LAW OF ' BELLlG ERENT OCCUPATION LAW OF BELLIGERENT OCCUPATION J. A. G. S: TEXT No. 11 The Judge Advocate General's School ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN LIST OF CURRENT TEXTS of THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL'S SCHOOL Prepared for instructional purposes only. JAGS TEXT No. 1 MILITARY JUSTICE Procedural guide for staff judge advocates. JAGS TEXT No. 2 MILITARY JUSTICE Comments on common errors and irregularities in court-martial procedure. JAGS TEXT NO. 3 MI~ITARYAFFAIRS Selected materials in the bibliograp.hy,proce- du~eand substantive law.ofmilitary affairs. JAGS TEXT No. 4 WAR POWERS AND MILITARY JURISDICTION Introduction to military jurisdiction and an orientation in the field of military law. JAGS TEXT No. 5 GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS The principles and.practice relating to govern- ment contracts. *JAGS TEXT No. 6 .CASEBOOK- GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS A companion volume to JAGS TEXT No. 5 containing edited cases on government contracts. JAGS TEXT No. 7 LAW OF LAND WARFARE Commentary on the rules of land warfare. , JAGS TEXT No. 8 CLAIMS BY AND AGAINST THE GOVXRNMENT Prfnciples, statutory provisions and procedure relating to Army tort claims. *JAGS TEXT No. 9 SELECTED OPINIONS - MILITARY AFFAIRS Companion volume to JAGS TEXT No, 3, containing current selected opinions of the Military Affairs . Division, Office of The Judge Advocate General. JAGS TEXT No. 10 Publication discontinued. JAGS TEXT No. 11 LAW OF BELLIGERENT OCCUPATION . ~ JAGS TEXT No. 12 GOVERNMIQVT CONTRACTS AND READJUSTMENT Legal, procedural and fiscal principles involved in the termination of government contracts. "Available only to students while in attendance. FOREWORD This text is intended as an aid to students in The Judge Advo- cate General's School in the study of the Law of Belligerent Occu- pation. It is used in conjunction with the following materials: FM 27-10, The Rules of Land Warfare; FM 27-5, Military Government and Civil Affairs; TM 27-250, Cases on Military Government; and ' M 353-2, Suppleme'nt Allied Military Government Manual of Proclama- tions and Instructions Used in Sicily. The scope of the text is limited to legal problems arising from belligerent occupation. An attempt has been mad'e to present the most representative view although divergences of practice and interpretation are indicated and discussed. This text was prepared in the Civil Affairs Department of The Judge Advocate General's School. REGINALD C , MILLER Colonel, J .A.G.Il Commandant ,# The Judge Advocate General's School United States Army Ann Arbor, Michigan 1Jm.e 19&4 (~eissued2 July 1345) CONTENTS Chapter Page I. TYPES OF MILITARY OCCUPATION I Definition of Military Government..... .,.......... 1 Application of Section 111 of Hague Regulations.,, 1 Occupation of Reutral Territory in Course of War.. 2 Occupatfon of Neutral in Course of War by Agreement,~o~,o,.oc~o~~~.~~o.~~o~o.,~~ooo~.~o~o 6 Occupation Under Armistice agreement^.^^.^ o..o.o 8 French-German Armistice Agreement of 1940......... 10 Special Cases of Armistice Occupation ......,.oco.o 10 Occupation of Allied Ter'ritory in Course of War ... 12 Occupation Apart From War (~acific occupation) .... 13 Intervention,o,~o,.o.ooo~oo~o.o~o.o~~~o~o ". 15 An Illustration of Peacetime Occupatfon -- Vera Cruz, 1914. , ., .. ,.,. ,. a ., a o. a 16 The Dif'ference Between Belligel-ent Occupa- tion and Peacetime Occupation .......... .. 17 Legal Powers of Pacific Occupant .....,.....,. 18 Legal Powers of Pacific Occupant -- Smarized,.,o..~.o~~o~o,~o, o o c ~ o c.o~ 21 Occupation After Cession by Treaty of Peace., 23 11. OCCUPATION OF ENEMY TERRITORY When Territo~yis Occupied . , . s ~ . ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ 24 c ~ , o o ~ Occupation Distinguished from Invasi~n.~. 25 Subjugation or Conquest , .,c,.~..... o.~~o.,o~ ~ 27 National or Neutral Territory Occupied by &emy is "Enemy" Territory,. .... ... , ., , , a a :! 30 111. LAW-MAKTNG POWER OF OCCUPANT !be Character of the Occupant's power..,..^^.^ ". 31 Power of Absent Sovereign Suspended in Occupied Areao~.~.o~o~oocn oe croo.o.r .. on..o.., .. 34 Limitations on Power of Occ~pant..~~,-o.co oa 35 Military Necessity Defined~.G.o...o..~..~..-..p.u c , 37 Definition of Public Opder and Safety, 38 Respect for Existing Laws., ., -a 39 General , .-. uu,c..,, 39 A Novel Conclusion, .....3.ku o T rC l Chapter Page I11. LAW-MAKING POWER OF OCCUPANT (~ontd.) Public Officials of Occupied Territory ......... 43 Criminal Law ................................... 49 Civil and Commercial Law ....................... 55 Procedure in Accomplishing Changes: Regulations, etc ............................ 57 Civil Rights and Civil Courts .................. 60 Fundamental Institutions ....................... 64 Education ...................................... 66 Political and Administrative Laws ....;......... 