Ti TheWindsor Report Released .1HE [IVING CHURCH AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY SERVING EPISCOPALIANS• NOVEMBER 7, 2004 • $2.00 Please slide tO•:.the end of the pew ••• • • • advertisers have to read this! PARISH ADMINISTRATION ISSUE January 2, 2005 The January 2005 Parish Administration Issue will be filled with interesting articles, enticing commentary, and special features related to the practical side of church work. Specific articles will address church growth, expansion considerations, gaining landmark status and church architecture. MAKE YOUR SPACE o Advertise in one of the most read issues of 2005! RESERVATIONS EARLY! o Take advantage of a bonus circulation of nearly 10,000 AD RESERVATIONS DUE: copies ... that's more than 20,000+ people you reach! Friday, December 3, 2004 o If your organization is holding a special event, meeting or conference in 2005, this is the best way ARTWORK DUE: to let TLC readers know in advance. Tuesday, December 7, 2004 o Reach active members of the Episcopal Church If you would like a media kit, informationon our 2005 (even those who don't subscribe)! rates, or have any other questions,call (414) 276-5420 o Influence those around you who make major ext. 16, or e-mail [email protected]. purchasing decisions (clergy, vestry, parish Wishing you a blessed and prosperous new year, administrators & other leading Episcopalians). Tom Parker Advertising Manager o Target your product or service with NO waste. THE LIVINGCHURCH o Take advantage of the high pass-along rate. 11ti The objective of THELIVING CHURCHmagazine is to build up the body of Christ, LIVING CHURCH by describing how God is moving in his Church; by reporting news of the An independent weekly serving Church in an unbiased manner; and by presenting diverse points of view. Episcopalianssince 1878 l lavitl ,\. Kalvelage THIS WEEK t.'11n1li11· fdilru lkily li]al7.PI {/,·11r'(fl/ ,\1111/r/(/('( .lt)hllS('hUPss!Pr \!01,,1 _0111.11r·i_1,1c,i' Si('W \\'arn1g \'1•11<.; f,_'r/1/111 l':itric1a C. Nakamura /;1;(1/.111ul Jlusi,· /-:rlt/f!,· :\rn.1·(irau r;,r111l111· . \!'fist Tl)lll l'arkPr \1/1 r·!'Jisi11.r; ,\!1J//11.y1 '( Thais ,Jackson F11!f1/l/f/1'11/.\ln11c1.<J1 '1 l{PJII'<' \\'E'iler ,l/r1 rf.-,,1l11.r1,'Pn !/1/IJ{ in11 [Jt 1Ptfr1r Ill l \HI l OF DJRECTORS Tht• Ht•1.Tho111as :\. Fraser Rivl'rsicle,Ill. ( PrPsitlPnl) \Iirian1 K. Stauff \V,1uwatosa.Wis. (\'icP Prt'sidP11t) The Rrv. ,J('ffrr,·Strenson :\IIH1q1wrquP, N.M. (Senetary) H,mard '.1-1.Tis('h.lr'.r 13 Albuquerque, N.M. (TreasurPI') Tht· Rt. !-IPv.Bt'rlrarn N. Hr•rlong Nashville, TPnn. Thi' Rt•v. (iary W. Kriss News Opinion ( :a111hridgc,N.Y. ThtHnas Riley 7 The Windsor Report 11 Editor's Column \'it'lllHI,Va. Miss Augusta D. Rncldis Says Bonds of Windsor Report Lacks Bite Marshfit!ld,Wis. Communion Have 12 Editorials There's Still Tune L'r///u1·iul 011d L-!usi11essolfices Been Breached 8Hi E .. Juneau Avenue 13 Reader's Viewpoint MilwaukPP, WI :i:3202-279:3 8 Reaction to the Report Risks of the Common Cup Mailing address: P.O. 13ox 514tJ:l(i BY TERRANCE G. FURLOW Milwaukee, WI :'i:3203-:34:3!\ Varied, Passionate TP!PplHJ11P:414-276-5420 15 Letters Fax: 414-:mi-7 48:l 9 'Two Seattle Churches Willing to Meet E-111ail: tlclfl-Jivingc:hurcl1.org Seek Independence www.livingchurch.org OtherDepartments \L\\l'St'l<!l'TS .\:',;ll !'H(JTfHdt\Pl!.'-i. TIIL Li\ 4 Sunday's Readings 1,1. ('111 1:, 11, ,11\ll<)l ;1s:-1ur11· l't-:-.J11111slliil1I_\fur !!11· 10 Diocese of Dallas rr.•1ll!'II ,,r plHrlo:- (I[" 111.11111.-;r•ni,h. 5 Sharps, Flats & Naturals T1w lx.i-,,; 1:1!1·11,111.c. p1ili!Jsh 1-'1l t-'\"\'l\' \H ·('k. Joins Network 1L1l1•1l S111t1!.i_v.!J_\ till ' Li\Jllg ( 'h11n·!1 FuiJ1l1bl1(ll\, Int" ;ii -~Iii E .lu1w,1uA.vi· \ld\,,uik,·< · \\ "[ 6 Books -~1:;·~n:..!l\•nrnlu-,tl~ Jh1sL1g(· 1,:111!al \!1h\:111k<'I'.\\'! 17 People & Places SI [{SI '.Hll'Tlt lN 1--t\l'ES: :<)!1.. '10 f,1r u11( \"1•;1r. .-<"°ll lil) j(1f J,~ rnnnlllc:. S/tl 7~ f,_,r (\\"'J \"1•;1r..; I :,uu1ti;111 \His:t;.igi, ;111;idd11 it •J\;d -~1,-, \l.~ 111•1 ._-(-_Jr: ;ill iil 11,·r 1'<1r1'i.~n. ~:21.!H.i1,r-1 y,_,,_-it !'( l:-iT\L\~TEH· :--;,,11daddr~ •ss dt:ll\;.\l"S 1(1 Till On theCover Ll\!\11 ('111 I,• II. Pll Ht1\ :-i1.111:)I)_\!il\\;1111.;f•t·. \\I ~):1::::11.k;.nr1 The Most Rev.Robin Eames, Archbishop Tl !I•: Ll\ !.\-(; C\!1 Hi "[1 ! ISS\ 011:2 ! .-):...'.