=VS5V Thursday, September 20, 2018 1HZV)HDWXUHVSDJH 0HHWWKH%ODFN.QLJKWV 1HZV)HDWXUHVSDJH 5HVLOLHQWNLGVUHDG\$LUPHQ :HHNLQSKRWRVSDJH ,PDJHVIURPWKHZHHN 1HZV)HDWXUHVSDJH )DOOHQ$LUPDQKRQRUHG 1VPU[L_LYJPZLLUZ\YLZTPZZPVUYLHKPULZZ WHNL 7OV[VI`(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ:JV[[>HYULY <:(PY-VYJL:LUPVY(PYTHU;PTV[O`4H[ZVUSLM[HUK(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ9HUKHSS:[1VOUYPNO[LU[Y`JVU[YVSSLYZHZZPNULK &RPPXQLW\SDJH [V[OL[O:LJ\YP[`-VYJLZ:X\HKYVU^H[JOV]LYHZPT\SH[LKLU[Y`JVU[YVSWVPU[K\YPUNHUVWLYH[PVUHSYLHKPULZZL_LYJPZL (YHQWV&KDSHOPRUH H[4HJ+PSS(PY-VYJL)HZL:LW[,U[Y`JVU[YVSSLYZ]L[[LKHSSWLYZVUULSWLYMVYTLKWLYPTL[LYJOLJRZHUK^H[JOLKMVY Z\ZWPJPV\ZHJ[P]P[`H[HZPT\SH[LKHSLY[MHJPSP[`MVY[OL69, COMMENTARY .LU4HY`HUUL4PSSLYKLSP]LYZOLYMPYZ[SL[[LY[V4VIPSP[`(PYTLU Fellow Air Mobility Professionals, The key to all our mission success, is our dedicated force of airmen, civilians and contrac- It is an absolute honor to lead the men and tors. Developing our Airmen and caring for their women of this command. Each and every day, families is fundamental. Our profession of arms you work tirelessly to deliver the right effects requires no less. It is our Airmen that give our in the right place at the right time. I can’t nation a superior military edge. To keep this thank you enough for taking care of the mission edge, we must take calculated risks. Make pro- and your selfless service to the nation! A brief ductive mistakes. Trust your instincts. If it glance at the command over the last three years doesn’t feel safe, it probably isn’t. While I need reveals you have set new boundaries and chart- each of you to be ready to execute the mission ed a path forward for Rapid Global Mobility. when called to do so, your family needs you to Time and again, you demonstrate a readiness come home safely. to tackle any challenge. Air Mobility Command Now, get ready for what’s next! The chal- has a bright future, and I am humbled to lead a lenges our nation faces with the reemergence of command that never rests and has a world-class peer competitors requires Airmen ingenuity and reputation. agility. We must use our steadfast resolve, in- As Air Mobility Professionals, you make us novative nature, and insatiable desire to always strong through your steadfast resolve, innova- deliver that have made us strong in the past in tive nature, and desire to always deliver. It is order to keep us strong in the future where op- you who delivers the lethality of our Joint Force erations in contested environments will be the and Coalition brothers and sisters. As Airmen, norm, not the exception. We are always ready… you don’t just fly but you provide our nation our adversaries can count on it! Thank you for timely options and versatility that is unique your selfless service and the sacrifices you and to our DNA. This gives us the ability to tackle your family make every day. I am honored to problems by going over them, not through. I tru- serve you, your family, and this great country. ly believe our people are our greatest strength and I am committed to keeping us strong by Lead on! .LU4HY`HUUL4PSSLY(PY taking care of our force and our families. Gen. Maryanne Miller 4VIPSP[`*VTTHUKJVTTHUKLY )LZ\YL[V]PZP[[OLVMMPJPHS[O(PY4VIPSP[`>PUN^LIZP[LH[^^^THJKPSSHMTPS -VYPUMVYTH[PVUHIV\[IHZLVWLYH[PVUZK\YPUNLTLYNLUJPLZVYUH[\YHSKPZHZ[LYZJHSS[OL:[YHPNO[;HSR3PULH[ COMMANDER’S ACTION LINE 4HJ+PSSVU[OL^LI Website: www.macdill.af.mil The Action Line provides two-way communication between the Facebook: www.facebook.com/ 6th Air Mobility Wing commander and the MacDill community. Per- sonnel may submit questions, concerns or comments via email to MacDillAirForceBase [email protected] or Facebook @6thAirMobilityWing- Instagram: macdill_afb CommandTeam Twitter: @macdill_afb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·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´$VVRFLDWHG3UHVV6W\OHERRN DUHQRWQHFHVVDULO\WKHRIILFLDOYLHZVRIRUHQGRUVHGE\WKH SK\VLFDOKDQGLFDSSROLWLFDODIILOLDWLRQRUDQ\RWKHUQRQPHULW DQG/LEHO0DQXDOµDQG$LU)RUFH,QVWUXFWLRQ 2 WWW.MACDILLTHUNDERBOLT.COM Thursday, September 20, 2018 MACDILL THUNDERBOLT NEWS/FEATURES 4LL[[OL)SHJR2UPNO[Z! [O(PY9LM\LSPUN:X\HKYVU I`(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ*HSLI5\ULa UI"JS.PCJMJUZ8JOH1VCMJD"GGBJST Amidst stretches of mountains and humid weather lies a town known for its football ri- valries and