IN THIS ISSUE SPORTS BAYSHORE H e a l t h C o m i n g & t h r o u g h a t F i t n e s s SERVING ABERDEEN, HAZLET, c o u n t y ’s KEYPORT AND MATAWAN Page 25 Page 42 MAY 15,1996 40 CENTS VOLUME 26, NUMBER 20 M iddletow n is going h ig h tech BY CINDY HERRSCHAFT ship must be kept for the life of the struc­ ture. For a municipality that’s more than Staff Writer 300 years old and has more than 23,000 I n the next few months, Middletown will buildings, that adds up to “a lot” of paper­ be taking a ride on the information work, said Bennett. superhighway that could save countless All those pieces of paper are kept in hun­ trees. dreds of boxes at various locations around Local officials are purchasing new com­ the township, including the basements of the puter equipment that will allow town main library on New Monmouth Road and records to be stored on compact discs the Lincroft branch. instead of millions of pieces of paper. Since the building department generates “It eliminates the need for a lot of the majority of the documents, it will be the paper,” explained Township Administrator first one to begin using the new system, Joseph P. Leo, who said the state laws gov­ which is expected to cost about $80,000, erning record-keeping are “crazy.” officials said. Limiting the need for storage space is One of the biggest expenses is pur­ paramount for Middletown right now, since chasing a scanner large enough to copy the officials are running out of places to keep all three-foot blueprints developers submit to the records. the township, explained Bennett. “We just can’t shove them into closets However, the cost of the new technology anymore,” said Leo. is a better bargain today than it was three Information on government meetings, years ago when it would have cost financial records and building inspections Middletown $300,000, he added. must be kept “until the public wouldn’t go Anything relating to the building which looking for them anymore,” said Walter includes blueprints, inspection notices, and Bennett, director of the township’s informa­ permits can be stored in one computer file tion management systems, referring to state that will be identified by a block and lot archivists’ logic on record-keeping. number, explained Bennett. While that could mean a few years for Once the system is operational, any new some records, it could be mean infinity for documents will be entered directly. Older others. documents will be scanned into the comput- Documents on any buildings in the town­ Continued on page 15 Veteran Richard Belesky copies the name of a fallen soldier during last week's New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Remembrance Day in Holmdel. (Photo by Don Wagner) Memories of Vietnam H e returned 26 years ago, but Garden State Arte Center in Holmdel. Phillip Bianco still confronts the The event, sponsored by the New memories of his 16 months in Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial Vietnam every day. Foundation, also celebrated the first When he was 20, Bianco lost a leg and anniversary of the memorial’s dedication. half of his eyesight to gunshot wounds. Bianco, who sat by himself, wept qui­ The Whiting resident was one of hun­ etly as the keynote speaker, Gen. Alfred dreds who attended the New Jersey M. Gray, told America’s side of the story. Vietnam Veterans Remembrance Day pro­ A Point Pleasant native and four-star gen­ Work on the Port Monmouth road and bridge project in Middletown has shifted to gram May 7 at the year-old New Jersey eral, Gray was the 29th commandant of the Port Monmouth Road, seen above. The township’s historic Spy House is in the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, located at the Continued on page 14 background. (Photo by Michael Guiliano) 2 . INDEPENDENT, MAY 15, 1996 W c f Q o'** \Me N o\n H a ',e The AN N ew UT- r 1 0 tor $125 c J ^ ft^ ^ = = = = = = -r^ d |iv Nursery w VJeJe G e B A N ' U M S f rom fteU sua'^ u p 'e r V^l^ iq o m . 59 doz- % NIPTER 1 Shodooehdbow 2 9 COLORS! U elan d 5’Nigra Mllv S k 1 f t ^ 3L4t C y p r e s s tAt.O .0 ^ 0c““ ipyrv. Arbs) cmfrAiLD g re ^ n I Fast Privacy 2 9 1 3' to 4' •S S s s s t Landscape \ 3'S r u erpSmnM^- SPIRAL EVER-G RE^.« v 10tor150 each Visit Our Gift Shop... 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