CLA. WEST RIDING YORKSHIRE. 1493 Clayton Rd. New York, Rawdon, 'LPOOto Cliffe Wm. D. 3.P. Armley grange,Leeds Coates MisF, Galphay cottag-e, Ripon Clayton Rt. 288 Western bank, Sheffielo CliffordRev.Walter,Tanshelf,Pontefract Coates Mrs. High ho. Addin~ham, Leeds Clayton Robert, Woodbine cottage, CliffordE.60Bradford rd.nrth. H uddrsfld Coates Mrs. 23 Leopold st. New Lf"eds Tanshelf, Pontefract Clifford Jas.19 Hnnoria st. Huddersfield Coates Mrs. Queensbury, Bradford Clayton R. P. Den by dale, Huddersfield Clifton Edward ,Millhrooke house, Ilkley Coates R. P.234 Manningham la.Bradfrrl Clayton Saml. 21 Marlhorough 11t. Leerl~ Clog-gRev. WilliamHenry,7 Louis strf!et, Coates Thomas, 2l Victoria road, Leeds Clayton S.18Tyson 11t.Drewton st. Bradf•l New Leeds, Leeds Coates William, Princess viliR, Batley Clayton Septimus, 117 Gellst. Sheffield Clokie Hugh McD. Galloway house, Coates William, 3 Spring Bank place, Clayton Wm. 207 Meanwoodrd. Leeds Castlefurd, Normanton Manningham, Bradford Clayton William, 108 North st. Leeds Clokie Mrs.57Crescent, Birkby,HurJrsHd Coats Benjamin, Wharfe View terrace, Clayton William, 1 Priory pl. Doncaster CloseRev.R.Shaw,Hamp!!thwaite,Leeds Wheatley, llkey Clayton Wm. 207 Sheffielrl rd. Barn!lle~ Close Henry, 157 Rock street, Sheffield Coats Christopher, Goff well, Ingrow­ Clayton W .Sturdie ho. Boundhy .rd.Leedt- CloseHenr.' S.TheGrove, Knottingley S.O cum-Hainworth, Keighley Claston W. W .86 Jack la.Hu:1slet, Leerl~ Close Jas. Wm. 30 Sprlngfield mnt. LPerJs Cohh George, 8 Victoria. terra~e, Otley Cleaver William Jackson M.B. 273 Glos- Close Jn. The Hollies, Dring:houses, York road, Headingley, Leeds . sop rPad, Sheffield Close Mrs. Sundrlnrl.st.Tickhill, Rthrhm Cobb Mrs. 118 Carlisle road, Manning- Ciedhill John, 38 Caledonian st. Leeds CloughFdk.R.Edgerton gro.Huddrsfield ham, Bradford Clegg Abraham, Healey 1 Batley CloughGeorge, Hill top, Knottingley S.O Cobb William, Preston, Acomb, York Cleg~ Aked, Clarendon st. Wakefield C:lougb Geor!!e,27 Leopold st.N ewLeeds CobbanAlex. Hd.1 Frederkk st.Rothrhm Clegg Albert, 3 Carr View terrace, Clougb Henry, 2 Summer-seat place, CobbledickJ.O.West vil. Hallgate,Yrok Balby Doncaster Horton road, Bradford Cobby Ml'!l. 36 Victoria road, BroomhHll Clegg Aifred 11 Victoria road, Barnsley Clough James Henry, 37 Ash grove, park, Sheffield Clegg Alien, MPltham, Hudder~field Horton road, Bradford Cobby William,311 FulV~~ood rd.Sheffield Clegg Benj. 131 Don caster rd. Barnsley Clough J a!i.l. Edger ton gro. H uddrsfield Cob urn Mrs. Mount vis. Dringhouses, Yrk Clegg George, 188 Hanson la. Halifax CloughJ.71Cemeter_,. rd.Eiolbeck,Leed:~ Cochrane Richard, Heath aven. Halifax CleggHenry,20 Talbot st.Park,Sheffield Clough John .J.P. Haincliffe, In grow- Cockayne Alexander,94 Rock sU:;heffield Clegg Henry, 11 Victoria rd. Barnsley cum-Hainworth, KeighlPy Cockayne Edward Shepherd, Clairville Cleg-g James, 53 Drewtou st. Bradford Clough John, 4 Ru~sell terrace, Russell house,TaptonHo.rrJ.Broomhl.Sheffield Clegg J. Grove pi. Dalton, H uddersfielrl street, Little Horton lane, Bradford Cockayne Francis Henry ,Gatefild.house, Clegg