European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2017; 21: 4640-4641 Ischemic stroke and ST-elevation myocardial infarction revealing infective endocarditis G.-R. JOLIAT1,2, N. HALKIC1, O. PANTET2, N. BEN-HAMOUDA2 1Division of Visceral Surgery, Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland 2Adult Intensive Care Unit and Burn Center, Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland Abstract. – In this clinical scenario, we re- sedation stop. Cerebral CT showed an import- port the case of a patient who presented multi- ant ischemic stroke (Figure 1b). In reviewing ple embolic complications due to mitral infective the previous abdominal CT, splenic (Figure 2a) endocarditis (IE). A 68-year-old woman had ex- and renal infarcts (Figure 2b) were found. As tended right hepatectomy for hilar cholangiocar- cinoma. Unfortunately, she had multiple postop- endocarditis was suspected, a transesophageal erative complications and had to be transferred echocardiography was performed and revealed to the Intensive Care Unit. During this stay, we a 15-mm vegetation on the mitral valve. The pa- have diagnosed an Enterococcus faecium IE af- tient was given antibiotherapy but intensive care ter the occurrence of multiple embolic compli- was stopped considering poor neurological state cations (myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, and bad oncologic prognosis. The patient died digital emboli, splenic emboli, and renal emboli). 10 days later. The autopsy examination identi- The case is presented hereunder with illustra- tive imagings. While embolism is a known com- fied Enterococcus faecium on the mitral valve, plication of IE, the presence of multiple emboli but surprisingly only calcifications were found in various organs is rare. macroscopically on the valve suggesting that the vegetation had completely dislodged. Key Words: Endocarditis, Valvular disease, Complications. Discussion This complicated oncologic patient scenario Case Presentation demonstrates a case of native mitral valve infec- A 68-year-old woman diagnosed with hilar tive endocarditis (IE) with multiple peripheral cholangiocarcinoma underwent extended right and central emboli supported by illustrative im- hepatectomy with biliodigestive anastomosis agings. All embolic events (myocardial infarction, and resection-anastomosis of the portal vein. ischemic stroke, splenic/renal infarcts, and digital She developed a postoperative biloma, for which nodules) were related to the mitral IE. In IE, em- a percutaneous CT-guided drainage was per- bolic events can remain totally silent in 20-50% formed. Unfortunately, the patient developed of cases1,2, which was not the case in this patient. a thoraco-abdominal biliary fistula that led to Main criteria for valve surgery are symptomatic subsequent empyema, which needed surgical mitral regurgitation, annular abscess, heart block, decortication by thoracotomy. The postopera- fungal or difficult-to-treat pathogens, persistent tive course was also marked by ST-elevation infection despite antibiotherapy (uncontrolled in- myocardial infarction necessitating right coro- fection), recurrent emboli, vegetation size > 10 nary stenting (Figure 1a). The patient was later mm, heart failure, and prevention of embolic transferred to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for events in patients at high risk1,3. Treatment of the respiratory failure and needed to be intubat- emboli (anticoagulation, antibiotherapy, and/or ed. Before her transfer to the ICU, the patient surgery) depends on the embolization sites and presented an episode of confusion. During her the pathology, but therapeutic anticoagulation ICU stay, she developed digital emboli bilater- represents the corner stone of treatment if no ally (Osler’s nodes) and delayed awakening after contra-indications exist. 4640 Corresponding Author: Gaëtan-Romain Joliat, MD; e-mail: [email protected] Ischemic stroke and ST-elevation myocardial infarction revealing infective endocarditis A B Figure 1. Major embolic complications: A, Coronarography showing embolic occlusion of the right coronary artery (arrow) causing ST-elevation myocardial infarction. B, Axial cerebral CT angiography showing embolic occlusion of the second portion of the right middle cerebral artery (arrow) leading to ischemic stroke. A B Figure 2. Axial abdominal CT-scan showing: A, The splenic infarcts (arrows) B, The renal infarcts (arrows). Conclusion THUNY F, TORNOS MAS P, VILACOSTA I, ZAMORANO JL; DOCUMENT REVIEWERS, EROL Ç, NIHOYANNOPOULOS P, ABOYANS V, AGEWAll S, ATHANASSOPOULOS G, AYTEKIN S, In case of multiple emboli without clear etiolo- BENZER W, BUENO H, BROEkhUIZEN L, CARERJ S, COSYNS gy, the diagnosis of IE should be evoked, and an B, DE BACKER J, DE BONIS M, DIMOPOULOS K, DONAL echocardiography should be performed. E, DREXEL H, FLACHSKAmpf FA, HAll R, HAlvORSEN S, HOEN B, KIRChhOF P, LAINSCAK M, LEITE-MOREIRA AF, LIP GY, MESTRES CA, PIEPOLI MF, PUNJABI PP, RAPEzzI C, ROSENHEK R, SIEBENS K, TAMARGO J, WAlkER DM. 2015 Conflict of Interest ESC Guidelines for the management of infective endocarditis: The task force for the management The Authors declare that they have no conflict of interests. of infective endocarditis of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Endorsed by: European As- sociation for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS), the European Association of Nuclear Medicine References (EANM). 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