V ,y ' '* 1. PACE TWENTY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2B, 19W Averaxc D*Hy Net: Pr««i Run i®anrlip0tpr ^npttittg Iffralb For tho Weok bidiBr Tbs Wanther iWii .» Ill I Ii/Ci I ' ■III ■■■ —■! •■^■w*ww~P«wwewW*^ee***»*e^*wee Nov. SS, ISSN " ’ ■ roraeaot of 0. a Waothor Brntmift Zion lautheran Church ihoir will wa|k dam aged 'ao aeverely. Tern# William Hanklnson, 303 Oak­ ■ '4s> land St, has been nominated fori hold a rehearsal tonighi at 7:30 Stewart’s Home porarily, the Stewart* are living - MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS Katn m dtaig Uil* ovening fal­ About Town the offlee of vice prealdent of | Thuraday, Thanksgiving Cay. a with neighbor*. ' 12,885 lowed h y eleariag, wtody a a f service tn the German language' .William wa* bugned on hi* hand* Maaiber ot.flM AuOt I-odge 1746, International Aaaocla- ; In Texas Bums, FOR OUR GALA Snrciia of ClrenlsUeB. roldor tonight. low.SS to SO. Fair, •The Younp Republican Club will tion I'f Machinists, of Pratt and ; will held at 8 a m., and in Eng­ afid lega and it U .expected that .he broooy, oold ThnnMtey. High In SOo. hold it* Christmas parly on- Kn- Wliitncy Aircraft. The election lish at 10. Son in Hospital v<[dll be in the hoapital fo r «everal Mancb^$ter—^A City of t'illagefVharm riav. Dec. 12, at the Lithuanian will be held on Dee, 14. vl-eeka. Hla frienda m ay w rite to A- 1 Mr, and Mrs. Krerlerirk A. Eld- ' him at St. Joaeph Hoapital, Fo^ Home. 24 Golway St., from P pm Word w»«i received in town ye*- M i s Willlniii Sale Terrell of wards, 318 W. Middle Tpke . have | W orth. THANKSGIVING DINNa VOl* U dCVItl, NO. 49 (TWKNTY PAGES) to 1 a m. There will be dancinj: MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1958 (dnoolflod Advcrtialnt on Pago IS) and refreshments will be served We.sl H artfonl. who is the fifths returned after a visit witli hIS pai- terday tthat the new Fort Worth. PRICE FIVE CENTS Each one attending i.' a.sked to president of llie Nallonal Connell | enia in .Melliiieti, Mass The senioi Tex., home of Mr. and Mra. Hall EVERYTHING FROM SOUP TO NUTS Bring a small wrapped gift fm the of I'hiiich Wniiieii was honored Edwards lelebrnted his 73id hlilli day Satiiidnv. I Stewart, formerly of 215 Henry Personal [Notices children at the Newington Home. will! a lea \e.sterday at the Hart­ : ,St., wan badl.v burned .Saturday, Nixon, Queen Tickets may he piinha.eed at ihe ford Seiiiinarx Koiindatlon hy over* j T heir son, W illiam, 15, ree,eived ALL FOR •25 CHILDREN ' ifki i hiin h women Ten from Man- Democrats Ahead door. aevere biirna from the fire. ; ONLY rhestei allending wei-e .Mrs. I,aw- In Memoriam ' Bolton Wotiiaii, 64, I The .Slewarte moved to F o r t Dedicate U.S. The MATEts u ill nirrt, tomorniw lem e K Aliiioiid and Mr.s C harles Worth in October, and had only Rexuold.-. ulvea of Ihe pastors of, fh Ifivlnc niemorv of fiur son And nifrht at lhi» homo of Winslow Mr- (,oiiiniits Suicide lived in the houae for about threg broih<*r. (irogory ilnnaco. who war loughlin. 43T Summit St All men the South .Melhodi.sl (^lUlTh; Mra. week*. The caiiae of the fire fei kin#‘d -In nrllon November 25, 1944. in In All Top Races who «rr wriphl*ronsiif»UA a ir in- .Mil ed. Whllnex'. Mrs. Robert P ra ll’ Finnc'*. Three J’s Restaurant War Manorial Use MrJi. .Solina Buh.sh Moiwa, 64. not yet known, nor how Williain \'ito(i to Rttoiifl, ami tn hiinj: a and .Mi.a I'hai le.s ,St ra ig h i, al.so of 1 received hla Injiiriea, i still as v#«ars d#*part. friend After woiphmg in a sln>i t .Soiilli I'liiirch. .Mrs, E. W alterj committed Buiclde yrfdejflAy «fter- His mcinorv Hvsr within our hsartA. ROUTE 6 and 44A— BOLTON London, Nov. 26 —Vice laiiiiie and .Mra Edwin Perrelt of, tioon hy hnnciii^ her.'^elf nl tier The family was able to aaye Wlih Icndsr love and dorp regret. business mcetmp viJI pjr»,(r(lo a about half their fu rn itu re and mfWl We who loved him will never forget. President Nixdn und 12 other talk bv Dr -lohn rrifrnam.. Ihe .SalxnlloM Army; .Mrs. .lohn, home on Tinker Hfl , Bolton, lectign .N'eiihei l of the ( 'omiiiiinil.v Bap- Stnte Police .SkI. Arthii? Atidre- of their clothing. The houae miiat 8adl\ miss»d by hla Ml 9-4684 AmedcaAs stood with Queen [tisl niiirrh and Mrs fleorge oli of the f’olrlieelei’ harrHcke pnld be almoat completely rebuilt, It Moiher. father, alatera. brothera. Elizabeth II in crowded St. Bnr.al ami .Mrs .loseph ,Marlin