November 20, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2073 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN RECOGNITION OF WENDY tion to San Benito County consists of many ship Mobile, and the Mobile Education Foun- WILLIAMS volunteer and local government positions. dation. Ruth will be stepping down as the San Benito The Gulf Coast AFP Chapter undoubtedly HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. Supervisor for District 2, where she has received numerous worthy nominations for OF NEW JERSEY served for 12 years. men and women from throughout Mobile who A longtime resident of San Benito County, in their own way also make significant con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ruth has always taken an active interest in tributions to their friends and neighbors on a Friday, November 19, 2004 the problems facing senior citizens and the daily basis. I am certain it is difficult to make Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in homeless. In addition to her time on the Coun- the final selection for this award, but as in the praise of the talented and accomplished radio ty Board of Supervisors, she has also served past, this year’s winner has shown a tremen- personality, Ms. Wendy Williams. Wendy as Director and Chair of the Monterey Bay dous level of community support and chari- stands as a testament to all that can be ac- Unified Air Pollution Control District Board. table giving. I have had the privilege of know- complished through hard work, dedication and Furthermore, Ruth has been the county’s rep- ing John for many years and can personally the ability to relate well to others. Born in resentative on the California State Association attest to his deep concern for his neighbors Ocean Township, New Jersey, Wendy earned of Counties Board of Directors for the past two and for so many in Mobile who have benefited her Bachelor’s Degree in Communications years. from his tremendous generosity. with a minor in Journalism from Northeastern In addition, Ruth has served on the Child Mr. Speaker, I can think of no higher praise University in Boston. Throughout college she Care and Development Council, Emergency than that received from professional col- interned at Boston’s Kiss 108 radio station, Medical Care Commission, Mental Health Ad- leagues, and this award is certainly strong tes- while working various shifts at her college visory Board and over a dozen other local timony to the esteem in which John M. Turner radio station. government and volunteer committees. She is held by so many in Mobile. Along with his Two weeks after graduating college, Wendy has been a strong advocate of slow growth many family, friends, and colleagues through- started working at WVIS, St. Croix, USVI. policies for the county and wishes to insure out south Alabama, I wish to extend to him my After successful stints at various radio stations clean water for all citizens. warmest congratulations on the receipt of the across the mid-Atlantic region, including 3 Mr. Speaker, I wish to congratulate Ruth on Lillian C. McGowin Outstanding Volunteer years at POWER 99- where she took the her long and honorable career and thank her Civic Leader Award. Likewise, I can only morning show from number 15 to number one, for her contribution to our society. Ruth has imagine how proud John’s great-grandfather, Wendy settled back in New York City and has consistently gone above and beyond the roles the late Congressman John McDuffie, would been the hugely successful and popular host bestowed upon her, and has left a legacy of be knowing that John has continued in the of The Wendy Williams Experience. Her after- community leadership. I wish her all the luck family’s strong and proud legacy of dedicated noon talk show, which airs on WBLS, attracts in her future endeavors. community service and charitable giving. a large audience as well as countless celebrity f f guests. Her candid and straightforward inter- viewing style is often cited as a major contrib- CONGRATULATING MR. JOHN M. HONORING THE LIFE OF MRS. uting factor to her success. TURNER ON RECEIPT OF THE LYNN HAMTIL Recently, Wendy has expanded to other LILLIAN C. MCGOWIN OUT- media industries, including television and STANDING VOLUNTEER CIVIC HON. LORETTA SANCHEZ LEADER AWARD books, which include, Wendy’s Got the Heat OF CALIFORNIA and The Wendy Williams Experience. In addi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion, Wendy covered the 2003 Grammys for HON. JO BONNER Friday, November 19, 2004 the entertainment show, Extra, and has also OF ALABAMA appeared on Entertainment Tonight, Access IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the life of Mrs. Hollywood, E!, BET, MTV and Celebrity Jus- Friday, November 19, 2004 tice. With her radio show expanding through Lynn Hamtil, a friend, colleague and an inde- syndication, we can be certain that Wendy’s Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, it is with great fatigable advocate for improving the quality of charismatic personality and unmistakable style pride and pleasure that I rise to honor Mr. education in Orange County. She was a civic will reach millions of others. John M. Turner, President of Whitney Bank in leader devoted to raising student standards Once again, I praise Ms. Wendy Williams, Mobile, Alabama, on the occasion of his being and to nurturing our youth for responsible citi- not only for her accomplishments and the tal- honored with the Lillian C. McGowin Out- zenship. Lynn passed away on September 21, ent that she has shared with us, but for being standing Volunteer Civic Leader Award. 2004. Her recent death is a great loss to her a role model to so many women, particularly This annual award is presented by the Ala- community, her family, and this great nation. African-American women. Wendy’s work and bama Gulf Coast Chapter of the Association of Born in Wisconsin, she came to Orange career offer us a mere glimpse of the extraor- Fundraising Professionals. The local chapter County while in high school. Lynn later grad- dinary abilities of minority women that many of AFP represents nearly fifty fundraisers in uated from Fullerton High School and later at- times, go unrecognized. Today, I applaud the Alabama Gulf Coast region and encour- tended Santa Ana College. Wendy for all that she brought to the field of ages the growth and development of profes- Lynn lived her life serving her community in entertainment and I thank her for being a trail- sional fundraisers, as well as promoting the every capacity imaginable, Lynn was a 40- blazer for the many women that will inevitably maintaining of high ethical standards in this year resident of Garden Grove, and was a follow in her footsteps. profession. Governing Board Member of the Garden f John Turner is certainly quite deserving of Grove Unified School District. She was also this recognition, having been extremely in- known for her passion and involvement in her IN HONOR OF RUTH KESLER volved in the life of the Mobile community for community serving as a six-term member of many years. For many years, he has cham- the Garden Grove Unified School District HON. SAM FARR pioned numerous educational and non-profit Board of Education, residing as a past presi- OF CALIFORNIA organizations in south Alabama, all of which dent and vice-president. Lynn also is a recipi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES have been the beneficiary of his efforts and ent of the PTA Honorary Service Award and those of his fellow fundraisers. These groups two Continuing Service Awards. Friday, November 19, 2004 include St. Paul’s Episcopal School, the Mo- Lynn Hamtil was a role model for us all, a Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to bile Area Chamber of Commerce, the United woman who worked hard and did her best to honor Ruth E. Kesler, whose lifelong dedica- Way, the Mobile Infirmary Foundation, Leader- give back to her community. Her contributions ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E2074 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 20, 2004 have left a legacy that will last for years to HONORING PATRICK RYAN ON HIS survivor health care services, and educational come. On behalf of the Congress, I extend RETIREMENT FROM THE HOUSE assistance benefits available to surviving sympathies to Lynn’s family, and gratitude for COMMITTEE ON VETERANS’ AF- spouses and children of servicemembers killed all she did to make our community a better FAIRS in action or who later die of a service-related place. cause. And over the past 20 years, Pat has HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH played a role in increasing the Montgomery GI f OF NEW JERSEY bill benefit for qualified veterans from $300 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES when he joined the committee to over $1,000 today. DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AF- Friday, November 19, 2004 FAIRS HEALTH CARE PER- Using his budget expertise, Pat has been in- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, as SONNEL ENHANCEMENT ACT OF valuable in helping Congress ensure that VA’s Patrick Ryan, Chief Counsel and Staff Director 2004 budget has been both appropriate and suffi- for the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, retires cient. His extensive knowledge of the law and from government service, I rise today to pay the inner workings of VA has also greatly SPEECH OF tribute to his extraordinary career and accom- aided the committee in its work to provide ex- plishments.
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