20—MANCHESTER HERALD, Tuesday, Sept. 19, 1989 BUSINESS HOMES HOMES HOMES I OPPORTUNITIES l£il FOR SALE FOR SALE [g ^ C A R S I CARS ( FOR RENT FOR SALE FOR SALE INVESTMENTS - Restau­ 3S% pay increase, COLA is proposed for Congress rant. Breakfast and MANCHESTER - New MANCHESTER - New 3 PONTIAC Firebird 1977 - MANCHESTER - Must By Larry Margasak lunch, seats 42, eaulp- L is tin g ! $171,500. 6 Spcciolistl bedroom Colonial, IV2 Needs work. Best offer PONTIAC 1980Sunblrd-2 another 25 percent in 1991 and tic House and Senate members cur- selll (3ape. 3-4 bedrooms. 2 ment and Inventory In­ room , 1 Vj bath Ranch Is b a th s, g a ra g e . $950 Coll 649-9151 a fte r 5pm . door, 4 cylinder, auto­ pay boosts afterward to the cost of senators is 40 percent. considering .several proposals lo full baths. Fireplace In living The Associated Press rcnily arc paid $89,500 annually, against a plan to raise lawmakers’ cluded, great location, crisp, bright and monthly plus utilities. 2 matic, sun roof, 63,000 living, the .source said Tuesday The proposal also would allow outside earned income other much potential, good room, appliances and morell month security deposit FORD LTD Country and leaders arc paid more. A 35 per­ salaries by 51 percent, a raise that roomy. Situated on a Squire Wagon - 1972, miles. $800 or best WASHINGTON — A House eliminate a provision in current law lease, lots of parking, 1548 sq. ft. REDUCED to and references. No o ffer, 644-2833. night, speaking on condition of cent increase would make the salary than honoraria, including the pos­ could have gone into effect without huge priyate country 400V-8, excellent condi­ allowing House members who were make offer. Commer­ lot. YoYo Carroll, Sen­ $149,900. Call Owner, 647- D<|ft! pets. 643-2121. ethics task force is proposing a 35 anonymity. $120,825. sibility of letting members keep 15 a vole if Congress had gone along tion. $500. 647-7890. OLDS 1964 - Dynamic 88 percent congressional pay raise over in office by January 1980 to convert cial 4 bay garage - try Real Estate, 643- 1714. Station Wagon. Possi­ The final recommendation of the A key part of the new plan would percent of their outside earnings. with the recommendations of a 200x100 lot, used car 4060. □ two years while controversial excess campaign money to pcr.sonal (STORE AND 1985 SUBARU DL 4 door b le restoration o r lO-mcmbcr bipartisan task force is be a two-year pha.scout of honoraria Former House Speaker Jim presidential pay commission and re p a ir license, 2,700 MANCHESTER - 3 Fam­ parts. Best offer. 643- use. The task force has not decided ELLINGTON - In-ground OFFICE SPACE Sedan - Standard trans­ honoraria paymcnis arc phased out expected to be presented to congres­ Wright, D-Tcxas, csUiblishcd the former President Reagan. sq.ft, building, new ily alum inum sided In CARPENTRY/ 5967. — fees for making .speeches, often when that proposed change should septic system, Coven­ pool, clapboard sided 6 CLEANING SERVICES mission, 42,000 miles, during the same period, according to sional leadership this week. The task force earlier this year after law­ excellent condition. room Cape on beautiful REMODELING VOLVO DL 1982 - 4 door lo organizations lobbying for legis­ Wright sought to save part of the try , $172,900. L u cra tive MANCHESTER - Prime $3,000. 646-7423. a congressional source. proposal is subject to change and is lake effect, according to the source. makers suffered through their latest $196,500. Separate u tili­ 150x250 lot, hardwood Sedan, lig h t blue, 103K, lation. House members now may raise by having the House vote on a antique business In his­ ties. Quiet area on cul- East Center Street lo­ SUBARU 1988 GL-10 XT6 The proposal would increase pay expected to go before the full Hou.se The plan also would tighten dis­ bitter feud over a pay increase. toric district of Coven­ floors, 2 car garage, COUNTRY CLEANERS great shape. $4200. 649- keep honoraria totaling 30 percent 30 percent increa.se that would have de-sac. Bob Toylor, adiacent V2 acre build­ cation! Attractive Co­ Coupe. Excellent con­ 3514._____________ by about 10 percent next year. by the end of October. closure requirements for receipt of Consumer advocate Ralph Nader try, attached 7 room GCF HOM E Commercial and realdantlal. lonial decore with fire­ of their pay, while the limit for Sentry Real Estate, 643- ing lot also available. dition. 12K, loaded. gifts. The task force reportedly is house, more than 18 Experienced and dependable. place. Great road BUICK Skylark 1980 - 2 led what became a public outcry 4060. □ Great opportunity for SERVICES Asking $12,900. Call 646- Plea.se see RAISE, page 10 years at present loca­ Remodeling, repair, decks, Call (or a free estimate. visibility and parking. 