National Horticulture Board Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Government of India, Plot No.85, Sector 18, Institutional Area, Gurugram - 122 015 (Haryana) Ph. 0124-2342992, Fax: 2342991, 2341225 vt~~i1;~: www.nhb.gov.in NHB/CC/2nd PPAC/2021-22/ \ v '6 ~ April 28, 2021 L"ice Me.nol'andu.n Subject: Pl'oceedings of the 2nd _eeting of the .Pl'e. Pl'oject llppl'aisal Co__ ittee (PPllC) to consider the proposals under various sche_es of the Boal'd held on 16.04.2021 at NRB, RO, I Gurugl'a_ (Raryana) - Regarding. I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of the Proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee (PPAC) held on 16.04.2021 at NHB, Head Quarters, Gurugram (Haryana) during financial year 2021-22 under the Chairmanship of Dr. R. Bhati, Joint Director, NHB. , This issues with the approval of Competent Authority. ~ >;"<il\\)\\ \~ (D.K. Pal) Deputy Director Distribution: 1) All Area Officers /Joint Directors, NHB, Gurugram. 2) Accounts Officer, NHB, Gurugram. Copy for information to : 1) PS to MD, NHB, Gurugram National Horticulture Board Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Government of India, Plot NO.85, Sector 18, Institutional Area, Gurugram - 122 015 (Haryana) Ph. 0124-2342992, Fax: 2342991, 2341225 Website: www.nhb.gov.in April 28, 2021 Subject Minutes of the 2"d Pre-Project Appraisal Committee (PPAC) meeting to co';sidcr the proposals under various schemes of the Board during financial year 2021-22 . Date & Time 16.04.2021 at 11:00 am Venue NHB, Gurugram The Meeting was chaired by Dr. R. Bhati, Joint Director, NHB. The following members attended the meeting. S. Composition Name of Officer/Representative with Designation attended the meeting No l. Sr. Most Joint Dr. R. Bhati, Joint Director, NHB. -- Director, NHB- Chairman 2. Area Officers of l. Shri Pushpcndra Arya, Area Officer, South Zone, NHB NHB- Member 2. Shri R.S. Meena, Area Officer ,North Zone, NHB 3. Shri Dhal Singh, Area Officer, West Zone, NHB. 4. Shri Bani Singh, Area Officer, North-East Zone, NHB IN ATTENDANCE l. Sh. D.K. Pal, Deputy Director, NHB 2. Sh. H.c. Rohilla, Account Officer, NHB 3. Dr. S.K. Dubcy, Sr. Horticulture Officcr, NHB 4. Sh. Ashok Kumar, Sr. Horticulture Officer, NHB 5. Sh. Sunil Kumar Rcwar, Sr. Horticulture Officer, NHB 6. Sh. Alok Kumar, Sr. Horticulture Officer, NHB Proceedings of the PPAC meeting held on 01.04.2021 were circulatcd on 07.04.2021. There bcing no observation from any of the members, the Committee confirmed the minutcs. It was reiterated that IPA guideline must be followed meticulously and Examination of proposals must bc done with due diligence and concerned dealing officers will be accountable for any failure on their part as laid down in Internal Note dated 14.03.2019 under instruction from MD. The summary of projects discussed in the meeting is as under:- S.No. Particulars No. of projects 1 No. of cases considered 217 2 Approved 98 64 3 Clarification sought (Deferred) 4 Rejected/C losed/W ithdrawn 55 Page 1 2ndPPAC Meeting held on 16.04.2021 The case-wise decision of the PPAC is as under:- Approved Projects PPAC discussed the following project proposals in the light of contents of agenda notes and schemc guidelines. PPAC noted