CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 SERIES-8 HARYANA lJDDS1rRUCT CENSU'S HANDBOOK. PART XII-A&B VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY VILLAGE & TOWNWISE PRIMAR'Y CENSUS ABSTRACT Director of Cens\1S Op'!rations Haryana Published by : The Government of Haryana. 1995 r-::LOCKS HARYANA J A FATEHABAD DISTRICT HISAR Km 5k:a::J,t=:::i.==~10t:::=:t'5~...;20 Km B BHUNA C BHATTU KALAN ..:) 0 RATIA E TOHANA F UKLANA G BARWALA H AGROHA I ADAM PUR J HISAR-I K HISAR-II VJ 'f(ol'f' L HANSI NO\;10! >- M BAS L) N NARNAUND 0: .0 o I s T C.D. BLOCK BOUN DARY EXCLUDES R C T STAT U TORY TOWN (S) BOUNDARIES ARE UPDATED UPTO 1.1.1990 BOUNDARY, STATE . .. , .. DISTRICT .. TAHSIL C.D. BLOCK HEADQUARTERS : DISTRICT ; TAHSIL; e. D. BLO CK . DISTRICT HISAR CHANGE IN JURISOICTION 1981-91 NATI O NAL HIGHWAY NH 10 SH .19 Kml O 0 I OKm STAT E HI GHWAY L__L_j IMPOR TA NT METALLED ROAD RS RAI LW AY LINE WI TH STATION , BROAD GAUGE ---RS ME TRE GAUGE II I II fiiiliit I I RIVER A N D STREAM} CANAL ~I= Oobh i VILLAGE HAVING 5000 AND ABOVE POPULATION W I TH NAME .. • URBAN AREA WITH POPULATION SIZE-CLASS 1,II,lII,I'l & 'I .. P OST AND TELE GRAPH OFFICE. •••••PTO DE GREE COLLEGE AND TECHNICAL INSTITUTION REST HOUSE , TRAVELLERS' BUNGALOW, FOREST BUNGALOW RH . TB AND CANAL BUNGALOW" FB . CB BOUNDARY . STATE Oth er vi,l lages having PTO} RH} TB I FBI CB, etc. are shown as .. 5ars ana DISTR ICT PTO TAHSIL Western Yamuna Can'al . W. Y. C AREA lOST TO DISTRICT ROHTAK []ll]ll Bostd upon S ur v ~y 01 India map with the- permissi on of the Surveyor General of Indio © Gave-rnme-nt of India Co pyright, 19 95 CENSUS OF INnIA-1991 A-CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS The l,ublications relat.ing to Hal'yana beal' Series No.8 and will be published as follows : __ Part I-A Administra~ion Repott-Enumeration (for official usC' only) Part loB Administration Report-Tabulation (for official use only) Patt II-A General Population Tables & } Combined Volume Part H-B Primary Census Abstract Part III General Economic Tables Part TV Social and Cultural Tables Part V Migration Tables Part VI Fertility Tables Part VII Tables on Houses and Household Amenities Pah vnr Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part TX-A Town Directory Part TX-B Stlrvey Report on selected towns ParlIX-C Survey Report on selected villages Part X Ethnographic notes and special studies on scheduled castes and scheduled tribes Part Xl Census Atlas B-·HARYANA GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Part XII-~&:S District Census Handbooks--one for each district (Village and Town Directory ancf Primaryl Census Abstract) CONTENTS Pages Foreword vii Preface IX Important Sta.tistics xi Analytical Note 33 Part A-VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTO RY 35 , . Section 1- Village Directory 37 ·231 Codes used in th.: Village Directory and the Alphabetical Lists 39 Alphabeticallist of villages in Fatehabad C.D. Block 61 Fatehabad C.D. Block 65 Alphabclicallist of villages in Bhuna C.D. Block 71 Bhuna C.D. Block 75 Alphabetical list of villages in Bhattu Kalan CD. Block Sf Bhattu Kalan C.D. Block ~5 Alphabeticallist of villages in Ratia C.D. Block 91 Ratia C. D. Block 95 Alphabeticallist of villages in Tohana C.D. Block 105 T ohana C.D. Block 111 Alphabeticallist of villages in Uklana C.D. Block 121 Uklana C.D. Block 12S Alphabeticallisf of villages in Barwala C.D. Block I ~I Barwala CD. Block 135 Alphabetical list of villages in Agroha C.D. Block 141 Agroha C.D. Block 145 Alphabeticallist of villages in AdampUl CD. l3Iock 151 Adampur C.D. Block 155 Alphabetical list of viII ages in Hisar-I, C.D. Block 159 Eisar-I, CD. :alock 163 Alphabetical list of villages in Hisar-ll, C.D. Block 171 Hisar-ll C.D. Block 175 Alphabeticallist of villages in Hansi C.D. Block 181 lIansi C.D. Block 185 Alphabeticallist of villages in Bas C.D. Block 191 Bas C.D. Block 195 Alphabeticallist of villages in Narnaund C.D. Block 201 Narn3und C.D. Block 205 Appendices 1 to 4 211 (iii) Paaes SeQtjon ll-Town Directory 233~2S4 Codes used in the Town Directory 235. Town Directory Statements 2391 Appendix 254( Part B-PRlMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 255-493 A. Hisar District PCA 257 B. C.O. Blockwise PCA 271 Fatehabad C.D. Block 273 Bhuna C.O. Block 283 Bhattu Kalan CO. Block 289 Ratia C.D. Block 295 Tohana C.D. Block 309 Uklana C.D. Block 323 Barwala C.D. Block 329 Agroha CD. Block 339 Adampur C.D. Block 349 Hisar-I C.D. Block 355 Hisar-ll C.D. Block 365 Hansi C.D. Block 375 Bas C.D. Block 385 Narnaund C.D. Block 391 Urban Primary Census Abstract 401-441 Appendix-I Details of C.D. Blocks included under various tahsils and 443 Tahsilwise Primary Census Abstract Appendix-U Enumeration blockwise total population and Scheduled Caste