5115._________________ door, excellent condi­ tion, possible expan­ MANCHESTER - Price c o n tr a c to r. $149,900. Security system. $925 tio n , 52,000 m iles, $1500. Philips Real Estate, trim work, small jobs. Carol Green 1971 - Satellite Se bring, sion of lower leyel, Reduced! $210,900. This per month. Allbrio 643-1783. spacious 10 room 742-1450.g____________ Senior Citizen Discount 649-0778 383 big block, 727 trans­ Inyentory and real est­ Realty, 649-0917. mission. New crank CHEVETTE 1977-2 door, Ranch has a gorgeous FHA/Farmers Approved ate Included. $414,900. 645-6559 and bearings. $2500. auto, runs well, looks Philips Real Estate, big back yard with a 2 New Homes on 1-3 leyel deck. Walk to ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIAL 646-6649. good. $250 or best offer. 742-1450.D acres, 4 or 5 rooms, 2-3 ABLE HOME I 643-7340 a fte r 5;30pm. school. YoYo Carroll, brs, full basement, ' PROPERTY When you have some Sentry Real Estate, 643- vinyl siding, call for IMPROVEMENT FINDING A cash buyer 4060. □_________ for sporting goods equip­ thing to sell, find o cash details $1 09,000- Established 1981 CONSTANTINE ELECTRIC MANCHESTER-2400and buyer the easy w a y ... w ith PRISTINE Condition!! $114,900. P hilips Real Introduces the No job too small 3100 sq.ft. - Starting of ment Is easy when you CLYDE advertise In classified. CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. o low-cost ad In Classi­ Im m aculate 7 room Co­ Estate, 742-1450.D MANOR ROOM Free estimates $3.25 sq.ft, nnn. Load­ fied. 643-2711. lonial on Farmstead ing dock or d riv e In - ROUTE 83, VERNON IMMACULATE In sid e Custom designed modular Fully insured and Dr. In East H a rtfo rd . And Out 3 brs, 2 baths, addition. parking. Woodland In­ iHanrliPHtpr IrralJi 80 Malibu Classic Wag. *2995 (Off Oak St.) 4 bdrms, licensed d u stria l P ark. 643-2121. double closets In m br, • UQhlwoloht — can ba added BOB RILEY 84 Caprice Classic Cpe. *6895 1.5 baths, fireplace, hw to axiatino dacha or patlo'a Real Estate cathedral celling In Ir 6 4 6 -1 2 8 4 84 Buick Century Wag *5995 floors, large eat-ln kit­ and dr, floor to celling • No foundation naa'dad — ao OLDSMOBILE chen with appliances, can ba built anywbara , ROOMMATES 259 Adams St., Manch. 85 Reliant 4 Door *4995 fireplace In family • OualHy matarlala DUMAS ELECTRIC 85 Buick Electra 4 Dr *9995 summer porch over­ room, enioy the pri­ • Inaulatad Service changes, WANTED 649-1749 looks fabulous yard I 85 Buick Somerset 2 Dr. *7295 Wednesfjay. Sept. 20, 1989 I HOMES vacy from rear porch • Moat }oba complatad In ona additional wiring and maintained to perfec­ waak. N ew 1989 Cutlass 86 Delta 88 2 Door *9995 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm ' FOR SALE and deck. North Cov­ Also complete remodeling repairs on existing APARTMENT to share Newsstand Price: 35 Cents tion! New vinyl siding e n try, $174,900. P hilips with 2 women, respon­ Ciera 4 Dr. Sedan 86 Bonneville 4 Door *6995 service homes. Quality work at St# 9410 86 Century Wagon *7495 MANCHESTER - Now for easy care! Priced Reol Estate, 742-1450.a sible, $250 + 1/3 elect- rig h t at $179,900. Jack- • Addition • Dacka Till, Ini. Wipers, AC4 Season. 86 Chevrolet Celebrity *7495 only 135,000 for these • Mooflnp • Roofing affordable prices. rlc ond phone. 646-5483. BOLTON - New 7-room Olv. Bench Seal. RearDefog- son & Jackson Real • Qaragaa • Siding Entirely owner operated. 86 Chevrolet Nova 4 Dr. *6195 brand new, huge, excit­ Contemporary located ROOMMATE Wanted - ger, P185/75R14 WW Tires. ing, 7 room , 1,800 sq. ft. Estate, 647-8400.0 • Oormara • KItchan’a 27 years exp. Call 86 Chevrolet Spectrum *4995 in preferred area! • Raplacamant Wtndowa Manchester $250 2.5 Lller EFI L4 (Tech IV), AT, beautiful contempor­ POSSIBLE Rent With Op­ $327,900. O yer 2,800 Joseph Dumas m o nthly. 647-0121. Composlle Halogen Head­ 86 Chevrolet Celebrity *7195 ary Townhouses. tion!! Builder will con­ sq.ft, featuring 3 Call Ron 646-5253. lamps. Bumper Molding 87 Buick Skylark 4 Dr. *8795 Cathedral ceilings, An­ sider a rent with option From & Rear. PB From Disc 87 Buick Electra 4 Dr. *13795 Bomb likely cause 643-9966 bdrms; 2'/2 baths; cen­ MISCELLANEOUS Rear Drum. Body Side Mold­ dersen windows, full on this brand new 7 rm tral vac; 2 decks; h/w I ing, From Wheel Drive, Rear 87 Chevrolet Celebrity *9495 basements, 2x6 con­ Colonial on Shoddy floors; f/p family rm; FARRAND REMODEUNG MISCELLANEOUS ' SERVICES Side Mirror. struction, family room M ill Rd.
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