2003 lndelr sht S Volume 38 McINTHLY f 5.00 I 30 years of lraditional seruice 5/30:35 ARose Blue 12l7r 30 years of Brittany Ferries 1/21 Alsatia 12140,12141* Atran 1/ll Altaskai pakol craft 1/19 Artevelde 4/45 Altmark 5/20 kun 3l5Z A Alwyn Vincent 8/39* Arundle crotle 10121, 12163 A bad day at the office, feature 1 'l /¿8-3 1 Alyssl'tll lfll0 Asama Maru 7|4o.,1111.0 A bouquet of Mersey daffodils (Mersey Special) 9/42 Ambra Fin 12154 Asanius 8/24 A new golden age forthe Maid 6/16-18 America Star 411*, 415, 7 12 Asgard ll 1 l/l 3 A port for the 21st cenluty 9/32-33 Amerian Adventure I 1/22 Asia'12/39' ¿ A. Lopez, screw steamship 5/26 Amerian Bankef Érgo ship 1 l/.l0 Asian Hercules 6/4 Shipping odyssey (Blue Funnel) 8/17 Amerian Range4 ergo ship 1 1/10 Asseburg l/12* Ticket to ride (Mersey Ferries) 6/1 6-20 Americ¡n Star 4/34 Assi Euro Link 4/4 Aütal role 7/20-21 iAmerigo Vespucci 6/54+, 8/30 Assyria 12139 Aasford'l/fc' Amerikanis 9146*,9148 Astoria 1212* AbelTroman 3/18 Amsterdam 2111*, 5130, 5134*, 5135 Astrea 9/52 Abercorn 4/33 Anchises 8/23r,8/24 Astraea 1ll42 Abercraig 8/,14,8.45* Anchor Line's argo vessel op€rations 5116 Asul6 7/40* Aadia 12127 Anchored in the past 5/l'l-17 Asturi$ 1/39 Accra 9/36 Ancon 5/38 Atalante 1f/22 Ae(¡nlury 1212* Ancona 5/7+ Athenia 1/,10, 3146, 5116, 6/50 'Achille lauro 9/47 Andania 12l¡O* Athlone Gstle 12163 Achilles 8/18 AndhikaAdhidaya 9/54* Atlantic 4/30, 1¿128 Adela¡de 11/47 Andrea 8/9 Atlantic convoys rememb€red 60 years on 7/1 3 Admhal Ghbanenko 7/13 Andrew Barker (lpswich) (Excursion Sh¡p SPecial) 6/42 Atlantic lifelines, feature 6/50-53 Admiral Gnier, ro+o 2/29 Andrewl. Baóeri f2l10 Atlantic outpost, featurc 11142-45 Admiral of Sondinaüa,lerry 119,216 Andtia 12140,12141t Atlantic seal, trawler 2/3* Admkal von Tirpib 'll38 Angantyr 9/51 Atls, coaster 1112, 6112 Admiral, ferry 1/9, 3/56. Angarsk 4/34 Atloy 1 1/l l Adonia 6/20, 6/23*, 8i9' Anglesey 11/8 Atreus 8/17* Adralus 8/25 Anglia Sovereign 12121* Augsburg 10/14 Adriana Maria, barquentine 2/1 3 Anglian Monarch l2l20* Aulctaitis 10/14 Adriatiki 3/,18,3/49* Anglian Prince 10/13, 11/35* Aurania 12l¿8r Adsteamtugs 7/25 Anglian Princess, emergency towing vessel 2/2 Aureol 4/15, 9136, 9137* Aegaeon 3147,3148* Anglian Way 6/3* Auroa 6123, 10/43*, 1o/isbc Aegis Dignity 8/18 Anglina laurc 9/47 Ausonia 1 l/22 Aeneu 8/24 Ankara 3/48 Austal Auto Express 10/7 Af Chapman 9152,9153' Anna 2144 Austerity 4/34 Alnc 4134 AnnaKarenina 2/46 Austin ü Pickersgill Ltd 4/1 I AlricaPalm 3/55 Anna Knutsen 9132*,984i Australis 3/39*, 9146, 9148, 9149* Afiimn Pdncess 10/11 Anna Mersk l0/4 Authent¡city 5/23* Agamemnon 8t18,8125* Annie Mellor (Excursion Ship Special) 6/42 Autofreighte¡ car canier 1 1/27* Agrotai 4/34* Another Queen for Cunard 12144 Autopride, ar carrier l/isfc* Aguila 4123 Anstruther Plemure Trips (Excursion