J oah, 12 Honoria st. Huddersfield CloughJohn,9 St.Paul't! st. Huddersfield Abbeydale road, Sheffield Clegg J. Brook st.Mold gn. H udder~>field Clough J ohn,The Hobhill,Steeton, Leeds Cockayne George, sen. Carsick road, Clegg J. Beech st. Paddock, H uddP.r~field Clough John, West gate hill, Brad ford Upper Hallam, Sheffield CleggJ .Carlton st.CastlPford,N oramntn CloughJn.H .Hough end, Bramley,Leed, Cockayne George Thomas, Bar cottage, CleggJ .4Savile rw .Savile Park rd. H alifx Clough J oseph W illiam, M Ryan street, Penistone road, Sheffield CleggJn.Chas.4 Wharncliffe rd.Shefiiel•l Manchester road, Bradford Cockayne Henry, 9 Clarkson !lt.Sheffield Clegg J unathan, Commercial street, Clough Lee, 3 Blenheim road,Manning- Cockayne John William,Gatefield house, Hebt!en Bridge, Manchester ham, Bradford Abbeydale road, Sheffield Clegg J. Mrnfield vil. Savile pk. Halifax Clough Mis!I,Ashville,North st.K~ighle.v Cockayne Mrs. Gatefield house, Abhey- Clegg Mrs. 11 Baghy street, Leeds Clough Miss, Fulnesk, Leeds dale road, Sheffield Clegg Mrs. Cawthorne, Barnsley Clough Misses, Moor cottage, Mirfield Cockayne Thoma;~ Bag11haw, Gatefield Clegg Mrs. Dalton, Huddersfield Clough Mrs. Cambridge street, Castle- house, Abbeydale road, Sheffield Cl eggS. Rose Hill cut.Cowcliffe, H udrsfld ford, N ormanton Cock ay ne Wm. J ames, Capel st.:::lheffield Clegg Thomas, Stone house, Goole Clough Mrs. 16 Cobourg stretJt, Leeds Cock burn Thomas, 33 St. John's grove, Clegg Thoma...<~ John, Old Goole Clough Mrs. 18 Craven terrace, Halifax Leeds CleggThos. G.88 Upper Earl st.Brarlford Clough Mrs. 14 Hillary street, Leeds Cockcroft Rev. James, Sandy Lane CleggWesley,8Granville terrace,Shipley Clough _Mrs. 7 Marlborough terracP, bottom, Allerton, Bradford Clegg Wm. 38 Moor cres. H unslet, Leed8 Belle vue road, Leeds Cockcroft Abraham, Machpelah house, Clegg Wm .Edwin,34 Crescent rd.Sheffld CloughMrs.Oaklands,N orth st.Keighly Hebden bridge, Manchester Clegg William Johnson, 22 Victori11 Clough Mrs. 43 Park lane, BratifonJ Cockcroft Andrew, Whitehall cre~cent, road, Broomhall park, Sheffield Clou~h Mrs. 39 Southfield sq. Bradford llipperholme, Halifax Clellan McAndrew, 28 Clarendon street, Clough Mrs. 82 Victoria st. Bradford Cockcroft C.17 St.John's rd.Huddrsfield Lumb lane, Bradford Clough Mrs. Woodfield house, Mirfield, Cockcroft D. M. Calder house, Todmrdn Clelland Rev. John, 16 Spencer place, Normanton Cockcroft Edwin, Sandy Lane bottom, New Leeds, Leeds Clough Rt.32 Albert rd.Saltaire,Shipley Heaton, Bradford Clelland William, Newsome road, AI- Clough Rohert, 68 Meadow lane, Leeds Co<'kcroft1Iartley,105 Upper Earl street, mondbury, Huddersfield Clough Robert, Wood cottage, Hain- Manchester road, Bradford Clemens Rev. Godfrey, Fulneck, Leeds worth lane, lngrow, Keighley CockcroftJohn, Roomfi.eldla.Todmordn Clemenson Rev. Coustantine B.A.. 36 Clough Rolwrt, j un. Wood worth park, Cock croft John C. 1 Chevin villa~, Otley Sun11y bank, Sheffield Ingrow, Keighley Cockcroft.Jonn.18York ter.Akrydn.Hlfx CleminsonJ ames,41 Holland rd.Sheffield Clough Thos. The Shrogs, Rteeton,Leeds Cock croft Mrs. 23 Whitehall