August 29, 2021 129 Frankford-Knights to Oxford Valley Mall Serving Philadelphia Mills, Bensalem and Bristol FOR MORE INFORMATION: Customer Service: 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY: 215-580-7853 www.septa.org Oxford Valley Mall d To Dr R wn Center Bu r y ck n D e 295 s Tow ll Sesame vd 127 a Bl M V y n id d Place w k Rd w Macy’s d r Oxford Valley Jefferson H o l o n t e f 1 ol le t x nc Buc o Mall Bucks County Li d Sesame w O d 95 i UA Oxford n M Place B Jefferson Valley l v d Bucks W Dr 127 own Woodbourne oodbourne Rd T Oxf JCPenney ks Map Square Lincoln or Trenton Rd 532 Buc le Rd d F Valle l BUS Plaza Lincoln o y Rd w 1 Plaza e W 1 r Fairless Hills Woodbourne s oodbourne Rd Connections at M S. C. Square i wn Rd OxfordOld Lincoln Valley Hwy Mall: ll 14 129 R Lincoln HwyLanghorne eto Lincoln Hwy 14, 127, 128, 129 d Fairless 128 S. C. Hills Bridg Cairn Queen Anne 213 University Plaza S. C. 413 Chickenfoot LANGHORNE BUS renton Rd Park LANGHORNE 1 95 T Bristol Rd 413 1 STATION Queen Anne Neshaminy Park alls Rd H. S. Durham Rd w F y 14 d Ne Old Lincoln Hwy w R n H incol y L e Trevose l l S. C. a W V Penndel oodbourne Rd d BUS r o 1 f x O l o wnsville Rd t s o 413 i renton Rd r Br T V Northbrook eteran’ B P Corporate asqualone Blvd Durham Rd y Blvd R Center s Hwy oc kh Hulmeville ill Neshamin Trevose Dr ville Rd Be Bristol Rd ns N 95 Street Rd Neshaminy ale e alls Rd Hulme m w p Mall Village B o w F B lv r Ne r d t i Old LincolnHorizon Hwy Center S. C. v s 276 il t Corporate l o e l O R Center d x fo Mill Creek Rd rd Bristol Black Ditch Green La y w 276 Plaza Va Park H Gallo d ll n Gibson Rd R e l s y Neshaminy o ll c hlieu Rd a R 132 wa F Interplex in New d L Ric Newportville 276 y Rd 413 Crafton Parx W Magnolia Nor Street Rd ville Rd h ton Dr Plaza S. C. Casino a r Industrial t d Rd o Park d 1 B For n R Pl PHILADELPHI UCKS COUNTY Hulme r R ymouth i d m ood C a COUNTY Knights Rd Bucks County Silver e D Elmw v s A Industrial Park Bensalem ost Rd u Office Center Lake r o A Showcase h e Fr n R e t i t v d H. S. Bridgewater Park v Plaza S. C. Keystone a R Industrial Park V e ts Industrial Park eteran’ B h Byberr 128 (Weekday Only) (Weekday Only) Byberry East ig 50 n y Rd Adams Rd K Crossings Industrial Park s Hwy Lower Bucks Street Rd Dr 128 Bridg Hospital BRISTOL S. C. For d Rd Bristol Pk STATION Bensalem 513 e Community Marten water Rd 413 ver St College of Square S. C. Square S. C. Bath St BRISTOL Bea Philadelphia Bensalem Blvd 95 13 Bristol liff St 132 BENSALEM ond St demy Bristol Pk Park S. C. Otter St P Radc ca Rd CROYDON Mill St A d 13 128 20 R STATION 128 ts Connections atStreet Rd 130 igh Philadelphia Mills: Kn Sam’s Cedar Philadelphia 20, 50, 67, 84, 129 Club 413 129, 130 20 50 Bristol Pk State