Eastern Michigan University DigitalCommons@EMU Alumni News University Archives 1985 Eastern Today, Fall 1985 Eastern Michigan University Follow this and additional works at: http://commons.emich.edu/alumni_news Recommended Citation Eastern Michigan University, "Eastern Today, Fall 1985" (1985). Alumni News. 49. http://commons.emich.edu/alumni_news/49 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@EMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni News by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@EMU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. EasternFall 1985 ·.. OESAE---PUBL---IK , I ---BUN I I OEUTSCHLAND I \ . OKT 85 , _12_______ _\ Homecoming '85: Passport to Worldfest October 11, 12, 13 Eastern Today 1s published four times a year for alumni and friends of Eastern Contents A1;chigan Uni\-ersi1y. Produced by the Office of Information Services afld PASSPORT P11bhcatio11s. Please direct questions or 2 Homecoming '85: comments to the Office for Alumni Visas Relations, Eastern Michigan Unfrersity, lnmn l:.mr� t>er,artures Somes Passport to Worldfest Ypsilanli, Michigan 48197; (313) 487-0250. Come to Worldfest Oct. 11 through If you are receiving more than one copy 13-this year's international of our mailmgs. pleasesend a copy of Homecoming celebration. Attend a the labels so we can correct the prob­ lem. If you know of someone who is Temptations concert, a special re­ not receiving moil from the Office for union in memory of Bingo Brown, Alumni Relations and should be, please receptions hosted by faculty and notify us. staff and exciting collegiate football EASTERN MICIIIGAN UNIVERSITY under the lights. And on pages 4-7, IIOARD OF REGENTS William Simmons. chairperson read about four alumni who repre­ Geneva Y. Tits"orth, vice chairperson sent the special class reunion years. John Burton Anthony A. Derezinski page 2 Geraldine M. Ellington Thomas Guastcllo Beth Whar1on Milrord Richard N. Robb EASTERN TODAY P IILICATIONS COMMITTEE 8 Nina Sweetland, '05: Patric� R. Moran. director of alumni relations Class Leader Catherine Can,onetta, assistan1 director of alumni relations This remarkable lady, who Kathleen Tinney, director of graduated 80 years ago, has information services and publications volunteered to serve as a class Sue McKenzie. editor leader in President Porter's new Mary Eberhardt, student intern Lorelle Otis Thomas, graphic designer Class Leader Project. Dick Schwarze. photographer ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Hayes W. Jones, '61. president page 8 Nick M. Madias. '59, pas1 president Joan Doerner Hansock, '72 sccre1ary41reasurer 10 Ralph Steffek, '34: ALUMNI AS OCIATIO A Time to Reflect BOARD OF DIRECTORS C. Eugene Bca11y, '34 Ralph Steffek's career has taken Margaret E. Bell, '52. '73 him from life on the streets to pro­ Michael A. lloulus. '74, ·75 Andrew J. Chapelle, '72 fessor emeritus statu at EMU­ Brenda Pryor Clavon. '62 and, among other things, taught Judith Mansfield Goodman. '62, '71 Charles M. Grieg. '44 him the value of making a will. Dale R. Leslie. '70 William Mays Jr.. '54 Gene E. Mcgiveron, '54, '59 Nancy J. Mida. '72 Jack D. Minzey, '50 William P. Morris. '64, '68 Departments Ann O'Beay Pa,elka. '74, '79 page /0 Leonard Posey. '76 Elsin Goodrich Po,\cll, '40 1 Campus Commentary Claudia 8. Wasik, '62. '66 John H. Wood. '71, '74 Sports Ann Marie Foley. student 12 reprcscn1a1ivc Russ Molinar, student 14 Campus News rcprcsen1a1ive 18 Class Notes 24 Coast to Coast On the Cover Our cover collage by graphic arts supervisor Lorie Thomas portrays the theme of Homecoming '85: Passport to Worldfest. Read about how you can travel the world right on Eastern 's campus and meet four alumni who represent 1985 's special class reunion years on pages 2-7. -eampus eommentar� Fall is a stimulating time of year, our Board of Regents. In this issue, we have especially in the University community, and attempted to share some of their perspec­ one of the most exciting things we look for­ tives in an effort to let you know these in­ ward to each fall is Homecoming. dividuals a little better. I recommend that This issue of Eastern Today is focused if you are ever in the area and can attend on Homecoming, and one of the unique one of their meetings, it would be well features of this year's celebration will be worth your while. They meet on the fourth the faculty-andstaff-hosted receptions. We Wednesday of every month at 11 a.m. in appreciate all the alumni who put work into Guild Hall in McKenny Union. We in the Homecoming to make it a success (some University community applaud their efforts of whom we have interviewed in this issue). and encourage your support of this hard­ The fact that faculty and staff members working group. have come forward this year to help sup­ Also, as a feature article and one that I port Homecoming is very gratifying. We're