ISSN 1441-6891 Volume 7 Number 2 May 2004 Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine ULTRASOUND BULLETIN Registration details for ASUM Meetings in this issue: ASUM NZ Branch Scientific Meeting 25–27 June ANZSVS/ASUM vascular meeting 4–8 September ASUM Annual Scientific Meeting 23–26 September Kuala Lumpur 2004 Asia-Link Meeting 5–6 November Carotid ultrasonography Acute cholecystitis Cystic adventitial disease Morton’s neuroma Lactating adenoma Draft worksheets Toshiba realise that performing ultrasound examinations shouldn’t be painful. IASSIST Remote control is nothing new – it just took Toshiba to get it right! Introducing Toshiba’s innovative Aplio IASSIST package. Now available as an exten- sion to the industry leading, Aplio Innovation 2004 Ultrasound Solution, the IASSIST allows for BlueToothTM remote control of virtually any procedure – accurately, with- out stress to you or the patient. Toshiba’s IASSIST gives you complete control. Automate your own examination protocol, with reduced scan times and increased diagnostic confidence. Contact your Toshiba representative for more information or David Rigby on 02 9887 8063. Without iASSIST With iASSIST In Touch with Tomorrow TOSHIBA MEDICAL SYSTEMS www.toshiba.com U L T R A S O U N D BU L L E T I N President Dr Glenn McNally President Elect ASUM Ultrasound Bulletin May 2004 7: 2 Dr David Rogers Honorary Secretary Mrs Roslyn Savage Honorary Treasurer Dr Dave Carpenter Chief Executive Officer Dr Caroline Hong Notes from the Editor ULTRASOUND BULLETIN Official publication of the Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine Welcome to the May issue of the greatly exceed our expectations, and Published quarterly Bulletin. This must be our biggest ever the facilities just coped. One paper ISSN 1441-6891 posting. We try to avoid too many from that meeting on Morton’s neuro- ma appears in this issue. Indexed by the Sociedad Iberoamericana inserts with the Bulletin but this time de Informacion Cientifien (SIIC) Databases everything has happened at once. I This issue again features a variety Editor assure you that this is not a new trend, of technical papers covering aspects of Dr Roger Davies simply an aberration. The inserts cardiac, vascular, breast and general Women’s and Children’s Hospital, SA include a complimentary educational ultrasound. We continue our series of Co-Editor CD-ROM from Philips, and registra- draft worksheets. Consideration is Mr Keith Henderson ASUM Education Manager tion information for a set of excellent being given to formalising these into a Assistant Editors ASUM ultrasound meetings. Not all of single official volume. Please let us Ms Kaye Griffiths AM the meetings are on inserts. In addition know if you are using them. Criticism Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, NSW check out the ASUM New Zealand is invited, indeed wanted. Please Ms Louise Lee respond to [email protected] Gold Coast Hospital, Qld Scientific Meeting on the inside back cover. Registration for all of ASUM’s The balance of this issue reflects Editorial contributions Original research, case reports, quiz cases, meetings can be obtained online at the wide range of educational projects short articles, meeting reports and calendar http://www.asum.com.au that your Society is involved in. Read information are invited and should be March 2004 saw a very successful and enjoy. addressed to The Editor and sent to ASUM at the address below Multidisciplinary Workshop. A raft of Roger Davies Membership and general enquiries late registrations saw the numbers Editor should be directed to ASUM at the address below Published on behalf of ASUM by Minnis Communications Mr Bill Minnis, Director THE EXECUTIVE The gallbladder wall: acute cholecystitis versus circumferential gallbladder 4/ 16 Maple Grove President’s message 2 Toorak Melbourne Victoria 3142 Australia oedema 15 tel +61 3 9824 5241 fax +61 3 9824 5247 CEO’s desk 6 Isolated occlusion due to cystic adven- email [email protected] titial disease of the popliteal artery – Disclaimer EDUCATION ultrasound diagnosis 17 Unless specifically indicated, opinions Book reviews 30 expressed should not be taken as those of Ultrasound diagnosis of Morton’s the Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Fetal measurements requirements 32 neuroma 21 Medicine or of Minnis Communications DMU examination dates and venues 34 Lactating adenoma – a case study 26 DDU exam dates and fees 34 AUSTRALASIAN SOCIETY FOR Giulia Franco Teaching Fellowships 35 ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE DRAFT WORKSHEETS 2/181 High Street ASUM invites scientific papers for Willoughby Sydney NSW 2068 Australia ASM 2004 36 Neonatal hip ultrasound 28 tel +61 2 9958 7655 fax +61 2 9958 8002 Adjudication of prizes and awards Scapho-lunate 29 email [email protected] website:http //www.asum.com.au ASUM ASM 36 ABN 64 001 679 161 Chris Kohlenberg Teaching THE SOCIETY Fellowships 39 DDU/DMU preparation course 40 NZ Ultrasound Video Library 35 2004 Multidisciplinary Workshop 41 ASUM Society groups and ISO 9001: 2000 branches 2004 44 Certified RESEARCH AND TECHNICAL ASUM new members 45 Quality Management