DC Higher Education Licensure Commission Authorized Institutions IssuingCertificates (C) and/or Degrees (D) Certificate Institution Name Address Quadrant Ward Zip Website or Degree Academy of Hope 601 Edgewood Street #25 NE 5 20017 www.aohdc.org C Allied Health and Technology Institute 2010 Rhode Island Avenue NE 5 20018 Under Construction C American University 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW 3 20016 www.american.edu D Anacostia Community Outreach Center 711 24th St., NE NE 8 20002 www.anacostiaoutreach.org C Arizona State University 1834 Connecticut Ave. NW 2 20006 www.asu.edu D A.T. Still University of Health Sciences 765 Kennilworth Terrace NE 7 20019 www.atsu.edu D Aveda Institute of Washington, DC 713 7th Street NW 2 20001 www.avedainstitutedc.com C AVI Career Training 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue NW 2 20004 www.avicareertraining.com C AYT Institute 1630 14th Street NW 2 20009 www.ayti.us C BAU International University 1510 H Street NW 2 20005 www.bauinternational.com D Bennett Career Institute 700 Monroe Street NE 5 20017 www.bennettcareerinstitute.com C Berlitz Language Center 1 Thomas Circle, Suite 105 NE 2 20005 www.berlitz.us C 1776 Massachusetts Ave, www.bu.edu/abroad/programs/usa/washington_dc/was Boston University NW 3 20036 D Suite 650 hington_dc_sum_int/ Byte Back Inc. 815 Monroe Street NE 5 20017 www.byteback.org C BUEI, LLC 1510 H Street NW 2 20005 C Calvary Bible Institute 802 Rhode Island Ave. NE 5 20018 www.oak.nowsprouting.com/calvarybibleinstitute/ C Calvin College 1243 New Jersey Ave. NW 6 20001 www.calvin.edu D CapTec Professional Training Center 3925 Georgia Ave. NW 4 20011 www.captecprofessional.com C Career Technical Institute 2131 K Street, 7th Floor NW 2 20037 www.careertechnical.edu C Carnegie Mellon University 444 North Capitol Street, Suite 399 NW 6 20001 www.cmu.edu/index.shtml D Case Western Reserve University 820 1st Street, NE 6 20002 www.anesthesiaprogram.com D Catholic Charities 1618 Monroe Street NW 1 20010 www.catholiccharitiesdc.org C Catholic University of America 620 Michigan Ave. NE 5 20064 www.cua.edu D Central Texas College 112 Brookley Ave., # 108, Bolling AFB SW 8 20032 www.ctcd.edu D Congress Heights Community Outreach Center 3215 Martin Luther King Ave. SE 8 20032 www.chctdc.org C Corcoran College of Art and Design 500 17th Street NW 2 20006 www.corcoran.org D Cornell University, Cornell in Washington Program 2148 O Street NW 2 20037 www.ciw.cornell.edu D Davis Memorial Goodwill Industries 2200 South Dakota Ave. NE 5 20018 www.dcgoodwill.org C Certificate Institution Name Address Quadrant Ward Zip Website or Degree DC Bible Institute 30 Kennedy Street NW 4 20011 Under Construction C DC Central Kitchen 425 2nd Street NW 20001 www.dccentralkitchen.org C Dominican House of Studies 487 Michigan Ave. NE 5 20017 www.dhs.edu D Dudley Beauty College 2031 Rhode Island Avenue NE 5 20018 www.dudleybeautyschool-dc.com C EF International Language Centers 6896 Laurel Street NW 4 20012 www.ef.edu C ELS Language Centers 4000 Chesapeake Street NW 3 20016 www.els.edu C Flair Beauty Institute 3328 Georgia Ave. NW 1 20010 Under Construction C Gallaudet University 800 Florida Ave. NE 7 20002 www.gallaudet.edu D General Assembly 1133 15th Street NW 2 20005 https://generalassemb.ly C 916 G Street NW 2 20001 George Mason University www.gmu.edu D 1100 Jefferson Dr SW 2 20560 George Washington University 2121 I Street NW 2 20052 www.gwu.edu D Georgetown University 37th and O Street NW 2 20057 www.georgetown.edu D Global Proof Productions Bartending School 1752 Columbia Road, Suite 3 NW 3 20009 www.globalproofproductions.biz C Graduate School USA 600 Maryland Ave., Suite 330 SW 6 20024 www.graduateschool.edu D Healthwrite Training Academy 2025 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE 8 20020 www.healthwrite.org C Hamilton College D Home Care Partners, Inc. 1234 Massachusetts Ave., Suite C1002 NW 2 20005 www.homecarepartners.org C Howard University 2400 6th Street NW 1 20059 www.howard.edu D Humane Society University 1234 Massachusetts Ave., Suite C1002 NW 2 20037 www.humanesocietyuniversity.org D Institute of World Politics 1521 16th Street NW 2 20036 www.iwp.edu D Intellect Health Institute, LLC 4645 Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue NE 7 20019 C Inter-American Defense College 210 B Street SW 6 20319 www.colegio-id.org D International Center for Language Studies 1133 15th Street, Suite 600 NW 2 20005 www.icls.com C John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family 620 Michigan Ave. NE 5 20064 www.johnpaulii.edu D 1740, 1625, 1619 & 1717 Johns Hopkins University NW 6 20036 www.jhu.edu D Massachusetts Ave. Lado International College 2233 Wisconsin Ave., Basement Level NW 3 20007 www.lado.edu C Lake