Ship Special) 6/42 Autoracer l0/9 AlDAaura 9/5* Anthi Marina 10/7 Averity 11/34 AlDAblu l2t Antonio Delfino 1/41 Axel Maersk 10/4 Aigaion 4/45 Anül Point, strategic lift transport sh¡p 117, 5110, 6154*, 9113, Azerbaydzhan 9/39 Aikokub Maru 5/16 10133,12111 Azimuthing propulsion 7/22* Aju 7lz0*,8118,911' Apapa 9/36,9/37- Azure Seas 818,10111 Al Bahan 10/37 Apapa Palm 1019 Al lawi l0/37 Aphala, cargo ship 2/29 Al lfiarj 10/37 Aphrodite lll13* B Al Mua'zar 10/37 Apollon, cruise ship 9139, 11 l¿Z B. L. Na¡rn 8/42*,8/43.,8/44 Al Ross 10/37 AppledoreShipbuilders 2/6 B. R. Rackley (Starcross and Dawl¡sh) (kcursion Ship Special) 6/,t0 Alabama 8/,l0 Appleby 9/23* Baco-Liner 3 9/33* Alaskavessels 1214 Apricity 3/32r Bactria l2139* Alaunia 4134,12/40* Aquarama, cruise ferry l/4* Badagry Palm 10/9 ' Albatros, tall ship 'll'fz Aquiles 4/¿3* Badger Mariner 4/29 Albatros, French warship I 1/44* iAquitania 9/36, 12/29, 1?130., 12132 Bae Systems 3/6 Albatross 9/38 Arabia 12139 Bahadur 9/53* Albert Dock 9/35 Arahura, feny 3/2* Balderan 3/53 Alberuille 2/16 Aram¡s 6/55* Balmoral 6/1*, 6/1 6, 61 17, 6119, 8/30, I 0/38*, 1 0i39 Albion 10/37 Aranui 3 4/,l0 Balmoral Castle l l/42 : Alcanhra 4/8 Aranui ll 4/10 Baltavia 4/39 Alcinous 8/23,8/24* Aratere 10/2* Baltic l2128 Alcinous clcs 8/24 Aredia, P&0 liner 2/29,6123,819 Baltic Eagle 10/9 ¡Ardic (Museums Baltic Eider 10/9 Alderney (P278), patrol uessel 1 17 ,5112 Corsai¡ preserued trawler Special) 6/27 ' Alsandervon Humboldt I 1/13 Ardito 9/54' Baltic Progress 10/9 Alexis, cargo ship 2/¿9 Aremiti 3 6/7 Baltic Sky 10/l 3 Algoape 12159* Arette, argo ship 2/29 Baltic Star (Excursion Ship Special) 6/,10 Algoisle 9/21t A¡gentina 2/1 1*, 5/18 Baltic Sun 4/32 AliCat 416*,7111 Argentina Sta[ cargo vessel 2/35' Baltimore 8/28 Ali Gt (Excursion Ship Special) 6/39 Argus 10/15 BamendaPalm 10/9 Alice Marie (Excursion Ship Special) 6/40 Arholma, minehunter 1117, 1 119 Banm, feny 2/46 All change on the lrish Sea 8/5 Ariadne Palace I 4/8* Bandeirante, tanker 2/45* All in a day's work 7/24 ' Ark Royal, aircraft arrier 3/isfc, 7/30* Banks defiesthevandals 8/11 Alliance 8/29 Arkadia 9/38' Bantria 12139 Alligator Liberty l/4 Arklow Dawn, coaster 7/9 Bar lightship 9/29* AlmiranteBarroso 8/30* Arklow Rose, coaster 7/9 Bar Ughtvessel 6/27 Almirante Blanco Enalada 4124, 4125* Arklow Star, coster 7/9 Barakat, ferry 1/8* Almirante Cochrane 41224, 4124 Alana, cargo 2/35* hrbarossa 12127 Almirante Condell, frigate 4/l* Arlig, patrol craft 1/19 Barfleur, ferry 1 121, 1 123, 1 J27, 1 losbc, 813 Almirante Latorre 4124, 4125 Armada de Chile, featurc 4/22-¿5 Barloveio 2/46* Almirante Viel 4/10 Armorique, ferry 1 /22, 1 128+, 1 129" BÉ;ilacoula 2147. SHIPS MONTHLY INDEX .