CURRENT STATUS AND PERSPECTIVES Enrico Russo Italian Space Agency Open Universe Expert mee/ng ASI - Roma 11 Apr 2017 1 11-12 Apr. 2017 ASI has been created in 1988 merging two experiences: CNR-PSN and S. Marco program. Both organization basically devoted to research in space. CNR-PSN The S. Marco SIRIO satellite Launch Base This heritage has been maintained although the programs devoted to the applications in space have gradually increased, playing today an important role. The science programs in ASI follows 3 major branches : • High Energy Astrophisics and Astroparticles • Cosmology and Fundamental Physics • Exploration of the Solar System Currently ASI has programs either within the mainframe of ESA, either in bilateral cooperation ( NASA/RSA/JAXA) or at national level. Some major steps in ASI science program 2007 Agile 2005 MRO 1997 Cassini- Huygens 1996 SAX 1992 Lageos2 Some major steps in ASI science program 2014 GAIA 2016 2012 2011 Lisa-PF Lares on Vega Juno NUStar AMS 2009 Herschel Planck 2007 Dawn Astrophysics and Cosmology XMM AGILE Integral Herschel Fermi Pamela Planck Nu- Star AMS-2 ASI Tracking Capability Sardinia Radio Telescope – Sardinia Deep Space Antenna Malindi: Swift, AGILE, NuSTAR The ASI Science Data Center (ASDC) ASI Science Data Center (ASDC) has been createD in 2000 aer the experience acquireD with the previous BeppoSAX Science Data Centre in 1995. Up to now ASDC proviDeD operaonal scien/fic support for more than 20 missions anD is Deeply involveD in several new missions such as: EucliD, CHEOPS, PLATO. Beppo SAX (Bruno Rossi Prize) Fermi (Bruno Rossi Prize) • 1996 • 2008 • X-Ray anD Gamma-Ray • Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Astrophysics Agile (Bruno Rossi Prize) Swi (Bruno Rossi Prize) • 2007 • 2004 • X-Ray anD Gamma-Ray • X-Ray anD Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Astrophysics NuSTAR Gaia • 2012 • 2013 • X-ray Astrophysics • Astronomy anD stellar astrophysics From ASI Science Data Center to Space Science Data Center ASDC anD Earth Observaon are going to be mergeD in the new ASI’s facility: “Space Science Data Centre” (SSDC), establisheD in 2016 anD s/ll unDer construc/on. SSDC Informaon & Universe Earth Compung Observaon Observaon Technologies Three Departments of the new SSDC are DevoteD to Universe Observaon (collec/ng former ASDC ac/vi/es), to ICT (for both R&D anD support to UO anD EO) anD to Earth Observaon. Ac/ve par/cipaon of scien/sts anD engineers from other Ins/tutes, Universi/es anD inDustries are foreseen within specific agreements anD MoU. SSDC- Space Science Data Center The Space Science Data Center (SSDC), a facility of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) is a mul- mission science operaons, data processing and data archiving center that provides support to several scienfic space missions. At the moment the SSDC has significant responsibili/es for a number of high-energy astronomy/astropar/cle satellites (e.g. Swi, AGILE, Fermi, NuSTAR anD AMS) anD supports at different level other missions like, Herschel anD Planck, Mars Express, Rosega. The ASI Science Data Center The goal has been to support scien/fic mission operaons for the Universe observaon anD solar system exploraon. • ShareD infrastructure and reuse experse Support to Scienic gaineD in previous space missions; Data Processing Operaon • Use of internaonal stanDarDs (e.g., FITS, Science Mission Data NASA-OGIP, VO etc.) for all archives; Mirroring & Archiving Distribu/on • Close collaboraon between ASI, Research ASDC Ins/tutes anD inDustries for the realizaon of Support to the Online Tool Analysis scienfic products and services with high scien/fic community Development quality stanDarDs. Long term Data Data Analysis • Internaonal environment (NASA, Caltech, preservaon SoEware CfA, Penn State, ESA, ISDC, etc.). The strength of ASDC is the large adop/on of internaonal stanDarDs which allows both the re-usability of soEware anD long term preservaon of the archives. The scien/fic approach ensure an effec/ve interoperability of the archives anD Data fusion. ASDC Organizaon à SSDC-UO Organizaon ASDC management anD organizaon is leadeD by ASI anD involves other Naonal Research Ins/tutes anD inDustries. TELESPAZI § ASI – Italian Space Agency O INAF (Agile, Euclid, SERCO NuSTAR, Swi…) § INAF – Naonal Ins/tute for Astrophysics (ICT) § INFN – Naonal Ins/tute for Nuclear Physics INFN Research ins/tutes proviDe scien/fic anD technical support (AMS, Fermi, Pamela,…) to ac/vi/es relateD to Data management anD archiving InDustries are involveD for Informaon anD Communicaon Technology supports. SSDC Staff & Skills SSDC teams involve about 40 sciensts and engineers operang in Different fielDs: § Astropar/cle Physics § Stellar Astrophysics § High Energy Physics § Cosmology § Solar System Exploraon with large experience on: § Support to Scien/fic Operaons § Data analysis soEware & pipelines § High quality/level Data proDuc/on § Mission archives, catalogues anD mirroring § Data preservaon anD Distribu/on § Data mining incluDing Big Data (e.g. Gaia) § Virtual Observatory Accessing Data at ASDC/SSDC. Archives of space missions can be Science tools accesseD through allow to access ASDC’s scien/fic Data within an gateway integrateD mulfrequency scienfic environment 13 Final Remarks • ASI will con/nue to support Space Science Data archiving through its SSDC for all its scienfic missions anD these of interest of the Naonal community • An Open policy will be followeD along the lines defineD by Open Universe ini/ave • ASI will also Directly support the Open Universe ini/ave in cooperaon with UNOOSA Open Universe Expert mee/ng ASI - Roma 11 Apr 2017 14 11-12 Apr. 2017 .
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