Forest Graduate School of Management 1310 G Street NW 2 20005 www.lakeforestmba.edu D Lesley University 2959 Carlton Ave., NE 5 20018 www.lesley.edu D ww.kaplaninternational.com/schools/usa/english- Kaplan International 2025 M Street NW 2 20036 C courses-washington.aspx Certificate Institution Name Address Quadrant Ward Zip Website or Degree Marquette University/Les Aspin Institute for 502 East Capitol St NE 6 20003 http://www.marquette.edu/aspin/ D Government Medstar Washington Hospital Center 110 Irving Street NW 5 20010 www.whcenter.org C Medtech College 529 14th Street NW 2 20045 http://www.sanz.edu D Michigan State University No DC Address www.msu.edu D Middle East Institute 1761 N Street NW 2 20036 www.mideasti.org C National Children's Center 6200 2nd Street NW 4 20011 www.nccinc.org C National Conservatory of Dramatic Arts 1556 Wisconsin Ave. NW 3 20007 www.theconservatory.org C National Institute of Emergency Medical Services 401 New York Ave. NE 5 20002 www.niems.org C National Labor College 815 16th Street NW 2 20006 www.nlc.edu D Nations Learning Center 820 H Street NE 6 20002 Under Construction C Nationwide Training Institute 1901 9th Street NW 1 20001 Under Construction C NYU Washington, DC 1307-1311 L St. NW 2 20005 www.nyu.edu D Olivet University 1919 M Street NW 2 20036 www.olivetuniversity.edu D Opportunities Industrialization Center 3707 Martin Luther King Ave. SE 8 20032 www.oicdc.org C Paralegal Institute 5101 Wisconsin Ave. NW 3 20016 www.paralegal-institute.com C Potomac Massage Training Institute 5028 Wisconsin Ave. NW 3 20016 www.pmti.org C Radians College 1025 Vermont Ave. 2nd Floor NW 2 20005 www.radianscollege.com D Randolph Community College No DC Address www.randolph.edu D RizeUp Technology Training, LLC 1130 Varney Street SE 8 20032 www.rutrained.com C S.O.M.E. Center for Employment Training 60 O Street NW 5 20001 www.some.org C Seton Hall, John C. Whitehead School of Diplomacy & 1800 Massachusetts Ave. NW 2 20036 www.shu.edu D International Relations Sistema Universitario Ana G. Mendez-Universidad Del 514 V Street NE 5 20002 www.suagm.edu D Este SIT Graduate Institute 1015 15th Street NW 2 20005 www.sit.edu/graduate D Southeast Children's Fund/ 4224 6th Street SE 8 20032 www.scfund.org C Professional Development Institute Southeast Welding Academy 1103 W Street SE 8 20020 www.southeastweldingacademy.org C The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary 525 A Street NE 6 20002 www.sbts.edu D St. Michael School of Allied Health 1106 Bladensburg Road NE 5 20002 Under Construction C Stanford University, Stanford in Washington Program 2661 Connecticut Ave. NW 2 20008 www.stanford.edu D Certificate Institution Name Address Quadrant Ward Zip Website or Degree Ronald Regan Building Stevens Institute of Technology NW 2 20004 www.stevens.edu D 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. Strayer University 1133 15th Street, #200 NW 2 20005 www.strayer.edu D Technical Learning Center 1720 I Street, NW, Suite 200 NW 2 20036 www.tlc-corp.com C Texas Christian University 1333 16th Street NW 2 20036 www.tcu.edu D The Chicago School of Professional Psychology 901 15th Street 5th Floor NW 2 20005 www.thechicagoschool.edu D The Excel Institute 2851 V Street NW 5 20018 www.theexcelinstitute.org C The Portfolio Center 1055 Thomas Jefferson St., NW 2 20007 www.portfoliocenter.edu D Toni Thomas Associates dba Community Empowerment 1920 Martin Luther King Junior Ave. SE 8 20020 www.tonithomasassociates.com C Training Academy Total Healthcare Innovations, Inc. 1805 Montana Ave. NE 5 20002 www.thcii.com/training C Tran Semantics Inc./International Language Institute 1337 Connecticut Ave., #4 NW 2 20036 www.transemantics.com C Trinity University 125 Michigan Ave. NE 5 20017 www.trinitydc.edu D United Planning Organization 301 Rhode Island Ave. NW 5 20001 www.upo.org C University of California Washington Center 1608 Rhode Island Ave. NW 2 20036 www.ucdc.edu D University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW 2 20004 www.rhsmith.umd.edu D Business University of Maryland, University College Bolling Air Force Base SW 8 20032 www.umuc.edu D University of Phoenix 25 Massachusetts Ave. # 150 NW 6 20001 www.phoenix.edu D University of the Potomac 4000 Chesapeake Street NW 3 20016 www.potomac.edu D VMT Education Center 401 New York Ave. NE 5 20008 www.vmtltc.com C Washington Center for Psychoanalysis 4545 42nd Street #209 NW 3 20016 www.washpsa.org C Washington Center for 1333 16th Street NW 2 20036 www.twc.edu D Internships and Academic Seminars Washington School of Psychiatry 5028 Wisconsin Ave. # 400 NW 3 20016 www.wspsych.com C Washington Theological Union 6896 Laurel Street NW 4 20012 www.wtu.edu D Washington University in St.
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