Shire of Northampton SHIRE OF NORTHAMPTON Local Planning Scheme No.10 Updated to include AMD 5 GG 24/12/2020 Prepared by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage Original Town Planning Scheme Gazettal 06/01/2012 Disclaimer This is a copy of the Local Planning Scheme produced from an electronic version of the Scheme held and maintained by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. Whilst all care has been taken to accurately portray the current Scheme provisions, no responsibility shall be taken for any omissions or errors in this documentation. Consultation with the respective Local Government should be made to view a legal version of the Scheme. Please advise the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage of any errors or omissions in this document. Department of Planning, website: www.dplh.wa.gov.au Lands and Heritage email: [email protected] Gordon Stephenson House tel: 08 6551 9000 140 William Street fax: 08 6551 9001 Perth WA 6000 National Relay Service: 13 36 77 infoline: 1800 626 477 Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 Local Planning Scheme No.10 1 Shire of Northampton AMDT NO GAZETTAL UPDATED DETAILS DATE WHEN BY - 06/01/12 15/02/12 NM Scheme text gazetted. 3 08/11/16 23/11/16 MLD Rezoning Lot 501 Hampton Road, Northampton from 'Public Purposes - Police' to 'Residential R.10'. Amending the Scheme Maps accordingly. 4 11/7/18 23/8/17 MLD Inserting new definitions Repurposed Dwelling and Second-Hand Dwelling under ‘1.2 Land Use definitions’ in ‘Schedule 1 Dictionary of Defined Words and Expressions’ to state as follows Inserting ‘Repurposed Dwelling’ and ‘Second-Hand Dwelling’ into ‘Table 1 – Zoning Table’ to control landuse permissibility Modifying the existing definition of ‘Transportable, Prefabricated or Relocated Building’ under ‘1.1 General definitions’ in ‘Schedule 1 Dictionary of Defined Words and Expressions’ Inserting a new ‘Schedule A – Supplementary to Deemed Provisions Insert a new Clause 5.11.3 and subclause Remove clause 8.2 (b) (iv) “the proposal is for a transportable, prefabricated or relocated building” 6 28/02/2020 09/03/2020 MLD Updated scheme text to align it with the model and deemed provisions of the Regulations. 5 24/12/2020 04/01/2021 MLD Inserting a new Additional Use of Caravan Park in Schedule 1 – A4 – Pt of lot 101 Glance Street. Local Planning Scheme No.10 2 Shire of Northampton PREAMBLE This Local Planning Scheme of the Shire of Northampton consists of this Scheme Text, the deemed provisions (set out in Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, the supplemental provisions contained in Schedule A and the Scheme Maps. The Scheme should be read with the Local Planning Strategy for the Shire. Part 2 of the deemed provisions sets out the Local Planning Framework. At the core of this Framework is the Local Planning Strategy which sets out the long-term planning directions for the local government, applies State and regional planning policies and provides the rationale for the zones and other provisions of the Scheme. In addition to the Local Planning Strategy, the Framework provides for Local Planning Policies which set out the general policies of the local government on matters within the Scheme. The Scheme divides the local government district into zones to identify areas for particular uses and identifies land reserved for public purposes. Most importantly, the Scheme controls the types of uses and development allowed in different zones. There are particular controls included for heritage and special control areas. The Scheme also sets out the requirements for development approval, enforcement of the Scheme provisions and non-conforming uses. Local Planning Scheme No.10 3 Shire of Northampton SCHEME DETAILS The Shire of Northampton Local Planning Scheme No. 10 The Shire of Northampton under the powers conferred by the Planning and Development Act 2005 makes the following Local Planning Scheme. Local Planning Scheme No.10 4 Shire of Northampton TABLE OF CONTENTS Disclaimer........................................................................................................................................ 1 Preamble .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Scheme Details ................................................................................................................................. 4 Part 1 Preliminary ............................................................................................................ 6 1. Citation ................................................................................................................... 6 2. Commencement ..................................................................................................... 6 3. Scheme Revoked ................................................................................................... 6 4. Notes do not form part of this scheme ................................................................... 6 5. Responsibility for Scheme ...................................................................................... 6 6. Scheme Area .......................................................................................................... 6 7. Contents of Scheme ............................................................................................... 6 8. Purposes of the Scheme ........................................................................................ 7 9. Aims of Scheme ....................................................................................................... 7 10. Relationship with local laws .................................................................................... 8 11. Relationship with other Local PLanning Schemes ................................................. 8 12. Relationship with Regional Planning Scheme ........................................................ 8 Part 2 Reserves................................................................................................................ 9 13. Regional Reserves ................................................................................................. 9 14. Local Reserves ....................................................................................................... 9 Table 1 - Reserve Objectives............................................................................... 9 15. Additional uses for local reserves ........................................................................ 10 Part 3 Zones and the use of land ................................................................................. 11 16. Zones .................................................................................................................... 11 17. Zoning table .......................................................................................................... 13 Table 2 – Zoning table ........................................................................................ 13 18. Interpreting zoning table ....................................................................................... 15 19. Additional uses ..................................................................................................... 16 20. Restricted uses ..................................................................................................... 16 21. Special use zones ................................................................................................ 17 22. Non-conforming uses ........................................................................................... 17 23. Changes to non-conforming uses ........................................................................ 17 24. Register of non-conforming uses ......................................................................... 18 Part 4 General Development Requirements ............................................................... 19 25. Residential Design Codes .................................................................................... 19 26. Modification of Residential Design Codes ............................................................ 19 27. State Planning Policy 3.6 to be read as part of scheme ....................................... 20 28. Modification of State Planning Policy 3.6 ............................................................. 20 29. Other State Planning Polocies to be read as part of scheme ............................. 20 Table 3 – State planning policies to be read as part of Scheme ................... 20 30. Modification of State Planning Policies ................................................................ 20 31. Environmental Conditions .................................................................................... 21 32. General Development Standards and requirements ............................................ 21 Table 4 – Car parking requirements ................................................................. 27 Table 5 – Development requirements .............................................................. 30 33. Site specific development standards and requiremetns ...................................... 36 34. Variations to site and development standards and requirements ........................ 36 35. Restrictive Covenants .......................................................................................... 37 Part 6 Special Control Areas .......................................................................................
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