would heartily recommend to your atten­ looking forward to a great deal of success tion, Ralph Steffek 's observations and for our Oct. 12 weekend this year. directions should not be missed in this Those alumni we interviewed for this issue. Please pay heed to his words of issue were chosen because they are repre­ wisdom. You may not have taken care of sentatives of the particular classes whose your loved ones as well as you thought. reunions we are celebrating this year. We're So, as you read this magazine, I hope very grateful to them for their contribuLions you will both remember the good times you to this issue, and we hope their had at Eastern and reflect on the contribu­ reminiscences of their years at Eastern will tions that Eastern is still making to your encourge others to remember their alma life. I am looking forward to meeting you mater and visit the campus this year at the weekend of Oct. 11 -12-13 for Homecoming. We also encourage alumni Homecoming, so order your "Passport to to continue to support Eastern's football Worldfest" soon. program; even though the immediate MAC crisis has subsided, we need to carry on the energy that was generated last year. Another area of interest I want to bring to your attention is the overall positive Patrick Moran, Director direction and leadership being provided by Alumni Relations Homecoming '85: An Affectionate Tribute t Your passport to Worldfcst is ready 35 years ago (class of 1950) and 50 years and waiting to be shipped. The destina­ ago (class of 1935). In the next four tion is Eastern Michigan University and pages, we have interviewed a represen­ the occasion is Homecoming tati\e of each of these classes plus the 1985-Passport to Worldfe�I. Golden Years Club (graduates of 50 All you need to do is fill out the Ap­ years or more). plication for Passport form on the bad. Bingo Brown, one of EMU's most be­ cover, mail it to us promptly, and wait loved administrators, will be honored at for your passport to a weekend of fun, a reception in his memory hosted by his One oF the highlights of Homecoming fond reminiscences, fellowship and in­ daughter, Mary Kimbrough. Brown was weekend this year will be a reception honor­ ternational cxcitcmen1. dean of men at EMU for 35 years, and ing the memory of James M. "Bingo" A full day's activities are planned for all who remember him with affection Brown, dean of men at EMU from 1927 Saturday, Oct. 12, including a concert are invited to at tend. to 1962. at Pease Auditorium by the Temptations Late Saturday afternoon, your The reception will be Saturday, Oct. 12 at 4 p.m., a series of Homecoming passport will take you to the Home­ and will be hosted by Brown's daughter, brunches, luncheons, receptions and re­ coming Worldfcst celebration at Mary Kimbrough, a professor of French at unions, pre-game festivities at Rynear- Rynearson Stadium. Pre-game Festiv­ Texas Southern University. Anyone with on, and college football action as the ities will Feature ethnic entertainment fond memories of Bingo Brown is Hurons clash with Bowling Green. and food tents on the stadium grounds. welcome. A very special feature of this year's At 7:30 p.m., in a breathtaking Brown came to Eastern-then Michigan celebrations will be the faculty-staff display of skydiving expertise and dar­ State Normal College-in 1923 as an in­ rccept ions. A num bcr of faculty, ing, the U.S. Army parachute team, the structor of physical education. He coached emeritus faculty, staff and administra­ Golden Knights, will parachute the ball the football team for two years, bringing tion members have volunteered to host into the stadium for the Hurons' the college its first undefeated football individual parties where you can visit gridiron battle with Bowling Green. season in 1925, and was appointed dean of with your former professors and After the game, a spectacular explo­ men in 1927. classmates. Many of these receptions sion of fireworks will light up your Brown served as chairman of the will have an international slant in keep­ evening and get you in the mood for Michigan Boxing Commission from ing with the Worldfest theme. Your more celebration with old friends into 1928-33 and 1935-36 and was president of passport will contain detailed informa­ the evening hours. the National Boxing Association in tion on when and where these receptions Your pas. port to Worldfest will have 1932-33. Although the college did not have will be held. specific information about all these ac­ a boxing team, Brown taught his "boys" Another highlight of the weekend will tivities and more, so don't wait! Apply Lo box and organized popular boxing tour­ be class reunions for those who now to make sure your place is reserved naments on campus during the 1920s and graduated 25 years ago (class of 1960), at EMU's Celebration of Worldfest.
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