~11,1 is I ,111>­ of Irelandand chairmanof the Lambeth ld" d l,1 Tl II·: 1.ll"IN(; l'fll"lit"H F<J\ :NJJ.\T\O~ . 1\1. :1 II • di-p!'l!!ll n1J:a11iz;.it11,r1S1'j"\'(t1,; 1)!, Commissionon Communion,shows a t 'h11rd1 \II gifl." 1.. 111•·hn111d:1t1:l11 ,m· 1r1::,.- copy of the WindsorReport at its release ,Jt-d11, I il,li· Oct. 18 at St. Paul'sCathedral in London. " ·:2iH1 ! llw l,1\·ing ( 'him h Fn1111dat1(111.!iw .\ll 11gJi1,, n·_..,,.·n,·d :-..!u 1"1"pt'1H!lll'li1111 l!I 11!11,!1· <11'Ji:tl"f r·,111lit· George Conger photo 111.1,I,· \11th,11!1 1,(•rn11~-"i,in <11" Tm : Li'.!'-'; t 'j11 1;, ·11 \'0l111tl(' 22!1 N11111l>crl!_i NOV EMBER 7. 2004 · TH E LIV ING CHU RCH 3 8c-lid OA,l SUNDAY'SREADINGS CHOIR CHAIR Preparingfor Death and for the Kingdom 'Indeed they cannot die anymore' (Luke 20:37) The 23rd Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 27C), Nov. 7, 2004 / ,w,,-. Job 19:23-27a; Psalm 17 or 17: 1-8; 2 Thess. 2: 13-3:5; Luke 20:27(28-33)34-38 1 1 We Episcopalians are used to both might wish that he would do so. looking for and seeing God's "hand at Instead he's teaching us something far work in the world about us" more basic. "[T]hose who are consid­ (Eucharistic Prayer C, BCP p. 372). ered worthy of a place in that age," More precisely, we know through Jesus tells us, "neither marry nor are experience that God mediates love to given in marriage." His reason is us through material things and clear: "Indeed they cannot die any­ through certain types of human rela­ more" (Luke 20:36-37). The sacramen­ tionships. We're all aware of the grace tal commitment of one Christian to which we receive through the sacra­ another, that is, is far more than two with FIBRE RUSH SEAT ments, yet sometimes we lose sight of people sharing love for each other. the fact that they're given to prepare What they share is God's mediated Since 1877 us for death and for our entry into the grace , in preparation for the time R.Geissler-l Inc. kingdom. when mediation will no longer be In baptism , God pours out his love needed. P.O. Box 432 upon us through the medium of water. Our life-long committed relation­ Old Greenwich, CT 06870 The relationship thereby established ships, whether in marriage or through Phone: (203) 637-5115 with him, as well as with our fellow vows to a religious community, are Christians throughout the world and additional ways that God prepares us throughout the ages, is irrevocable . It for death and for resurrection into the is, in fact, the very basis for our true kingdom. To the extent that we con­ citizenship in heaven. Likewise, in the tinue in unconditional love toward Eucharist , we're regularly nourished those whom God has placed in our by the very nature and substance of lives, we become increasingly enabled Christ himself - a preparation for our to pursue eternal relationships . It is feasting forever at the Lord's own precisely to the degree that we "honor wedding banquet. Baptism and the and keep the promises [we] make" to Eucharist prepare us for that day one another and before God (BCP, p. when we can joyously accept God's 425) that we become more and more love directly - when mediation will prepared "for salvation through sanc­ no longer be necessary. tification by the Spirit" (2 Thess. 2: 13). In today's gospel reading, Jesus isn't The sacraments of this present age St . Cuthbert Tsars 14kt $346 14kt $216 condemning our own growing custom help to make us ready for death and Silver $99 .95 Silver $43.95 of serial monogamy, much as one for resurrection into God's kingdom. LookIt Up What is the scriptural basis for marriage in the Judeo-Christian tradition? (See Scriptures Gen. 2:23-25). 14kt$179 Silver $32 . 95 ThinkAbout It If we regularly renege on our solemn promises to God, what hope do we have that God will keep his promises to us? Angelic Canterbury Seraph 14kt with Garnet $229 14kt $93 Silver with Amet hyst $49 . 95 Silver $23 .95 Purchase our ent ire colle ct ion onllne at: NextSunday www.gallerybyzantium.com The 24th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 28C), Nov. 14, 2004 1-800-798-6173 Mal. 3:13-4 :2a,45-6; Psalm 98 or 98:5-10; 2 Thess. 3:6-13 ; Luke 21 :5-19 4 THE LIVING CHU RCH · NOVEMBER 7. 2004 SHARPS, FLATS & NATURALS The children's choir introduces with joyful exuberance Gloria in excelsis Dea.
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