RESULTS BOOK Index Results Certification Letter ISSF Technical Delegate and ISSF Juries Competition Officials Final Competition Schedule Entry List by Number Medalists by Event Medal Standings Records Broken / Equaled Final Results RESULTS CERTIFICATION LETTER This certifies that the ISSF World Cup Final Rifle/Pistol which took place from 1st to 7th September 2015 at the Olympic Shooting Range in Munich/Hochbrück, Germany, was conducted in accordance with the ISSF Rules and Regulations and the Results produced in the competitions are true and correct. ISSF Technical Delegates Gary L. ANDERSON, USA Chairman of the Juries ISSF Jury of Appeal ISSF Rifle / Pistol Jury Haijuan YU, CHN Sharon Mary Jane REYNOLDS, AUS ISSF Classification Jury ISSF Equipment Control Jury Kerstin BODIN, SWE Wilhelm Xaver GRILL, GER Scanned by CamScanner ISSF TECHNICAL DELEGATE AND ISSF JURIES ISSF Technical Delegate: Gary L. ANDERSON, USA Jury Nat Name Gen License Appeal CHN Haijuan YU W A 4239 Chairman Appeal GER Wolfgang KINK M B 1786 Member Rifle/Pistol AUS Sharon Mary Jane REYNOLDS W A 3140 Chairman Rifle/Pistol GER Ralf HORNEBER M A 2681 Member Rifle/Pistol GER Manfred WOELKE M A 3236 Member Rifle/Pistol ITA Piero FENATI M A 5526 Member Class SWE Kerstin BODIN W A 2419 Chairman Class GER Christian MICHAEL M A 4944 Member Equip C GER Wilhelm Xaver GRILL M A 3437 Chairman COMPETITION OFFICIALS Function Name, Nat Competition Manager Ralf HORNEBER, GER Chief Range Officer Finals Hall Klaus SPAETH, GER Chief Range Officer 10m Volker KUHR, GER Organizing Committee German Shooting Sport Federation Mrs. Manuela Mernberger Phone: 0049-611-46807-31 Lahnstr. 120 Fax: 0049-611-46807-63 D-65195 Wiesbaden, Germany E-Mail: [email protected] FINAL COMPETITION SCHEDULE PT Comp. To Rep. Finals Start Time Tuesday Arrival of Delegations 01.09.2015 Wednesday Arrival of Delegations 02.09.2015 12:45 16:15 Photo-Accreditation 12:00 18:45 Firearms and Equipment Control 13:00 15:00 Meeting Jury & Range Officer 15:30 Technical Meeting Thursday 08:30 08:45 10:1550m Pistol Men - Qualification 12:00 12:30 03.09.2015 10:45 11:00 11:5050m Rifle Prone Men - Qualification 13:15 13:45 Friday 08:30 10:00 25m Pistol Women - Precision Stage 04.09.2015 10:30 12:30 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Men - Stage 1 12:45 13:4525m Pistol Women - Rapid Fire Stage 16:15 16:45 14:15 16:0525m Rapid Fire Pistol Men - Stage 2 17:30 18:00 Saturday 08:30 08:45 09:3510m Air Rifle Women 10:00 10:30 05.09.2015 08:30 08:45 10:0010m Air Rifle Men 11:15 11:45 08:30 08:45 09:3510m Air Pistol Women 12:30 13:00 08:30 08:45 10:0010m Air Pistol Men 13:45 14:15 Sunday 08:30 08:45 10:3050m Rifle 3 Positions Women 14:00 14:30 06.09.2015 11:00 11:15 14:0050m Rifle 3 Positions Men 15:30 16:00 17:30 19:00 Champions Trophy Monday Departure of Delegations 07.09.2015 The mentioned days for qualification rounds and times for finals are fixed. The equipment control section is open during all competitions and trainings. Subject to change! GERMAN SHOOTING SPORT FEDERATION VERSION: 02.09.2015/09:41 FINAL COMPETITION SCHEDULE - WCF GP MUNICH/GER 2015 8:00h 9:00h 10:00h 11:00h 12:00h 13:00h 14:00h 15:00h 16:00h 17:00 18:00h Tuesday Arrival 01.09.2015 Arrival Photo Accreditation Wednesday Firearms and Equipment Control 