McLuhan Film The eontroterslal film, "The Med i1.1111 b. the Message," b3 Marshall Mei Alila ii be fea- Weather tured at 7:311 t lllllll mat night tn .1(1136 as part of a Public ...RI 11:11 stinNiiiiie. High Relations Soele of .tinerlea ',IS: 68. cirrus elouds Mil erase tomorrow. (PRSSA) meeting. The fill'et- PA RTAN DA I LY the tame ing Is open to all interested students. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Vol. 56 11111 as SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1969 No. 87 Bowling Lanes'- Fate Undecided As Rutz Walks Out in Disgust By RAY GILES to find alterruttives to a 14-lane alley, which is partially sponsoring the Daily Staff Writer proposed that either the lanes be com- building, and get their feelings on pro- Controversy over the bowling alleys pletely withdrawn from the current posals to make the lanes 10 instead of in the new College Union came to a plans or that the number of lanes be 14. head yesterday at the weekly meeting reduced to 10. An ASB official, who has consistent- of the College Union Board of Gov- College Union Director Ronald C. ly been opixised to the lanes, remarked ernors as student member Mike Rutz Barrett presented to the board a stu- "Bowling was kind of a hot fad 10 walked out of the meeting. dent poll taken by Dr. Dwight Bentel's years ago but it's died down since. To "If we are overruled, what the hell Journalism 55 classes. The poll, which convert the bowling alley now would are we wasting time for," Rutz told board member Steve Lieurance called cost less than to continue and set up board membets. He was referring to "the best poll we've had all year," the lanes and pinsetters'' the board's decision a month ago con- found that 55 per cent of the 347 Rutz said, "If we (the students) ceiling plans for a bowling alley in polled favored lanes. didn't want a bowling alley and one the union and the apparent overruling Considerable reaction came concern- is forced upon us, the people who give by the Chancellor's office concerning ing whether or not the union had us these lanes are going to find out the CUBG decision. planned for enough lounging area. "We that there isn't the interest to support ASB Pres. Dick Miner, attempting have people who commute here, and them." just sit around from 7 to 5," accord- ing to an ASB official. "Nobody seems to give a damn about them." Director Barrett suggested that if more lounging area would be Movement 'New Talent Horizon' indeed needed, then some of the meeting rooms could easily be converted. The board moved to wait until next To week to decide on what to do about Seeks Highlights Black Revue alternatives. Miner suggested that the board contact Brunswick, Inc., the SJS Black students will present all ing tomorrow evening at 8 in Morris company installing the lanes and the billiard tables, and see if the current Oust Miner original revue, "New Talent Horizon," Dailey with students C. K. Moreland contract might be renegotiated to in- Jr. and Sarah Webster Fabio. The recall of ASB Pheto Loi Ted 13, -n today at 4 p.m. in JC141, as part of clude remanufactured pinsetters and A petition seeking the Bantu Players, directed by Mel Stew- President Dick Miner is being circu- the continuing "Black Arts Today" art, former member of the Committee, lanes (he predicted a savings of FIELDS, senior interior design major, received inspiration for this lated on Seventh Street and will con- BRENDA pmgram. will also perform. $40,000 if remanufactured material is Summer tinue until the needed 2,500 signatures striking pen and irk and watercolor composition from the 1968 All programs in the "Black Arts used for a 10-lane alley), and discuss is on ex- have been attained, according to Jeff Olympics Black Power salute. This and other SJS Black student art Today" are free of charge. the possibility of extending the con- aritists' works are Mullins, publicity agent for the Stu- hibit daily 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. in A245. Professional Black The revue is directed by Bob Stoller, tract deadline, currently scheduled to on exhibit in A129. "Black Arts Today" cultural events began with the ex- end March 28. dents To Recall Miner. assistant director of Black EOP. Local SJS Faculty Debates "It's a grass-roots student move- hibits' opening and Monday night's performance of "Big Time Buck White," The board will also contact the Black literary and musical talent will ment, with no real leader. Everyone which starred Big Black. office and the office of be featured in the presentation. Chancellor's is presenting his own case against Development, Sttiderits Willette Wells and Tony New CCUFA Proposal Housing and Urban Miner," Mullins said, Dennis will sing. Loyci Brooks, Charles If the needed signatures are