HARMONIA : Journal of Arts Research and Education 15 (2) (2015), 101-106 p-ISSN 1411-5115 Available online at http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/harmonia e-ISSN 2355-3820 DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v15i2.4099 FORMS, DEVELOPMENT AND THE APPLICATION OF MUSIC MEDIA IN THE KINDERGARTENS: A Comparative Study of Two Kindergartens Totok Sumaryanto Florentinus Study Program of Art Education Post Graduate Program, Semarang State University, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] Udi Utomo Music Department, Semarang State University, Sekaran Campus, Semarang 50229, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] Received: October 18, 2015. Revised: November 29, 2015. Accepted: November 29, 2015 Abstract This study was aimed at investigating the form of music media employed in the teaching and learning process (TLP) in the kindergartens, and the teachers’ effort to develop and apply music media in the TLP. The researchers used a qualitative approach. The research was conducted in TK Hj. Isriati Baiturahman and TK Negeri Pembina Semarang. The subjects of the study were principals, teachers, staffs and students. In collecting the data, the researchers used three different techniques: interview, observation and documentation. Then, the researchers used data reduction, categorization and data interpretation to analyse the data. The result shows that the teachers in both schools have utilized varied music media in the TLP. In TK Hj. Isriati, the teachers used music media in the form of music composition and electronic equipment; and the new music instruments were used by the teachers in extracurricular activities. Meanwhile, the teachers in TK Negeri Pembina utilized music media, including music composition, music instruments and electronic equipment. The development of music made by the teachers was done by modifying lyrics, composing simple songs, utilizing rhythmical music instruments and employing electronic equipment in the TLP. Keywords: form; media; music; kindergarten How to Cite: Sumaryanto F., T., & Utomo, U. (2015). Forms, Development and The Application of Music Media in The Kindergartens: A Comparative Study of Two Kindergartens. Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education, 15(2), 101- 106 doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/harmonia.v15i2.4099 INTRODUCTION Musical activities, as a kind of teaching and learning processes in the kindergarten The implementation of teaching and and a combination of the various areas are learning process (TLP) in kindergartens expected to support the outcome of teach- has never been apart from musical activi- ing and learning objectives in the kinder- ties, even though it is still in the form of garten. singing. This activity is conducted either To create musical activities such as inside or outside of the classroom (see Sy- listening to music, singing, playing simp- ahrul, 2010; Moeslichatoen, 2009, p.12-13). le music instruments and others which 101 102 HARMONIA : Journal of Arts Research and Education 15 (2) (2015): 101-106 are meaningful to the students, it needs velopment of Pancasila, religion, disci- teachers’ skills to develop a plan and an pline, feelings/ emotions, and social skills, implementation in the TLP. Some of the as well as the development of basic skills critical issues related to the teachers’ skills through activities prepared by the teach- concern: (1) the ability to determine the ap- ers which include the development of lan- propriate music experiences which relate guage skills, critical thinking, creativity, to the themes and development aspects in skill, and physic. the kindergarten, (2) the ability to design To achieve the goals of the TLP in musical activities to be implemented, (3) the kindergarten, the teachers have es- the ability to determine kinds of music and tablished varied themes. The themes are songs that will be used as teaching media, (1) I, (2) senses, (3) family, (4) houses, (5) and (4) the ability to define and use musi- schools, (6) food and drink, (7) clothing, cal instruments that support the learning (8) cleanliness, (9) plants, (10) vehicles, (11) process. occupation, (12) recreation, (13) water and Based on the explanation above, the air, (14) fire, (15) countries, (16) communi- research questions are outlined as follows: cation tools, (17) natural phenomena, (18) (1) how is the music media used in the TLP sun, moon, stars, and earth, and (19) life in to be implemented in the kindergarten? cities, villages, coastal areas and mountain And (2) how do the teachers develop and (Moeslichatoen, 2009, p. 13-14). apply music media in the TLP in the kin- The varied themes are delivered to dergarten? the students through integrated activities Musical activity is an important role by including music as one of the compo- in the kindergarten education program. nents. Music activities such as listening Froebel, an expert of kindergarten believes music, responding music with its rhyth- the values of musical experiences for the mical motion, singing, reading music students as written in his