No, 84. An Act to eLztend the provisio~zsof The Adelaide City, Port, and Suburban '~~atcrworksAct." [Assented to, 21st December, 1877.1 IIEREAS it is expedient to extend thc provisions of "The. Presmblo. Adelaide City, Port, and S~t)l~l.bit~l~~atcrmorks Act " to the places and districts mentioned or described in the Schedule to this Act--Be it therefore Enacted by the Governor of the Province of South Australia, with the advicc and consent of jihc Lcgislatirc Council and House of Assembly of thc said Province., in this present Parliament assembled, as follo~w: 'L The Ailclaide City, 1. Thc districts, towns, townships, villages, and places, as wcll as p art, md Sublilbnn all lands and vrcmises, nlentioned or set out and describcd in the JJraterworltr ~ictto Schedule hereto, shall'be, and be dcemed to be, included in the ~$~~~,"~&~~$edulo water area described in " The Bdelaide City, Port, and Suburban to this Ad Waterworks Act," and shall be subject to the provisions thercof, in such and the same manner as if such plnces and districts hcl bccn originally mentioned ancl described in such Act, or in the scconcl Schedule thereto. 2, The owner or occupier of any lands or prcrnisss which, not supplyCommissionerma~ water to lands being within any water area, shall be wholly situate within t\vo twomilcs of nblic road along miles of any public road along which any nmin pipe shall bc laid, pW~IC~ . a main pipc by virtue of this Act, may, in writing, request the Cornmissioller to be laid. supply water for domestic purposes to such lands or premises, ~nd the Conmissioner may at his sole discl.etion comply with or rcfusc su c11 40' & 41" VICTORIB, No. 84. Waterworks Act Amendment Act.-1877. I I such request; and in the event of his complying therewith, may do I all things necessary and expedient for supplying such lands or I premises with water for such purposes: Provided always, that such water shall only be supplied subject to all the conditions and provisions contained in, or provided by, the 47th clause of "The Adelaide City, Port, and Suburban Waterworlis Act, 1874." Incorporation. 3. This Act, and The Adclaide City, Port, and Suburban Waterworks Act," sliall be incorporated arid be read and construed together as forming one Act. In the name and on behalf of Her Majesty, I hetcbp assent to this Bill, WM. F. DRUMRIONI) JERVOIS, 6'dovernor. SCHEDULE SCHEDULE. No. 1. TOWXSI~IPOF CHF,T,TF.NI-IAM.-HOU~~~~'~ on the north-east by the south- western side of road dividing Preliminary Section 419 from Section 421 ; on the south-rvcst by the north-eastern sidc of Port Road; on the cast by the western side of road dividing Preliminary Section 407 from 419; and on the north-west by the south-eastern boundary of Pre!iminnry Section 420. The above comprises the whole of I'reliminary Section 419. No. 2. Drs~nrcrOF ~UEENSTOTVK.-COM~~C~~~at the north-eastern corner of Preliminary Section 442, Hundred of yatal;t; thence southerly along its eastern boundary for 1,776 links ; thence south-easterly by a line 1,776 links south-west of and parallel to the old Port Road, to the western boundary of Preliminary Section 425; thence easterly at right :tngles to s4tl boundary for 1,000 links; thence southerly at right angles for 2,000 links; thence easterly at right angles to the wc~ternbounclary of Preliminary Section 424; thence southerly by said boundary for about 250 links ; thence easterly at right angles for itbout 1,000 links ; thence northerly at right angles to the south-western side of the old Port Road; thencc north-westerly along said side of road to ~hcpoint of commencement. NO.3. Tornas~~psOF CAT~RRSHAX,W~.VI':RLEY, AND YORK.--CO~~E~IC;~~at the north-eastern corner of Preliminary Scction 394, Hnndred of Yatlila ; thence south and west along its east and south boundaries to the south-east corner of I're- liminary Section 333 ; thence north to its north-eastern cornw, and north-westerly to the south-eastern corner of Preliminary Section 396; thence north along ~ts east boundary for about 35 chains ; thence north-westerly by a line parallel tn the south-wcstern side of the Yort Road, and no1 th along the east bounday of I'reliminary Section 408 to the south-west err^ bide of' the I'ort 12oad; thence south-easterly along said side of road to the pint of cornrnenccment. KO. 4. Towxsrr~i~OF TENTERDON.-CO~MC~C~~~at tbe north-western corner of Preliminary Sectio!l 408 ; thence 2,660 links southerly along westeln Loundary of said ffnction ; thence nortlt-we~:erly hy a straight line to the wmtern boundary of Preliminary Scction 409; thence 2,660 links northerly to the north-western corner of said Section ; thence south-easte~lyalong south-western sidc of Port Road to the point of corr.mencement. The abu~ecornprises the northern moiety of Preliminary Scction 409. No. 5. TOTVNSIIIPSOF \VOODVIT.LEAND WOODVILZEPA~~.