Ciência e Natura ISSN: 0100-8307 [email protected] Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Brasil Lenz Hister, Carmine Aparecida; Bosio Tedesco, Solange; Ferreira da Silva, Antonio Carlos; Scotti do Canto-Dorow, Thais Meiotic behavior and pollen viability of Aloysia gratissima and Aloysia triphylla (Verbenaceae) Ciência e Natura, vol. 32, núm. 1, 2010, pp. 37-47 Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Santa Maria, Brasil Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=467546357003 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative Meiotic behavior and pollen viability of Aloysia gratissima and Aloysia triphylla (Verbenaceae) Carmine Aparecida Lenz Hister, Solange Bosio Tedesco, Antonio Carlos Ferreira da Silva, Thais Scotti do Canto-Dorow Departamento de Biologia/CCNE Universidade Federal de Santa Maria/Santa Maria, RS e-mail: [email protected] Abstract The use of medicinal plants for the treatment of diseases that attack human beings has been a practice for centuries and it is seen as one of the main therapeutic resource in many communities and ethnical groups, especially in developing countries. In Brazil, the economic potential of the germoplasm of medicinal plants is a wealth to be used and preserved. Native and exotic species are used medicinally in Brazil. Among them, Aloysia gratissima (Gill et Hook) Tronc. (native) and Aloysia triphylla (LHer.) Britton (exotic) both from Verbenaceae Family are highlighted. In this study the meiotic behavior and pollen viability in populations of these species of the genus Aloysia from Rio Grande do Sul State were analyzed. Inflorescences of three populations of A. gratissima and one of A. triphylla were collected in their native local, fixed in absolute ethanol glacial acetic acid (3:1) for 24 hours at room temperature, and after that maintained in ethanol 70% until use. The chromosomal meiotic behavior and pollen viability analysis was performed with anthers by using the squashing technique, and staining in orcein acetic 2%. Our results show that occurred a good meiotic stability and a high viability of the pollen grains in the studied populations of A. gratissima and A. triphylla. And more, that both species present the gametic number n=18, allowing us to suggest the somatic number of 2n=36 chromosomes. Index terms : medicinal plant, pollen, meiosis, meiotic index, chromosome number. Resumo O uso de plantas medicinais para o tratamento de doenças que acometem o ser humano tem sido uma prática secular e, em muitas comu- nidades e grupos étnicos, é um dos únicos recursos terapêuticos, especial- Ciência e Natura, UFSM, 32 (1): 37 - 47, 2010 37 mente em países em desenvolvimento. No Brasil, o potencial econômico de germoplasma de plantas medicinais é uma riqueza a ser utilizada e pre- servada. Espécies nativas e exóticas são usadas medicinalmente no Brasil. Dentre essas, destacam-se Aloysia gratissima (Gill et Hook) Tronc. (nati- va) and Aloysia triphylla (LHer.) Britton (exótica), ambas da família Verbenaceae. Nesse estudo, foram analisados o comportamento meiótico e viabilidade do pólen em populações dessas espécies do gênero Aloysia do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Inflorescências de três populações de A. gratissima e uma de A. triphylla foram coletadas em seus locais de origem, fixadas em etanol absoluto e ácido acético glacial (3:1) por 24 horas em temperatura ambiente e depois mantidas em etanol 70% até o uso. A análi- se do comportamento meiótico e da viabilidade polínica foi feita pela técni- ca de esmagamento das anteras e coloração com orceína acética 2%. Duas populações de A.gratissima e a de A. triphylla apresentaram boa estabilidade meiótica e alta viabilidade polínica. Ambas as espécies mostraram número gamético n=18, o que sugere um número cromossômico somático de 2n=36 cromossomos. Termos para indexação: planta medicinal, grãos de pólen, meiose, índice meiótico, número cromossômico Introduction The use of medicinal plants for the treatment of diseases is a non- controlled and a widely diffused practice in Brazil. Most of the species have been utilized in an exploratory way, and with a growing number of people and the occupation of native areas, an increase in the destructive pressure on this flora has been occurring (Rosa & Ferreira, 2001). Brito & Brito (1993) presented several studies carried out with species from the native flora highlighting their potential uses. They have also suggested the need of further and deeper studies on the Brazilian tropical flora. Aloysia gratissima and Aloysia triphylla are among the medicinal species of great interest. Aloysia gratissima as a synonym of Lippia sellowii and Aloysia sellowii is a bush which reaches 1.5-2.5m