population in urban areas 453 Annexures to District Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Castes 481 Appendix MAPS: District Hisar: Tahsil and C.D. Block boundaries, district Facing and tahsil headquarters, towns, roadsJ railways, rivers/streams/canals, import'a'ut, inner title villages, P.W.D. Rest house, Travellers' bungalow, Forest bungalow and canal bungalow, etc. Tahsil Fatehabad : Boundary of C.D. Block Fatehabad, C.D. Block 49 Bhuna and C.D. Block Bhattu Kalan, tahsil headquarters, village boundary and population, urban area, roadsJrailways and amenities. (iv). Pages- Tahsil Ratia : Boundary of C.D. BlocR: Ratia, tahsil headquarters, village boundary and population, llrban area, 51 roads, rivers and streams and amenities. Tahsil Tohana : Boundary of C.D. BlocR: Tohana. tahsil headquarters, 53 village boundary and population, urban areas, roads/railways, rivers and streams and amenities. Tahsil ltisar : Boundary of C.D. Block Uklan~, C.D. Block 55 Barwala, C.D. Block Agroha, C.D. Block Adampur, C.D. Block Hisar-L and C.D. Block Hisar-II, tahsil headquarters, village boundary and population, urban areas, roads/railways and amenities. Tahsil Mansi: Boundary of C.D. Block Hansi and C.D. Block 57 Bas, tahsil headquarters, village boundary and population, urban area, roads/railways and amenities. TahsiiNarnaund: Boundary of C.D. Block Namaund, tahsil 59 headquarters, village boundary and population, urban area, roads and amenities. (v) FOREWORD Publication of the Diil(rict Censlls Handbooks (DCHs) was initiated after the 195t Census and t~ continuing since then with some innovatiom!modifications after each decennig) Census. This is the most valuable district level pUblication brought ont by the Ccm>vs Oiganit;ation on bch'llf of each State Government/Union TerritolJ' Administration. It inter-aLia. provides data/information on some of the basic dem.ogl'aphic and socio-­ t'conomic charactel'istics and on the availability of certain important civic amenities/facilities in each village and town of the l'esp::ctive districts. This publication has thus proved to be of immense utility to the plannel's, administra­ tors, academicians and researchers. The scope of the DCR was initially confined to certain important census tables on population, economic and socio-cultural aspects as also the Pl'imary Census Abstl'act (PCA) of each village and town (ward-wise) of the district. The DCHs published anei' the 1961 Censns contained a descriptive account of the district, administra­ tive statistics, census tables and Village and Town Directories including PCA· After the 1971 Census, two parts of the District Census Handbooks (Pal't-A comprising Village and Town Directories and Part-B comprising Village Rnd Town peA) were released in all th~; States a.nd Union T(~rdtories. The third Part (C) of the District Census Handbooks comprising administnttive statistics and disti'ict census tables, which was also to be brought out, cO!lld not be published in many StatesfUTs due to considerable delay in compilation of relevant material. In 1981, some new features alongwith t11.e restructuring of the format of Village and Town Directory were introdu­ ced in the DCHs. These were published in two parts for each district after the 1981 Census. While Pad-A comprised Village and Town Directories, the PCA of villages and towns (ward-wise) including Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe PCA upto tahsil/town level were provided in Pat<t-B. To illustrate, all the amenities except electricity were brought together in the Vilhgc Directory and if an amenity was not available in the referrent village the distance in btoad ranges fWll1 the nearest place having such amenity was given. Information on some llew items such as adult litct'acy centres, primary health sub-centres and community health workers in the village wcre provided so as to meet some of the l'equil'ements of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Similarly, information on approach to the village was aho provided for ihe fi1'5t time in the Villag.:: Directory so as to give an idea about the number of inacce,::sible villages in each district. In case of Town Direciol'ies also, keeping in view the requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme, a StatGment IV-A on slums was provided so as to enable the planners to chalk out the programmes for providing better civic and other amenities in the slums. In this statement details on civic and other amenities wel'e reported for the slums of Class I and Class II towns. Apart from this, one column on the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes popUlation and another on adult literacy classes/centres were added in Statements IV and V respectively.
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