¿ IANUARY - DECBMBER 2OO3 I Baraft, AJ, articles by: Convoy PQ'l 3: Unlucky for Some _ Morris O Mills 7/48 Anchored in the past 5/l+17 Brixham Herihge frluseum (Museums Special) 6/28 Ensigns and Echoes Steve Nicholas In a clms of theirown lll15-'l9 - 7/48 Brocklebank 8/12 Ferries 2003: British lsles ú N. Europe _ Nick Widdows i.l/48 ,) Barw:. The Dock Museum (frluseums Special) 6/27 Brodinskoye Poyle 12121* Ferries 2003: Southern Europe 2l4ig ' Battle of the Attantic 6/50 Broken liners 1 l/22-25 Ferries around Britain - Miles Cowsill ú lohn Hendv 9/62 " Battle of th€ Atlantk 60th Anniversary Celebrations 8/bc - Brownsea lsland Ferries (Excursion Ship Speciat) 5/39 German Navy in World War ll Robert Jadcon Battleaxe 11/34 - 1 li4|' Buckie Drifter (Museums Special) 6/28 Grimsby: The_world's greatest fishing port _ p Chipman 6/63 Baumyrall, cargo 2/50 Bucklierrs Hard Madtime Museum (ltluseums Spec¡al) 6/28 Gruno 1937-2002 J. Andedesse and g/46 Bay Class ISD(A) t 1/8 - L. Spurlino EuenaVentura f¿l64 Guide to Brihin's Maritime past_Anthony BÉ;ya'd 2146 burtoi ii¡+S Buganvilla 10/7 Guiding Lights British tight Vessels _ Bayern 10/t4 - Anthonu t"n"' iJ¿s Bugermeister o'swald 8/27* HMS Glory 1945-i96t Neit McGrr Bayernstein 4/29 - Building for the tuture 1Ol32-33 Howard Smith Shipping - lan Farquhar 3/53 Bayfield 9/58 Bulldog H317, survey ship 1r, I t/l0* Humber Shipping Arthur G. Credland Bayreuth 9/4* - 1/49 Business as usual for Steam packet lnto the Maelshom: _ i 0/6 Bazias Wreck of HI,4HS Rohilla C. Brittain 6/62 I 1/10 public¡sed ^ Bute 1/11 Irish Sea. Shipping R. N. Forsythe - Beachy Head, skategic l¡ft transport - 4tif Butjadingen, cargo ship 2/29 ship lt, 9113,',t0133 hle of Wight Ferries _ ' &.agle 1n,8/2,11110 ,ohn Hendy Z/48 Butt 3/33* l. & A. Gardner Á Co Ltd Bebington 9/42 - Grahani Atkinson 3/63 ,apanese Merchant _ Begonia 2/8 Ships at War Hisashi Noma 7/4g launching History: &ffst 8/29 The Saga of Buarrard Dry Dock 3/63 c Lighthouses Lynne E pearson 8/46 Benjamin lsheruood 10133 - C. Columbus 1Zl59* Lusitania Story Mitch peeke et al i/48 B€lle lsle 4/19* - , Gbo san Sebastian 3/.lO Maid.of th€ Loch rohn Beeridge B€lofin I 5/12 - and Leslie Brown 9162 Cailiff, kawler 3/64 t4arit¡me History of Bdain and heland _ lan Frield knEarn 11147 t l /48 Cal Mac newcomers show the Maritime Southampton _AlastairArnott flaq lol5 &n Line Reunion 5/4 2/49 Glabria 5/17 Merchant Fleets 42: Blue Funnel Benalder; argo 2/33* - Norman Middlemiss Z/49' Calchas 8121*,8124 Mersey Shipping Remembered lan Collard BenchüiguaErpress 2/46 - 9/6¿ Gledonia l/f 1, S/15i, 5/17 Narrow Sea - peter Unwin 9/62 Ben-my-Chree, ferry 615-, 10/6 .- Gledonia (lV) 5/15* Naval Camourf lage 1 9.t 4t 945, Daüd rfitilliams Eenhyga Express 2/46 - i /49 Gledonian Steam Packet Company 6/16 Navies of Europe, Lawrence Sondhaus Bentley l0l41' - l/4g (¿tendonia 12127 Ninety Yws of Ramsey SS Co E.
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