68 War Legislation ................................ 70 Respect for Treaty Rights ........................... 71 Concessions, Trade Marks, Etc ....................... 73 Consular and Diplomatic Representatives ............. 77 Censorship and Freedom of Communication............. 80 The Duty of Obedience of Inhabitants ................ 82 War Treason ......................................... 84 Spying and War Treason .............................. 90 War Rebellion ................................... 94 The Legitimacy of Employing Spies., Fomenting Rebellion and Treason ............................ 96 Limits on Power of Occupant with Respect to Inhabitants...................................... 97 Change of Allegiance ................................ 99 Respect for Family Honor and Rights, Lives of Persons and Rel-igious Convictions ................ 101 Inhabitant Joining His National Army ................ 106 Information About Enemy by Inhabitants .............. 109 Collective Punishment ............................... 111 Reprisals ......................................... 115 Hostages and Reprisals .............................. 120 V . PRIVATE PROPERTY Imperative Military Necessity Limits Respect for private property ................. ............ 126 Respect for Private Property .. Rule Against Confiscation..................................... 131 Pillage.............................................. 134 Acts of Regulation, Supervision, and Control over private property ............................ 136 Requisitions ......................................... 140 Restrictions On ............................... 141 - iii - Chapter Page .V. .PRIVATEPROPERTY (~ontd.) In Proportion to Resources of the Country, .... 147 To Whom Addressed.. .. .... -.. .. <, . .. .. 148 On Whose Authority ...........................o. 149 Payment,or Receipt.. ...... ..... .. ... 150 Billeting . ~ o ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ o o ~ 153o ~ o c o o ~ ~ Of Personal Services Involvirg Flar Operations.. 153 Occupant as Administrator of Occupied Territory -- Work and Contracts for Benefit of Occupied State, Expropriation . o o ~ ~ o o ~ ~ ~ ~ o o o o ~ o159 ~ o o o ~ Seizure of Private Property Susceptible of Direct Military use.........^................ .,n..oo..a.~. 164 Kind of Private Mar Material Subject to Seizure...~~.o.~.o.~~oo~oooooco~~ooo~~~~L 168 Private railroad^..........^ a oo ac ooe 171 Contributions.,,.,.oooooo~~~oo175oo~~~~~oooo~ Forced Loans..............oooo~.~~oo~o~oo~..-, ~oo~~. 184 Taxation,,,,,,,.,,,~~G~~~o~o~o~ooooooo~o 184 Jurisdiction.......~ooo~~ooo~L194o~~o~~o~c~~o~~-o~ Property of Local Governmentsa., a oo 197 Property of Religious, Charitable, Ete., Institutions. o ~ c . ~ ~ c , ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ 200 ~ ~ ~ ~ o o ~ o . ~ o o PUBLIC PROPERTY General, ... .. .. ., .. '. ., . .., . .. 203 Movable State Property,,, ,, ,",, ". , r, ,,. .. 20h Means of Transport Belonging to State. '. .. >.. i , - o. 206 Funds and Realizable Securities .. .. ,. - <. : . '... 207 Immovable State Property. (, : ,, . o . cs a - - . o. 215 Contracts of Exploitation. , , - ,. , . - a . 220 Tests for Determining State Property. - ., " ,, . '221 I.CONTRACTS AND OTHER TRANSACTIONS OF OCCUPANT With Inhabitants of Occupied Territory, , ,, ' . ~, .. .. 227 Taxation of Occupant s Transactions., , , , ,, , ,. a. 231 Increasing Indebtedness of Occupied State c, .> ,, L. 232 VIII. JURISDICTION OF LOCAL COURTS OVER OCCUPANT'S FORCES Jurfsdfctfon of Local Courts Over Occupant's For~es,,,,~~~~~,, , , 234 Civil Mattersoo.... ..o.. 234 Criminal L~W...~,....-oGb,o.. ~Lca-...~.c 237 Chaptsr Page TIE UGAL DEFENSE ''U(:T OF X . DEFENSE OF SUPER IOR ORDm The Common Law .....................................a. 2>2 War Criminals......................................... 254 XI . THE RETURNING SOVEIREIGN ............................... 260 LIST OF WORKS NOT REFERRED TO BY FULL TITLES Air Power -- Spaight, Air Power and War Rights, 2nd ed . (1933) Akzin -- Data on Military Government in Oc- cupied Areaa (~imeographed,1942) Am. J. Int. L. -- The American Journal of Interna- tional Law Am. Mii. Govt. -- Mimeographed edition of the report of Colonel Irvin L. Hunt, Infantry, Officer in Charge of Civil Affairs, American Military Government of Occupied Germany, 1918-1920, 4 vols . Annual Digest -- Annual Digest of Public Interna- tional Law Cases Ar iga -- La Guerre Russo-Japonaise (1908) Baker and Crocker -'- The Laws of Land Warfare Concerning the Rights and Duties of Belliger- ents as Existing on August 1, 1914 (1.918) ~akeY.'and McKernan -- Selected Topics Connected with the Laws of Warfare (1919) Beale -- A Treatise on the Conflict of Laws, Vol. I (1935) Bentwich -- The Law of Private Property in War (1937) Birkhimer -- Military Government and Martial Law, 3rd ed. (1914) Bisschop -- Geman War
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