STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF ANDHRA PRADESH 1992 NIEPA DC D08158 Issued by: DIRECTORATE OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH HYDERABAD UBBARY & D CUM’E m r i O l C W UB I National loskitu’e of M\icaci0d4 Pianauif i>ad 17-B> Sri Aurobiudo Marg, DOC, N . ............. iiate^.......... PREFACE Statistical Abstract of Andhra Pradesh 1992 is the 35th publication in the series, which contains data on various sectors of State Economy for the year 1992 along with comparative figures for the preceding years. It is hoped that this publication would serve as a useful reference book to the General Public, Planners, Researchers, Bankers, Administrators and a host of others. I thank all Heads of Departments in the State., Government and other organisations who have extended ^<3--operation in furnishing the required data. Constructive suggestions for improvement in the presentation and covQrAge of the Statistical Abstract would be appreciated. Hyderabad, S. LAKSHMINARAYANA 22nd March 1994 DIRECTOR CONTENTS Table Item Pages No. 1. POPULATION 1.1 Population Characteristics - A.P. 1 1.2 Variation in Population of A.P., 1901 to 1991 2 1.3 Area, Population and Density ot Population - District-wise, 1991 3 1.4 Rural and Urban Population - District-wise, 1991 4 1.5 Villages Classified according to size of population - District-wise, 198)1 5 1.6 Population of Towns and Cities 6 - 14 1.7 Male and Female Population - District-wise, 1991 15 1.8 Distribution of Population by Workers, Marginal Workers and Non-Workers, District-wise, 1991 16-17 1.9 Distribution of Population of Workers Engaged in Agricultural Sector - District-wise, 1991 18 l.IO Distribution of Population of Workers engagedi in Non-Agricultural Sector, District-wise, 1991 19 l .I l No. of Houses occupied and Households, District-wise, 1991 20-21 1.12 Literate PopulMion, DisUvct-wvse, ^99 i 22 1.13 Houseless and Institutional Population, 1981 23 1.14 Medium Projection Population of A.f\, 1981-1991 24 1.15 Distribution of Population by age groups and Workers and Non-Workers, 1981 25-27 1.16 Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Populariom-District-wise 899 1 28-29 1.17 Scheduled Castes Rural and Urban Population, District-wise, 1991 30 1.18 Scheduled Tribes Rural and Urban Population District-wise, 1991 31 1.19 Scheduled Castes working Population by Industrial categories-District-wise, 1981 32 1.20 Scheduled Tribes working population, by Industrial Categories, District-wise, 1981 " 33^ 1.21 Religion wise population. District-wise, 1981 34-37 2. VITAL STATISTICS AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2.1 Estimated Annual Live Birth Rates and Death Rates in A.P., 1990 and 1991 38 2.2 Estimated age specific fertility rates in A.P., 1989 and 1990 39 2.3 Estimated age specific death rates in A.P., 1989 and 1990 40 2.4 Government Medical Facilities (Allopathic) 1991-92 41 2.5 Government Medical Facilities (Allopathic) District-wise, 1991-92 42 2.6 Distribution of Government Hospitals and Dispensaries (Allopathic) District-wise, 1991-92 43 . 2.7 Medical facilities-Ayurveda-District-wise, 1991-92 44-45 2.8 Medical facilities, Unani, District-wise, 1991-92 46-47 2.9 Medical Facilities - Homeopathy-District-wise, 1991-92 48-49 3. CLIMATE 3.1 Rainfall - Season-wise 1987-88 to 1991-92 50 3.2 Rainfall Season-wise, District-wise, 1991-92 51 3.3 Average Annual Rainfall, District-wis^ 1987r88 to '1991-92 52 3.4 Maximum and Minimum Temparature at different stations, month-wise 1991 53-54 3.5 Humidity and Velocity of Wind at different stations, Month-wise, 1991 55-58 4. AGRICULTURE 4.1 Land Utilisation 1987-88 to 1991-92 59 4.2 Land Utilisation - District-wise 1991-92 60-61 4.3 Area under Food and Non-Food crops, 1987-88 to 1991-92 62 4.4 Area under Food and Non-Food crops, district-wise, 1991-92 63 4.5 Area and Out-turn of Cereals and Millets 1987-88 to 1991-92 64-65 4.6 Area and Out-turn of Pulses 1987-88 to 1991-92 64-65 4.7 Area and Out-turn of Oil Seeds 1987-88 to 1991-92 66-67 4.8 Area and Out-turn of Other Principal Crops 1987-88 to 1991-92 66-67 4.9 Cereals, Area and Out-turn district-wise 1991-92 68-70 4.10 Pulses area and Out-turn district-wise 1991-92 71-73 4.11 Oil Seeds, Area and Out-turn district-wise 1991-92 74-75 4.12 Other Crops, Area and Out-turn district-wise, 1991-92 76-81 4.13 Percentage of area under Principal Crops to total area sown, district-wise 1991-92 82-83 