issues. reason for such failures, *** New Zealand dollars: KarPov earlier won gitnrc in I4rhatever the the third incomPetence' tlre natch which will be won by Ltre first whether it be mnagerial Surf ace mil - player to record six wins. The other over-confident estimtes of likely Tony Dowden Returns New Zealand of 56.50 girmes circulation or the plain aPathy the disappearance of recently other countries four were dram, t.,Jith $8.00 chess players generally, the launching uelcomed OEago Associate Editor Tony Airmil of new chess magazines must become more Love, his predecessor Tony Dowden is - are Australla & South Pacific S10.80 I!OMEN, S l^/ORLD CHAMP IONSHI P difficult as potential subscribers in harness. There is, however, a to back North America & Asla (excl. After five p,anres in the match at Volge bound to be a little more reluctant distinct possibility that Tony D. will Mlddle East) $1I.80 grad beLween Maya Clriburdanldz-e and Irina shell out a yeart s subscriptlon for a be moving to Christchurch or Auckland a month Europe, South Amerlca, l,evitina the score stands at 2\- 2\1. periodical which may only last next year so there may be anoEher Africa & Middle East $13.00 The match is for the besL of sixteen or two. change in Ehe pjpeline. games, draws counting. New Zealand has also had its share of fai-led chess mgazines though none so *** ADVERTISING RATES ridiculous as the above Pair. Alan t'ull page $40, half-page or colum LONDON Fletcherrs article in our Decenber 1980 Deadline Advanced $20, half-colum $10. Murray Chandler tled for first place issue outlined the history of these The deadline for copy and advertising Club Directory listlng (6 issues) $6, in the Lloyds Bank Masters tournament publications. for the December issue will be 31 Octo- change in listlng $2. with KudriD (USA), Mites (ENG), Nunn Obviously chess magazine publishing ber, i.e, two weeks earlier than usual. All (ENC) and Spassky (fRA). A11 scored 7 offers no get-rich-quick formula. The reason for this lies in the Editorrs points in the nine-round Swiss. previous New Zealand chess magazines for a month at the Olympiad. AC KNOI^ILEDG EMENT absence were subsidised by their publishers in The teamrs mid-December return leaves Thanks are due to IBM for their the hope Ehat they would eventually insufficient time Eo produce the maga- donation cf :.re'.3-\1 Selectric Eype turn the finanelal corner. Unfortunate- Zine before the holidays so we aim to wriE(': r...r. lhis mgazlne. ly, none did. have the December issue at the PrinEer Like its predecessors New Zealand prior to team departure on 13 November. Chess has never been a profit-mking venture but 1t does have the advantage AAA r09 Can You See the Combinations? Tigran Petrosian Dies by the Editor Solutions on page 130 The Soviet news agency Tass announced didates Tournament. This he achieved, the death of former World Champion sharing second place with Mark Taimanov Tigran Petrosian on 14 August. The re- three points behind the runaway victor ,ru port added that he had suffered a pro- Alexander Kotov, A fifth place in the longed and serious illness buE did not Candidales Tournament at Zurich in 1953 A Vrur,,ru elaborate on its nature nor give the completed that World Championship cycle I t 7ru actual date of tris death. He died at for him. ,r the age of 55. Petroslan's results were similar in Tigran Vartanovich Petrosian was born the next cycle, a fourth place in the on 17 June 1929 in Tbllisi, the capital Interzonal aE Gdteborg in 1955 being t, of Georgia, although his parents were followed by a tie for third rhrough A of Armenlan origin. Entering his teens seventh at the Candidates Tournament at + + d'At during the Second World War, the young Amsterdam in 1956, % 2! "ffifr'l!:B Tigran did not have an easy life. Both Having qualified as a Candidare aE @:''%8, his parents died during the war and he the Portoroz Interzonal in 1958, there started working (as a caretaker) at the followed Petrosianrs best result to No.1 age of 15. date, victory in the 26th U.S.S.R. Black to move No. 2 I^Ihite to move Petrosian was already quite a strong Championship held in 1959 in the city player by this time, a fact which he of his youth, Tbilisi. The World demonstrated by winning U.S.S.R. Junior Championship itself was now entering championships in 1945 and 1946, He also into Petrosianrs calculations but he tr won the 1945 Georgian Championship and failed to take into account a pheno- %a the 1946 Armenian Championship. It was menon knom as Mikhail Tal and, to a ifr% % ,ru e, t following this latter event, in which Iesser extent the ageless Paul Keres. // he played by invitation, that he moved The young LaEvian noE 1959 only won the %ft% t,t Z tg) to Yerevan, the Armenian capital. Candidates Tournament in Yugoslavia but "T Ln L941 Petrosian , "%, A+ followed a victory went on to temporarily relieve Mikhail 'ffi.t"'m w&% in an A1l-Union Candidate MasEer tour- Botvinnik of his World title. Keres %'i % %atufr nament at Tbilisi with a fifth place in finished second in the Candidates Tour- './.2. $'lv the Moscow semi-final of the 16th nament, 1! points behind Tal, while 7Z F,,'rA%, rl fr% %fr2 U.S.S.R.
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