height, with sub-coriaceous foliar blade, foliar oblanceolate, ovate or obovate with acute apices. The secondary venation is dorsally prominent, which is a common characteristic (Botta, 1979) for this species, which is commonly known as erva-santa, alfaze- ma-do-brasil, or erva-de-nossa-senhora. It can be used as antitumoral, antigripal, antirheumatic, balsamic, and digestive (Castro & Chemale, 1995). Souza & Wiest (2007) reinforced the antibacterial activity of Aloysia gratissima. Aloysia triphylla as synonym of Lippia citriodora and Aloysia citriodora is a branchy shrub, which reaches 2-3 m height, erect, with a 38 Ciência e Natura, UFSM, 32(1): 37 - 47, 2010 citral aroma. It is native from South America, probably from Chile, and exotic in Brazil. This species is commonly known as erva-cidreira, cidró, cidró-pessegueiro, cidrão, erva-Luisa, and cidrozinho (Lorenzi, 2002). It is an astringent and aromatic herb, rich in volatile oil, which reacts as mild sedative reducing fevers, and relieving spasms especially from digestive system (Bown, 1995). According to Simões et al. (1989), Aloysia triphylla has leaves that can be used internally as digestive, stimulant, tonic, antispasmodic, carminative, and sedative. However, its long-term use may cause disturbs in the digestive system and sleep. It is important to emphasize that firstly it is necessary to carry out the taxonomic identification and characterization study of germoplasm species, mainly cytogenetic evaluation for further genetic breeding program (Fachinetto et al., 2008). The meiosis is an event of high evolutionary stability which results in the reduction of the number of chromosomes. The usual and accurate way of the meiosis assures the gametic viability. The chromosome analysis during the meiotic cell division shows the fertility level, and thus make possible the estimative of the pollen grain viability (Fachinetto & Tedesco, 2009). The aim of this study was to carry out the cytogenetic characterization (meiotic behavior and pollen viability) of the Aloysia gratissima and Aloysia triphylla populations from Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Material and methods The young inflorescences were collected from three natural populations of A. gratissima , and one exotic population of A. triphylla in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. From each population, a voucher specimen was deposited in the Herbarium SMDM (Santa Maria - Department of Biology) at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Rio Grande do Sul (RS), as shown in Table 1. The plants were taxonomically identified by Prof. Dr. Thais do Canto-Dorow. The young plant inflorescences were collected to carry out the meiotic analysis and pollen viability estimative of the four populations (Table 1 and 2) After collected, the inflorescences were fixed in ethanol-acetic acid 3:1 for 24 hours at room temperature, then transferred to ethanol 70%, maintained at a temperature of 4ºC until the preparation of the slides. The slides were prepared by squashing and staining the anthers with acetic orcein 2% (Guerra & Souza, 2002). Five slides were observed per population that presented meiosis phases with good chromosomal visualization in optic microscopes and the best cells were photographed. Ciência e Natura, UFSM, 32 (1): 37 - 47, 2010 39 Table 1. Populations of Aloysia gratissima and Aloysia triphylla analyzed. Populations collected at RS Species Registry Population Nº Locality number A. gratissima Population 1 Boca do Monte 9922 Population 2 Santa Maria 9920 Populatino 3 São Pedro 9921 A. triphylla Santa Maria 9918 Diakinesis and/or metaphase I where considered normal when all the chromosomes are in bivalent associations. In anaphase/telophase I and II, chromosomal segregation was observed considering abnormal the cells with irregular chromosomal disjunction, retarded chromosomes, and brid- ges. The number of tetrads (quartets) was registered, and meiotic index (MI) calculated according to Love (1949): MI = n o normal quartets/ n o observed quartets x 100. The normal quartets were represented by four cells, and all the others which differ from this number were considered abnormal, like triads, dyads and polyads. Three hundred tetrads of each population of the Aloysia populations studied were observed. For pollen viability estimative, the same method used for meiosis analysis was applied, with delimitation, at random, of six visual fields on each slide. Five hundred pollen grains were counted per studied population. Through the staining method, used by Tedesco et al. (2002), the estimative of the amount of viable pollen (stained) and unviable pollen (not stained) was possible,
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