7606 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE construction, maintenance, and operation of of enlisted men of the Marine Corps and HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a public highway over a -portion of the United Marine Corps Reserve; States naval ammunition depot, McAlester, H. R. 1742. An act for the relief of Mary TuESDAY, JuNE 24, 1947 Okla.; Lomas; H. R. 1845. Ar. act to amend existing laws H. R. 2276. An act to authorize the Secre­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. relating to military leave of certain employees tary of War to pay certain expenses incident The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Mont .. of the United St~tes or of the District of to training, attendance, and participation of gomery, D. D., offered the following Columbia so as to equalize rights to leave personnel of the Army of the United States of absence and reemployment for such em­ in the seventh winter sports Olympic games prayer: ployees who are members ot the Enlisted or and the fourteenth Olympic games and for Thou lowly Nazarene, in humility of Omcers' Reserve Corps, the National Guard, future Olympic games; and soul we bow at Thine altar. Here we or the Naval Reserve, and for pther purposes; H. R. 3769. An act to amend the Bankruptcy H. R. 2248. An act to authorize the Secre­ Act with respect to qualifications of part-time would pause and :find in Thee needed tEJ.ry of War to grant an easement and to referees in bankruptcy. strength and courage; here we seek to be convey to the Louisiana Power & Light Co. directed in honesty of purpose and in­ a tract of land comprising a portion of The message also announced that the tegrity of motive, for we would look for­ Camp Livingston in the State of Louisiana; Senate had passed bills and a joint reso~ ward as men look toward the morning. H. R. 2339. An act to amend the act en- lution of the following titles, in which Bless all States:. may their union be . titled "An act authorizing the designation the concurrence of the House is re~ strong, not for selfishness or aggression of Army man clerks and assistant Army mail quested: or self-aggrandizement, but a light of clerks," approved August 21, 1941 (55 Stat. 656), and for other purposes; S. 175. An act to provide for the furnish~ living hope whose rays fall upon the H. R. 2411. An act to authorize patenting ing of quarters at Brunswick, Ga., for the troubled waters of every shore line. of certain lands to Public Hospital District United States District Court for the Southern Grant that we may never violate the sa­ No. 2, Clallam County, Wash., for hospital District of Georgia; cred trust which has been placed upon us purposes; S. 179. An act for the relief of Maj. Ralph by a liberty-loving people. Do Thou in­ H. R. 2654. An act to authorize the Sec­ M. Rowley and First Lt. Irving E. Sheffel; retary of the Treasury to grant to the Mayor S. 203 . .t\..n act to increase the equipment spire us to cultivate those high quali­ maintenance of rural carriers 1 cent per mile ties which are requisite to give charac­ and City Council of Baltimore, State of Maryland, a permanent easement for the per day traveled by each rural carrier for- a ter, proper strength, dignity, and worth. purpose of 1nstall1ng, maintaining, and serv­ period of 3 years, and for other purposes; Be Thou our remedy for that which is icing a subterranean water main in, on, and S. 258. An act for the relief of Troy Charles wrong, our guide toward that which is across the land of the United States Coast Davis, Jr.; right, and our help in those emergencies Guard station called Lazaretto depot, Balti­ S. 292. An act for the relief of Samuel for which human strength is vain. more, Md.; Augenblisk; - In the name of our Saviour. Amen. H. R. 2655. An act to authorize the Secre­ S. 305. An act for the relief of Mrs. Hilda tary of the Interior to grant to the Mayor Margaret McGrew; The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ and City Council of Baltimore, State of S. 402. An act to authorize and direct the terday was read and approved. Maryland, a permanent easement for -the Secretary of the Interior to issue to James Black Dog a patent in fee to certain land; MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE purpose of installing, maintaining, and serv­ icing two subterranean water mains in, on, S. 490. An act to provide for the extension A message from the Senate, by Mr. and across the land of Fort McHenry Na­ and application of the provisions of the Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced tional Monument and Historic Shrine, Md.; Classification Act of 1923, as amended, to that the