Good Shepherd Parish TWENTY- SIXTH P.O. Box 30 St. Joseph’s, NL A0B 3A0 SUNDAY Toll Free Number: 1-888-521-2888 IN ORDINARY TIME Telephone Number: 521-2206 September 29, 2019 Fax Number: 709-521-2888 Pastor: Very Rev. Fr. Stephen J Courtney Archdiocese of St. John’s Toll Free 1-800-563-7700 ext. 250 Or my Direct Line 709-726-9197 Administrative Assistant: Betty Kielly PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday: 9:00 am –12:00 and 1:00pm – 5:00pm Good Shepherd Parish Website www.gsparish.ca: Archdiocese of St. John’s www.rcsj.org Facebook (@GoodShepherdParishSMB) Good Shepherd Parish New Email Address [email protected] PARISH COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON: Shirley Kielly 525-2936 PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON: Howard Power 521-2431 MARRIAGE NOTIFICATIONS: 6 Months (Marriage Preparation course required) Please call Theresa Whiffen (RCEC) to register at 726-3660 ext. 236 PRE-BAPTISM COURSE: To register please call Dave Kenny @ 229-7395 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION available before all Masses, or anytime by appointment at the parish house. VISITATION TO THE SICK AND ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call the Parish Office if you would like Father Steve to visit you at home or in the hospital. MASS SCHEDULE (When there is a funeral, weekday mass will be re-scheduled) DATE TIME LOCATION MASS INTENTIONS Tuesday 6:00 pm St. Joseph’s Clotilda and Richard White October 1 please note time William and Rose Stamp; Seamus Mooney Wednesday 9:00 am St. Joseph’s Austin and Theresa Linehan October 2 The Gough and Duggan families; Nora Brennan Saturday 4:00 pm Mt. Carmel “Missa Pro Populo” For Parishioners October 6 Jack Carew and deceased members of the Penney and the Pike family Ministry Server: Madeline McDonald Readers: Diane Dean, Heather Marrie Gift Bearers: Ethan McCrate & family Eucharistic Minister: Howard Power Sunday 10:30 am St. Mary’s James and Susie Whelan October 7 George White; John and Florence Raymond Ministry Cross Bearer: Mary B. Comerford Readers: Shirley Kielly, Priscilla Tobin Gift Bearers: Carmel Hearn Eucharistic Minister: Uriel Kielly LITURGY & MEETING SCHEDULE Wednesday, Oct 2 7:00pm Admirals Beach Holy Hour Friday, Oct 5 3:00pm St. Mary’s Chaplet of the Divine Mercy Saturday, Oct 6 4:00pm Mount Carmel Confessions Sunday, Oct 7 10:00am St. Mary’s Confessions Dear Parishioners, 1. Please take note of our new e-mail address [email protected]. 2. INTENTIONS FOR MY CHAPEL, just a reminder that if there is anything you wish me to pray for in my chapel please let me know, you can also drop a note in the collection. 3. TIME BEFORE ALL MASSES, please note I am available for a chat, prayer, blessing, or sacrament of reconciliation before all masses. 4. CHRISTMAS STOCKING TICKET LOTTERY: In the coming weeks we will be selling tickets on a very large Christmas Stocking valued at $1000.00 filled with multiple items. Tickets sell 3/$5.00. For prizes we are looking forward to your support with donations of items. Also, if you want to make a cash donation to the parish, we can issue an income tax receipt and the parish can purchase the items for the spin. We are looking for volunteers to help with the sale of tickets. Please call the parish office if you are willing to give a helping hand. Thank you for your support. God Bless, Fr. Steve. VOCATION REFLECTION: “Fight the good fight of the faith.” Is your faith in Christ leading you to grow in holiness as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life? Call Father Jeff Kolonel at (709)745-8183 or Father Ray Earle (709)754-1195 or Father Philip Melvin at (709)754- 1195 or email: [email protected] SANCTUARY LIGHT INTENTIONS: In memory of Clifford, Alice & Ed St. Croix & deceased family members – St. Vincent’s Church In memory of Stan, Lucy, Kevin, Ken & Gerald St. Croix & deceased family members MARRIAGE PREPARATION COURSE: The next Marriage Preparation Course is scheduled for September 27/28, 2019 at St. Peter’s Parish, Mount Pearl. Registration for this course is via the Archdiocesan website – rcsj.org. Please check with your parish for registration details. If you have any questions regarding the course, please call Theresa Whiffen at 709-726-3660 ext. 236 or email at [email protected] COLLECTION FOR THE NEEDS OF THE CHURCH IN CANADA: Thank you for your contribution and solidarity! Each year, and with the generosity of Catholic faithful from coast to coast, the Bishops of Canada continue their work on important doctrinal and ethical questions; ecumenical initiatives and interreligious dialogue; international relations; evangelization, faith education and catechesis; relations with indigenous peoples; questions of social justice; and the development of a culture of life and family. In addition to their national Conference, the Bishops of Canada also meet in four Regional Assemblies (Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario and the West). The CCCB and the regional assemblies include the Bishops of the Latin Church, as well as the Eparchial Bishops of the Eastern Catholic Churches. On behalf of all Bishops of Canada, the Most Reverend Lionel Gendron, P.S.S., Bishop of Saint-Jean-Longueuil and CCCB President, shares his gratitude for the continued support of the Church in Canada. “With my prayers and thanks for your generosity, I ask the Lord to bestow his graces upon you, your families and communities.” Subscribe To CCCB News Or Follow Us On Twitter: To receive CCCB news through our free and confidential e-mail service, please fill out the form at this link: http://www.cccb.ca/site/eng/media-room/subscribe-to-news. Follow the CCCB on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CCCB CECC PONTIFICAL MISSION SOCIETIES: The Extraordinary Missionary Month: The month of October, 2019, is a special month of prayer, reflection and action called by Pope Francis to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Pope Benedict XV’s apostolic Letter on overseas mission, “Maximum Illud”. During the Extraordinary Mission Month we are encouraged to be open to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ living in his Church; be aware of the witness of Missionary saints and martyrs; participate in biblical, Catechetical, spiritual and theological formation for mission; support the Church’s missionary activity and communities too poor to support themselves KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ROSARY AND LIGHT PROCESSION: The Knights of Columbus are most pleased that Archbishop, the Most Reverend Peter Hundt, has agreed to join us this year for the 17th Annual Knights of Columbus Rosary and Light Procession at the Basilica of St. John the Baptist on Thursday, October 10, 2019 starting at 7:30 pm. We are dedicating this spiritual event to the invaluable work of missionaries throughout the world. In declaring this coming October as “An Extradionary Misson Month,” Pope Francis said prayer is the soul and the foundation of mission work and expressed the need for more missionaries. 102ND ANNIVERSARY OF FATIMA’S MIRACLE OF THE SUN AND THE LAST APPARITION OF OUR LADY: To show Our Lady that we take Her Fatima message seriously the Knights of Columbus invite all parishioners to join them praying the Rosary at 10:00 am Saturday October 12th at the Grotto in Mount Carmel and at 10:00 am Saturday, October 10th at Our Lady of Assumption Church in St. Mary’s. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SCHOLARSHIPS: Available to all students who graduated Grade X11 with Honours in June 2019 and are attending a Post-Secondary institution in September. Application deadline: October 31, 2019. Information and applications under scholarship on the State Council website at www.kkofcnl.org. THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS have been asked to collect toiletries especially toilet tissue for the Gathering Place. If you can assist with this need please leave your donation either at the parish office or at either one of the four main churches. Thank you for your support. FINANCES WITH SINCERE THANKS Mount Carmel/ St. Joseph’s/ St. Mary’s /St. Vincent’s Weekly Offering: $1574.65 Needs of Canadian Church: $246.00 Collection for Priesthood: $5.00 Church Dues: $20.00 Luminary Offering: $5.00 Word Among Us Missal: $10.00 Mt. Carmel Card Game Proceeds (Sept 22): $128.00 St. Joseph’s Church Maintenance Donation: $400.00 Queen of Holy Rosary Church Admiral’s Beach Special Monthly Collection (August) $130.00 Lewis Personal Care Weekday Offering (Sept 20): $60.00 St. Vincent’s Card Proceeds (Sept 16): $160.00 sponsors…. Madonna Fleming, Patrick Tobin Sanctuary Lights: $18.00 Certificates: $13.00 Funeral Mass Stipend (Bud (George)Whelan): $150.00 Wake room Rental Fee (Basil Gibbons): Gibbons Funeral Home Parish Monthly Financial Report for August Posted On the Church Bulletin Boards Please take time to review. If you have any questions or concerns you may contact the parish office or Mr. Howard Power, Finance Council Chairperson 521- 2431. GRAND IN YOUR HAND: Thank you for your support! September Month Draw #2: Ticket No. 00027 Winner: Carol Ann Hickey Drawn at Parish Office on September 27 by: Joe Ryan Witness: Betty & Fr Steve Congratulations! Carol Ann Thank you, Joe and Fr Steve CARD GAMES: Mt. Carmel: Sunday at 8:00 pm Admiral’s Beach Fire Dept.: Monday at 8:00pm Salmonier South 50 + Club: Tuesday at 8:00 pm Salmonier 50 + Club: Wed@ 8pm ST. JOSEPH’S CHURCH CLEANING (OCTOBER): Elizabeth Daley, Mercedes Daley, Gail Singleton, Doris Squires BELVEDERE ORPHANAGE FUND: The Board of Directors of the Belvedere Orphanage Fund Inc. informs of the availability of assistance from the Fund for orphans/half-orphans who are in need. At this time they wish to inform you that applications are being received for the 2019 distribution.
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