that applicants have submitted all the documents as per the provisions under NHB Schemc guidelines and found in order. PPAC recommended/approved these projects for issuance of II'A for thc activity/area and conditions, if any, indicated against each project:- Crop/Activity and Condition, if any Sr. Name of the .project and project Volume & Sr. Area/Capacity No. code No. of Agenda Notes ---- Cultivation of Capsicum I Mr. Bharat Shankar SheIke, (West Zone) in 4,000 sq. mtr. under Survey/Gat No. 313/3, Village - (Volume-I) Devthan, Taluka - Akole, District - Sr. No. 08 Shade Net House. Ahmednagar (MH) 27BMI-IB048657) Cultivation of Guava 2 Mr. Ghanshyambhai Valabhai Sanga, (West Zone) acres) & Survey/Gat No. 327/1'1, Village - (Volume-I) (03.50 (03.50 Lakhawad, Taluka - Umrala, District Sr. No. 09 Pomegranate acres) in open ficld. - Bhavnagar (Gujarat) 1'24AGJOO10528) (West Zone) Cultivation of Papaya in 3 Mr. Maheshbhai Bhimjibhai, acres in open Survey/Gat No. 681'1, 104 & 1251'1, (Volume-I) 12.00 Village - Lakheni, Taluka & District- Sr. No. 10 field. Botad (Guiarat), (24AGJ001 0531) (West Zone) Cultivation of Capsicum 4 Mrs. Nasima Kamaruddin Shaikh, in 4,000 sq. mtr. under Survey/Gat No. 373/7, Village - (Volume-I) Devthan, Taluka - Akole, District - Sr. No. 11 Shade Net House. Ahmednagar (MH) 27BMHB048656) (West Zone) Cultivation of Capsicum 5 Mr. Aayub Najir Inamdar, Survey/Gat No. 373/5, Village - Devthan, Taluka (Volume-I) in 4,000 sq. mtr. under AkoIe, District - Ahmednagar (MH) Sr. No. 12 Shade Net House. 1'27BMHB048655) . (West Zone) Cultivation of Cucumber 6 Mr. Ramesh Arjanbhai Marand, in 13,500 sq. mtr. under Survcy/Gat No. 223, Village - (Volume-I) Limbad, Taluka - Dasada, District - Sr. No. 13 Shade Net House. Surendranagar (Gujarat) 24AGJOO10520) Cultivation of Cashew 7 Mr. Pankaj Prakash Korde & Other (West Zone) nut m 05.01 acres 111 02, Survey/Gat No. 605, Village - (Volume-I) Kosabi, Taluka -Chiplun, District - Sr. No. 14 open field. Ratnagiri (MI-l) 1'27BMI-lB048674) -~--- Cultivation of Grapes in 8 Mr. Pratapsingh Satish Sarde, (West Zone) acres 111 open Survey/Gat No. 662, Village - (Volume-I) 07.00 Mangrul, Taluka - Tuljapur, District - Sr. NO.. 15 field. Osmanabad (MH) 1'27BMHB04866in . - Page 2 2,d PPAC Meeting held on 16.04.2021 9 Mr. Chhatrola Kanjibhai Ratnabhai, (West Zone) Cultivation of Cucumber Survey/Gat No. 419, Village - (Volume-I) in J 2,000 sq. mtr. under Meghpar Zala, Taluka - Tankara, Sr. No. 16 Shade Net House. District - Morbi (Gujarat) 24AGJOOI0517) 10 Mr. Shivaji Rambhau Sahane, (West Zone) Cultivation of Capsicum Survey/Gat No. 45/4, Village - (Volume-I) in 8,000 sq. mtr. under Devthan, Taluka - Akole, District - Sr. No. 17 Shade Net house. Ahmednagar (MH) 27BMHB048659) . II Mr. Bharat Radhakisan Wale, (West Zone) Cultivation of Capsicum Survey/Gat No. 61/14, Village - (Volume-I) in 4,000 sq. mtr. under Rajapur, Taluka - Sangamner, District Sr. No. 18 Shade Net house. - Ahmednagar (MH) 27BMHB048658) 12 Mr. Anil Vishnu Ghardale & Other 01, (West Zone) Cultivation of Rose III Survey/Gat No. 129, Village - (Volume-I) 6,000 sq. mtr. poly ( Kadadhe, PO - Karunj, Taluka - Sr. No. 19 house. Mawal, District - Pune (MH) '27BMHB048663) in The subsidy will