of he lenrnefl tlifll Mr« Morra ha^I caniB^ta for any major offict. ^ been m ill henllli for amne time. Dental Vrai'ticp. Juneau, Alaska, Nov. 26 ( ^ ' Paul’s Cathedral today Ihe Seeorid i'ongregational Chiirrli ' —-A smashing Democratic vic- K. Ih Bartlett, Alaska’a Damo- Britain dedicated a memorial for Berlin Rights Her l>mlv wan found l>v her liua* Dr. .losepli K Slunii opened an cralUc delMate to Congreea for the Paatoi ('harles Reynolds will lake itaml Srcoiido r>i, PYamia H. torY in Alaska’s first state p ast 14 j ^ r s , c a p t u ^ one IT.S. chapel to American war dead. LECLERC Burke. aaaiPtflnl meiii» h1 examiner ofhee for the pta'Ilee of dentratry The pomp and pageantry of for his siihjei f at Ihe Thanksgiving election emerged today,as re­ Senate aeatNn a Undallde. FUNERAL HOME service Thiirsdax' ai * p rii In Ihe for 'Polland bounty. prononnce<l on Monday In Bloomftehl. BHtleh royalty and the Church of )ier dead. turns mounted from the vast Ralph Rlvm, Democratic nom­ South .Methodisl fTiiirrh. "The Kiill lu Shmn. a native of penn.ayl- northern territory’s 287 pre­ inee for the single tl.S. Houae aeat r England marked the-^olemn occa- Heart " WRM born m Italy. A|inl 16, \an ia, is the son of Mr. and Mr.s. , .,1 j . *ion in the hallowed cathedral, I FUNKKAI lk04 ami h»tl li\ed in RnKon for cincts. front Alaska claimed victory on j^lxon flew to London ve.nerday B\ion H Shinn of Bolton. He wa.a th^asl* of the m inting return*.; represent Freeident EisenhoweV Labels East Germans .Main he.*ler Aiixiliarx' F'niice will , 36 yrat .s. Democrat* lad in *11 major race* 1 SKKVICi: meet Thill sfla\ mor ning al P 4.'i. Beaidea her hij.Hh.iml hIip le« \rs jjiadunted from Manchester High and were aeaured of overwhelming William Egan, the Democratic thS certmony. The 12 other ,il Police Headrpia I lers for asugn- | a ,ton. P ifhnfd .Nimra of Bolton S( h')ol ami look lii.«« pre-dental control of the SO-member State choice for governor, 4ya» increaa-, AmericarS^who had place* of hon- W alter N, Ing hi* margin in the rW for the • ^ e ^ next-of=kln of Mme of the Irrt meiv al Uie load rsie sponsored a nd four ^rn mb iiildt en Ao?|( at tlie t'm v e rsity of ('on- Leglalature. h\ I he Ta II f >da rs, Funeral aer\nei« •• ill bo helrl to- Lea* than half of the eatimated firat elected governor of-Alaaka. i 28,905 U..S. aervlcemen the chapel As Agents of Soviet I'lirrrl nr nitrno’A at 6 1.% a m at Ihe Qinah nrrlltijl He ua.s graduated in The closest mnjor race tya* be- cotnmemorates. men who died diir- lf».'*6 froni 'Pemple I’nrversily total yote of about 40,000 in yea- Funeral Home, 22fi .Main .'^1 Man- terday'a general election had been tween Gruening and Stepovich, an- Mng World War II in Britain or In Call Ml 9-5869 Tlie oeekly liieeling of the .Man [IcuIhI S'hool in Philadelplun ■ he.«Iei .Sqnarlrnn of I'lx-il Air t healer arvi at Si NTaiirice a reported, hut big city precinct* *tlli other former governor, who- I operations from Britlah ba.-ieii. 2.H Mam Street. Manchester ( ’hurt'll al 10 Burial '.'ill be m St A \elrrnn of two \ear< jirlitarv been favored on the baala of a V Eleven of the 12 had come from Bad Kreuznficri, Germany, Nor. 26 Premier Charles Patrol Mill not he held this week Aervier fb Shrnn spent a ye.ir out were conaldered aure to re­ .lamea ( Vmeter \ . Mam heeler inforce. the ateadily growing Demo­ 700 vote margin he had posted America by plane fi)r the dedica- de (iRulle and ('hanrellor Konrad Adenauer agreed tonight to Friends ma\ 'all at Ih e funeral ■ - 1111 the 1' S N a \’ y a ( Norfolk, over Gruening in a primary elec- tion. The i2th live* in Umilon. Va and then joinefj Uie Seahee.a ... as a remembrance to your hostess cratic iead. defend "wilit vigor the maintenance of the atatua of Berlin.” j horr.ie fodnv from 2 to aiitl 7 to Repiibllcana atill had a chance tion thr»e month* ago. 'The Common Sarriflre' ' 10 |» ni iorving at Da vi.'*'’ille. R I the T'nofficial re tu m a , from 134 pre A communique at Ihe close of a day of talks between the Rnhauia I.xlamls and Port I.vau-' tn the major contest between T^he Biahop of London dedicated two leaders underscored their agreement (o stand up for in­ Democrat Emeat Gruening and cinct* gave Bartlett 13,1.58 votes the c4»pei to mark “The ^common !ey Mtiioi'o He \\as discharged or as a touch of color and gaiety to 2.394 for R ^ lb lir a n R.
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