PAGE TWELVE -B - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Tues., April 5, 1977 ^Get this man his coffee The weather Inside today Partly cloudy today with chance of before the price goes up^ showers, high around 50. Clearing, Business..........8-A Kitchen............ 2-C colder tonight, low in 20s. Becomiiu Classified .. .8-10-B Obituaries ... 12-A partly c oudy Thursday with high 45-5o! Comics......... 11-B People .............. 1-C , Dear Abby ... 11-B Second Thought 2-C By RON RIECHMANN but the manager said he didn’t ’ ’know offset what they have to pay for National weather forecast map on how much longer that price will Page 9-B. Editorial .........4-A Sr. Citizens ... 8-C United Press International coffee. Fam ily........... 2-C Sports...........6-6-B Coffee one-liners are becoming hold.” commonplace these days as the price Instant up too Now 30 cents a cup Plus suburban news on Pages 1—3-B and of the steamy brew keeps going up. A Boston Globe survey of market Sam Maione, owner of the Capitol 3-C. “Get the man his coffee before the prices showed a 10-ounce jar of ins­ Coffee House in Boston, said he was price goes up,” a waitress at a coffee tant coffee. Maxwell House, rose forced to hike his price a nickel last shop on Boston's Beacon Hill was from $2.21 in June 1974 to $3.76 last week when the price per pound rose Governor intervenes heard telling her coworker. week. In at least one store in the from $3.58 to $3.98. He charges 30 “I’ll give up anything before I give Boston area, that 10-ounce jar was cents for a small cup. up coffee,” an addict was quoted as going for $3.99, ’’When I raised prices one or two saying. On Monday, name brand ground customers mentioned it but actually The crunch also is being felt by coffee in one Rhode Island super­ not that many. By the second and Boston Common panhandlers. "I market chain will go from $3.07 to third day they were buying the coffee need a dollar for a cup of coffee,” one again, and by the fourth day I’m sure Strikers given $3.51 per pound. The house brand at asked recently. the same chain will sell for $3.39, and they’ll be drinking as much,” Maione Addicts concerned the buyer for that store said some said. Coffee addicts grew more con­ people are switching to that. “But ’’We're being ripped off,” said Gil cerned this week when Folger Coffee the big switch,” he said, “is from Linder, owner of Jerry Z’s Stop and ground to instant.” Dine Restaurant in Wethersfield, Co., the nation’s second largest Conn. new ultimatum coffee roaster, boosted its wholesale A survey of the chain’s stores, price 25 cents to a record $4.43 a comparing the first eight weeks in Free tea HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. Ella T. Superior Court Judge Anthony E. No trouble was reported during the pound. 1976 and 1977, showed ground coffee Linder, who gives free tea with his Grasso today said if striking prison Arinentano and return to their jobs. first two days of the strike, but union “Heck,” said the coffee buyer fora sales were down 52 per cent. But ins­ dinners, has ordered buttons and guards do not return to work by mid­ But hundreds of rank-and-file cor­ members said it was only a matter of major Rhode Island grocery chain, tant coffee sales were up 42 per cent. bumper stickers that call for a coffee night, she will have ’’no other alter­ rections officers overwhelmingly time before violence broke out. “ it seems to go up every 15 National brand ground coffee was boycott and urges “Stuff the Bean’’ native” than to fire them. rejected the request by voice vote at The strike affects 3,200 men, minutes." averaging about ^.39 this week in Coffee shop prices were averaging “In the Interests of security and a meeting Tuesday night. women and juvenile offenders housed A UPI survey of New England Connecticut stores. - abdut 35 cents in Concord, N.H., last protection of citizens, we will have Unions leaders said their bags in the 10 facilities. coffee prices showed a wide There are indications of growing week. One spot south of the city was no alternative than to dismiss were packed in case Armentano Tom Collins of Bridgeport, one of range—from Gran Maws 5 Cent consumer resistance to the es­ advertising a bargain 35 cents for all workers beginning with the mldni^t decided to send them to jail. 23 union leaders cited by the court, Coffee in Limington, Maine, to 75 calating cost of coffee. A major you can drink. “A majority will have