MARINE AND FRESH-WATER HARMFUL ALGAE PROCEEDINGS OF THE 17 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HARMFUL ALGAE 9-14 0ctober 2016 | Florianópolis, Brazil Edited by: Luis A. O. Proença and Gustaaf M. Hallegraeff International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae 1VCMJTIFEJODPPQFSBUJPOXJUI Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 2 DISCLAIMER "VUIPSTBSFSFTQPOTJCMFGPSUIFDIPJDFBOEUIFQSFTFOUBUJPOPGUIFGBDUTDPOUBJOFEJO TJHOFEBSUJDMFTBOEGPSUIFPQJOJPOTFYQSFTTFEUIFSFJO XIJDIBSFOPUOFDFTTBSJMZUIPTF PG*44)"PS6/&4$0BOEEPOPUDPNNJUUIFPSHBOJ[BUJPOT 5IF EFTJHOBUJPOT FNQMPZFE BOE UIF QSFTFOUBUJPO PG NBUFSJBM UISPVHIPVU UIJT QVCMJDBUJPOEPOPUJNQMZUIFFYQSFTTJPOPGBOZPQJOJPOXIBUTPFWFSPOUIFQBSUPG*44)" PS6/&4$0DPODFSOJOHUIFMFHBMTUBUVTPGBOZDPVOUSZ UFSSJUPSZ DJUZPSBSFBPSPGJUT BVUIPSJUJFTPSDPODFSOJOHUIFEFMJNJUBUJPOPGJUTGSPOUJFSTPSCPVOEBSJFT For Bibliographic purposes, this document should be cited as follows: ProenÎa, L. A. O. and Hallegraeff, G. (eds). Marine and Fresh-Water Harmful Algae. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Harmful Algae. International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae 2017 ISBN 978-87-990827-6-6 4 Hosted by Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina IFSC Convenor Luis A.O. Proença | Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina - Brazil Organizing Committee Clarisse Odebrecht | Universidade do Rio Grande - Brazil Felipe Cintra | Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina - Brasil Luiz Mafra | Universidade Federal do Paraná - Brazil Mathias Schramm | Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina - Brazil Nadia Garlet | Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina - Brazil Thiago Alves | Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina- Brasil - Brazil Regional FANSA scientific commitee Afonso Bainy | University of Santa Catarina - Brazil José Carreto | Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero - Argentina Daniel Varela | Universidad de Los Lagos - Chile Denise Tenenbaum | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Ernani Pinto | Universidade de São Paulo - Brazil Gladys Torres | Instituto Oceanográfco de la Armada - Ecuator João Yunes | Universidade do Rio Grande - Brazil Leonardo Gu[mán | Instituto de Fomento Pesquero - Chile Luciano Fernandes | Universidade Federal do Paraná - Brazil Mariângela Menezes | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Martha Ferrario | Universidad de la Plata - Argentina Nora Montoya | Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero - Argentina Paulo Salomon | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Rut Akselman | Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero Argentina Sandra Azevedo | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Silvia MÏndez | Dirección Nacional de Recursos Acuáticos - Uruguay Silvia Nascimento | Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Sonia Sanches | Instituto del Mar - Peru International advisory Committee AMlan Cembella | Alfred-Wegener-Institute - Germany Beatriz Reguera | Instituto Español de Oceanografía - Spain Bengt Karlson | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute - Sweden Donald Anderson | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - USA Edna GranÏli | Lund University -Sweden Esther Garcés | Consejo Superior Investigaciones Científcas - Spain Esther Meave | Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Mexico Gires Usup | Universiti Kebangsaan - Malasia Gustaaf Hallegraeff | University of Tasmania -Australia Hans Pearl | University of North Carolina - USA Henrik Enevoldsen | University of Copenhagen - Denmark Ian Jenkinson | Chinese Academy of Sciences - China Lincoln MacKenzie | Cawthron Institute - New Zealand Patricia Tester | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - USA Philipp Hess | French Research Institute for Exploration of the Sea - France Robin Raine | National University of Ireland - Ireland Sandra Shumway | University of Connecticut - USA Sergio Licea | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - MÏxico Suzanne Roy | Institut des Sciences de la Mer - Canada Toshiyuki Suzuki | National Research Institute of Fisheries Science - Japan Vera Trainer | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - USA 5 SPONSORS Government and Organizations IFSC - Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científco e Tecnológico FAPESC - Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa Científca e Tecnológica do Estado de Santa Catarina UFSC Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Prefeitura Municipal de Florianópolis Governo do Estado de Santa Catarina CRQ - Conselho Regional de Química SBFIc - Sociedade Brasileira de Ficologia COI - Comissão Oceanográfca Intergovernamental - UNESCO SCOR - Scientifc Committee on Oceanic Research ALEAN - Associação Latino-americana para Estudos sobre Algas Nocivas FANSA - 