VOLUME 39, INDEX 1761 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST INDEX, VOLUME 39 J. DOUGLAS SCOTT 203-44 Brousseau Avenue, Timmins, Ontario P4N 5Y2, Canada AUTHOR INDEX Abad, I., Mata, M.P., Nieto, F. & Velilla, N., The phyllosilicates in mineral species from Fresno County, California, 761 diagenetic-metamorphic rocks of the South Portuguese Zone, Basciano, L.C., Groat, L.A., Roberts, A.C., Grice, J.D., Dunning, southwestern Portugal, 1571 G.E., Foord, E.E., Kjarsgaard, I.M. & Walstrom, R.E., Abdel-Rahman, A.M., Peraluminous plutonism: nature and origin Kampfite, a new barium silicate carbonate mineral species of the Moly May leucogranite and its Coast Plutonic Com- from Fresno County, California, 1053 plex granitic host-rocks, northwestern British Columbia, Bazhenova, L.F. with Popov, V.A., 1095 1181 Bekenova, G.K. with Cahill, C.L., 179 Ageeva, O.A. with Ferraris, G., 1665 Belluso, E. with Ferraris, G., 1665 Akimtsev, V.A. with Glotov, A.I., 573 Belyatsky, B.V. with Glebovitsky, V.A., 607 Alapieti, T.T. with Barkov, A.Y., 1397 Beresford, S.W. & Cas, R.A.F., Komatiitic invasive lava flows, Ananiev, V.V. with Filatov, S.K., 1115 Kambalda, Western Australia, 525 Anderson, A.J., Clark, A.H. & Gray, S., The occurrence and origin Beresford, S.W. with Cas, R.A.F., 505 of zabuyelite (Li2CO3) in spodumene-hosted fluid inclusions: Berlepsch, P., Armbruster, T., Mackovicky, E., Hejny, C., Topa, implications for the internal evolution of rare-element gra- D. & Graeser, S., The crystal structure of (001) twinned nitic pegmatites, 1513 xilingolite, Pb3Bi2S6, from Mittal–Hohtenn, Valais, Switzer- Andrews, D. with Brenan, J.M., 341, 1747 land, 1653 Archibald, D.A. with Kontak, D.J., 997 Bernier, F. with Baker, D.R., 537 Armbruster, T. with Berlepsch, P., 1653 Bilal, E. with Marincea, S., 1435 Armstrong, R.A. with De Waal, S.A., 557 Blackburn, W.H. with Martin, R.F., 1199 Asada, R. & Tazaki, K., Silica biomineralization of unicellular Bodénan, F. with Ettler, V., 873 microbes under strongly acidic conditions, 1 Bogdanova, A.N. with Liferovich, R.P., 1081 Baidya, T.K. with Mondal, S.K., 979 Borodaev, Yu.S., Garavelli, A., Garbarino, C., Grillo, S.M., Baker, D.R., Barnes, S.-J., Simon, G. & Bernier, F., Fluid trans- Mozgova, N.N., Uspenskaya, T.Yu. & Vurro, F., Rare port of sulfur and metals between sulfide melts and basaltic sulfosalts from Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy. IV. Lillianite, melts, 537 1383 Balaganskaya, E.G. with Liferovich, R.P., 1081 Borutskii, B.E. with Ferraris, G., 1665 Balic-´ Zuniˇ c,´ T. with Makovicky, E., 1365, 1377 Brenan, J.M. & Andrews, D., High-temperature stability of laurite Balykin, P.A. with Glotov, A.I., 573 and Ru–Os–Ir alloy and their role in PGE fractionation in Barbier, J. & Park, H., Sr2B5O9OH•H2O, a synthetic borate related mafic magmas, 341 to hilgardite, 129 Brenan, J.M. & Andrews, D., High-temperature stability of laurite Barkov, A.Y., Martin, R.F., Kaukonen, R.J. & Alapieti, T.T., The and Ru–Os–Ir alloy and their role in PGE fractionation in occurrence of Pb–Cl–(OH) and Pt–Sn–S compounds in the mafic magmas: erratum, 1747 