PERIODICALS PHYSICAL REVIEW D Postmaster send address changes to: For editorial and subscription correspondence, American Institute of Physics please see inside front cover Suite 1NO1 „ISSN: 0556-2821… 2 Huntington Quadrangle Melville, NY 11747-4502 THIRD SERIES, VOLUME 69, NUMBER 1 CONTENTS D1 JANUARY 2004 Physical Review D Editorial Policies and Practices ................................................ iii Physical Review D Information for Contributors .................................................. vii RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Improved rf cavity search for halo axions (5 pages) ............................................... 011101͑R͒ S. J. Asztalos, R. F. Bradley, L. Duffy, C. Hagmann, D. Kinion, D. M. Moltz, L. J. Rosenberg, P. Sikivie, W. Stoeffl, N. S. Sullivan, D. B. Tanner, K. van Bibber, and D. B. Yu Measurements of branching fractions in B→K and B→ and search for direct CP violation in BϮ→KϮ (6 pages) .................................................................................. 011102͑R͒ B. Aubert et al. ͑BABAR Collaboration͒ J/ production via initial state radiation in eϩeϪ→ϩϪ␥ at an eϩeϪ center-of-mass energy near 10.6 GeV (8 pages) .................................................................................. 011103͑R͒ B. Aubert et al. ͑BABAR Collaboration͒ Precise measurement of the solar neutrino day-night and seasonal variation in Super-Kamiokande-I (5 pages) .................................................................................. 011104͑R͒ M. B. Smy et al. ͑Super-Kamiokande Collaboration͒ ͑ ͒ Neutrino mass and the SU(2)R breaking scale (4 pages) ........................................... 011301 R Ernest Ma Experimental limits on the width of the reported ⌰(1540)ϩ (3 pages) ................................ 011501͑R͒ Robert N. Cahn and George H. Trilling Comment on extracting ␣ from B→ (5 pages) ................................................. 011502͑R͒ Adam F. Falk, Zoltan Ligeti, Yosef Nir, and Helen Quinn ⌰ϩ(1540) as a heptaquark with the overlap of a pion, a kaon, and a nucleon (5 pages) .................. 011503͑R͒ P. Bicudo and G. M. Marques Anomalous specific heat in high-density QED and QCD (4 pages) ................................... 011901͑R͒ A. Ipp, A. Gerhold, and A. Rebhan ARTICLES Study of B meson decays to three-body charmless hadronic final states (12 pages) ...................... 012001 A. Garmash et al. ͑Belle Collaboration͒ Measurement of the average time-integrated mixing probability of b-flavored hadrons produced at the Fermilab Tevatron (16 pages) ................................................................. 012002 D. Acosta et al. ͑CDF Collaboration͒ → 0 0 Improved measurement of the branching ratio of J/ KSKL (10 pages) .............................. 012003 J. Z. Bai et al. ͑BES Collaboration͒ Measurement of D*Ϯ production in deep inelastic eϮp scattering at DESY HERA (17 pages) ............ 012004 S. Chekanov et al. ͑ZEUS Collaboration͒ Copyright 2004 by The American Physical Society (Continued) CONTENTS - Continued PHYSICAL REVIEW D THIRD SERIES, VOLUME 69, NUMBER 1 D1 JANUARY 2004 Antineutrinos from Earth: A reference model and its uncertainties (12 pages) .......................... 013001 Fabio Mantovani, Luigi Carmignani, Gianni Fiorentini, and Marcello Lissia Protecting the primordial baryon asymmetry in the seesaw model compatible with WMAP and KamLAND (10 pages) ................................................................................. 013002 K. Hasegawa Extrinsic CPT violation in neutrino oscillations in matter (26 pages) .................................. 013003 Magnus Jacobson and Tommy Ohlsson Detailed analysis of one-loop neutrino masses from the generic supersymmetric standard model (17 pages) ................................................................................. 013004 Sin Kyu Kang and Otto C. W. Kong Neutrino mass parameters from Kamland, SNO, and other solar evidence (7 pages) ..................... 013005 P. Aliani, V. Antonelli, M. Picariello, and E. Torrente-Lujan Implications of generalized Frampton-Glashow-Yanagida Ansa¨tze on neutrino masses and lepton flavor mixing (6 pages) .................................................................................. 013006 Zhi-zhong Xing Neutrino electroweak radius (8 pages) .......................................................... 013007 Kazuo Fujikawa and Robert Shrock FORTE satellite constraints on ultrahigh energy cosmic particle fluxes (14 pages) ....................... 013008 Nikolai G. Lehtinen, Peter W. Gorham, Abram R. Jacobson, and Robert A. Roussel-Dupre´ Nonrigid chiral soliton for the octet and decuplet baryons (11 pages) ................................. 