J°°° TMEDICAL JRNL] NAVAL AND MILITARY MEDICAL SERVICES. [APRIL 19, 1902, that the theory to which I gave expression had an origin Barrow's previous commissions are thus dated: Assistant-Surn eon, Sep- entirely of tember 30th, I871; Surgeon, March ist, 1873; Surgeon-Major, September independent aural practice. I will expound this 3oth, 1883; rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, September 3oth, i89I ; and Brigade- theory and explain its origin at a later date, after fulfilling Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel, May 7th, I896. He was in the Soudan cam- my promise of "indicating the existence of a therapeutic paign in I885 (medal with clasp, and Khedive's bronze star), and with the agent in myelocene " a Soudan Frontier Field Force in I885, including the action at Giniss. by record of the results obtained from Lieutenant-Colonel R. 0. CUSACK retires on retired pay on account of its use in other departments of medicine. With regard to the ill health, April i6th. Appointed Surgeon, March 6th, i88o, he became judgementwhich may bepassed upon any method of treatment, Surgeon-Major twelve years and Lieutenant-Colonel twenty years there-- I would only say that it would hardly be scientific to pro- after. He was Senior Medical Officer with the column under General Graham during the Manipur expedition in 18gi, was mentioned in nounce either a favourable or an adverse opinion after rea ing dispatches, and received the Frontier medal with clasp. a brief record of bare facts or after the personal observation P. Lieutenant-Colonel G. H. LE MOTTtE, M.D., also retires on retired pay,. of its effects in a few cases. In my view, the approval which April x6th. His commissions are thus dated: Surgeon, March 31St, 1875; Surgeoni-Major, March 3rSt, 1887; rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, March 3ist, wins appreciation must depend upon one or both of the follow- I895; and Brigade Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel, June 22nd, I898. He was ing conditions: Either it must be due to a record of properly engaged in the Boer war in x88I. authenticated facts, for which a reason is provided that Lieutenant-Colonel R. W. E. H. NICHOLSON likewise retires on retired irresistibly commends itself to the mind of the pay, April i6th. He was appointed Surgeon, July 3ISt, x88o; Snrgeon- scientist, or Major, July 31st, r892; and Lieutenant-Oolonel, July 31St, 1900. He served it must follow an independent and adequate personal investi- in the operations in Chitral in i895 (medal with clasp), and in bhe current gation, the results of which establish the value of the treat- South African war. ment employed. In this connexion I may express my regret Lieutenant GEORGE EDWARD LEARY died at Aden on March i4th, at the' that I have been unable to satisfy the numerous correspond- age of 28. He joined the department May 3oth, 1goo. ents who have asked me to direct them where can obtain they ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. a reliable supply of myelocene. The preparation is not yet DEPUTY SURGEON-GBNERAL WILLIAM MACNAMARA, M.D., retired pay, died in medio, and as it requires a competent knowledge of the on February zith. Hewas appointed Assistant Surgeon, October 6th, 1854; qualities of bone marrow, it cannot be procured with the ease Surgeon, May i6th, 1867; Brigade Surgeon, November z7th, 1878; andc Honorary Deputy Surgeon-General on retirement, July 2ISt, I880. that is desirable. But it is within the reach of all who are Brigade-Surgeon JAMES PARR, retired pay, died at Sevenoaks, fortunate in their selection of bones and who follow with care February gth. He entered the service as Assistant-Surgeon, May 28th, the directions which I have set forth in my communication. 1857, and became Surgeon May 31St, 1871; Surgeon-Major March ist, I ought not to conclude this letter without thanking Dr. I873; and retired with the honorary rank of Brigade-Surgeon July 29th, McBride for drawing my attention to the fact that I had in- i885. advertently attributed to Lucae the method of intermittent INDIAN MEDICAL SERVICE. pressure advocated by Hommel.-I am, etc., CAPTAIN W. HENVYY, Bengal Establishment, is transferred to temporary Edinburgh, April 14th. CHALMERS WATSON. half-pay, from March 4th. He was appointed Surgeon-Captain July 28th, I89I, and served with the Isazai Expedition in 1892. Inspector-General HUGH MARTIN MAcPHERsON, late Bengal Establish- ment, died on the April 4th, at 6, Arlington Street. Piccadilly, aged 8ir MEDICAL SERVICES. years. He was appointed Assistant-Surgeon September i8th, 2842, and. ROYAL NAVY .AND ARMY became Inspector-General July 27th, I870. THE UNDERMANNING OF THE ARMY MEDICAL IMPERIAL YEOMANRY. SERVICE. THE undermentioned officers resign their commissions and receive new- commissions subject to the Militia and Yeomanry Act, x901, retainiDg THE following is the distribution of medical officers employed their rank and seniority; Surgeon-Captain J. R. HARPER, Royal North on the Active or Reserve Lists, according to the Army List for Devon (Hussars); Surgeon-Captain T. F. DEWAR, M.B., Fifeshire and. Forfarshire; Surgeon-Captain L. DRAGE, M.D., Herts; Surgeon-Major April: R. E. WOOD, Lanark; Surgeon Captain J. F. G. DILL, M.D., Norfolk (King's