'MPSBDJPOFT"MHBMFT/PDJWBTFO4VEBNÏSJDB ISSHA - International Society for Studies on Harmful Algae Exhibitors MD-BOF Research Laboratories Inc., Massachusetts - USA Ab Sciex, São Paulo - Brasil DF Tecnico-científca, São José dos Campos - Brasil Fluid Imaging Technologies, Inc. Maine, 6 PREFACE The 17th International Conference on Harmful Japanese coastal waters; Ichiro Imai - Environment- Algae (ICHA) occurred in Florianópolis, Santa friendly strategies for prevention of harmful algal blooms Catarina State capital, South Brazil, at the Centro Sul using algicidal bacteria associated with seagrass beds; Convention Center between 9 to 14th October 2016. Raphael Kudela - Wiring the ocean to understand and This was the first time the ICHA was hosted in South predict Harmful Algal Blooms; Mark Wells - Harmful America. The 17th ICHA idea was born as a regional Algal Blooms and climate change: challenges and initiative, and represents aspirations not only from paths for moving forward; Janaina Rigonato - Mining the Brazilians but from the entire South American cyanobacterial genomes for natural products and scientific community. Nestor Lagos - Paralytic Shellfsh Poison toxins: clinical The proposal was supported by the IOC-FANSA applications. On Tuesday 11th October members of the Group, which forms the regional committee and includes program GlobalHAB organized a town meeting to present scientists from Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Peru and and discuss with the ICHA community the Program Ecuador. That was very convenient, since we share with Scientific Implementation plan. Social activities our neighbors several economic, social, ecological issues included different city tours on Wednesday afternoon, a and, of course, problems related to harmful algae. CBSCFDVF on Tuesday with samba and caipirinha, where Species of Alexandrium, Gymnodinium, Brazilians HAB experts paid homage to Edna Granéli. Dinophysis or Microcystis do not know political The farewell conference banquet closed the event in a borders and freely ride through marine and freshwater Brazilian way: a carnival with a troup of drummers and ecosystems within the South American continent. ICHA dancers from local Escola de Samba. A full report and 17 was hosted by the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina conference highlights can be found in Harmful Algal News (IFSC), a public governmental educational institution with (55 -December 2016). A poll of 110 participants from 35 more than 30.000 students. IFSC is home of LAQUA, one countries indicated that the conference was overall very of the national laboratories for algal toxins analysis. The well evaluated. The credit for the success of the conference central theme was Harmful Algae, from cells conference is to be shared with all attendees, and the to fsheries: species, toxins, ecology, management and Regional FANSA and the International Advisory new technologies. The conference was attended by 350 committees. We thank all the colleagues who chaired participants from 35 countries. There were 2 keynote the scientific session and helped to run the speakers, 8 plenary speakers, 145 orals presentations, conference smoothly, by keeping the program on 20 fast-talks, 250 posters and a heavily attended round time and conducting the discussions. Thanks to ISSHA table to discuss the recent HAB events in Chile. for the financial support to help the attendance of 27 Conference activities started with the frst ever students from 13 countries. Thanks also to all Student Speed Networking mini-course, held on Sunday sponsors and exhibitors, especially to Coordenação de 9th October and mentored by Vera Trainer, Lisa Campbell, Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES, Adriana Zingone, Marina Montresor and Mohamed Abdul Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Baki. Main conference topics included: Climate anomalies, Tecnológico - CNPq and Fundação para Amparo a global change, and record blooms, heavily infuenced by Pesquisa e Inovação do Estado de Santa Catarina - the dramatic salmon-kills and PSP events suffered by FAPESC, for their funding contribution to the conference. Chilean producers in 2016 Bdvanced ‘omics in situ We are very grateful to Instituto Federal de sensors and over 60 contributions PO $ZBOPCBDUFSJB Santa Catarina - IFSC for hosting the conference and XFSF QSFTFOUFE 5IF NBJO UPQJDT XFSF BQQSPBDIFE providing support with personnel. Also our thanks go to XJUIJO LFZ OPUFT HJWFO CZ (VTUBBG )BMMFHSBFGG Attitude Promo Events, especially to Alice Helena Silva 1SPHSFTTJOPVSVOEFSTUBOEJOHPGGJTILJMMJOHNJDSPBMHBF and Michelle Rullier Cisneros. JNQMJDBUJPOT GPS NBOBHFNFOU BOE NJUJHBUJPO -PSB This Proceedings volume contains 36 papers 'MFNJOH&DPMPHJDBMQVCMJDIFBMUI )BSNGVM"MHBM#MPPNT from contributors organized into seven topics covering BOEDMJNBUFDIBOHFBOEQMFOBSZUBMLT
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