02.09.2015 Jury & R.O. Meeting T.M. PET FP PET FR60PR PT FP FINALS Thursday PT FR60PR FINALS 03.09.2015 PET SP PET RFP SP - Precision Stage SP - RF Stage FINALS Friday RFP - 1st Stage RFP - 2nd Stage FINALS 04.09.2015 PET AR60/AR40 PET AP60/AP40 PT AR40 FINALS Saturday PT AR60 FINALS 05.09.2015 PT AP40 FINALS PT AP60 FINALS PET STR3x20 PET FR3x40 PT STR3X20 FINALS Sunday PT FR3X40 FINALS 06.09.2015 Champions Trophy Monday Departure 07.09.2015 8:00h 9:00h 10:00h 11:00h 12:00h 13:00h 14:00h15:00h 16:00h 17:00 18:00h PET = Pre Event Training Training and Qualification for Air Rifle and Air Pistol in the 10m Hall GERMAN SHOOTING SPORT FEDERATION VERSION: 02.09.2015/09:40 Organizing Committee German Shooting Sport Federation Mrs. Manuela Mernberger Phone: 0049-611-46807-31 Lahnstr. 120 Fax: 0049-611-46807-63 D-65195 Wiesbaden, Germany E-Mail: [email protected] FINAL SCHEDULE - TRAINING from to Tuesday Arrival of Delegations 01.09.2015 Wednesday Arrival of Delegations 02.09.2015 12:45 16:15 Photo-Accreditation 12:00 18:45 Firearms and Equipment Control 13:00 15:00 Meeting Jury & Range Officer 15:00 16:00 50m Pistol Men PET 15:30 16:15 Technical Meeting 16:30 17:30 50m Rifle Prone Men PET Thursday 14:45 16:15 25m Pistol Women PET 03.09.2015 17:00 19:00 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Men PET Friday 16:00 17:30 10m Air Rifle Women PET 04.09.2015 16:00 17:30 10m Air Rifle Men PET 16:00 17:30 10m Air Pistol Women PET 16:00 17:30 10m Air Pistol Men PET Saturday 15:30 16:45 50m Rifle 3 Positions Women PET 05.09.2015 17:15 18:30 50m Rifle 3 Positions Men PET Sunday 06.09.2015 Monday Departure of Delegations 07.09.2015 PET = Pre-Event Training UT = Unofficial Training The equipment control section is open during all competitions and trainings. Subject to change! GERMAN SHOOTING SPORT FEDERATION VERSION: 02.09.2015/09:41 ENTRY LIST BY NUMBER As of 26 AUG 2015 MEN WOMEN NAT TOTAL FR3X40 FR60PR AR60 FP RFP AP60 STR3X20 AR60 SP AP40 AUS 1 1 AUT 1 1 BUL 1 1 2 CHN 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 21 CRO 1 1 1 2 5 CUB 1 1 CZE 1 1 FRA 1 1 2 GER 1 1 2 3 1 8 GRE 1 1 HUN 1 1 2 IND 1 1 1 1 4 IRI 1 1 JPN 1 1 2 KAZ 1 1 1 3 KOR 1 3 1 2 1 1 9 MEX 1 1 MGL 1 1 NOR 1 1 POL 1 1 POR 1 1 2 RUS 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 13 SRB 1 1 2 2 6 THA 1 1 TUR 1 1 UKR 1 1 1 1 4 USA 1 2 3 VIE 1 1 TOT (28) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 99 MEDALISTS BY EVENT As of 6 SEP 2015 Event Date Medal Name Nat 50m Rifle 3 Positions Men 6 SEP 2015 GOLD EMMONS Matthew USA SILVER YANG Haoran CHN BRONZE KAMENSKIY Sergey RUS 50m Rifle Prone Men 3 SEP 2015 GOLD MCPHAIL Michael USA SILVER GRIGORYAN Kirill RUS BRONZE DURKOVIC Bojan CRO 10m Air Rifle Men 5 SEP 2015 GOLD YANG Haoran CHN SILVER TSARKOV Oleh UKR BRONZE STEFANOVIC Milutin SRB 50m Pistol Men 3 SEP 2015 GOLD ZHANG Bowen CHN SILVER HOANG Xuan Vinh VIE BRONZE WANG Zhiwei CHN 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Men 4 SEP 2015 GOLD QUIQUAMPOIX Jean FRA SILVER EKIMOV Leonid RUS BRONZE KIM Jun Hong KOR 10m Air Pistol Men 5 SEP 2015 GOLD ISAKOV Vladimir RUS SILVER COSTA Joao POR BRONZE KIM Cheongyong KOR 50m Rifle 3 Positions Women 6 SEP 2015 GOLD GSCHWANDTNER Selina GER SILVER ENGLEDER Barbara GER BRONZE PEJCIC Snjezana CRO 10m Air Rifle Women 5 SEP 