Rd 63 Mills A Dave and v Buster’s e 84 Knights Rd l c 67 r Croydon i 50 C River Rd s l l W i M o n ANIA i o l V d k ville Rd n h a a Knights Rd r F Neshaminy Knights Rd v e State Park PENNSYL 84 n Hulme R 84 Marshall’s er d Liber Jefferson Woodhaven 133 67 ty Bell NEW JERSEY w are Riv Torresdale Mall Burlington Coat Factory Dela W oodha Morrell 63 Bristol Pk ven Rd Walmart Park T 129 ennis 95 N ankford 130 AMC Fr Philadelphia 130 Theater © SEPTA Av A 6/2021 66 v Mills 10.00 10.07 10.00 10.17 10.28 10.3410.40 10.42 10.50 10.59 11.12 11.21 9.00 8.00 9.07 7.00 8.07 6.00 1.26 9.17 7.07 5.00 8.17 6.07 1.16 9.28 7.17 5.08 4.00 1.01 8.28 6.18 3.00 9.34 7.28 5.21 4.07 2.00 12.07 12.1712.2812.3412.4112.4412.52 12.00 8.34 6.29 3.07 1.00 9.40 7.34 5.32 4.19 2.07 8.40 6.35 3.19 1.07 12.00 12.1312.20 11.07 11.1711.2811.3411.4011.4411.52 11.00 9.42 7.40 5.39 4.30 2.19 10.07 10.00 10.18 10.30 10.36 10.43 10.45 10.54 11.03 11.16 11.26 8.42 6.42 3.31 1.18 9.50 7.42 5.46 4.38 2.31 8.50 6.44 3.39 1.29 9.59 7.50 5.49 4.46 2.37 9.00 8.59 6.52 3.47 1.35 8.00 10.12 7.59 5.57 4.49 2.44 9.07 7.00 9.12 7.01 3.50 1.42 8.07 6.00 10.21 8.13 6.07 4.58 2.46 9.18 7.07 5.58 9.21 7.15 3.59 1.44 8.19 6.07 8.22 6.21 5.08 2.55 9.30 7.17 6.05 7.24 4.09 1.52 8.32 6.18 6.30 5.22 3.05 9.36 7.30 6.16 4.24 2.02 8.38 6.29 5.32 3.19 9.43 7.37 --- 4.35 2.16 8.45 6.36 3.28 9.45 7.44 2.25 8.47 6.43 --- 9.54 7.46 8.55 6.45 10.03 --- 7.55 9.05 6.52 10.17 8.06 --- 9.18 7.03 10.26 8.20 9.27 --- 7.17 8.29 7.27 --- --- --- Frankford Av and Knights Rd Philadelphia Mills (Marshall's) Byberry & Hulmeville Rds New Falls Rd Mall Valley Oxford To and Bensalem Blvd (Bensalem) Ford and Weekdays PM SE AM SE Wharton Rds (Keystone Industrial Park) Bucks County R R VICE VICE Office Center (Bristol) Bristol Park Shopping Center Bristol Station Green La and Mill Creek Rd Durham Rd and Subject Lincoln Hwy (Penndel) Oxford Valley Mall T o Change 9.40 9.49 10.02 10.10 10.1710.20 10.25 10.31 10.41 10.48 10.55 9.40 9.00 8.05 9.09 7.00 8.14 6.00 9.22 7.09 8.28 6.10 5.00 9.30 7.23 3.50 8.36 6.25 5.10 2.50 1.11 9.37 7.31 4.00 1.53 1.06 12.50 8.43 6.33 5.26 2.59 9.40 7.38 4.16 2.01 11.50 11.5912.1312.2212.2912.3312.3912.4512.58 12.58 8.47 6.40 5.34 3.14 10.5311.02 11.1611.2511.3211.3611.4211.4912.02 12.1112.19 10.02 9.53 10.16 10.25 10.32 10.36 10.41 10.4711.00 11.09 11.17 9.45 7.42 4.25 2.14 1.13 8.52 6.44 5.41 3.23 9.51 7.47 4.33 2.22 1.21 8.58 6.49 5.45 3.30 10.01 7.53 4.37 2.29 8.50 1.28 9.09 6.55 5.50 3.34 7.50 10.08 8.05 4.43 2.33 8.58 6.36 1.32 9.16 7.07 5.56 3.40 10.15 7.58 --- 8.12 4.51 2.39 9.12 6.44 1.37 9.24 7.15 6.08 3.47 8.13 5.35 8.20 5.04 2.45 9.21 7.00 1.43 7.23 6.16 4.01 8.21 5.47 5.14 2.59 9.29 7.09 1.55 6.24 4.11 8.28 5.55 5.23 3.09 9.33 7.16 2.03 4.20 8.32 6.01 3.18 9.38 7.20 