southern hospitality. Although sepa- rated by nearly 600 miles, the town of Birming- ham, Alabama, continuously supports MacDill Air Force Base, providing rapid global mobility and sustainment for America’s armed forces by flying and maintaining KC-135 Stratotanker aircraft. Located deep in the south, the 99th Air Re- fueling Squadron is a geographically separated unit stationed at Sumpter Smith Air Nation- al Guard Base, in Birmingham, Alabama, but functions administratively under the 6th Air Mobility Wing. “Just like our fellow Airmen at MacDill, the Black Knights of the 99th support AMC priori- ties through deployments in support of wartime operations, participation in joint and inter-ser- vice exercises, and through the daily air refuel- ing we provide to military aircraft all over the 7OV[VI`(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ*HSLI5\ULa southeast,” said Lt. Col. Aaron Torczynski, com- mander of the 99th ARS. “Like all other Airmen (PYTLUMYVT[OL [O(PY9LM\LSPUN:X\HKYVU^HSRH^H`MYVTH2*:[YH[VU[HURLYHPYJYHM[ in the global mobility business, we train and HM[LYWLYMVYTPUNTHPU[LUHUJLH[:\TW[LY:TP[O(PY5H[PVUHS.\HYK)HZLPU)PYTPUNOHT(SH IHTH(\N;OL [O(9:PZHNLVNYHWOPJHSS`ZLWHYH[LK\UP[[OH[M\UJ[PVUZHKTPUPZ[YH[P]LS` See BLACK KNIGHTS, Page 14 \UKLY[OL[O(PY4VIPSP[`>PUN 9LZPSPLU[RPKZYLHK`(PYTLU I`:OPYLLU)LKP "JS'PSDF4VSHFPO(FOFSBM1VCMJD"GGBJST FALLS CHURCH, Va. — One thing Airmen worry about when they deploy is the well-being of their family, especially children who may have a hard time coping with the challenges that come with a parent’s deploy- ment. The impact of deployment on children is a key component of Airmen readiness. Knowing their family is well helps Airmen focus on the mission. “I think a child’s well-being is directly related to readiness,” said Lt. Col. Eric Flake, program director of developmental pediatrics at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington. “If the child is not doing well, it can be a sig- nificant impediment to an Airman’s readiness.” According to Flake, most military children are resilient and can adjust to the changes that come when a parent deploys, but some children face challenges. Lt. Col. Eric Oglesbee, education and developmental interven- tion services clinic flight commander at Royal Air Force Lakenheath, Eng- 7OV[VI`(PYTHU,\NLUL6SP]LY land, agrees. “Generally speaking, deployment alone does not significantly upset the 3[*VS*YHPN4VYHZO[O-PNO[LY:X\HKYVUJVTTHUKLYWYLWHYLZ[V child,” said Oglesbee. “However, it could worsen any pre-existing issues the O\NOPZJOPSKYLUHM[LYYL[\YUPUNMYVTHKLWSV`TLU[1HUH[4VVK` child may have.” (PY-VYJL)HZL.H;OL^LSSILPUNVMJOPSKYLUPZWHYHTV\U[[V(PYTLU YLHKPULZZMVYKLWSV`TLU[>OPSLTVZ[JOPSKYLUHYLYLZPSPLU[HUKJHU Deployment can add stressors to children with a higher risk of develop- OHUKSL[OLJOHUNLZ[OH[JVTL^OLUHWHYLU[KLWSV`ZZVTLJOPSKYLU See KIDS, Page 14 MHJLJOHSSLUNLZ MACDILL THUNDERBOLT Thursday, September 20, 2018 WWW.MACDILLTHUNDERBOLT.COM 3 WEEK IN PHOTOS 7OV[VI`(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ*HSLI5\ULa :LY]PJLTLTILYZMYVT4HJ+PSS(PY-VYJL)HZLJVTWSL[LH[^VTHUMSHNMVSKK\YPUNH TLTVYPHSJLYLTVU`:LW[;OLYLTLTIYHUJLJLYLTVU` ^HZOLSKH[[OL<::WLJPHS6WLYH[PVUZ*VTTHUK4LTVYPHSPUOVUVYVM[OVZL^OVKPLKK\YPUN[OLH[[HJRZ 7OV[VI`(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ*HSLI5\ULa 7OV[VI`(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ*HSLI5\ULa 4LTILYZMYVT[OL,U9V\[L7H[PLU[:[HNPUN:`Z[LT[LHTMYVT4HJ+PSS 4LTILYZMYVT[OL,U9V\[L7H[PLU[:[HNPUN:`Z[LT[LHTMYVT4HJ+PSS (PY-VYJL)HZLSVHKLX\PWTLU[VU[VH/\T]LL:LW[PUWYLWHYH[PVUVM (PY-VYJL)HZLMVSKSP[[LYZPUWYLWHYH[PVUVM/\YYPJHUL-SVYLUJL:LW[ /\YYPJHUL-SVYLUJL;OL,97::[LHT»ZTPZZPVUPZ[VWYV]PKLJSPUPJHSZ\W WVY[[VWH[PLU[ZPUYLZWVUZL[VHUH[\YHSKPZHZ[LY 4 WWW.MACDILLTHUNDERBOLT.COM Thursday, September 20, 2018 MACDILL THUNDERBOLT NEWS/FEATURES [O(,:OVSKZZ[L]LY9VKLV I`(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ(SL_PZ:\HYLa The 45th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron hosted its first ever AES Rodeo Sept.. 9 at MacDill Air Force Base. The AES Rodeo is a friendly competition within the squadron meant to showcase members’ skill sets and ability to perform their duties while building morale and interpersonal relationships. “This event was great! I thought it was not only fun but a great ex- ample of what we can expect when we deploy,”
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