THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY January 25, 1964 A Calcutta Diary A Phoenix Too Frequent THOSE who think, as I sometimes haps a little of public concern in than in their "placing" in the many do in my spells of unrelieved what follows. Under various guises, newspapers. And this is where inte­ pessimism, that the Bengali genius usually anonymously. Flibbertigib­ rest in the affair must not only be has by "now totally exhausted itself bet writes, by the sweat of his professional but public. Discussion must have had a pleasant surprise brow, for a larger number of news­ is rendered difficult by the lack of in the early days of the New Year. papers and journals than any col­ precise and public knowledge of the The reference is to nothing less than league he knows. For each of these "mechanics" of the tour de force the unwarned emergence of a great journals, however, he has to turn which is what Ghosh's journalistic writer-journalist, and from Bengal out a new and exclusive piece. And and organisational triumph un­ too. That the event contains in it now look at the luck of his newest doubtedly was. It has long been a the suggestion of a warning is no and beloved colleague-cum-competi- regret of columnists and writers in reason why I should not be permit­ tor, Atulya Ghosh. He writes a India that "syndication" of articles ted to rejoice, briefly, On January couple of articles on public affairs; is so undeveloped here that most 2 and again about a week later, and the Editors of a dozen news­ readerships are regional, even when the language written in is English, readers of such varied newspapers papers or more, some of the best Is there, in Atulya Ghosh's achieve­ and in such widely scattered places in the country, just lap them up. ment, a new trend in publication as the Amrita Bazar Patrika and Thanks to learned quotations from in this country? The new trend the Hindusthan Standard (Calcutta) authors new and old, the second may have to be looked for, with and the Times of India (Bombay) piece was almost four columns long. anxiety, in areas of life other than and the Hindustan Times (New No restriction on wordage and writing and publishing. Delhi) must have read two brilliant guaranteed simultaneous publica­ articles by Sri Atulya Ghosh. The tion in all the metropolitan cities! Even on the recognised classics of articles may have been published in If you aren't jealous, you're a bet­ the world there are enormous and other newspapers also which this ter man than I, Gunga Din. often irreconcilable differences of writer has not seen; he did, howe­ opinion among critics, editors and The best thing about writing and writers. Tolstoy thought little of ver, see them translated into Ben­ journalism is that one does not need Shakespeare, who to this day does gali and published in the two dai­ a licence to practice either. Atulya not travel well in French, Many of lies that matter in eastern India, Ghosh's right to write is not in Shaw's early manuscripts were re­ Ananda Bazar Patrika and Jugan- doubt for one second; and my ap­ jected uncercmoneously by other­ tar. How the Statesman escaped prehensions of competition may be wise intelligent editors. Some go the honour may never be known. a shade exaggerated and more than into raptures over Lawrence (D.H.); a shade affected. Nor is anyone en­ A Confession others cannot bear to read him. titled to question the simultaneous Unanimity on immortality has ever Let us now establish the identity and concerted wisdom of so many been hard to obtain. Now look at of this genius of a journalist. (To Editors (?) in accepting for publi­ Bengal's pride and joy, Atulya trace the "ghost", if any, will be cation Ghosh's two articles which Ghosh. He writes two atricles and a futile exercise which need not be they (?) must have considered too a dozen Editors (?) in India in attempted.) The author, Atulva much of a good thing to miss, even more than one language immediate­ Ghosh, is the de facto boss of the if the same articles were being car­ ly recognise and agree on his ge­ West Bengal Congress, recently ried the same morning by their nius. nominated to the Congress Work- rivals. The business of literary ? ? ? ? ? ins: Committee. That he is also Pre­ agents is virtually unkown in India. The meaning of the question mark sident of the Indian Football Asso­ It has thus to be conceded that inserted within brackets after a cer­ ciation, among so many other Atulya Ghosh has in a remarkably tain word in what has been written things, may or may not have been short time established himself not above should not need to be spelt taken into account by the Editors only as a writer in great demand out. In the