2.08 8.37 6.05 9.44 7.25 8.43 6.10 9.57 7.32 8.55 6.18 10.06 7.45 9.03 10.14 6.28 7.54 9.08 6.35 8.02 6.42 Oxford Valley Mall Durham Rd and Lincoln Hwy (Penndel) Green La and Mill Creek Rd To Frankford-Knights To Bristol Station Bristol Park Weekdays PM SE AM SE Shopping Center Bucks County R R VICE VICE Office Center (Bristol) Ford and Wharton Rds (Keystone Industrial Park) New Falls Rd and Bensalem Blvd (Bensalem) Byberry & Hulmeville Rds Franklin Mills Blvd and Liberty Bell Frankford Av and Knights Rd 9.41 9.46 9.55 10.02 10.06 10.10 9.55 10.02 10.06 10.1310.19 10.2610.37 10.44 9.46 9.41 8.41 7.03 8.47 6.05 1.26 7.09 5.08 8.56 6.11 1.14 7.18 5.14 4.08 1.00 9.03 6.21 3.08 7.25 5.24 4.15 2.08 12.08 12.1512.2612.3312.3712.4212.4612.52 9.07 6.28 3.15 1.08 7.29 5.31 4.26 2.15 9.11 6.32 3.27 1.15 12.01 12.1412.24 11.08 11.1511.2611.3411.3811.4311.4711.53 7.33 5.35 4.34 2.26 9.15 6.36 3.34 1.26 10.08 10.15 10.25 10.33 10.37 10.42 10.46 10.53 11.01 11.14 11.24 7.36 5.39 4.38 2.33 9.21 6.40 3.38 1.33 7.42 5.43 4.43 2.37 9.08 9.28 6.46 3.43 1.37 8.05 7.50 5.49 4.47 2.42 9.14 7.06 6.05 9.39 6.54 3.47 1.43 8.11 8.01 5.57 4.53 2.47 9.23 7.12 6.10 9.46 7.06 3.54 1.47 8.19 8.09 6.09 5.01 2.54 9.31 7.20 6.18 7.14 4.02 1.54 8.27 6.18 5.13 3.02 9.35 7.28 6.25 4.15 2.03 8.31 5.22 3.15 9.41 7.32 6.29 4.24 2.18 8.36 3.25 9.45 7.37 6.33 2.29 8.40 9.51 7.41 6.37 8.46 9.59 7.47 6.43 8.54 10.11 7.55 6.51 9.07 10.20 8.07 7.03 9.16 8.16 7.11 12.15 12.22 12.32 12.40 12.44 12.48 12.52 1.00 1.09 1.23 1.33 1.23 1.09 6.15 1.00 4.47 6.22 3.17 12.1512.2212.3212.40 12.4412.4812.52 4.54 1.50 6.32 3.24 5.06 1.57 10.4710.5311.03 11.1111.1511.1911.2211.30 11.3911.5312.03 6.40 3.35 5.14 2.08 6.44 3.43 9.17 5.18 2.16 6.48 3.47 9.23 5.22 2.20 6.51 3.51 9.32 5.25 2.24 6.58 3.54 9.39 5.32 2.28 7.06 4.01 9.43 5.40 2.36 7.17 4.09 9.47 5.53 2.44 4.22 9.50 --- 6.02 2.55 4.32 9.55 3.05 10.03 10.14 10.22 • fornext10scheduledtrips(smartphone users)or • • • Frankford Av Frankford Av T F Please consultseparate Sund o are p and Knights Rd and Knights Rd S A a VE a y s yment options Philadelphia Mills Philadelphia Mills Money on (Marshall's) c (Marshall's) hedule willbeoperatedonN Byberry & Byberry & Hulmeville Rds Hulmeville Rds Y our Commutevisit : To Oxford Valley Mall Valley Oxford To To Oxford Valley Mall Valley Oxford To cash New Falls Rd New Falls Rd T renton Line and Bensalem Blvd and Bensalem Blvd , (Bensalem) (Bensalem) or SEPTA Key Card with Pass or Travel Wallet Funds Wallet KeyCardwithPassorTravel orSEPTA Ford and Ford and Saturdays Sundays PM SE PM SE AM SE Wharton Rds AM SE Wharton Rds (Keystone Industrial Park) (Keystone Industrial Park) ww T imetable fordetailsrelatingtoserviceto/from BristolStation.
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