Merensky Reef, Bushveld layered complex, South Africa, Brigatti, M.F., Kile, D.E. & Poppi, M., Crystal structure and crys- 1397 tal chemistry of lithium-bearing muscovite-2M1, 1171 Barkov, A.Y., Martin, R.F., Tarkian, M., Poirier, G. & Thibault, Brigatti, M.F., Medici, L., Poppi, L. & Vaccaro, C., Crystal chem- Y., Pd–Ag tellurides from a Cl-rich environment in the istry of trioctahedral micas-1M from the Alto Paranaíba ig- Lukkulaisvaara layered intrusion, northern Russian Karelia, neous province, southeastern Brazil, 1333 639 Brown, C.D. & Wise, M.A., Internal zonation and chemical evolu- Barnes, S.-J. & Crocket, J.H., Preface, Ore-forming processes in tion of the Black Mountain granitic pegmatite, Maine, 45 dynamic magmatic systems, 419 Brueseke, M.E. with Hughes, J.M., 1691 Barnes, S.-J., Melezhik, V.A. & Sokolov, S.V., The composition Burnham, O.M. with Lesher, C.M., 421, 673 and mode of formation of the Pechenga nickel deposits, Kola Burns, P.C., A new uranyl sulfate chain in the structure of Peninsula, northwestern Russia, 447 uranopilite, 1139 Barnes, S.-J. with Baker, D.R., 537 Burns, P.C., A new uranyl silicate sheet in the structure of haiweeite Barnes, S.-J. with Lahaye, Y., 473 and comparison to other uranyl silicates, 1153 Barnes, S.J. with Lesher, C.M., 673 Burns, P.C. & Percival, J.B., Alacranite, As4S4: a new occurrence, Basciano, L.C., Groat, L.A., Roberts, A.C., Gault, R.A., Dunning, new formula, and determination of the crystal structure, 809 G.E. & Walstrom, R.E., Bigcreekite: a new barium silicate Burns, P.C. with Cahill, C.L., 179 § E-mail address: [email protected] 1761 39#6-déc.01-2290-index 1761 2/6/02, 2:39 PM 1762 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST Burns, P.C. with Filatov, S.K., 1115 Fedortchouk, Y. with Canil, D., 319 Burns, P.C. with Jackson, J.M., 187 Fernandez, A. with Moro, M.C., 1039 Burns, P.C. with Krivovichev, S.V., 197, 207 Ferraris, G., Belluso, E., Gula, A., Soboleva, S.V., Ageeva, O.A. Burns, P.C. with Li, Yaping, 1147 & Borutskii, B.E., A structural model of the layer titano- Burns, P.C. with Mitchell, R.H., 769 silicate bornemanite based on seidozerite and lomonosovite Cabella, R., Lucchetti, G. & Marescotti, P., Authigenic monazite modules, 1665 and xenotime from pelitic metacherts in pumpellyite–actino- Ferraris, G., Ivaldi, G., Pushcharovsky, D.Yu., Zubkova, N.V. & lite-facies conditions, Sestri–Voltaggio zone, central Liguria, Pekov, I.V., The crystal structure of delindeite, Ba2{(Na, Italy, 717 K,Ⅺ)3(Ti,Fe)[Ti2(O,OH)4Si4O14](H2O,OH)2}, a member of Cahill, C.L., Krivovichev, S.V., Burns, P.C., Bekenova, G.K. & the mero-plesiotype bafertisite series, 1307 Shabanova, T.A., The crystal structure of mitryaevaite, Filatov, S.K., Vergasova, L.P., Gorskaya, M.G., Krivovichev, S.V., Al5(PO4)2[(P,S)O3(OH,O)]2F2(OH)2(H2O)8•6.48H2O, deter- Burns, P.C. & Ananiev, V.V., Bradaczekite, NaCu4(AsO4)3, mined from a microcrystal using synchrotron radiation, 179 a new mineral species from the Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka Callegari, A., Mazzi, F. & Tadini, C., The crystal structure of Peninsula, Russia, 1115 