2015 GOLD AHMADI Elaheh IRI SILVER CHANDELA Apurvi IND BRONZE ARSOVIC Andrea SRB 25m Pistol Women 4 SEP 2015 GOLD ZHANG Jingjing CHN SILVER OTRYAD Gundegmaa MGL BRONZE CAO Lijia CHN 10m Air Pistol Women 5 SEP 2015 GOLD ARUNOVIC Zorana SRB SILVER KORAKAKI Anna GRE BRONZE YASKEVICH Liubov RUS MEDAL STANDINGS As of 6 SEP 2015 After 10 of 10 Events Rank NAT - Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total 1 CHN – People’s Republic of China 3 1 2 6 2 USA – United States of America 2 2 3 RUS – Russian Federation 1 2 2 5 4 GER – Germany 1 1 2 5 SRB – Serbia 1 2 3 6 FRA – France 1 1 6 IRI – Islamic Republic of Iran 1 1 8 GRE – Greece 1 1 8 IND – India 1 1 8 MGL – Mongolia 1 1 8 POR – Portugal 1 1 8 UKR – Ukraine 1 1 8 VIE – Vietnam 1 1 14 CRO – Croatia 2 2 14 KOR – Republic of Korea 2 2 Total 10 10 10 30 RECORDS BROKEN / EQUALED As of 6 SEP 2015 EQUALED WORLD RECORDS Event Phase Old / New Name Nat Date 50m Rifle 3 Positions Women Qual 592 / 592 ENGLEDER Barbara GER 6 SEP 2015 WORLD RECORDS JUNIOR Event Phase Old / New Name Nat Date 50m Rifle 3 Positions Men Qual 1180 / 1181 YANG Haoran CHN 6 SEP 2015 Junior 10m Air Rifle Men Junior Qual 632.1 / 632.7 YANG Haoran CHN 5 SEP 2015 FINALS WORLD RECORDS JUNIOR Event Phase Old / New Name Nat Date 50m Rifle 3 Positions Men Finals 457.0 / 458.2 YANG Haoran CHN 6 SEP 2015 Junior 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Men Finals 31 / 32 QUIQUAMPOIX Jean FRA 4 SEP 2015 Junior FINAL RESULTS 50m RIFLE 3 POSITIONS MEN FINALS SUN 6 SEP 2015, START TIME 16:00 Records FWR 462.5 LOUGINETS Nazar RUS 12 JUN 2014 WC Munich (GER) Bib Rk Name Nat Kn Pr Standing - Elimination Total Remarks No 1 1082 EMMONS USA 153.0 310.6 409.1 419.0 429.8 439.5 449.7 458.8 Matthew 50.4 52.3 47.6 9.9 10.8 9.7 10.2 9.1 51.3 53.1 50.9 51.3 52.2 2 1013 YANG CHN 151.3 305.8 406.9 416.6 427.4 438.2 448.3 458.2 FWRJ Haoran 52.1 51.1 52.6 9.7 10.8 10.8 10.1 9.9 49.3 51.5 48.5 49.9 51.9 3 1065 KAMENSKIY RUS 152.6 308.1 408.9 419.0 428.7 438.3 447.0 Sergey 50.4 49.7 49.4 10.1 9.7 9.6 8.7 51.0 53.5 51.4 51.2 52.3 4 1001 SCHMIRL AUT 150.8 306.8 408.1 417.5 427.2 436.7 Alexander 50.7 52.6 49.7 9.4 9.7 9.5 50.8 50.8 51.6 49.3 52.6 5 1046 YURKOV KAZ 149.3 305.4 405.7 416.3 426.4 Yuriy 47.9 52.0 50.0 10.6 10.1 51.2 51.7 50.3 50.2 52.4 6 1067 LOUGINETS RUS 151.2 306.1 406.1 415.7 Nazar 51.5 51.0 49.5 9.6 50.3 51.7 50.5 49.4 52.2 7 1037 SIDI HUN 150.1 305.7 405.6 Peter 51.2 51.1 49.5 48.5 52.0 50.4 50.4 52.5 8 1008 HUI CHN 151.8 303.9 403.4 Zicheng 51.9 48.4 48.5 49.4 51.5 51.0 50.5 52.2 Legend EF4E597E Bib No Bib Number FWR Finals World Record FWRJ Finals World Record Junior Kn Kneeling Nat Nation Pr Prone Rk Rank WC World Cup History Release: Approved Version 1 (06.09.2015 16:49:52) Version of 6 SEP 2015, 16:49 F100000IA0609151600.1.FR3X40.0.001.pdf D218 6 Page 1 of 1 RESULTS 50m RIFLE 3 POSITIONS MEN QUALIFICATION SUN 6 SEP 2015, START TIME 11:15 Records WR 1186 LOUGINETS Nazar RUS 12 JUN 2014 WC Munich (GER) Series Sub Rank Bib No Name Nat Position Total Remarks 1 2 3 4 Total 1 1065 KAMENSKIY Sergey RUS Kneeling 100 97 100 99 396 Prone 100 100 100 100 400 Standing 96 98 97 98 389 1185-70x QF 2 1013 YANG Haoran CHN Kneeling 99 96 99 99 393 Prone 98 100 98 100 396 Standing 99 100
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