--~oundcd on thc north-east by the south-western side of road south-west of Sections 2070 and 411 ; on the south-cast by the north-western boundary of Preliminary Section 397 ; on the boltth-west, by the north-esstern side of the Port Road ; on the north--+vestby the sou~h-pasternboundary of Prelirnin,try Section 406. The above comytrises the whole of I'reliminary section^ 398 and 405, Hundred of Yatala. NO. 6. I~ISTBICTNORTII-WEST OF ALBERTONAND ~UEENSTOWN.-COMP~~S~~~ that portion of the Hundrtd ol' Yatala north-east and east of the Port Road, north- west of the road north-west of I'reliminary Seclion 423, south-west and north- west of Section 454, north-east of road north-east of Section 454, an6 south- west of thc City and Port Railway ; also including harbor allotments numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, l.?, and 14, on the eastern side of the old Yort Reach, and lying north-west of Queenstotvn; togctllcr wich Section 926, bounded on the north-east by the old Port Road ; on the south-east by the north-west side of road north-west of reserve north of Preliminary Section 442 ; on the east by the western side of roads west of said reserve and said S~ction; on the south by northern side of road north cjf Section 92.5 ; and on the west by the old Yort Beach. No. 7. CORPORATETOWN OF PORTADELAIDF. --Commencing on the eastern sidc of the Comn~ercialRoad, at the north-westetn corner of Section 704, Hundred of Port Adclaide; thence south-south-eastcrl along the south-western boundary of said Section, to its south-western corner ; thence easterly to its south-eastern corner; thence north-westerly to ii point on the southern boundary of Section 2112, one thousand four hundred and ten links west of its south-eastern corner; thence easterly to said corner ; thence northerly along the western boundary of Section 704 to the south- 40° & 41° VICTORIB, No. 84. - Waterworks Act Amendment Act.-1 877, ---A south-eastern corner of thc powder mag~zinereserve ; thence by the southern and wpstern bou~~darirsof said reserve to it4 north-western corner; thence northerly along the eastern side of road, west of Sectioos 704, 699, and 709, to a point opposite the south-eastern corner of Section 1191 ; thence westerly across the road, and along the southern boundary of said Section to the eastern side of Hmdmarsh Reach; thence in a ~outherlyand easterly direction; along the western boundary of Section 201 l, and the northern side of the creek south of Hindmarsh Reach to the eastern side of road west of the powder magazine reserve ; thence to the southern side of said creek ; thence in a westerly and southerly direction along the muthern side of said creek, the northern boundaries of part ~f Section 2011, the Que~n'a Wharf, the wharf allotments on North-prade, and the western boundary of Section 2112, and southerly to the north-western corner of Section 1131 ; thence in a south-easterly direction, along the south-western boundaries of Sections 1131 and 1128, Hundreds of Port Adelaide acd Yatala, to tho south corner of the latter Section ; thence north- easterly along the south-eastern boundary of the ldtter Section, to the sorith corner of Section 1129, and northerly along the western boundaries of Sectio:ts 1129 and 1130, Hundreds of Yatala and Port Adelaid~, to the north-western corner of the latter Section ; thence in an east-north-easferly direction along the northern boundary of said Section to its north-els~erncorner, and tlience northerly across the rodd to the point of commencement, excluding the creek between Section 2112 and the northern side of road north of Sections 1130 and 1181. No. 8. Tow~s~r~OF E~s~~oo~.-Comprising th~t port;on of Preliminary Sec- tiou 254. Hundred of Adelaide, bounded on the south-w.st by the north-eastern ~ideof the South-Eastern Mnin Road; on the east by the western side of road west of I'r~li~ninaryScctioa 261; and on th; north by tb.e south side of road south of the Park Lmds. No. 9. TOWXSHIPOF FRFWVILLB(Part of).-Commencing at the south-west corner of Preliminary Section 1164, Hundred of Adelaide ; tbenc~east along its srn~th boundary for aboilt 30 chains; thence south.sauth-westerly to a point on the north- easteln side of the Mtin South-Eastcrn Road, about 30 chains routh-east of the north-west cornw of Preliminary Section 265; thenCC north-wsierly by said side of road, to the point of eornmcnccment.
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