olshanskyite, 137 Fisher, P.C. with Prichard, H.M., 377 Campana, C.F. with Hughes, J.M., 1691 Foit, F.F., Jr. & Ulbricht, M.E., Compositional variation in Canil, D. & Fedortchouk, Y., Olivine–liquid partitioning of vana- mercurian tetrahedrite–tennantite from the epithermal depos- dium and other trace elements, with applications to modern its of the Steens and Pueblo Mountains, Harney County, and ancient picrites, 319 Oregon, 819 Canil, D. with Jamieson, H.E., 235 Fonteilles, M. with Marincea, S¸., 1435 Cannillo, E. with Hawthorne, F.C., 1161 Fonteilles, M. with Pascal, M.-L., 1405 Carroll, M.R. with Paris, E., 331 Foord, E.E. with Basciano, L.C., 1053 Cas, R.A.F. & Beresford, S.W., Field characteristics and erosional Frick, L.R. with Lahaye, Y., 473 processes associated with komatiitic lavas: implications for Fu, Zhengyi with Hong, Hanlie, 1591 flow behavior, 505 Galliski, M.A., Márquez-Zavalía, M.F., Cooper, M.A., Cernˇ ´y, P. Cas, R.A.F. with Beresford, S.W., 525 & Hawthorne, F.C., Bismutotantalite from northwestern Ar- Cembranos, M.L. with Moro, M.C., 1039 gentina: description and crystal structure, 103 Cernˇ ´y, P. & Chapman, R., Exsolution and breakdown of scandian Garavelli, A. with Borodaev, Yu.S., 1383 and tungstenian Nb–Ta–Ti–Fe–Mn phases in niobian rutile, Garbarino, C. with Borodaev, Yu.S., 1383 93 Gatedal, K. with Holtstam, D., 1675 Cernˇ ´y, P. with Galliski, M.A., 103 Gauert, C.D.K. with De Waal, S.A., 557 Chao, G.Y. with McDonald, A.M., 1295 Gault, R.A. with Basciano, L.C., 761 Chapman, R. with Cernˇ ´y, P., 93 Gault, R.A. with Hughes, J.M., 1691 Charoy, B., Noronha, F. & Lima, A., Spodumene – petalite – Gehör, S. with Liferovich, R.P., 1081 eucryptite: mutual relationships and pattern of alteration in Gemmell, J.B. with Monecke, T., 1617 Li-rich aplite–pegmatite dykes from northern Portugal, 729 Gervilla, F. with Hem, S.R., 831 Chen, Desong with Gu, Xiang-Ping, 1641 Giuli, G. with Paris, E., 331 Chukanov, N.V. with Liferovich, R.P., 1081 Glascock, M.D. with Mondal, S.K., 979 Clark, A.H. with Anderson, A.J., 1513 Glebovitsky, V.A., Semenov, V.S., Belyatsky, B.V., Kopetev- Clark, K.C. with Plymate, T.G., 73 Dvornikov, E.V., Pchelintseva, N.F., Kireev, B.S. & Koltsov, Cooper, M.A. & Hawthorne, F.C., Structure topology and hydro- A.B., Structure of the Lukkulaisvaara intrusion, of the 2+ gen bonding in marthozite, Cu [(UO2)3(SeO3)2O2](H2O)8, Oulanka Group, northern Karelia: petrological implications, a comparison with guilleminite, Ba[(UO2)3(SeO3)2O2] 607 (H2O)3, 797 Glotov, A.I., Polyakov, G.V., Hoa, Trang Thong, Balykin, P.A., Cooper, M.A. with Galliski, M.A., 103 Akimtsev, V.A., Krinenko, A.P., Tolstykh, N.D., Phuong, Cooper, M.A. with Welch, M.D., 785 Ngo Thi, Thanh, Hoang Huu, Hung, Tran Quoc & Petrova, Craig, J.R., Ore-mineral textures and the tales they tell, 937 T.E., The Ban Phuc Ni–Cu–PGE deposit related to the Phan- Crocket, J.H. with Barnes, S.-J., 419 erozoic komatiite–basalt association in the Song Da rift, Cureton, F.E. with Hughes, J.M., 1691 northwestern Vietmam, 573 Davoli, I. with Paris, E., 331 Godinho, M.M.
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