Senate had passed without H. R. 2915. An act for the relief of Mrs. certain officers and employees of the lrilml­ Frederick Faber Wesche (formerly Ann Mau­ gration and Naturalization Service in the amendment bills and joint resolutions of reen Bell); Department of Justice; the House of the following titles: H. R. 3124. An act to authorize the at­ S. 608. An act authorizing and directing H. R. 881. An ect for the relief of Allen T. tendance of the Marine Band at the Eighty­ the Secretary of the Interior to issue a patent Feamster, Jr.; first National Encampment of the Grand in fee to Growing Four Times; H. R. 407. An act for the relief of Claude R. Army of the Republic to be held in Cleve­ S. 682. An act to regulate the interstate Hall and Florence V. Hall; land, Ohio, August 10 to 14, 1947; transportation of black bass and other game H. R. 493. An act to amend section 4 of the H. R. 3372. An act authorizing certain fish, and for other purposes; act entitled "An act to control the possession, agreements with respect to rights in helium­ S. 706. An act for the relief of William.. D. sale, transfer, and use of pistols and other bearing gas lands in the Navajo Indian Res­ McCormick; dangerous weapons in the District of Colum­ ervation, N.Mex., and for other purposes; s. 880. An act for the relief of Rev. John bia," approved July 8, 1932 (sec. 22, 3204 D. C. H. R. 3629. An act to authorize the trans­ C. Young; Code, 1940 ed.); fer to the Panama Canal of property which S. 957. An act for the relief of Col. William J. Kennard; H. R. 577. An act to preserve historic p,rave­ is surplus to the needs of the War Depart­ ment or Navy, Department"; S. 1100. An act for the relief of Frankie yards in abandoned mtlitary posts; Stalnaker; H. R. 617. An act for the relief of James H. J. Res. 92. Joint resolution authorizing S.1231. An act authorizing and directing Harry Martin; the presentation of the Distinguished Flying the Commissioner of Public Buildings to de­ H. R. 1067. An act for the relief of S. C. Cross to Rear Adm. Charles E. Rosendahl, termine the fair market value of the Fidelity Spradling and R. T. Morris; United States Navy; Butlding in Kansas City, Mo., to receive bids H. R. 1144. An act for the relief of Samuel H. J. Res. 96. Joint resolution authorizing for the purchase thereof, and for other pur­ W. Davis, Jr.; Mrs. Samuel W. Davis, Jr.; and the President to issue posthumously to the poses; Betty Jane Davis; late Roy Stanley Geiger, lieutenant general, 8. 1361. An act to amend the United States H. R. 1318. An act for the relief of Mrs. United States Marine Corps, a commission as Housing Act of 1937 so as to permit loans, Fuku Kurokawa Thurn; · general, United States Marine Corps, and for' capital gr!J,nts, or annual contributions for other purposes; and H. R. 1362. An act to permit certain naval low-rent housing and slum-clearance proj­ personnE!l to count all active service rE'ndered H. J. Res. 167. Joint resolution to recognize ects where construction costs exceed present under temporary appointment as warrant or uncompensated services rendered the Nation cost limitations upon condition that local commissioned omcer" in the United States under the Selective Training and Service Act . housing agencies pay the difference between Navy and the United States Naval Reserve, or of 1940, as amended, and for other purposes. cost limitations and the actual construction in the United States Marine Corps and the The message also announced that the costs; United States Marine Corps Reserve, for pur­ Senate bad passed, with amendments in S. 1421. An act to provide for the appoint­ poses of promotion to commissioned warrant ment of one additional Assistant Secretary omcer in the United States Navy or the which· the concurrence of the House is of Commerce, and for other purposes; and United States Marine Corps, respectively; requested, bills of the House of the fol- S. J. Res. 136. Joint resolution to extend H. R. 1376. An act to amend the acts of lowing titles: ' the succession, lending powers, and the func~ October 14, 1942 (56 Stat. 786), as amended, H. R. 1358. An act to amend the act entitled tions of the Reconstruction Finance Corpo· . and November 28, 1943 (57 Stat. 593), as "An act to provide for the management and ration. amended, so as to authorize transportation operation of naval plantations outside the The message also announced that the of dependents and household effects of per­ continental United States," approved June 28, sonnel of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast 1944; Senate had passed, with amendments in Guard to overseas bases; H.
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