Bryant University Bryant Digital Repository Douglas and Judith Krupp Library Special Booster (1925-1929) Collections 10-1926 Volume 4, Number 1-2, October 1926 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.bryant.edu/booster Recommended Citation "Volume 4, Number 1-2, October 1926" (1926). Booster (1925-1929). Paper 19. https://digitalcommons.bryant.edu/booster/19 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the Douglas and Judith Krupp Library Special Collections at Bryant Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Booster (1925-1929) by an authorized administrator of Bryant Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ®tlnhrr 1!l26 THE BOOSTER Published 'the Fifteenth of Each Month by the Students of BRYANT & STRATTON COLLEGE Providence, R. I. Subscription Price 55c per half-year $1.00 per yeaT Single copies, 10c. Acceptance for mailing special rates of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 17, 1924 ADVISORY EDITOR EUGENE R. JACQUES EDITOR-IN·CHIEF ALYIN J. KEEN ASSISTANT EDITOR FRANCIS G. CAFFREY ASSOCIATE EDITORS Alumni Editor, HOWARD WHEELOCK Exchange Editor, GEORGE E. CREATH News Editor, EUGENE R. JACQUES Business Topics, HAROLD E. ADAMS CLASS REPRESENTATIVES BEATRICE NOAKLE~ JAMES O. CAl\llPBELL ALICE GALL CHESTER E. TURNELL ELIZABETH TIERNEY ESTHER HAROOTUNIAN BUSINESS MANAGER RICHARD A. TAYLOR CIRCULATION l1ANAGER GEORGE E . CREATH BUSINESS STAFF JAMES MURRAY MATTHEW ANNOTTI VINCENT T. CURRAN WINTHROP B. COLLINS FACULTY ADVISORS WARREN C. LANE, C. P. A. JEANNETTE CARROLL CHARLES H. PEASLEY, A. B., A. M. ':":11 ;11 1111 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/111111111111111111111111Itlllll lllti lltt lltIII II IIJlllllt llltJllltll l!!IIII THE BOOSTER HALLOWE'EN NUMBER Volume Four' OCTOBER, 1926 Numbers 1-2 ::;111111111111111 1111 1111""1 11" 11 "'1 1" '111" "'1'1'1 IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III!IIII II !I!!IIII "'1"'1 "'1 "11<4'1"" "'1 11 1'11" " 11"11'111 "'111[ "1!11111Il1!"'I"III!!I!I III!III!I'i'III!'!!!'!III!III!'rrmrrmrrmmIl IOmmllllmrmmllllll!II!III!rlllrlll!!lllllllllllIrrmmnnllt, ~ THE ANNUAL CRAVE A WORD OF APPRECIATION T was 'a wise man who said: "Money HIS nUJlll1er of TIle Booster, hecause it is I doesn't mean everything, but everything T tIle fir,,t iSSllt' of the school year, 192G- seems to mean money." It is certain 1927, liaS heen directed for the first time that a magazine mean:.; Illone~r and that h ~ " itf: newlY elected officers. The BooRtel' 'l' bring's u:.; to the point. The Boo,' ter is in the Editor-in-Chief is clltering the :,cllOol panel' fourth veal' of its existence. No"~ a four­ field for tlH' first time, and hecauRe he has year-olll hab~' is :.;tl'onger, hig-ger, noisier and not ('ng:aged in this particular type of en­ more active than a one-year-old. Also it costs deavor before, lle 113S needed a great deal of more. So with our infant magazine. It co-operation and advice. craves attention and it likes money. For this co-operation and advice he is A few years ago the founders of the mag­ indebted to Mr. Eug'ene R. Jacques, Editor­ azine gave their hest efforts to the inaugura~ in-Chief during' 1925-1926. He has come for­ tion and extension of The Booster, and they ward in that fine spirit so typical of the Bry­ handed down to us the fruits of their labors ant and Stratton family, and to ]lim 'with a plea to improve on their noble begin­ should go all tIle credit for the literary value ning'. It is for us to carryon the work. of the present issue of The Booster. The magazine represent:.; the scllOol in di:.;­ The Editor takes tl li s opportunity to ex­ taut citie:.; and in far-off countries, for The pres:, his appreciation to Mr. Jacques, and to Boo:.;tel' finds it:.; "-ay all over the countrY, f:tate tllat ,,,ithout 11is eo-operation and ad­ and eyen to the Pllilippine:.; and Jamaica. vice tlle editing of t11is number would have .Any true supporter of the SC11001 certainly heen very oifficult if not absolutely imnos- wants the paper to he l'(""'resentative of the sihle. A. J. K. school. ~'he advertisements that YOU ohtain AMBITION WITHOUT WILL will mean a hettor paper. rrll(' aim of the present staff i:-: to make 'MB1rrrON i:.; a wonderful thing, hut am­ the .final issne of this year's Boo::;ter a year A hition alone is worthles!'