productive for ' -&? VolThe 36No 7 ChanticleerJacksonville State University Jacksonv~lle,AL 36265 October 20, 1988 No worries Gamecocks crush UNA By JEFFREY ROBINSON UNA offense surprised JSU with Environmentalists, federal authorities and the Sports Editor a wishbone set. oil industry have formed an A yard display prepared by But after going through a unusual triad to try and free one of the fraternities for Home- scoreless battle for almost two three whales trapped in coming last week proclaimed, quarters, the flood gates opened. Artic Sea ice off the coast of "Don't Worry, Be Cocky," a JSU went on a scoring rampage Alaska. play on the song by Bobby that saw them put 23 points on McFerrin. Apparently, the the board in just over five Biologists have helped the animals break up ice Gamecocks had a thought like minutes. Before the Lions knew around a breathing hole. that on their minds during the what hit them, they had gone I Homecoming contest against ri- from stopping JSU's powerful 1 Veco, Inc., an oil field val North Alabama. wishbone to being blown out. servicing company, is . sending a barge to try and The Gamecocks got started a The "Red Bandit" defense 1 clear a six mile path to open water. little slow Saturday. But once helped keep the Gamecocks in they got in gear and were able to the game early by shutting down An Alaska Army National take advantage of a few breaks, UNA and quarterback Tommy Guard Skycrane will tow JSU proved why it is ranked No. Compton. And the special teams the barge to the site. 3 in the nation by thrashing gave JSU some important North Alabama 38-3. The win breaks that turned momentum National pushed the Gamecocks' overall in the Gamecocks' favor. The Supreme Court is record to an unblemished 7-0 reviewing a Texas statute mark. The first big break came with that bans the desecration of 5:20 left in the first half when the American flag. Early in the game, it looked as UNA's Troy Nelson fumbled a The case involves a if UNA might be prepared to 51-yard Steve Bailey punt. Dar- demonstrator who was give the Gamecocks a serious re11 Malone jumped on the loose UNA proves no trouble as Gamecocks roll sentenced to prison for challenge. JSU came out and ball at the ~ions'24-yard line, David Gulledge, went around added the conversion, and the burning a flag in a protests struggled through all of the first and the Gamecocks were in busi- left end and raced 23 yards down Gamecocks led 7-0. during the 1984 Republican quarter and most of the second. National Convention in ness. to the UNA 1. Terry Thomas Dallas. A state appeals The Lion defense did a good job 0, the very next play, half- then went in up the middle for On North Alabama's next court last April threw out of shutting down the run, and the back Jeff Hill took a pitch from the touchdown. Ashley Kay (See UNA, Page 14) the flag-burning conviction of Gregory Lee Johnson, who had been sentenced to one year in jail and fined WBRC-6's Royer broadcasts from the Quad $2,000. The appeals court said, By CARLA BYRAM "The act for which News Writer (Johnson) was convicted Look - on the quad. It's a pep was clearly 'speech' con- rally. It's the Southerners. No, templated by the First it's ...a weather forecast? Amendment." Last Thursday the campus was transformed into a tele- state vision studio as Mike Royer, Supreme Court Justice meteorologist for WBRC-6 in Oscar Adams Jr., who Birmingham, broadcast the 5 spoke at JSU during the and 6 p.m. weather from the spring semester, faces a quad. "It's boring to stay in the Republican challenger in studio all the time. I like to get his bid for a second full term on the court. out and meet people," said In 1982, Adams became Royer. the first black elected to The technology allowing the statewide office since forecast.was WBRC's Skylink 6 reconstruction. satellite truck. The $500,000 Adams spoke around truck transmitted a signal from no to DY cnRlS MILLER Calhoun County last Jacksonville 23,500 int0 Royer gives the forecast while JSU is in the limelight for an evening Monday. I (See ROYER, Page 2) ZThursday, October 20,1988, The Chanticleer ( Announcements I Bus chartered to UT-Martin Marty Granger, Clinton Gilder toast-throwing masses (or and Allison Ward were wel- messes, as the case may be). *Test-taking Skills Workshop will be at 2:30 p.m.. Tuesday. comed into the SGA as senators 107 Bibb Graves Hall. during our meeting of Oct. 10. The Gamecock football team *Resume-Writing