field of Indian journal­ (?) in deciding to publish the arti­ in the entire market of journalism ism has been expanding, unobtru­ cles on their editorial pases on the in India but also as a brilliant sales­ sively or otherwise, an area which dictated dates. Neither article, be it man of his products. I am green is no longer in the hands of prac­ added, was exclusive to any news­ with envy and would give much to tising journalists. It is entirely un­ paper. To enquire whether Ghosh learn Ghosh's trade secrets. has been paid for his articles by the necessary to go into a debate on newspapers would be intruding up­ Not So Secret the rights and duties of journalists on a colleague's privacy; but my and those of the others involved in Or. is there something else, and professional self-interest impels me the newspaper business in this coun- not all that secret either? The lite­ to hope that Ghosh has been paid try; no reflection whatever is in­ rary merit of the two articles by for his writing and paid well. tended upon any journalist — or Ghosh is not exactly incapable proprietor. What should worry jour­ I do not mind confessing that of exaggeration. Less enterprise, nalists as well as the rest of our there is an element of professional and much besides, may have gone free society is the rise of a new ele­ Jealousy in the foregoing and per­ into the writing of the two pieces ment in Indian journalism and the 113 January 25, 1964 THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY Indian Aluminium completes 25 years A DYNAMIC QUARTER CENTURY OF GROWTH AND SERVICE TO INDUSTRY India's aluminium industry, born 25 years ago, is poised today for a dramatic expansion which will dwarf the steady growth it underwent during the 1950's. By the end of the Third Five-Year Plan, ingot production is scheduled to rise from the current 53,000 tonnes to 73,000 tonnes...an unmistakable recogniton of the importance of the industry. In the vanguard of this progress will be the Indian Aluminium Company, Limited, whose 25 years' history is one of continuing endeavour to promote the use of aluminium and produce more aluminium to meet new demands. A pioneer in developing the nation's integrated integrated aluminium industry, embracing every aluminium industry INDAL was incorporated phase of operation—mining bauxite; producing in India in 1938 as the Aluminium Production alumina; smelting aluminium; rolling ingot; Company of India Limited, and changed to its and manufacturing aluminium sheets, circles, present name in 1944. With Aluminium Limited slugs, extrusions, rods, wire bars, paste, powder of Canada, one of the world's Big Two in and pyrotechnic powder. Simultaneously, it aluminium, as its principal shareholder, INDAL expanded its plants, raising the production of aimed high. Step by step, it established a fully aluminium to 26,000 tonnes in 1961. INDAL will continue to play its part in giving India a sound aluminium industry. Current expansion plans on hand envisage a proposal to raise the capacity of the Alupuram smelter, the execution of which is already under way. An aluminium foil mill with an annual capacity of 2,500 tonnes will also be set up near Bombay by 1965. These projects, when completed, will guarantee increased supplies of aluminium for an endless range of applications. INDAL (14 THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY January 25, 1964 consequential developments in the Can it be that we have reached a a journalist is not whether his hands state of the Press in India. stage in India at which not only occasionally shake after indulgences If, then, editorial appreciation journalists but also their employers but whether he shakes in his shoes was not the decisive factor in the are so scared of a successful politi­ when it comes to saying unpleasant publication of Ghosh's two articles, cian that they dare not disoblige things about powerful men. Perhaps what was? Perhaps some day Ghosh him even to the extent of remind­ you see now why a dark cloud over­ himself will tell us; perhaps some hangs my joy over the unprecedent­ day the Editors concerned or their ing him that, whatever his talents ed triumph of a fellow-son of colleagues on the business side will. in politics or football, he is no great The public clearly needs to know shakes as a writer or political com­ Mother Bengal. and it certainly has a right to know. mentator? The question to ask about — Flibbertigibbet Capital View Where Is the Leader ? Romesh Thapar WE have played a number of Return of Lalbuhadur Shastri bance of the prevailing balance of games in the past, but 'find To divert attention from the sor­ power.
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