Volume 82, No. 1 Spring 2019 Mississippi Libraries Vol. 82 No. 1 • Spring 2019 Page 1 A Quarterly Publication of the ISSN 0194-388X Mississippi Library Association ©2019 Editorial Staff Contents President’s Page .................................................................................................. 2 Editor Tina Harry National Library Week Proclamation ............................................................. 3 Catalog & Asst. Automation Librarian The University of Mississippi Working, But Not For All ................................................................................. 4 [email protected] Monica M. Tompkins Two Mississippi Writers.................................................................................. 10 Assistant Editor Tracy Carr Tracey Bailey Library Services Bureau Director SLIS Notes ........................................................................................................ 18 Mississippi Library Commission [email protected] Teresa S. Welsh People in the News .......................................................................................... 21 Copy Editor News Briefs ....................................................................................................... 22 Audrey Beach Resource Librarian Book Reviews ................................................................................................... 23 Mississippi Delta Community College How We Bury Our Dead [email protected] Promise: A Novel The Graceland Conspiracy News Reporter Carol Green The Desegregation of Public Libraries in the Jim Crow South Interim Head of Technical Services University of Southern Mississippi [email protected] Book Review Editor Michele Frasier-Robinson Education and Human Sciences Librarian University of Southern Mississippi [email protected] MLA Reporter Janessa Ullendorf On the cover: True Colors by Braley Reed, Assistant System Admin / PIO / Webmaster at Madison Circulation/Media Specialist County Library System Univeristy of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast The True Colors piece symbolizes integrity and the beauty we can achieve when we endeavor to [email protected] show our true selves. Most of us live behind a mask, never really putting ourselves out there in fear of rejection or abandonment because of our weaknesses and flaws. But this work of art dares us to come out behind the mask and show the world who we truly are, flaws and all, because even our Indexer flaws and weakness can be used for the greater good. Kristin Rogers Electronic Resources & Discovery Librarian Mississippi Libraries is a quarterly, open access publication of the Mississippi Library The University of Mississippi Association (MLA). The articles, reports, and features herein represent viewpoints of [email protected] their respective authors and are not necessarily the official options of the Association. In order to assure the widest possible audience for the works published in Mississippi Libraries, the work is added, by contractual agreement, to one or more EBSCO Publishing databases. Mississippi Libraries is also indexed in Library Literature and Information Science Abstracts. For more informaton, visit http://misslib.org/publications Mississippi Libraries Vol. 82 No. 1 • Spring 2019 Page 2 2019 Executive Board President’s Page President Sarah Crisler-Ruskey MLA leaders and members have Director been very busy in the last several Harrison County Public Library System months working to advance library support and visibility. Advocacy ef- Vice-President Mary Beth Applin forts targeting our state lawmakers District Dean of Learning Resources have gotten great coverage by the Hinds Community College press, which we certainly hope will Secretary yield positive returns. At our Legis- Victoria Penny lative Day Jan. 31, organized by Leg- Instructional Librarian islative Chair, Meredith Wickham, Northwest Miss. Community College Director of First Regional Library joining them for Library Day on Treasurer System, MLA members and officers March 12. These combined and sus- Jennifer Wann were interviewed by a reporter from tained efforts help us be heard by Director the Associated Press, who took no- Bolivar County Library System decision-makers, and lead to better tice of the oversized pennies on support for all Mississippi libraries. Immediate Past President display. These effective props were To enhance our communications Sarah Mangrum created by National Library Week Access Services Librarian and with legislators, we recently worked Assistant Clinical Professor Chair and Public Relations Officer with ALA to set up Engage software University Libraries (USM) at First Regional Library System, that allows members and supporters David Brown. The enormous pen- ALA Councilor to easily contact their elected offi- Ellen Ruffin nies were intended to underscore cials via email and to be “virtual ad- Curator, de Grummond Children’s this year’s theme: “My Two Cents,” vocates.” We hope this added means Literature Collection based on ALA data that nationwide, McCain Library and Archives of promoting our message will assist libraries receive less than two cents in our work to ensure strong sup- SELA Councilor per tax dollar. In Mississippi, that port for libraries. Ashley S. Dees amount is even lower. The AP arti- On the national level, ALA altered Research & Instruction Librarian cle appeared in several local news- University of Mississippi Libraries their Advocacy Day plans, holding papers throughout the state, ampli- an event from Feb. 25-27 separate Section Chairs fying our advocacy message. from the usual Mid-Winter and An- Association of College and Research Besides informing the media, li- nual meetings. Meredith Wickham Libraries (ACRL) Section Chair brarians and supporters set up in- Kristy Bariola attended on behalf of MLA. She formation stations in the Rotunda and state association leaders from Public Library Section Chair at the Capitol highlighting exciting around the country met with con- Antoinette Giamalva programs and work being done gressional leaders and staff to talk School Library Section Chair around the state. In between visiting about library needs. Jeanette Whisenton the chambers, MLA members met I attended ALA’s Mid-Winter with representatives from around Special Libraries Section Chair Conference in Seattle Jan. 25-29. We Sheila Cork the state. In addition, MLA was rec- had an informative Chapter Lead- ognized in the House and Senate, ers’ Workshop that gave us many Trustees Section Chair and pies were delivered to legislators Rickey Jones productive ideas for recruiting and to remind them of Mississippi librar- engaging members that I will be For more information, visit: ies when cutting up the tax-funding sharing with our board. http://misslib.org/Executive-Board pie. We were pleased to have MLC I hope that you will join use in Executive Director, Hulen Bivens, advocating for Mississippi libraries and MLC staff on hand to support and for our important mission. our efforts, and we look forward to Mississippi Libraries Vol. 82 No. 1 • Spring 2019 Page 3 National Library Week Proclamation Mississippi Libraries Vol. 82 No. 1 • Spring 2019 Page 4 Working, But Not For All A Webometric Study of Disability Information on the Web Sites of Mississippi’s Community College Libraries Monica M. Tompkins violation of the many laws in place benefits from a site, system, or appli- Student to provide and protect them. cation. Accessibility is an important SLIS, University of Southern Mississippi part of the designing your site and Statement of Problem should be considered throughout The purpose of this study is to INTRODUCTION the development process. Section examine academic library websites Disabilities can range from phys- 508 is the governing principle and of the 15 community colleges in the ical, mental, intellectual, and sen- it requires that all government in- state of Mississippi for information sory. Within each type of disabili- formation be accessible to disabled related to each library's disabili- ty, more specific issues exist, some users.” (Accessibility basics, 2018) ty-related services, programs, and seen, and some are unseen. A dis- Americans with Disabilities Act technologies. ability should not hinder a person (ADA): This law came into existence from living an independent lifestyle. Research Questions in 1990 to require the United States Provisions must be made for them. R1. How accessible are the 15 government and businesses to pro- People with disabilities have rights community college websites in the vide and protect the civil rights of that are sometimes overlooked in state of Mississippi, based on acces- individuals with disabilities. (ADA, many professions including librari- sibility software? 2018) anship. The library is a place of ser- R2. What types of Web 2.0 tools Assistive Technology: is any type vice and in order to serve people are available on the 15 communi- of devise used to help a person with with disabilities, librarians must be ty college websites in the state of a disability. (ECTACenter.org, 2018) prepared. There are physical as well Mississippi? Individuals with Disabilities: “An as virtual responsibilities to provide R3. What kinds of directional individual with a disability is de- assistance to people with disabilities. (maps for handicap access) infor- fined by the ADA as a person who The convenience of the Internet mation do these libraries offer, if has a physical or mental impairment being fast, organized, simple, and
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