MM. Serving the SiIn Jose State University CommunityDArLy Since 1934 Volume 90. No. 47 Monday, April 18, 1988 Taking time A.S. plans free transit it. he said Supervisor SicLennan said he hopes the pro- gram will encourage students to rely on public transportation in the fu- discusses ture. "Students who ride transit now will ride it to work later." he said. bus service 'This is the only way people are By Jeff Elder going to really begin taking public Daily staff writer transit seriously When the campus parking garages McLennan said he thinks the plan begin charging $2 per day nevi se- will take several years to build mester, the chore of driv inc iii SJSU steady ridership. through rush-hour trattk and over The proposed project will include downtown potholes will become a contract between the county. even less inviting. SJSU's funding for alternative tran- With this in mind, Associated Stu- sit and the A.S. dents executives met Thursday with McCarthy estimated about $10,- Santa Clara County Supervisor Rod 000 of A.S. funds will go into the Diridon to discuss a plan that would project. allow SJSU students to ride Cal - Additional bus routes to SJSU, Frans buses free, simply by showing bus stops that are closer to campus their student body ideinification and buses that connect to the Light cards. Rail Transit Mall on Second and St. A.S. President Michael McLen- James streets will all he part of the nan and Terry McCarthy. vice presi- plan. McCarthy said. dent and president-elect. met with Diridon is not SJSU's district so- Kendra Luck staff photographer Diridon at his office to outline the pci'. stir, hut he is the county's tran- Joshua Morro!). left, a freshman in creative arts, I.ina Mayo, a engineering, hang out and relax on the lawn in front of Tower Hall. plan they hope will go into effect in sit supervisor and is a major propo- sophomore in English. and Sam \Minsk.% . a freshman in mechanical Morron entertains his friends with a few tunes on the guitar. spring 1989. nent of the Light Rail system. which "I feel very optimistic about it," he said could be part of the plan. Diridon said Friday. "It's especially prudent to do this The success of the plan will hinge now because the Transit Mall opens on the ability of either President Gail July 1." he said. Fullerton or the A.S. to provide Diridon said advertising in the KSJS, KSJO battle in Art Quad funds for a pilot project next semes- Spartan Daily and leaflets distributed ter, he said. to students and faculty should he part lion table. Diridon said that once funds are of the plan, to encourage as many "It's changed the apathy that has been re- located he will make the proposal to people as possible to ride the buses. Campus station asked to 'turn it down' cently reported. It takes something like this to the County Transportation Agency Leigh Kirmsee, next year's A.S. make people be passionate about something." to begin the trial project. director of California state affairs. By Hazel Whitman It there's any misunderstanding. we did not Sanders said. "If the pilot project works, we'll See TRANSIT, page Daily staff writer mean for them to be shut down. (KSJS's music) However. KSJS General Manager David KSJO's Friday morning appearance on cam- was turned up really loud and it was bleeding Yohn did not agree with Sanders' statements. pus sparked a brief controversy between rock 'n' over. We want to work with (KSJS people). An- "1 do not support the actions taken by KSJS roll and alternative modern mimic. thony said. "We told them at least three times be- representatives." Yohn said. Supervisor speaks A table set up by KSJS. the campus radio sta- fore we called seheduling . " Yohn said KSJO was engaged in part of a tion. was moved out of the Art Quad area shortly Ken Sanders. KSJS assistant public affairs di- "normal" promotion, that the rock station was after 8 a.m.. after KSJO's program director coin- rector. said there were three requests by KSJO to not "competing with KSJS.'' plained to SJSU officials that the campus station the KSJS representatives at the demonstration Later in the day. three representatives from was playing music much too loudly . table in the quad to lower the volume of the sta- KSJS walked to the quad area and spoke with An- about child care SJSU Scheduling Manager Arlene Robison. tion's public simulcast. thony. Sanders apologized, and after the two who received the complaint, told KSJS to turn off "The third time was a mistake on our part be- shook hands. Anthony invited Sanders to speak By Lisa 1% alker