TIDE TABLE FOR MARCH Date High Water Low Water Bun- Sun- A__ P.M. AM. p_i. rim Mt 8 321 3.39 9.47 9.40 6.38 621 ®Ip SUnjal (gazgflg m\b (Eotimtgt lati HAMILTON. BERMUDA,THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1945 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM VOL. 52—NO. 58 "MISADVENTURE" FOUND LT.-C0L0NEL T.M. DILL, ONE OF IN MARSHALL DEATH ALUES BREAK INTO BONN AS LAST BERMUDA'S MOST ILLUSTRIOUS TQ RFIlM-f1 B,V,RC'Man Drowned in RESISTANCE IN COLOGNE ll3 DjL-ilil vl Harrington Sound Sunday SONS, PASSES AWAY YESTERDAY ANOTHER SAD CASE" WHICH A man whose powerful physique On the third day developed a trait INVOLVED DRINKING and phenomenal memory brought which has been enjoyed by Ber­ him outstanding success ta a divers- mudians and visitors over the years. STAMPED OUT; RHE1NBACH IS TAKEN ifed career ta parliamentary, legal He came to school with clothes A Coroner's jury composed of Messrs. Eugene T. Harvey, (foreman), and miUtary fields, and a host of awry — and minus the nurse. Roy T. DarreU, living E. Eve, Sam­ friends throughout the world be­ CoL DiU had another characteris­ uel R. Johansen, Willis L. Lottimore, cause of his own dynamic personal­ tic about clothes. He liked the nau­ ZHUKOV ACROSS ODER & I INDIAN DIVISION BEARS Clarence O. Napier, Henry G. Trott ity, Lieut. Colonel Thomas Melville tical touch. It was merely one of PATTON'S ARMY DRIVING M.P. Would Have "Strip and Erin C. Tucker, headed by the Dill died at three o'clock yesterday many indications which reflected his HEADING FOR BERLIN | DOWN ON MANDALAY Wor. S. Seward Toddings, Coroner morning ta bis home, "Newbold abiding love for the sea, an inheri­ TO RHINE FROM KYLL Teasers" Only Over 50 for the Eastern District, found last Place," Devonshire, and his death tance from those of his ancestors night that "Harry Archibald Mar­ robbed Bermuda of one of her most who were seafaring men. i i illustrious sons. Germans Admit Breakthrough Armoured Spearhead Is Less LONDON, March 7 (Reuter). shall was found drowned in the wat­ A Bermudian who liked the rata Moving Virtually Unopposed —The Labour Minister, Mr. ers of Harrington Sound on the Only a matter of weeks ago the because he could wear sou' westers, Than 4i Miles Away Ernest Bevin, and the Home fourth day of March, 1945. The Jury whole community heard with dismay Ool. DiU preferred a yachting cap In Direction Of Coblenz Five Miles Beyond River Secretary, Mr. Herbert Morris­ do further say that tbe said Harry that CoL Dill had sustained a serious to any other head-piece. But these on, are to be deluged with ques­ Archibald Marshall met his death injury and was ta danger of death inclinations were extended ta many JAPS LOSfY,000 MEN IN • at the King Edward VII Memorial directions. CANADIANS AT XANTEN ARE LAST STRETCHOF EASTERN tions about strip-teasers in tbe by misadventure.'* FIGHTING FOR MEIKTILA House of Commons soon. The inquest was held at St. Mark's Hospital. However, CoL Dill made GREAT SWIMMER MEETING STIFF DEFENCE BANK CLEARED OF ENEMY Oommander Oliver Locker School, Smith's Parish. a surprisingly rapid recovery and Lampson wants to know how At the conclusion of tbe evidence, soon his old friends were greeting He moved to "Newbold Place" from By MICHAEL DAVIDSON By RONALD WILLIAMS many women in the United views were expressed by the Jury­ him on the streets of Hamilton as he across the road to get nearer to the By MELVIN APPEL Kingdom are strip-teasing; men as to what could be done to went his familiar way to his Reid sea, and once on the shore developed LONDON, Much 7 (Beuter).—Men Street office. the habit of rising early every morn- LONDON, Marc - 7 (Beuter).— LONDON, March 7 (Reuter).— what is their average age and avoid further accidents of this na­ Marshal Gregory Zhukov has crossed of the 19th Indian Division—tbe average -wage, and why some ture, Mr. Eugene T. Harvey giving tag, at all times of the year, to go While First Uhited States Army famous "Dagger"—were tonight no AT CHURCH SUNDAY swimming. His progeny had to swim, troops were stamping out the last the Oder in strength and was to­ should not be safely employed the opinion that had the railing near night five miles west of the river on more than four and a half miles overseas. "Deepdene" been extended, the for­ too, and more than one guest has embers of resistance in Cologne, from Mandalay, Burma's old capital On Sunday. Col. Dill attended the had to take a chilly plunge into the the Allies were reported tonight to the shortest road to Berlin, reported He asks that in view