book, Mother notation, and playing simple musical in- Play and Nursery Songs. Based on his opin- struments are the activites in the TLP, the ion, the students should be given as much purpose of which is to establish behavior singing and playing experiences through (especially through messages of the lyr- singing activities. ics), and to develop their basic skills such Moreover, Anderson (2004, p. 2) as creativity, language, thinking, skill, and states that the kindergarten students are physic (through melody, rhythm, harmo- the most original composers. They create ny, lyric and expression) (Safrina, 1999, p. more music, explore it carefully, use more 125-166). consistent and spontaneous music, and In order to achieve its objectives, it have a stronger motivation on music com- needs the teachers’ skills to develop and pared to the students in the higher level apply the existing music media. The media (adolescence). are anything (hardware and or software) Music, as one of the important activi- which relate to music, applied as teaching ties in the TLP in the kindergarten is con- media since they can stimulate the stu- sidered to be affected the child’s personal dents’ thinking, feeling, attention and will- development which involve some devel- ingness to promote effective and efficient opment aspects such as motoric, language, TLP. In the context of teaching and learn- emotional, social, and intelligence. In ad- ing process in the kindergarten, it empha- dition, it is also due to the music as a part sises on the process (not the goal). of children’s life, cultural heritage, and it is Music media can be devided into as tools to express themselves (Moeslicha- three main forms: music composition, mu- toen, 2009, p. 12-13). sic instruments and electronic equipment. The scope of the TLP in the kin- The composition of music is in the forms dergarten involves behavior formation of vocal music, works of instrumental through the implementation of moral de- music, or a mixture of both. Based on the Mohd Sawari Rahim, et al., Comment and Comics Artwork by Mohd Yaman Ahmad ... 103 character, the instrument can be classified documentation. The qualitative data was into two types: musical rhythmic and me- analysed for its validity using the degree lodic instruments. The rhythmic musical of trustworthiness, triangulation and also instrument is a musical instrument that theory. The technique to analyse data used can only be used as a rhythmical support. three phases. They were data reduction, For example, it can be seen from drums, categorization, and data interpretation drum, tambourine, castanyet, guiro, cym- (verification / conclusion). bals, and others. Furthermore, the melo- dical music instrument can function not RESULT AND DISCUSSION only to support but also to play melody. For example, it can be in the forms of flute, The Application of Music Media in the pianika, glockenspiel, guitar, harmonica, TLP in TK Hj. Isriati Baiturahman and others. The forms of music media including: Based on the sound sources, music (1) music composition, (2) music instru- instruments can be divided into several ments, and (3) electronic equipment have groups: (1) an instrument derived from been implemented as a part of the TLP in human (limbs) such as clapping, pound- TK Hj. Isriati Baiturahman. The utilization ing feet, excerpting fingers, and others, of those music media could be seen from as well as human voice for more specific, their varied activities. Vocal works like (2) idiophone instruments such as calung, children’s songs have always been used xylophone, marimba, glokenspiel, chimes, as teaching media in the pre activity for 30 maracas, tambourine, castanyet, trian- minutes started from 07:00 to 07:30. It was gle, guiro, etc., (3) aerophone instrument, held in the hall attended by all students in such as flute, clarinet, saxophone, trum- class A at the same time (A1, A2, A3, and pet, trombone, pianika, harmonica, etc., A4). Not only to support pre activity, the (4) membranophone musical instruments children’s songs were also used for other such as stringed drum, bass drum, bongo, purposes such as to strenghthen messag- conga drum, drums, terbang, etc., (5) cor- ges for the students and to improve stu- dophones instrument such as guitar, man- dents’s vocal skills (singing lesson). dolin, violin, zither, piano, harp, fiddle, In addition, there were also some etc., and (7) electrophone musical instru- other TLP that utilized music composition ments such as elerctronic organ, electone, such as musical composition and instru- syntesizer, sound effects, electric guitars, mental mixture. Based on the data, the use and others (Safrina, 1999, p. 15-18). of music instrument as teaching media in Electronic equipment included as TK Hj. Isriati was implemented in the ex- music media (hard ware) are radio, tape tracurricular activities. Classroom teachers recorder, television, cassettes music re- or the students only used clapping hands corder, music CDs, music VCD, MP3, LD in their pre activity, main activity, post ac- music, sound system and others.
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