Distribution in April Army List. Own); Surgeon-Captain R. BULLOCK, Warwickshire; Surgeon-Lieutenant, F. E. MARSTON, Montgomeryshire; Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel J. J. SAVILLE, North Somerset. Remarks. Mr. JOHN J. SCANLAN is appointed Medical Officer to the 35th Bat- talion, with the temporary rank of Captain, April 7th. Mr. GEORGE THOMSON, M,B., is appointed Surgeon-Lieutenant in the Nottinghamshire (Sherwood Foresters), April 36th. Ranks. -4 X 2 Mr. EDWARD M. KNOTT is appointed Surgeon-Lieutenant in the North- amptonshire Imperial Yeomanry, April 12th. Surgeon-Captain C. FLEMING, Nottinghamshire (Sherwood Rangers), re- 0 signs his commission, April 12th. VOLUNTEER GARRISON ARTILLERY. Mr. NORMAN DAVIDSON, M.B., is appointed Surgeon-Liefitenant in the surgeon-Generals .3. 26 - - ist Banffs, April 12th. colognels.... Il 5 To - 26 4 - Surgeon-Lieutenant R. B. PURVES, M.B., ist Edinburgh (City), is pro- Lieutenant-Colonels.- 70, 67 24 11 222 6 24 moted to be Surgeon-Captain, April 16th. Majors.......42 122 log 3 27 3 3 Captains ... ... ... 29 I09 1II - 249 I2 4 - Lieutenants .... 28 12 64 3 206 I VOLUNTEER ENGINEERS. MR. JOHN W. T. WALKER, M.B., is appointed Surgeon-Lieutenant in the Total ... ... *273 425 379 7 984 26 3I East London (Tower Hamlets), April i6th. The total number is the same as for March, with a few less VOLUNTEER RIFLES. at home and a few more in South Africa. The Surgeon- SURGEON-LIEUTENANT P. L. W. WILLIAMS, 2nd Volunteer Battalion the Prince Albert's (Somerset Light Infantry), resigns his commission, April General establishment of io has been completed by the pro- 12th. motion of 4 colonels since the list was made up. The number Surgeon-Lieutenant J. ORR, M.B., ist Volunteer Battalion the Man- unposted is considerably fewer, and is very small in such chester Regiment, is promoted to be Surgeon-Captain, April 12th. seeing that it probably chiefly represents Messrs. FREDERIC H. ALLFREY, M.B., and HENRY S. WALKER, M.D., are large numbers, appointed Surgeon-Lieutenants in the 2nd Cadet Battalion the King's officers on sick leave. Deducting 57 for those seconded, and (Liverpool Regiment) and the 3rd Volunteer Battalion the Lincolnshire the reserve of officers employed, the effective active list is Regiment respectively, dated April i6th. 927. The number of retired officers employed is 64, exclusive of the reserve of officers shown in the active list. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS (MILITIA). SUPERNUMERARY LIEUTENANT J. CLARKE is promoted to be Captain, and. ROYAL NAVY MEDICAL SERVICE. to remain seconded, January zith. THE following appointments have been made at the Admiralty: T. B. SHAW, M.B.. Surgeon, to the Dtuke of WelZington, for disposal, April gth - GEORGE D. TWIGG, Fleet Surgeon, to the Duike of Wellington, additional, ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS (VOLUNTEERS). April x4th; ANTHONY KIDD, Fleet Surgeon, to the Benbow, additional, MR. JOHN M. ROGERS-TILLSTONE is appointed Lieutenant in the Maid- April 14th. stone Companies, April 12th. Lieutenant T. W. BARTLErT, the Woolwich Companies, is promoted tow ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. be Captain, April 16th. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL H. J. W. BARROW iS promoted to be Colonel. vice Supernumerary Lieutenant M. TAYLOR, M.B., the Woolwich Companies, E. Townsend, promoted, September 25th, i9oi. Lieutenant-Colo 1 is promoted to be Captain and to remain supernumerary, April i6tfl. BRmz APRIL 19, 1902.1 NAVAL AND MILITARY MEDIOAL SERVICES. [ &zDrCALTDIan JOURNAL 1001 VOLUNTEER INFANTRY BRIGADE BEARER COMPANIES. SURGEON-CAPTAIN A. C. TUNSTALL, M.D., from the ist Tower Hamlets VOLUNTEER MEDICAL SERVICE. Volunteer Rifle Corps, is appointed Surgeon-Captain in the 4th London, THE following letter from Sir E. W. D. Ward, Permanent and to command the company, under Paragraph 55a Volunteer Regula- tions. Secretary of the War Office, has been received by the Surgeon-Captain F. H. THOMPSON, from the ist Hereford Volunteer Honorary Secretary of the Volunteer Medical Association, in Rifles, to be Surgeon-Captain in the Welsh Border Brigade, and to com- reply to a communication addressed by the Council of that mand under Paragraph 55a Volunteer Regulations, March ixth. Association to the of State for War: Surgeon-Lieutenant J. McK. HARRISON, M.B., from the rst Hereford Secretary Rifles, is appointed War Office, April, 1902. Voluinteer Surgeon-Lieutenant in the *Welsh Border Sir,-I am directed by the Secretary of State for War to inform you that Brigade, March xith. he has carefully considered the various points raised in the communica- tion received from the Council of the Volunteer Medical Association, dated January ioth last, and in reply I am to state: CHANGES OF STATION. I. That while the Volunteer Medical Staff Corps officers and men have THE following changes of station amongst the officers of the Royal Army been affiliated to the Royal Army Medical Corps, under the title of the Medical Corps have been officially reported to have taken place during Royal Army Medical Corps (Volunteers) by Arnmy Order 28 of 1902, and the the last month: comnpound title of the officers abolished, Mr.
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