at- Moreland Jr., and Bob Sollar will SJS faculty members will have an Initiated by Daily K. tained. there must be a recall election Eric opportunity Thursday to examine a present readings, and student within 15 days, needing a two-thirds and appear proposal to reorganize the Academic Pace will read monologue Three Tutors Needed vote. in skits with other students. Senate into the "sole voice of the Three paid student tutors are cur- The recall group Ls currently circu- Jennifer Butler and Sheila FLsher faculty." rently needed by the Black Educa- lating a sheet of their objections to Seven Area Colleges Agree will feature Afro dancing and conga The California College and Univer- tional Opportunity Program (EOP), Miner, which include charges of mis- drummers from San Jose City College sity Faculty Association (CCUFA) Bob Soller, assistant director. an- representation, and calls him "the and SJS will play. will hold an open meeting at noon Thursday in Cafeteria B for all in- nounced today. three-faced ASB president." Tomorrow at 1 p.m. in Morris Dailey structors interested in the CCUFA The position of tutorial supervisor "The fact that Miner signed his own To Join 'Save the G gee Auditorium will be "An Afternoon initiated proposal. is open for a senior or graduate stu- recall is symbolic of the fact that with Don L. Lee," Black poet and dent in math or science. Supervisory everything, including his year as ASB Seven Bay Arca colleges have said Karaguezian, editor of the suspended writer in residence at Cornell Univer- The proposal calls for a restructured or business experience is desirable. president. is a big joke," said Mullins. they will join SJS in its Spartan Daily- San Francisco State newspaper. sity. Lee Ls featured in this month's Academic Senate, with legal authority Representatives from the colleges and financial means, having the re- Salary is $2.73 per hour. In reaction to the recall movement sponsored "Save the Gater'' fund-rais- Ebony magazine. will meet at a press conference at sponsibility to enter into "good faith 'Two tutors, one in English and one and his signing of the petition, Miner Lee will also conduct a poetry read- ing drive. SFS to donate the money as a group negotiations" with the Board of in math/science, are also needed. Ap- said. "If the remitters were seriously The Daily learned this yesterday "probably next Monday," according to Trustees. plicants for either position should have interested in halting our reforms, they while the drive's second day on this Kenyon Jordan, Daily assistant editor. "If we can gain enough faculty sup- senior or graduate status. Both start would attempt to recall our entire ad- campus netted $40.50. That figure, The Daily is asking contributions of Reagan's Tax Plan port, Vic Vassy will introduce the pro- at $2.35 per hour. ministration, Student Council included. added to the $63.6.3 contributed by 10 cents tor morel ftom students the posal as a bill to the state legislature," All three jobs require 15 hours of "With the exception of the vice students Monday, plus another $50 remainder of this week. The paper has Rejects Withholding Dr. Lawrence Pugno, local CCUFA work per week. president, all the major executive of- given by Neve College. brings the total undertaken the drive because it be- president, salt!, Interested studer* may contact ficers have signed the petition to dem- collected thu.s far to $154.13. lieves the Gater's suspension is a "clear SACRAMENTO Gov. Ronald Rea- The proposal, drafted by CCUFA at- either Stiller or TimKnowles in the onst rate this fact . The conclusion Also collecting money for the Cater usurpation of freedom of the press," gan yesterday ruled out withholding torneys, is intended to eorreet the com- EOP office, or call extension 2166. should be obvious." will be Sonoma, Fresno and Sacra- and as stall marks a threat to all of personal income taxes from his munications breakdown between the San trustees, administration and faculty, mento State Colleges, College of college newspapers. forthrnming tax reform plan despite Mateo, College of Marin, UC Berkeley, The SFS paper has been printing said Dr. Pug,no. of some Republican as- and San Jose City College. only spitradically since Associated Stu- the objection Kenneth Johnson. assistant secre- new eriej4 These schools, along with SJS, will dent funds, which pay most of its bills, semblymen who wanted it as part of tary to the CCUFA executive council, tax revision. will speak at turn over all money collected to Dikran were frazen over a month ago. an over-all the meeting. Classic Film Series Kim Stanley and Richard Attenborough star in "Seance On A Wet Af- , ternoon," today's classic film, shown free at 3:30 and 7 p.m.
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