MyMy beautifulbeautiful experienceexperience inin thethe ErasmusErasmus projectproject ETHOS OF EUROPE -ACTING FOR INTEGRATION ERASMUS + PROJECT MOBILITY 1 InIn thethe FrankesteinFrankestein CastleCastle Tuesday,Tuesday, NovemberNovember 27th27th wewe wentwent toto thethe FrankensteinFrankenstein castlecastle forfor aa guidedguided tourtour …… FrankensteinFrankenstein CastleCastle isis situatedsituated inin southernsouthern HesseHesse ,, Germany,Germany, onon thethe OdenwaldOdenwald mountainmountain range.range. TheThe castlecastle isis locatedlocated toto aboutabout 2020 minutesminutes fromfrom thethe centercenter ofof DarmstadDarmstad andand 3030 minutesminutes fromfrom thethe ourour GermanyGermany schoolschool PTID.PTID. ArrivalArrival atat thethe castlecastle WhenWhen wewe arrivedarrived atat thethe castlecastle waitingwaiting forfor usus therethere waswas aa funnyfunny guideguide whowho worewore typicaltypical clothesclothes ofof thethe 1800s.1800s. HeHe introducedintroduced himselfhimself toto usus playingplaying thethe oliphantoliphant andand laterlater beganbegan toto talktalk toto usus aboutabout thethe historyhistory ofof thethe castle.castle. ArrivedArrived atat thethe castlecastle Typica l sound Typical clothes TheThe OliphantOliphant andand TypicalTypical clothesclothes StoryStory •• FrankensteinFrankenstein CastleCastle isis aa hilltophilltop castlecastle inin thethe OdenwaldOdenwald overlookingoverlooking thethe citycity ofof DarmstadtDarmstadt inin Germany.Germany. ItIt isis thoughtthought thatthat thisthis castlecastle maymay havehave beenbeen anan inspirationinspiration forfor MaryMary ShelleyShelley whenwhen sheshe wrotewrote herher 18181818 GothicGothic novelnovel Frankenstein.Frankenstein. MeaningMeaning ofof "Frankenstein""Frankenstein" After,After, thethe guideguide talktalk aboutabout thethe meaningmeaning ofof frankesteinfrankestein :: ••FrankensteinFrankenstein isis aa GermanGerman namename consistingconsisting ofof twotwo words:words: TheThe FranksFranks areare aa GermanicGermanic tribetribe andand "stein""stein" isis thethe GermanGerman wordword forfor ““stonestone ””.. •• Accordingly,Accordingly, thethe meaningmeaning ofof FrankensteinFrankenstein isis "Stone"Stone ofof thethe Franks".Franks". TheThe wordword "stein""stein" isis commoncommon inin namesnames ofof landscapes,landscapes, placesplaces andand castlescastles inin Germany.Germany. Consequently,Consequently, thethe termterm "Frankenstein""Frankenstein" isis aa ratherrather ordinaryordinary namename forfor aa castlecastle inin thisthis region.region. LegendsLegends andand mythsmyths ThenThen ,, wewe camecame toto thethe FrankensteinFrankenstein CastleCastle ChapelChapel andand thethe guideguide spokespoke toto usus thethe FrankesteinFrankestein ’’ss legendlegend .. FrankesteinFrankestein isis thethe workwork ofof thethe EnglishEnglish writerwriter MaryMary ShelleyShelley inin thethe 1818.1818. Victor Frankestein is a great scientist who decided to devote himself to the study chemistry and natural philosophy and decided to create a creature assembling body parts from cadavers . One night, finally, the creature comes to life, but when he saw the monster move, Frankenstein fled in terror … He left the creature because he was disgusted. When Victor back home he received from his fat her the news that the monster killed William, Victor ’s brother. When Victor and monster met the monster confessed his misfact and supply the doctor to create an other being like him, a “woman ”. The doctor promised he would be able, but in the end he renounced. T hen Victor accepted to marry Elizabeth, but Frankenstein decided to take revenge and he killed Elizabeth. The doctor wanted to revenge his wife and followed the monster … He arrived to the north pole and he was saved by his friend Walton. Victor told the story to him but after he died because of temperature. After that no one saw the monster anymore … AroundAround thethe castlecastle AfterAfter thisthis beautifulbeautiful story,story, thethe guideguide tooktook usus aroundaround thethe castlecastle …… WeWe startedstarted toto visitvisit thethe castlecastle fromfrom thethe churchchurch toto thethe mainmain tower,tower, wewe walkedwalked atat highhigh altitudealtitude toto getget toto thethe toptop floorfloor ofof thethe towertower (It(It waswas veryvery afraidafraid ……).). WeWe spentspent aa beautifulbeautiful butbut coldcold day.day. NowNow II willwill showshow youyou somesome photosphotos ofof thethe dayday …… TheThe churchchurch TheThe groupgroup inin thethe churchchurch TheThe CreaturCreatur Our group with the teacher Marica Petillo and her pupils Luigi Palumbo , Antony Carandente Coscia, Gabriella Caricati and Cristiano Ciotola ProducedProduced byby PalumboPalumbo LuigiLuigi IIIIII BB ITGITG DellaDella PortaPorta .
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