. Many peo­ hook. ~rhe expense of this type of book is ple aspire to do great thing's but they p;reat, aud it i:.; with these plans in view, that lta\'p not the will power to work and MAKE the Busine::;:,; Staff pleads for support during rrHEl\ISRLVES wl1at they fain would be. the whole yeal'. Emerson once said, "I-Tow many men would The Staff, both of tlle literary and husi­ fain ,9,:0 to hed dunces and wake up Solo­ ness departments, prolllise to do it:-; he t, and mons!' , th<"v look fonntnl to everY :.;tudcnt in Bryallt Thi!' i:, indeed true of most of u:.;. How­ and Stratton College to hae1\: their ef[ol'{~ h~­ eyer, if \\"e ,yollld only :-;top and thi1l1~, we ohtaining ad\'erti"cm(>nt~ and :-uh!'crihinQ' to '\'ou1<1 l'ealize that, for our own g'ood, God every issue. I~. R. 'J. 11a:-; ordered that this be impossible, for work deyelops us pllysically, mentally and OUR LAST TRIBUTE morally. 'When Wp work for anything, we put our­ EEP in our heal't.-· is the memory of Paul selves into it and we naturally prize it more D E. Falcon WllO passed away October 4, hig-hly than something'· which has cost us 1926. His sincere spirit of friendliness nothing. rrhe man who has done his best, '\-af: appreciated hy the ::;tudents as well as iR as truly a succeRS as the man who has ac­ hy the faculty, and Bryant and Stratton 001- complished what he set out to 00, for : "Not leg'e fecI:.; as tllOUg'h it has sustained a per­ failure, hut low aim, is crime." f'onal loss. Let us remember tllat anytlling "-ol'th IN MEMORIAM having i:-; worth \yorking for, and that noth­ ing' wortll ,yhile is gained without effort. Like the shadows softly creeping, At the closing of the day; BOOST THE BOOSTER Death has stolen in upon us, And has taken Paul away. 01rrS1DJ1JRS judge a college by the char­ acter of its pupils, the conscientiousness Though we mourn our classmate's and interest shown in their lesson!', passing, their /leal for college's welfare and progress, And our hearts with sorrow fill; We can find one consolation, aR well as their loyalty to all school activities. God knew best,-it was his will. As a Rtudent, do things bringing credit to "CLASS OF 1926'1 YOtH' school. Boost The Booster! ill, RotT, Page Two THE BOOSTER HAVE YOU School News TO THE SUBSCRIBED BOOSTER? BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIO~ HA VE WE ANY DRAMATIC B. A. CLUB PLANS BIG CLUB HOLDS ELE,-,TION STARS? HALLOWE'EN SOCIAL James Murray Elected President If Not, Lesser Lights Can Shine. Large Attendance Expected The Business Administration Club Join the Dramatic Club Are you {wing to. step out? Of of Bryant and Stratton College h~ld course, you are! When? On Wed­ its annual election during the th.lId The Bryant and Stratton Dra­ nesday evening, October 27th. Why? week of September, and the followmg matic Club was recently organized by Bec~use that is the night that the members were elected by the class for Miss Jeanette Carroll for the pur­ BUSIness Administration Club plans the ensuing year: James Murr~y, pose of bringing the students to­ to hold the first big dance of the sea­ president; Howard Wheelock, vIce gether to participate in the plays son. Think of all the fun and the president; George E. Creath, secre.­ and social events of the school good time you will have mi~sed if by tary; and Jack Spencer, treasUr~I'. throughout the year. chance you should fail to attend. The club became active the day of Its This is the first year that an at­ The dance program will be furnish­ reorlranization and Treasurer Jack tempt has ever been made to organ­ ed by "Jimmy" Walsh, "The Radio Spe;cer may be l';een all h?urs of the ize such a club, and out of the large Hit", and his melodious six-piece 01'­ day ('ollecting dues. He WIll soon b~­ number of students attending Bryant chestr~. The time i~ eight P. M.; the come one of the most popular boys ill and Stratton college, the new club place IS at the PrOVIdence Plantations the class. will no doubt prosper. Any student Club Hall on Franklin street and the It has always been the policy of who would care to join will be gladly aelm ission. i3 only 50 cents.' During the club to raise a sufficient sum of admitted as a member. the evenIng refreshments will be money during the year to clear the The club has already held several served, and favors distributed. A good expense of a banquet and an outing meetings, and the officers for the year time is assured to all those attend­ to be held during the latter part of have been elected. They are: presi­ ing. the year. The cl~ss dues are 25 cents dent, Eileen Kelliher; vice president, The newly elected members of the per month, payarle in advance: How­ Elizabeth Tierney; secretary, Evelyn Business Administration dance com­ ever, the purpose .of the cl~b IS not a Brenner; and treasurer, Richard !TIittee have been working hard dur­ continuous campaIgn to raIse money, Ryan.
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