4.14 Index Numbers of Area under Crops, 1970-71, 1987-88 to 1991-92 84 4.15 Index Numbers of Agricultural Production, 1970-71, 1987-88 to 1991-92 85 4.16 (A) Index Numbers of Agricu\tura\ Productivvty V970-71, 1987-&8 to 1991-92 86 4.16 (B) Index Numbers of Net Area Sown, cropping intensity, cropping pattern and productivity per hectare of net area sown 87 4.17 Average Yield per hectare of principal crops 1987-88 to 1991-92 87 4.18 Yield per Hectare of Principal crops District-wise, 1991-92 88-89 4.19 Average Yield per Hectare, area and Out-turn of Principal Crops, 1991-92 90 4.20 Average wholesale prices of Principal crops in Andhra Pradesft during peak marketing period 1987-88 to 1991-92 91 4.21 Average Wholesale Prices of certain commodities during peak marketing period in A.P. District-wise 1991-92 92-95 4.22 Agricultural Machinery and Implements, 1977, 1983, 1987 96 4.23 Agricultural Machinery and Implements, District-wise, 1987 98-99 4.24 Number of Operational Holdings and area operated according to size, 1990-91 100-102 4.25 Percentage distribution of number of holdings and area operated in each district according to different size class of holdings 1990-91 103-105 4.26 Distribution of Banjar Lands, district-wise 1991-92 106 4.27 Population area. Total Ayacut, Area Localised Potential created and Utilised in Command Area Development in Major Irrigation Projects as on 30-6-1992 107 4.28 Impact of Command Area Development Schemes in Command Areas of A.P. during 1991-92 108 4.29 Achievement under systematic development and credit facilities in Command Area during 1991-92 109 5. IRRIGATION 5.1 Net Area Irrigated by Sources, 1987-88 to 1991-92 110 5.2 Net Area Irrigated by Sources, District-wise, 1991-92 111 5.3 Area of Crops Irrigated 1987-88 to 1991-92 112-113 5.4 Area of Crops Irrigated, District-wise, 1991-92 114-118 5.5 Net Area Sown and Net Area Irrigated in different size class of holdings, 1986-87 119-121 fii) 6. LIVESTOCK AND VETERINARY SERVICES 6 .1 Livestock Development services in A.P., 1987-88 to 1991-92 122 6.2 Livestock Development services in A.P., District-wise, 1991-92 123-127 6.3 Livestock and Poultry Production 1977, 1983 and 1987 128 6.4 Livestock and Poultry Population, District-wise, 1987 129-131 6.5 Marine Fish Production in A.P., 1990-91 and 1991-92 132 7. FORESTS 7.1 Forest Area under the control of Forest Department, 1987-88 to 1991-92 133 7.2 Forest Area under the control of Forest Department-Circle-wise, 1991-92 134 7.3 Circle-wise and Species-wise area planted upto 1991-92 135 7.4 Value of Major and Minor Forest Produce 1987-88 to 1991-92 135 7.5 Value of Major and Minor Forest Product-Circle-wise, 1991-92 136 7.6 Revenue and Expenditure 1987-88 to 1991-92 136 8. INDUSTRIES 8.1 Production of selected industries in A.P., 1980-81, 1988-89 to 1991-92 137-142 8.2 Working of factories registered under sections 2m (i) and 2m (ii) 143 8.3 (A) Working of factories registefred under sections 2m (i) and 2m (ii) district-wise & (B) 1987-88 and 1988-89 144-145 5.4 Factories working under factories Act-industry wise and persons employed in A.P. for the years 1989 and 1990 146 8.5 Index Numbers of Industrial Production in A.P., 1980-81, 1985-86 to 1991-92 147 9. MINING 9.1 Production of Principal Minerals 1987 to 1991 148 9.2 Production of Principal Minerals district-wise, 1989-90 149-152 9.3 Opening stock, Production, Consumption and closing stock of indegenous coal 1988-89 to 1991-92 153 10. FUEL AND POWER 10.1 Installed Capacity and Generation, 1965-66, 1970-71, 1990-91 and 1991-92 154 10.2 Growth of transmission and distribution lines, 1990 to 1992 155 10.3 Growth of transmission and distribution transformers at Sub-stations 155 10.4 No. of Towns and Villages Electrified and Population Covered, 1956, 1961, 1971, 1990 to 1992 ^ 156-157 10.5 Power Consumption Category/District-wise, 1991-92 158-160 10.6 Power Consumption category wise 1960-61, 1970-71, 1988-89 to 1991-92 161 10.7 No. of services and connected load category-wise, 1988-89 to 1991-92 162 10.8 No. of services and connected load category/district-wise, 1992 163-169 11. TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATIONS 11.1 Number of Railway Stations and Route Kilometreage in Andhra Pradesh, 1988-89 to 1991-92 170 11.2 (A) Statement showing the Number of Motor Vehicles of different classes & (B) and categories as on 31-3-1990 and 31-3-1991.
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