crescent, Cleminson Walter,5 Crimbles st. Leed:~ Clough Wal~r0.4 West hi. Huddersfield Hipperholme, Halifax Clemons George Hy.1 Grosvenormount, Clough Wm. 23 Honoria st.Huddersfield Cockcroft Rbt. 88 Bradford rd. Hddrsfld Grosvenor road, Headingley, Leed:~ Cloug·h William, The Knowle, Ingrow, Cockcroft SI.Lee Field ho.Allrtn.Bardtrd Cleveland Rev. Wm. Hy. B.A. Gateforth Keighley CockcroftThomas,14 Byrom st. Todmrdn Parsonage house, Hambleton, Selhy Clough William,27Victoria park,Shipley Cockcroft Thomas, Sandy Lane bottom, Clewer Wm.Hy.26Byrom st.Todmorden Clou~hWm. Whitley head,Steeton,Leeds Heaton, Bradford Cliff Harry, 89 Wood Royd road, West CloverW. The Cottage, N ewby, Brghbrge Cock croft Wm.Grove Town rd. Pontefrrt Bowling, Bradford ClowesThos.74 Bradford rd. Huddrsfield Cockcroft William Hoyle, 14 Whitehall Cliff John, Linnhurn, Ilkley Clubley Henry T ..5 Sheaf bank, Sheffield crescent, HipperholmP, Halifax CliffJn.l77 Victoria rd.Heeley,Sht'tfield Cluderay John, 37 Top Moor side, Hol- Cocker Rev. Willam n.n. Ran Moor CliffJoseph,IIIanson terrace,Wakefield beck, Leeds college, Fulwood road, Sheffield CliffJoseph,75LittleHorton la.Bradtord Cluderay Mrs. 50 Peel's square, Lumb CockerB.F.22Watsonrd.Brmftd.ShefHd Cliff Mrs. 6 Victoria terrace, Otley road, lane, Bradford Cocker E. C. 31 Prospect st. H uddersfid Headingley, Leeds Cluderey Henry, 15 Moorville grove, Cocker Frederick, 100 Barber road, Cliff Mrs. Western flatts, Lower Wort- Holbeck, Leeds Crookesmonr road, Sheffield ley, Leeds Clutterbuck James, Hartley st.Dewsbry Cocker Fredk. 31 Richmond rd.Bradfrd Clifl" Mrs.l2 WoodView crescent, North Coad Rev. George Charles Jenkin, Cocker John, 226 Sheffield rd. Barnsley road, Bradford Horbury, Wakefield CockerJ n.G.109 Manchester rd.Sheffield Cliff William, Mossville, Gledholt Jane, Coates Christopher, Chapelsquare,Settle Cocker J onathan, 98 Heavygate road, Marsh, Huddersfield Coates Christopher Thomas, 5 Spring Steelbank, Sheffield Cliffe Abraham Walter,36 Barber road, Bank place, Manningharu,Bradford CockerJsph.Edwd. Markt.pl.Dewsbury Crookesmoor road, Slltffield Coates Edwd. H. Raby mount, Wetherby Cocker Mrs. 33 Prospect st. Huddrsfield Cliffe Jam&~,l6 George st. Huddersfield Coates George, 2-i2 Lumb lane, Brn.dfrd Cocker Mrs. 49 Sunny bauk, Sheffield Cliffe J ames, 4 Stanll'y st. Rotherham Coates James, Castle Garth ho. Wethrby Cocker Sa.ml.jlln.49 Sunny bnk.Sheffield Cliffe Matthew William 1 1 Trinity place, Coates.J .Brier know!, Hopton,N ormantn Cocker Thoma5,99 Barber road,Crookes· Trinity street, Huddersfield Coates John Hy. Cliff Field bo. Clitt hill moor road, Sheffield Clifle Mrs. North stret:t, Goule Coares John Thomaii3.P. Holme head, Cocker'r. F.59Westbournerd. Sheffield Cliffe Richard, Marine villa, Allerton Tbornton-in-Lonsdale, Carnfurth Cocker William, 6 Havelock sq. Sheffield Bywater, Normanton CoatesL.22 Elmwd,ter.Saville pk.Halifx Cocker William, 44 Oxford st. Sheffield Cli:ffe Samuel, Ell and road, Brighouse Coates Miss,IO Brunswick terrace, Leeds Cockerha.JJ Edwd.J .P.Ashfield ho. Bingly .
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