be 13 Mr. Vishwanath Gangaram Jadhav, (West Zone) Cultivation of Rose within Survey/Gat No. 26, Village - (Volume-I) 6,000 sq, mtr. under considered Prabhachiwadi, Taluka - Mawal, Sr. No. 20 poly house. maxImum ccilinl District - Pune (MH) limit to one (27BMHB04867 I) beneficiary as pe NHB scheme guidelines as applicant has alread) been availed the subsidy of Rs. 15.88 lakh. - 14 Mrs. Suvama Shatrughna Tapkir, (West Zone) Cultivation of Capsicum Survey/Gat No. 414, Village - (Volume-I) in 4,000 sq. mtr. under Deshamukhwadi, Taluka - Khed, Sr. No. 21 poly house District - Pune (MH) 27BMHB048661) 15 Mr. Suresh Bapu Shinde & Other 0 I, (West Zone) Cultivation of Grapes in Survey/Gat No. 119, 121, 120 & 202, (Volume-I) 05.25 acres in open Village - Kukkadgaon, Taluka - Sr. No. 22 field. Paranda, District - Osmanabad (MH) 27BMHB048653) 16 Mr. Gala Vishal Kalyanji & Other 02, (West Zone) Cultivation 0 With change 0 Survey/Gat No. 114, 113 & 109, (Volume-I) Pomegranate III 29.00 constitution from Village - MapaI', Taluka - Mandvi, Sr. No. 23 acres in open field. Individual to Group District - Kutch (Gujarat) of Farmers/Join (24AGJOOI0544) Farmers by compute Zone. 17 Mr. Kavita Biru Khandekar, (West Zone) Cultivation of Grapes in Survey/Gat No. 19/2/A & 19/2/8, (Volume-I) 05.25 acres III open Village - Mangoli, Taluka - South Sr. No. 24 field. Solapur, District - Solapur (MH) (27BMHB048654) Page 3 2nd PPAC Meeting held on 16.04.2021 . Cultivation of Grapes in 18 Mr. Pratiksha Subham Patil & Other (West Zone) In open 01, Survey/Gat No. 17/1/A & 17/1/B, (Volume-I) 10.50 acres Village - Telgaon, Taluka - North Sr. No. 25 field. Solapur, District - Solapur (MH) 27BMHB048660) Vegetable Nursery in 19 Mr. Amit Ramesh Dhumal & Other (West Zone) sq. mtr. under 01, Survey/Gat No. 118, Village - (Volume-I) 3,500 Kunjirwadi, Taluka - HaveJi, District Sr. No. 26 poly house. - Pune (MH), (27BMHB048664) -_._-~ (West Zone) Cultivation of Capsicum IPA will be issue only 20 Mr. Praveen Jambukumar Mutha, in 10,000 sq. mtr. under for Capsicum No. 85, Village - (Volume:!) Survey/Gat cultivation in 10,000 Malegaon, Taluka - Maval, District - Sr. No. 27 Poly House. sq. mtr. under pol) Pune (MH), (27BMHB048684) house excluding component of pre- cooling'---_. - - (West Zone) Cultivation of Capsicum 21 Mr. Jitendrakumar Gangaram Thacker, in 13,000 sq. mtr. under Survey/Gat No. 97, Village - Khatiya, (Volume-I) Taluka - Lakhpat, District - Kutch Sr. No. 28 Shade Net House. 'Gujarat), (24AGJOO10533) (West Zone) Cultivation 0 With change 0 22 Mr. Pradeep Mohanlal Senghani & In 14.00 constitution from Survey/Gat No. 455, (Volume-I) Pomegranate other 01, Individual to Grour & 461/Paiki I/Paiki 1, Sr. No. 29 acres in open field. 461/Paiki I of Farmers/Join - Bhadai Moti, Taluka - Village Farmers by compute Mandvi, District - Kutch (Gujarat) Zone. (24AGJOOI0S24) (West Zone) Cultivation of Gerbera 23 Mr. Sebas Salu Dsouza & other 03, in 3,000 sq. mtr. under Survey/Gat No. 699/8, Village - (Volume-I) poly house. Sajani, Taluka - Hatakanangle, Sr. No. 30 District - Kolhapur (MH) 27BMHB048670) applicant ha; (West Zone) Cultivation of Orchid inrrhe 24 Mr. Tukaram Sadhu Survase, sq.
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