014001 Satoru Akiyama and Yasuhiko Futami 0 ¯ 0 → ␥ B -B mixing and B Xs decay in the third type 2HDM: Effects of NLO QCD contributions (22 pages) ................................................................................. 014002 Zhenjun Xiao and Libo Guo Auxiliary fields and hadron dynamics (7 pages) .................................................. 014003 Claude Semay, Bernard Silvestre-Brac, and Ilya M. Narodetskii Kinematically complete analysis of the CLAS data on the proton structure function F2 in a Regge-dual model (16 pages) ................................................................................. 014004 R. Fiore, A. Flachi, L. L. Jenkovszky, A. I. Lengyel, and V. K. Magas Quark contributions to baryon magnetic moments in full, quenched, and partially quenched QCD (22 pages) ................................................................................. 014005 Derek B. Leinweber ⌬→N␥* Coulomb quadrupole amplitude in PQCD (7 pages) ....................................... 014006 Ahmad Idilbi, Xiangdong Ji, and Jian-Ping Ma Center dominance in SU͑2͒ gauge-Higgs theory (6 pages) .......................................... 014007 Roman Bertle, Manfried Faber, Jeff Greensite, and Sˇtefan Olejn´ık 0→ 0 Searching for new physics in the angular distribution of Bd K* decay (9 pages) .................... 014008 Anjan K. Giri and Rukmani Mohanta Exotic ⌰ϩ baryon production induced by a photon and a pion (11 pages) ............................. 014009 Yongseok Oh, Hungchong Kim, and Su Houng Lee Ground-state scalar ¯qq nonet: SU͑3͒ mass splittings and strong, electromagnetic, and weak decay rates (9 pages) .................................................................................. 014010 Michael D. Scadron, George Rupp, Frieder Kleefeld, and Eef van Beveren Understanding nonperturbative deep-inelastic scattering: Instanton-induced inelastic dipole-dipole cross section (7 pages) .................................................................................. 014011 Edward V. Shuryak and Ismail Zahed Joint resummation for Higgs boson production (12 pages) .......................................... 014012 Anna Kulesza, George Sterman, and Werner Vogelsang Neutrino production of resonances (10 pages) .................................................... 014013 Emmanuel A. Paschos, Ji–Young Yu, and Makoto Sakuda (Continued) CONTENTS - Continued PHYSICAL REVIEW D THIRD SERIES, VOLUME 69, NUMBER 1 D1 JANUARY 2004 Chiral symmetry breaking, color superconductivity, and color neutral quark matter: A variational approach (9 pages) .................................................................................. 014014 Amruta Mishra and Hiranmaya Mishra J/ϩcϩ¯c photoproduction in eϩeϪ scattering (10 pages) ......................................... 014015 Cong-Feng Qiao and Jian-Xiong Wang Recent puzzles in the production of heavy quarkonia (4 pages) ...................................... 014016 B. L. Ioffe and D. E. Kharzeev → ␥ Photon polarization with anomalous right-handed top couplings in B Kres (4 pages) .................. 014017 Jong-Phil Lee ␥␥* production of two 0 mesons (9 pages) ..................................................... 014018 I. V. Anikin, B. Pire, and O. V. Teryaev Large mass qq¯ production from the color glass condensate (13 pages) ................................ 014019 Franc¸ois Gelis and Raju Venugopalan High density effective theory confronts the Fermi liquid (7 pages) ................................... 014020 Simon Hands Baryon decuplet to octet electromagnetic transitions in quenched and partially quenched chiral perturbation theory (10 pages) ........................................................................... 014501 Daniel Arndt and Brian C. Tiburzi Spontaneous symmetry breaking in strong-coupling lattice QCD at high density (5 pages) ................ 014502 Barak Bringoltz and Benjamin Svetitsky Vortex structures in pure SU(3) lattice gauge theory (12 pages) ..................................... 014503 Kurt Langfeld Kaon B parameter in quenched QCD (16 pages) .................................................. 014504 Thomas DeGrand ͑MILC Collaboration͒ Parton-hadron duality in unpolarized and polarized structure functions (11 pages) ....................... 014505 N. Bianchi, A. Fantoni, and S. Liuti Lattice calculation of gluon screening masses (11 pages) ........................................... 014506 A. Nakamura, T. Saito, and S. Sakai Phase structure of lattice QCD for general number of flavors (21 pages) .............................. 014507 Y. Iwasaki, K. Kanaya, S. Kaya, S. Sakai, and T. Yoshie´ Order from disorder in lattice QCD at high density (11 pages) ...................................... 014508 Barak Bringoltz Numerical determination of monopole entropy in pure SU͑2͒ QCD (10 pages) ......................... 014509 M. N. Chernodub, Katsuya
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