ADB TA 7045-VIE: Preparing the Central Mekong Delta Region Connectivity Project SMEC International Pty Ltd in association with Nippon Engineering Consultants Co Ltd and Thanh Cong Transport Engineering Consulting Company Final Report Annex 7 Environmental Impact Assessment January 2011 Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Impact Assessment Project Number: TA 7045 VIE January 2011 Viet Nam: Central Mekong Delta Region Connectivity Project Components 1, 2 and 3 The Environmental Impact Assessment is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the "Terms of Use" section of this website. This Environmental Impact Assessment forms part of the safeguards documents for ADB PPTA 7045-VIE. At the time of submission of this report in January 2011, the safeguard documents are still under ADB interdepartmental review and may be further revised in line with the ADB's loan processing requirements. The reader is cautioned to ensure they have the most recent version of these reports appropriate for their use. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as at middle of 2010) United States Dollar – Vietnamese Dong USD1.00 = VND 19,000 ABBREVIATIONS ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic ADB Asian Development Bank AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations BOD Biological Oxygen Demand CEP Commitment for Environmental Protection CMDRCP Central Mekong Delta Region Connectivity Project CO Carbon Monoxide CSC Construction Supervision Consultant CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation DARD Agriculture and Rural Development DP Displaced Person (or Project-affected Person, PAP) dB(A) Decibel, A weighted DO Dissolved Oxygen DOLIS; Labour- Invalid and Society DONRE Department of Natural Resources and Environment DOT Department of Transportation DOTS Direct Observed Therapy Strategy DWT Deadweight tonnage EHS Environment Health and Safety EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMP Environmental Management Plan FFC Fatherland Front Committee FS Feasibility Study HH Household IEC Information Education Communication IFC International Finance Corporation GDP Gross National Product GHG Greenhouse Gas GIS Geographic Information System GoV Government of Viet Nam GPS Global Positioning System GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism GSO General Statistics Office HCMC Ho Chi Minh City HC Hydrocarbon HTPP Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Program i km Kilometre LEP Law for Environmental Protection m Meter MARD Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development MONRE Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment MOT Ministry of Transport MPN Most Probable Number MRC Mekong River Commission mybp Million years before present NH National Highway PAP Project-affected Person (or Displaced Person, DP) PC People’s Committee PCU Passenger Car Unit PDOT Provincial Department of Transport PM10 Particulate Matter 10 microns PMU-MT Project Management Unit – My Thuan PPC Provincial People’s Committee PPE Personal Protection Equipment PR Provincial Road RAP Resettlement Action Plan RC Resettlement Committee ROW Right of Way RRMU7 Regional Road Management Unit No. 7 SIA Social Impact Assessment STI Sexually Transmitted Disease TDS Total Dissolved Solids TEDI Transport Engineering Design Incorporated TOR Terms of Reference TSP Total Suspended Particulate TSS Total Suspended Solids UNDP United Nations Development Programme USD United States Dollars VACNE Viet Nam Association for Conservation and Environment VAFEIA Viet Nam Association for Environmental Impact Assessment VESDI Viet Nam Environment and Sustainable Development Institute VND Vietnamese Dong VNMC Viet Nam National Mekong Committee VHLSS Viet Nam Household Living Standard Survey VLSS Viet Nam Living Standard Survey VRA Viet Nam Road Administration VUSTA Viet Nam Union of the Sciences and Technology Associations VWD Vehicle Weight & Dimensions WB World Bank WHO World Health Organization WTO World Trade Organization 3PLs Third Party Logistics Providers ii WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Ha - Hectare kg - Kilogram km - Kilometre L/l - Litre m - Metre mg - Milligram ug - Microgram NOTE In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. iii CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 Disclosure, Consultation and Participation 18 Grievance Redress Mechanism 19 Environmental Management Plan 19 I. INTRODUCTION 23 A. Project Background 23 B. The Purpose of the EIA 24 C. Methods Used 24 D. The Contents of the Report 25 II. POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK 26 A. Government of Viet Nam Regulations and Standards 26 B. ADB Safeguards Policy 27 C. Other Environmental Standards 27 D. International Agreements of Which Viet Nam is a Signatory To 28 III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 28 A. Overview of the Central Mekong Delta Region Connectivity Project 28 B. Project Components 30 C. Drainage 38 D. Proposed Construction Methods 38 E. Sources of Construction Materials 45 F. Operations and Maintenance 47 G. Proposed Implementation Schedule 49 IV. EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS 51 A. Physico-Chemical Environment 51 B. Biological Resources 78 C. Economic Development 85 D. Land Use and Terrain 90 E. Population and Community 90 F. Natural and Cultural Heritage 98 V. ALTERNATIVES 99 A. No Project Alternative 99 B. Project Alternatives 100 VI. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 102 A. Preconstruction 103 B. Construction Impacts and Mitigations 108 C. Operations Stage 129 VII. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION 138 A. Disclosure and Consultation TEDI 2009 EIA 138 B. Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Consultation – 2010 142 VIII. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM 146 A. Introduction 146 B. Legal Basis for Establishing a Grievance Redress Mechanism 147 IX. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 154 A. Responsibilities for Implementation of EMP 177 B. EMP Reporting 179 C. Training & Capability Building 179 iv D. Information Disclosure and Public Consultation 180 E. EMP Budget 180 F. Environmental Monitoring Budget 180 G. Budget for External Environmental Expert 181 H. Cost Estimate for Training and Capability Building 182 I. Cost Estimate for Public Consultation 182 X. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 183 XI. REFERENCES 185 TABLES Table 1: Components of CMDRCP 23 Table 2: Administrative Units of Project Corridor 29 Table 3: Description of the different components of the Connectivity Project 31 Table 4: Road and Bridge Cross Section: Design Speed 80 km/h 33 Table 5: Main Features of Component 1 33 Table 6: Bridges along Component 2 34 Table 7: Interchanges of Component 2 34 Table 8: Component 2 Modifications 35 Table 9: List of bridges on the approach of Vam Cong Bridge 37 Table 10: Average monthly and maximum daily rainfall, Can Tho and Chau Doc 52 Table 11: Characteristics of the ambient temperature of project area 52 Table 12: Air quality stations along the project corridor and date of sampling 53 Table 13: IFC EHS (2007) Ambient Air Quality Guidelines 53 Table 14: TCVN 5937:2005 53 Table 15: IFC Noise Level Guidelines 57 Table 16: Results of vibration measurement carried out by TEDI in June and September 2009 58 Table 17: Summary of soil description of soil profile within the Project corridor, after VESDEC 2009 66 Table 18: Average pH H2O and pH KCl 67 Table 19: Water Quality Parameters and Indications 73 Table 20: Common Wildlife Flora within Project Corridor 80 Table 21: Dominant vegetations and agricultural pattern along the project corridor 81 Table 22: Domestic Water Sources in Communes within the Project Corridor 85 Table 23: Energy Sources and Fuel used by Respondents in Percentage 85 Table 24: Proposed Power Plants and Corresponding Capacities 86 Table 25: Industry and Employment in the Project Corridor 88 Table 26: Employment in the Communes in the Project Corridor 89 Table 27: Average Annual Household Income by Income Source (VND million) 90 Table 28: Land Use by Province as of 1 January 2007 (in thousand hectares) 90 Table 29: Average Population, Land Area and Population Density of the Provinces Traversed by the CMDRCP 90 Table 30: Proportion of House Structure Type 91 Table 31: Number of Poor and Near Poor Individuals and Households within the Project Corridor 92 Table 32: Literacy Rate in the Mekong Delta Compared to National Rate for Period 2002 to 2008 92 Table 33: Education Attainment Levels of Surveyed Households 93 Table 34: Access to Education in the Project Corridor 93 Table 35: Ratio of Students for Every Teacher in Areas within the Project Corridor 93 Table 36: Number of Health Establishments under Provincial Department of Health (2008) 95 Table 37: Number of Medical Staff under Provincial Department of Health (2008) 95 Table 38: Health Facilities and Medical Staff in the Project Corridor 95 v Table 39: Options Considered for the Cao Lanh Bridge 100 Table 40: Types of Bridge Structures Investigated for Vam Cong Bridge 101 Table 41: Alternative Specifications of Cable Stay Types of Bridges Considered for Vam Cong 102 Table 42: Culverts and Bridges in all Project Components 105 Table 43: Land Acquisition for Components 1, 2 and 3 including Land for Roads and Bridge Construction Yards 106 Table 44: Structures and Utilities for Clearing along the Project Alignment 107 Table 45: Communities along Project Alignment 108 Table 46: Noise Levels of Construction Equipment Grouped According to Project Construction Activities (in dB(A)) at 8 m distance 109 Table 47: Predicted Noise Levels for the
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