of the mer B.V.R.C. man would not have Church Parade at Prospect Camp. a late German front despatch, after which tbe Allies had to abandon bl shortage of young women at the been able to get off the side of the sea rather than offend the host. have broken into the outskirts of May, 1942, while an armoured flying He was ta splendid spirits and had Bonn, the university town on the Marshal Joseph Stalin, to the last of war and factory fronts, and the road and over the cliff. even walked to the ceremony. Family and friends alike long, three order-s of the day, had told of column from the same division were wastage when misused in the long ago became accustomed to the Rhine only 14 miles further south. But OoL Dill's amazing vitality The last official news placed the big Soviet advances in Pomerania. likely to be even nearer, Beuter des­ theatrical profession, Mr. Bevin STARTLED BY TRUCK? I hoisting of a flag by Col Din in the American Third Army 14 miles patches from tbe front Une reported will allow only women over 60 had been sapped; he became Ul with gray dawn at Newbold Place, and Throwing powerful forces of his tonight. to strip-tease. It was his contention, despite the coronory thrombosis and did not from the Rhine, but Luxembourg central army group into a new of­ also to Col. Dill'? perambulations radio said tonight this distance has Major-General Thomas Wynford fact that no evidence was given to overcome the serious heart disease. about the property with a telescope. fensive directed towards Berlin, Rees's T—rtia-g were in high spirits, support it, that the deceased was v been reduced to nine miles. Marshal Zhukov had reached a point There are those, .and they are He had quite a coUection of tele- Allied guns in Cologne are already Harry Plumridge, Reuter's corres­ startled by the lights of a truck, many,, who claim that no 'personal­ | scopes and when on sea journeys he near tbe town of Kietz — five miles pondent on the Mandalay front, NAZIS STILL PLACING swerved towards the side of the road shelling the opposite bank of the west of the Oder in the Kuestrin ity ta Bermuda's last hundred years : was rarely without one. Rhine, as fighting continued in the cabled, adding that a staff officer and rode over the cliff to his death. of history has made so forcible an Among his dearly loved possessions sector — and only 35 miles along said today, "Nothing can keep them j The Coroner said be owned pro­ southern suburbs. tbe main railway from Berlin, the FAITH IN U-BOAT WAR impression upon all people. were a number of very old prints Cables from Reuter correspondents out of Mandalay." The colonel ofl perty in that vicinity and thought Col. DiU leaves behind a treasury of ships, some of them being Ber­ German Transocean news agency tbe leading infantry unit promised that perhaps it was his section on the Rhineland fronts suggested reported. of memories into which people will muda-made vessels. A matter of that the Germans were regrouping 1.000 cigarettes to the first ol his Alexander Reviews Naval which was not fenced. dip for countless anecdotes until days ago His ExceUency the Govern­ forces on the other side of the Rhine Berlin reports throughout the day men to catch sight of Mandalay Hill, The last person to see Marshall many pages of local history have or visited Newbold Place and ex­ for the next and perhaps one of the announced that Marshal Zhukov tbe city's northern landmark of Operations Before Commons alive was Police Constable WiUiam been turned. He will live, too, with amined the prints with much plea­ last big battles of the war. had gone over to the attack after 1,700 pagodas. Gladstone Darrell, who is stationed the legislation which he has placed sure. Nothing could have deUghted a violent artillery barrage, bat this ta Smith's Parish. He had seen Mar­ on the statute books. was the first German report to give MANY JAP PRISONERS CoL DiU as much. COMPLETING LINE-UP LONDON, Mjarch 7 (Reuter).—In shall between 8.30 and 9 pm. on Sat­ Born on December 23, 1876, ta De­ His swimming prowess has pro­ the news of important .Soviet pro­ Dejected Japanese prisoners were a review of Royal Navy activities in urday evening riding to Flatts Vil­ vonshire, tbe son of the late Hon. Meanwhile, AUied armies were gress. "To the southwest of Kues­ the House of .Commons Mr. A. V. lage on his bicycle. He thought the duced no end of yarns, one of them gradually edging in to complete coming steadily into divisional head­ Thomas Newbold DiU and Mrs.
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