the speaker playing ' modern" music. cause we did turn it up loud enough so it could he on the air to KSJO's listeners. Sanders accepted Daily staff wrtin "I told I KSJS) to turn off the volume, and heard on KSJO." Sanders said. the invitation, and \\ interviewed by disc jockey "The issue care is sad also told them they were welcome to come back at Robison said she told the KSJS people their Perry Stone. one." said Anna 1,11tio, Sail Mateo another time." Robison said. table with T-shirts could remain in the quad area. "Things are fine between the two stations, the County Supervisor and Denim:relic KSJO Program Director Ken Anthony said his but the sound would have to he shut off. problem now is with a Student Union person. candidate for the 12th C'ongressional station had a permit to broadcast in the Art Quad About an hour later. Sanders said the music They have said we can't have any more tables ap- District, as she spoke to a small fr 8 to I I a.m. was the most important aspect of the demonstra- proved," Sanders said. crowd at SJSU during a forum on child care. Eshoo was invited to campus by the Santa Clara County Democrats in conjunction with the SJSU Campus road Democrats. to help celebrate the Ad students take campaign on the Week of the Young Child because "she has an outstanding record when By Vic Vogler from TV to radio.' dealing with child care. She has pi- Daily staff writer Luke said the agency redefined oneered private and public pan- 'We have a good Some classwork demands ltmg feeling that we're going to Nestle's target market to include nerships for child care." said Paul hours and sleepless nights. But at be (at the national children as well as adults. Children, Sonneman. secretary for the Santa least you can't he fired for doing it competition).' she asserted, are the ones with Clara County Young Democrats. improperly. spending money. Eshoo said the United States is Since February. 14 students from Charene Luke, One commercial idea involves a below all the industrialited countries Anna Eshoo Advertising 129 have reserved the agency production manager woman in her late 20s reminiscing when dealing with child care. "It's salt Mato, Count% utpermor power to hire, lire, and contract out- over "a few of my favorite things," not because we've lost our sense ol side work. As a mock agency. the Sacramento on April 23. If the cam- the group had to heat out 13 other including Nestle's Swiss chocolate. direction or our sense of morality: it deterrent for fatuities and employers. group will present an ad campaign paign wins there, the group will ad- agencies from the class' four sec- Another spot portrays two little boys is because it takes two parents to The supervisor said 50 percent of tOr Nestle's Swiss Chocolate in a re- vance to the national competition in tions. For six weeks the group cre- sharing the candy bars along with support a family. We don't have that mothers with school -age children gional competition with other Los Angeles on June 18. ated a campaign based on the other valued items. fluff anymore. a white picket fence work, which brings about more schools. "We have a good feeling that "Sound of Music" tune "A Few of Aside from creating commercials. and a two-parent home." Eshoo "latch key kids ’ and a greater need Created from student surnames. we're going to he there." said My Favorite Things.’ the agency has delved into other said. for quality child care, she said. the "agency" ml Branscome. Ridge agency production manager ('harene "It's a timeless. ageless real -life working conditions. Work- She said we must realim that Eshoo says she uses the word quality and Currin will compete against Luke. (theme)... Luke said. "We needed a ing some days without sleep, the stu- many years ago child care was a wel- frequently , "because all too many other Northern California schools in To reach the regional competition. strong jingle. It carries over well See AGENCY, page 7 fare issue, but now it is an economic See ESHOO, page 7 Fullerton says fees only option Student's package design wins award By Douglas Alger Clark Paper Flux. tition. which took place Thursday Daily staff writer "Every one of these could appear morning. SJSU student Ken Shaw is $2.00 on the shelves." said Milton Tuitt. "We take time out and do this be- University Just wants richer thanks to his package design structural designer for Fidelity Pack- cause we think it's good for the in- for a Conair Hair Dryer. aging. dustry," Clark said.
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