Carotid ultrasonography Corporate members 2004 46 Systems – How do I do it? 11 Ultrasound Calendar 47 ASUM Ultrasound Bulletin 2004 May 7: 2 1 THE EXECUTIVE the current status of education and President’s message accreditation of diagnostic ultrasound in Indonesia. Council has agreed to grant a $5000 scholarship from the ASUM Asia Link budget to an ISUM member Glenn McNally for placement in Australia or New Zealand for one to three months. Council has also agreed to explore the was largely due to the change of hosting of a joint meeting with ISUM requirements of the Secretariat in the in the next two years. years since the original purchase over 15 years ago. Council has determined DMU (Asia) that a more functional space is The DMU (Asia) continues to make required and there is likely to be better progress. The course is currently being capital growth with an office reloca- assessed in Malaysia by the National tion. Accreditation Board, Ministry of The sale was recently completed, Higher Learning Malaysia, with with a good price having been regard to becoming a recognised qual- realised. A three-year lease back ification. Such recognition will be a arrangement has been put in place. significant achievement for the Council will commence the search Society as we work to help to develop for new premises in the near future to the discipline of diagnostic medical Much has happened since the last ensure a smooth transition to sonography in Asia. Ultrasound Bulletin with Council hav- improved premises in the next one to Marketing has commenced within ing been very active in a number of three years. the region and the first intake is antic- areas important to the functioning and ipated for September 2004. future of the Society. ISO 9001:2000 accreditation The school is currently seeking an Everybody will be greatly relieved The Society recently achieved ISO experienced diagnostic medical sono- to see that there are very few pictures 9001:2000 quality management sys- grapher from Australia or New of me in this issue. I think there was tem accreditation. This was a major Zealand and details of this position are widespread consensus that the undertaking, which required the coop- to be found elsewhere in this issue. Bulletin would be more enjoyable eration of all the ASUM staff in ensur- The concept of sonographer train- without the pictures of yours truly, and ing that quality documentation and ing is still relatively new in Asia and in with this issue the Bulletin has procedures within the Secretariat were Malaysia there is only a handful of returned as an upmarket publication. able to be audited. This was a volun- accredited sonographers. tary process. Asia Link Program Council believes it is important Multidisciplinary Workshop The Asia Link Program continues to that all of our processes are continual- The recent Multidisciplinary take shape. Recently, the CEO ly reviewed and improved. We believe Workshop held at Conrad Jupiters on travelled to Hong Kong following an that this assists in promoting confi- the Gold Coast was a tremendous suc- invitation and sponsorship from the dence in the Society as a quality cess. Over 400 people attended and Hong Kong Government. Caroline organisation where a permanent focus the feedback has generally been most Hong, CEO, attended several business exists on quality improvement and favourable. meetings on behalf of ASUM in Hong Special thanks go to Roslyn transparent processes. Savage who acted as a Convenor and Congratulations go to our CEO Dr Daniel Makes, President of ISUM to the local organising committee. Caroline Hong, Keith Henderson, addressing the ASUM Council March 2004 Congratulations are also due to the James Hamilton, Marie Cawood and ASUM CEO, the ASUM Education Iris Hui. Manager and all the support staff Indonesian Society for involved in the organisation of the Ultrasound in Medicine Workshop. More details are contained At the recent Multidisciplinary elsewhere in this issue. Workshop on the Gold Coast, Dr Daniel Makes, the President of the Sale of ASUM office Indonesian Society for Ultrasound in The sale of the ASUM office in Medicine (ISUM), was a guest of Willoughby (a suburb on the North ASUM Council. Dr Makes was most Shore of Sydney) has been on the interested in the concept of the Council agenda for some time. Multidisciplinary Workshop and Council resolved at its last meeting in attended many of the sessions. He also November 2003 to sell the office. This made a presentation to Council about 2 ASUM Ultrasound Bulletin 2004 May 7: 2 ASUM Meetings 2004 Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine 2/181 High Street Willoughby Sydney NSW 2068, Australia tel: +61 2 9958 7655 fax: +61 2 9958 8002 email [email protected] website: www.asum.com.au ASUM NZ 2004 Christchurch, NZ 25–27 June 2004 See the ASUM website: www.asum.com.au Contact Rex De Ryke: email [email protected] ASUM – ANZSVS 2004 Rotorua NZ 4–8 September 2004 See the ASUM website: www.asum.com.au Contact David Ferrar email [email protected] ASUM Ultrasound Bulletin 2004 May 7: 2 3 THE EXECUTIVE Kong and met with Dr Gregory Program.
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