Skills Workshop will be at 3 p.m.. Wedncs- Paul Dial was named chairman day. 107 Bibb Graves Hall. continues their dominance of the of the new Community Relations Gulf South Conference. If you *Frank Jones of the University of Alabama Law School will Committee. be on campus to speak to H.P. Davis' constitutional law class haven't seen them, you have one at 10 a.m. Friday in 333 Martin Hall. All students are invited to chance left: the Troy Game. I would like to commend all Tuesday, from 10 a.m. until 5 Come early, stay late, help us attend the class. For more information cSontirc-t1)avis in 3.18 p.m. in Montgomery Martin Hall or by calling ext. 5651. the candidates, voters and work- ' destroy Troy State. ers during the Homecoming Auditorium. Take time to give Queen competition. Everyone someone the gift of life. Also, in light of recent politi- worked very hard to make this Next week's movie will be cal developments, I feel com- Psycho. It will show at 7 p.m. *Competition is now underway for thc 198!) ('apitirl Intcxrn year the best ever. I appreciate pelled to admit certain wrongs and 9:30 p.m. on Tuesday in Program. The program. sponsored bv the Alabirrna 1.aw your efforts. A total of 885 voted in my life before they are re- Montogomery Auditorium. Institute. involves placement in the offic-es ot the governor. thc during the preliminary elec- vealed on CBS news: 1). As an tions, and infant, I cried when I was hun- lieutenant governor. and the speaker of thc house during thr 11100 cast J-Day will be Nov. 3, before ballots for the top five gry. 2). I used to trade my sister next regular session of the Alabama 1,cgislaturc~.Fcb. 7 to May can- the Troy game. For more in- 22.1989. didates. dimes for nickels because they formation call the SGA office at were larger. 3). I once pretended Eligibility requirements include bcing an Alabama rc*sidc,nt 231-5490. and junior, senior or graduate c.lassil'ic~ation. I would like to announce the to be sick so I would not have to Application deadline is I'ritlir y. "We Can Make You Laugh" go to school. For more information and application forms. scc .Jerry comedy troup will be on campus The Rocky Horror Picture Gilbert of the political science depart nwnt in :33O Martin t1:rlI. at 8 p.m.. Oct. 31 in Montgomery Show will return to the campus Until next time: Go Auditorium. with laughs and on Nov. 4, before the Troy game Gamecocks! and WHUP TROY! cash. You will not want to miss for three big shows. The 5 p.m. 7 p rn 27 on the. it. show will be-the "hold your fire" *The Archaeology Club w~llmeet at Oct The SGA will take a bus to the UT - third floor of Brewer Hall Howard .Johnson w~llspeak on the, show for those who actually wish Martin footbaugame.Sign up in the geography of Australla P:vcrvonc IS wrlc.omc Also, the Inter-Club Council to see the movie. The 8 p.m. and blood drive will be Monday and 10:30 p.m. shows will be for the SGA office. The charge is $5. I *JSU Cheerleader tryouts to fill three. male positions will bc Oct. 27. There will be a cblinicheld to help 1cac.h the matcrial r amily science sponsors conlerence necessary for trvouts prior to that date. For more information contact David ('unningham at 231-4474, i'aul ('hassav at By ALICE CONN professor of health and physical *Thursday -- "Dressing for 231-7734 or Nan <;rclcbnat 435-8110. Staff Writer education. Success" with Peggy Hunter, The department of family and *Tuesday -- "Recognizing and fashion consultant, Images Un- I *Applications are now being accepted tor the seventh annual consumer sciences is putting the Reducing Stress" with Lamar limited, Anniston. (Fashion tips Spinners Arts and ('rafts Show. The show starts at 9 a.m. and final touches on the "Invitation Dinkins, coordinator of consulta- for men and women.) last until 4 p.m. on Saturdav and Sunday in Spinners !'ark. to Success Conference." sched- tion and education, and out-pa- West Sixth Street in i'rattville. Admission to the show is free. uled for Oct. 24 through 28. tient therapist, Mental Health There will be $1.000 in prize monev awarded to exhibitors. irs Conference sessions will con- Center, Anniston. *Friday -- "The Professional well as raffle drawings for specbtators. Interested exhibitors vene from 12:15 p.m. to 1:00 .Wednesday -- "Improving Image" with Teresa Cheatham, should contact (icorgia Smith. 709 Spcnc-er Street. Prattvillc. p.m. daily in 217 Mason Hall.
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