shift,” Mrs. Grasso said at a Capitol “They rejected the recommenda­ urged members at Tuesday night’s cents a cup at the Ritz Carlton Hotel research firm reported retail tea two cups but not too many people press conference. tion and the strike continues. We’re meeting, to remain on strike without in Boston. Oh—you can get a refill at sales rose 21 per cent in the first two drink more,” said the hostess of the She said the jails are adequately going to court,” said Michael Femic- a change in the state’s position. He the Ritz. months of-This year, while ground Cat ’N Fiddle. Making a tricky and icy turn staffed with state police and other ci, a staff member for Council 4, who said he was ready to see the other Prices vary widely coffee sales gain^ only two per cent. The Dunkin’ Donuts chain ap­ Motorcyle racing returned to the Greater Hartford area Sunday when a series of races employes and she does not anticipate chaired the heated meeting at which side of prison life. parently saw the writing on the wall. calling out the National Guard to members hurled obscenities at — and Supermarket coffee prices in the The consumer relations head of a were held on the ice at the Hartford Civic Center. (Herald photo by Pinto) ”I'm going to jail. My suitcase is region also varied widely last week. major food chain in Connecticut said Two weeks ago, it began selling soup. help. then expelled — reporters. packed. I've been there for 10 years Cottle’s Supermarket in Augusta, the real sign if Americans can break But an employe of a Dunkin’ Donuts ^ e said negotiations will not take The 23 officials faced fines of up to anyways. I’m used to it. We’re not Maine, was charging $2.49 a pound their love habit with coffee will come store in Barre, Vt., where the price place until the guards return to work. $2,500 each per day as well as im­ buying It (the return to work of a cup of coffee is 30 cents, said prisonment for defying Armentano’s for ground Chase & Sanborn and in the next two months. Union officials were scheduled to order),” he said. order. The union also faced a $2 Chock Full O’ Nuts, and $3.49 for a 10- "Housewives have been counter business has increased Housing applications increase appear In court at 2 p.m. today to ”If we stay out another four days ounce jar of instant Maxwell House. squirreling away coffee in their pan- despite the extra cost. face possible Jail sentences for con­ million law suit by the state. Correc­ we'll have a riot at every jail in the tions officials have said employes An Augusta A&P store was charging tries,” said Sylvia Gottlieb of Mott’s “People find it cheaper to grab a tempt of a court order to return to State of Connecticut,” Collins said. $2.59 for a pound of its own brand Shop Rite chain. “The real test will cup on the run rather than pay work at Connecticut’s 10 correctional jailed would not be sent to any of the At issue is the size of a pay raise soaring prices for coffee to be following change in criteria officials. 10 institutions in order to prevent ground in the store and $3.99 for 10 be whether she is going to continue and whether their work week should buying after she uses what she has. brewed at home,” he said. A n Snnonn«M !•. AU.% ___ I!__• . «« . mt Officials of Council 4, American inmate reorisals. be increased from 35-37W hours. ounces of instant Maxwell House. An increase in the income limits for Manchester’s two The new income maximums are: $8,995 for one person- Champagne’s Supermarket in Con­ “Everyone has a point at which One-shop boycott elderly housing projects has produced a big response Federation of State, County and State police were called in Monday State officials had agreed to rehlre $10,280, two persons; $11,565, three persons and to man the Institutions after most of cord, N.H., was getting $2.99 a pound they’re going to quit,” she said. The owner of Florio’s restaurant in from applicants in the past two weeks. Municipal Employes urged the more than two dozen workers fired $12,850,four persons. The previous limits were con­ workers Tuesday to comply with a 1,250 guards and other workers for ground Maxwell House, $3.99 for Restaurant and coffee shop owners Providence has been running a one- T ^ Manchester Housing Authority, which administers • around the region claim they are siderably less at $5,050, one person; $5,800, two persons; back-to-work order Issued by walked off their jobs.
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